Are there any gradle plugins for WiX? [closed] - wix

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Are there any gradle plugins for WiX which are available to the public?
By searching the web, I only found some references to the artifactory server of where some maven wix plugin is referenced. But the files stored there seem to be non-public since a username/password is required for viewing and downloading. So I could not check if these maven plugin might also be used within a gradle build process.

You can try the SetupBuilder Gradle plugin. We are working on a Gradle plugin that will create setups for Windows, OSX and Linux. It use the WiX Toolset on Windows to build a *.msi setup file from the settings in the Gradle script. And other tools on the other platforms.
Edit: In the meantime the plugin has a stable version 1.5 and can be used in production.

There is a new tool being developed: jpackage - and it uses WiX for building MSI packages for Windows
If your project is build using Gradle then you can easily use the Badass jlink plugin:
to build an installer / package using jpackage with a bundled JVM
Here's an article how to build an app image using OpenJDK 11 and using OpenJDK 14 with jpackage only for building the installer / package:

I have not been able to find any either; it doesn't appear they exist. I need to use WiX as part of our build process as well.
My plan is to download the WiX distribution as a dependency, extract it and then create Exec tasks to run candle.exe and light.exe directly.
From the research a co-worker has done, these tools are stand-alone so we should be able to run them right from where ever we extract them in the build directory. I'll let you know how it goes and post updates here with examples as I get something working.
If we start using more functionality in WiX, I will probably move my work into an open-source gradle-wix-plugin.

Try the javafx plugin for JDK 8 to JDK 10.
Otherwise, I make an Exec task to run the packager tool included in the JDK. It will use WiX to produce a .msi file.
For Java 8,9,10 use javapackager
For Java 11 your out of luck - have Java 10 installed just for the javapackager command
For Java 12 will have a jpackage replacement

Check out the org.beryx.jlink plugin.
It relies on jpackager, which uses WiX for Windows builds.


Can I use the Telosys wizard without installing Eclipse?

I am trying to learn telosys. The eclipse demo seems great.
However, I tried to install the plugin for VSCode, and it did not add any option/menu item anywhere in the VSCode editor.
The eclipse demo shows a great wizard based interface. Is there any way to get that interface without having to install eclipse.
Also, in case it is not possible, which package of eclipse do I need to install to optimally use telosys? I wanted to try out the python & angular bundles of telosys.
Yes indeed, the Telosys VS Code plugin provides only syntax coloration for Telosys files edition (".entity" files for example). Thus there's no particular changes in the VSCode menu.
VSCode is just one code editor (among others) that you can use with Telosys-CLI. The editors extensions are just provided to be more confortable when you're editing Telosys files. All the code generation is supposed to be launch from the command line in Telosys-CLI.
If you want a fully integrated tool, Eclipse + Telosys plugin is the best solution. Telosys Eclipse plugin is installable with all Eclipse versions, so you can choose one of these Eclipse packages :
for example "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" and use "Eclipse Marketplace" to install :
Telosys plugin
Python plugin

Plugin Compatibility Issue Eclipse Oxygen (4.7) and Java 9

We upgraded one of our Eclipse 3.x plugins to work with Java 9.
But when we generated the plugin update site content, and used Eclipse Update functionality to install the new version of the plugin, we encountered the following error in Eclipse Oxygen.
Removing part descriptor with the 'pluginxxx.bla.bla' id and the 'bla bla' description. Points to the invalid 'bundleclass://org.eclipse.ui.workbench/org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.CompatibilityView' class.
This error also appears due to some of the bundled plugins of Eclipse Oxygen itself.
After a hard week we had to
Uninstall our plugin
Remove the older versions of the plugin from the Eclipse/plugins folder
Export the plugin as a deployable plugin under the eclipse plugins directory. (Eclipse/plugins/blabla.jar)
Restart Eclipse and it worked.
Right click the eclipse plugin project and Run as "Eclipse Application" works fine, but installing the plugin from an "Update Site" causes the plugin to fail loading.
We could not find a solution yet, but it certainly effects our delivery of the plugin. The plugin is used by almost 500 CS students on their personal computers, and 200 lab computers. So the update should be installed using regular Eclipse Update functionality, not by copying the jar into the plugins directory.
Was there a better way to fix this, or something quicker we could've tried (in case this happens again)?
Update (7 days into the problem)
We have a workaround:
Export the feature project with the following settings in the Export Wizard
Destination/ Directory: Folder of your Plugin Update Site project
Options/ Package as individual JAR archieves (selected)
Options/ Generate p2 repository (selected)
Options/ Allow for binary cycles in target platform (selected)
Options/ Use class files compiled in the workspace (essentially selected)
Install (or update) the plugin from the local (or remote) plugin update site, and the CompatibilityView problem is solved.
In order to have the category listing displayed correctly during install/update new software operations, we added a category.xml file (File/New/Other/Plugin-in Development/Category Definition) in the update site project, defined the categories, and added the feature (versioned as "qualifier").
This is certainly not the way it should be, and we just hope it will be solved in the future Eclipse releases.
By the way current Eclipse Photon integration version has the same problem unfortunately.

how to add gradle (ideally using kotlin-dsl) to existing intellij python project

There are some quite useful previous questions (especially this one but it is out of date and not a direct answer.
We have several python projects but are not moving into the world of kotlin. I am looking to unify tools somewhat by introducing gradle to automate tasks within python projects.
I have added a working sample kotlin-dsl gradle script that automates the tasks successfully when launched from a shell, but where I am blocked is adding support for this to the intellij IDE.
The first challenge is simply configuring a python project to add gradle (currently gradle does not even appear on the tool windows menu. I am thinking the python module can have python support allowing the overall project to have the jvm as this will be needed by gradle. But what to do switch intellij to recognise the allready working build.gradle.kts file in the project root folder so tasks can be launced through the IDE and not just the shell?
Note: python dependancy support is not required at this time (as per the linked in).
Assistance appreciated.

eclipse cdt - 2 ways to install it, confused about them

i go to eclipse download website
i find Eclipse CDT - a version of eclipse that is standalone
in my standard Eclipse SDK(not cdt)
i can do this:
Help->install new software-> then i get a window popup and ask me to give the url
it looks like this:
so then you can install it
this is a separate standalone Eclipse CDT :
this is a standalone Eclipse SDK:
my question is:
1.what is the difference between separate Eclipse CDT and installing CDT plugin onto Eclipse SDK OR are they same thing?
2. what is better? is it better to use a separate Eclipse CDT or just install a plugin inside my Eclipse SDK?
thanks in advance!
Short answer: there is no important difference[1] between the two.
Longer answer: The Eclipse IDE is nothing more than a bunch of plugins that work together to create the functionality for code editing (and other things).
When you go to, you'll see a bunch of different packages. Each package provides a certain set of features, but this is no more than a convenience so that you don't have to install the vanilla SDK and then install the stuff that you really need on top of that. The php dev will not need the C++ compiler and vice-versa. But, you can install it if you want. At it's core, the same small set of plugins are re-used between all distributions.
You can compare the different distributions here:
[1]: Actually, the difference is that the SDK includes source code for all features as well as the Java compiler and plugin development tools. The C++ tools do not include these.

JavaFX with Maven [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I recently started a JavaFX project, and I'd like to use Maven as my compiler/deployment tool.
Is there a good tutorial or plugin to integrate JavaFX and Maven?
Starting with Java 7u9 I think JavaFX is shipped together with Java SE runtime and the rest, so it makes it pretty easy to create a Maven-based JavaFX project.
Here is what you do (assuming you have latest Java SE 7 runtime environment):
Go to directory where your JRE libs are installed: cd "/c/Program
Find what is the version of the JavaFX by reading the file. cat will produce something like: javafx.runtime.version=2.2.3
Now you are ready to install the JavaFX runtime package to Maven: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jfxrt.jar -DartifactId=javafx -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=2.2.3
Finally, create a simple Maven project, in say NetBeans, open your pom.xml file and add the following dependency:
Once you save the pom.xml you can continue using your typical Maven workflow.
Please note I used the MSYS ( environment on Windows in the examples above in the case you get confused. If you prefer Windows CMD it would be very much similar. I just do not feel comfortable without BASH and GNU tools such as sed, grep, etc...
This helped me a lot:
Blog Entry
In the beginning of the Blog Entry the author mentions another great Article that can be found here...:
Another Blog
The main "magic" is getting "settings.xml" right... is not that difficult.
I released a new version of the FEST JavaFX Compiler Maven Plug-in. This new version supports compilation of test sources. For more details please visit
There is a maven plugin developped by an user of javafx.
See this mailling post :
and the github site :
Alex Ruiz had a really good post on this recently and released a Maven plugin that should help you: