including a condition dynamically based on another condition - sql

I have a query as below
select --------
from table a
left outer join ....c
(a.column='123') and (c.column='456')
I would like to
include "(c.column='456')" only when (a.column='123') is not null
how do I do that in a single query ? or do I need to write two separate queries ?

Should be pretty straightforward :
select --------
from table
left outer join....
where (Condition A IS NULL) OR (condition A AND condition B)
UPDATED: For your conditions:
where (a.column is null) or (a.column='123' and c.column='456')
It will include a a row if it's a.column is null or if bot a.column and c.column have valid values.

As I understand your requirement this is the sql you want
select distinct cm.credit_amt,e.credit_lifetime,e.credit_desc,e.icom_code,e.entry_hint,
from rti_retention.package a
left outer join rti_retention.offer_class_credit b on (a.offer_id=b.offer_id
and a.offer_class_id=b.offer_class_id
and a.customer_type_id=b.customer_type_id)
left outer join rti_retention.credit_pre_bundle c on (b.credit_id=c.credit_id)
left outer join e on (c.credit_id=e.credit_id)
left outer join rti_retention.credit_mix_amount cm on (cm.credit_id=c.credit_id and cm.prod_mix_id=a.prod_mix_id)
where a.offer_class_id not in (1,2,16)
and a.channel_id=5 and a.customer_type_id=1
and a.offer_id='6055'
and c.prod_mix_id = case when (select count(*)
from rti_retention.credit_pre_bundle c1
where c1.prod_mix_id='1000' ) > 1 then '1000' else c.prod_mix_id end
and e.icom_code is not null
some time there will be some sql syntax errors. due to i havent full data base i wrote sql on mind. cant test it.


How to include column values as null even when condition is not met?

Write a query to show ALL building names, their metering company name and meter type for all buildings that do not have postpaid meters.
The image 1 is the result that I should get and image 2 is the results that i am getting:
USE Ultimate_DataBase
SELECT [Bld_Name], [Elec_company_name], [Mtype_Name]
FROM [dbo].[Metering_Company] A
FULL OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Metering_Type] D
ON A.[MType_ID]= D.MType_ID
FULL OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Building_metering] B
ON A.[Elec_ID]= B.[Elec_ID]
FULL OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Building] C
ON C.[Bld_ID]= B.[Bld_ID]
WHERE [Mtype_Name] != 'POSTPAID'
Try moving the WHERE logic to the corresponding ON clause:
SELECT [Bld_Name], [Elec_company_name], [Mtype_Name]
FROM [dbo].[Metering_Company] A
FULL OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Metering_Type] D
ON A.[MType_ID]= D.MType_ID AND
[Mtype_Name] != 'POSTPAID' -- change is here
FULL OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Building_metering] B
ON A.[Elec_ID]= B.[Elec_ID]
FULL OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Building] C
ON C.[Bld_ID]= B.[Bld_ID];
Note: Please add aliases to your select clause. They are not mandatory, assuming no two tables ever have columns by the same name, but just having aliases would have made your question easier to answer.
FULL JOIN isn't seem necessary -- in fact FULL JOIN is almost never needed, and especially not for routine JOINs in a well-structured database.
The structure of the question suggests NOT EXISTS:
FROM dbo.Building b
FROM dbo.Building_metering bm JOIN
dbo.Metering_Company mc
ON bm.Elec_ID = mc.Elec_ID JOIN
dbo.Metering_Type mt
ON mt.MType_ID = mc.MType_ID
WHERE bm.Bld_ID = b.Bld_ID AND mt.Mtype_Name = 'POSTPAID'
You can also express this as a LEFT JOIN and filtering:
FROM dbo.Building b LEFT JOIN
dbo.Building_metering bm
ON bm.Bld_ID = b.Bld_ID LEFT JOIN
dbo.Metering_Company mc
ON bm.Elec_ID = mc.Elec_ID LEFT JOIN
dbo.Metering_Type mt
ON mt.MType_ID = mc.MType_ID AND
mt.Mtype_Name = 'POSTPAID'
This allows you to select columns from any of the tables.
FULL JOIN is almost never needed.
Use meaningful table aliases! Arbitrary letters mean nothing. Use table abbreviations.
Escaping column and table names with square braces just makes code harder to write and to read.
USE Ultimate_DataBase
SELECT [Bld_Name], [Elec_company_name], [Mtype_Name]
FROM [dbo].[Metering_Company] A
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Metering_Type] D
ON A.[MType_ID]= D.MType_ID
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Building_metering] B
ON A.[Elec_ID]= B.[Elec_ID]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[Building] C
ON C.[Bld_ID]= B.[Bld_ID]
Use this

Join based on case statement

I want to have 2 join condition between two tables, first join condition should work always but the second Join condition should work only if condition is satisfied other wise give the result based on first two join.
I have two way one is directly give two condition and then add case statement
for third join
second I tried to have case statement after ON For first case I had 1 join condition and for second case 2 put 2 Join Condition.
SELECT *,IND.bill_to_id FROM txn_sales_shippedorders_intl shippedorders
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT cust_sid, max(cust_key) cust_key
FROM com_hub.ref_customer_hco_intl
GROUP BY cust_sid, cust_nbr
) cust ON cust.cust_sid = regexp_replace(shippedorders.cust_align_sid, "\\.0*", '')
--AND cust.country_cd = shippedorders.country_cd
AND cust.src_sys_id=shippedorders.src_sys_id
(SELECT CUSTOMER,ship_to_id, bill_to_id
FROM com_lake.ref_india_customer_crossmap
) ind ON case when substr(SDVR02,1,2) ='IM'
and ind.ship_to_id = cust.cust_nbr then 1
WHEN substr(SDVR02,1,2) ='ER' and ind.CUSTOMER = cust.cust_name then 1
else 0
end 1
At the moment your join doesn't make sense. You have to look at the result of your case statement.
At the moment it reads:
Left JOIN (...) ind ON 0
Left Join (...) ind on 1
You need to have an argument - e.g.
Left JOIN (...) ind on ind.index = CASE WHEN ...

hive left join with 2 factor, one of them is Not equal, AND I want the list in A while not in B

I want to achieve this effect in hive :
select a.* from entry_data_fxj_cl a left join exit_data b
on trim(a.ecardid) = trim(b.ecardid) and abs(a.entrytime-b.entrytime)>60000
where trim(b.ecardid) IS NULL
b.entrytime should match the closest time to A.entrytime
How to express unequal ?
How to express closest ?
Thanks for your answer.
I would be inclined to write this as:
select edf.*
from entry_data_fxj_cl edf
where not exists (select 1
from exit_data ed
where trim(ed.ecardid) = trim(edf.ecardid) and
ed.entrytime > edf.entrytime - 60000 and
ed.entrytime < edf.entrytime + 60000
Does this work for you in Hive?
The solution is to move non-equality join condition to the WHERE and add OR IS NULL to allow left join.
Please see comments in the SQL code:
select *
(--move non-equality condition to the where + OR is null to allow left join
select a.*, b.ecardid as b_ecardid
from entry_data_fxj_cl a left join exit_data b
on trim(a.ecardid) = trim(b.ecardid)
where abs(a.entrytime-b.entrytime)>60000 or b.ecardid is NULL --allow left join
where b_ecardid IS NULL --filter only rows for which b.ecardid is not found

Left outer join does not select all equipment notifs

I want to select all notifications with the relevant information and I also want the notifications that have no equipment. But when I use below join, I only get the ones where the equipment is not null. Shouldn't the left outer join make sure I get everything in table VIQMEL?
I do get the notifications that have no equipment if I delete the AND K~SPRAS EQ 'E'.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
SELECT v~qmnum,
FROM viqmel AS v
LEFT OUTER JOIN iflot AS f ON v~tplnr = f~tplnr
LEFT OUTER JOIN jest AS j ON j~objnr = v~objnr
LEFT OUTER JOIN tj02t AS t ON t~istat = j~stat
LEFT OUTER JOIN iflotx AS fx ON fx~tplnr = v~tplnr
LEFT OUTER JOIN iflotx AS ax ON ax~tplnr = v~btpln
LEFT OUTER JOIN qpct AS ct ON ct~code = v~qmcod
LEFT OUTER JOIN eqkt AS k ON v~equnr = k~equnr
LEFT OUTER JOIN qpgt AS gt ON gt~codegruppe = v~qmgrp
LEFT OUTER JOIN stxh AS s ON s~tdname = v~qmnum
LEFT OUTER JOIN srgbtbrel AS a ON v~qmnum = a~instid_a
LEFT OUTER JOIN zzid_map AS Z ON v~qmnam = z~sapuser
WHERE t~spras = #sy-langu
AND v~qmnum LIKE #p_qmnum
AND v~equnr LIKE #p_equnr
AND v~qmnam LIKE #p_qmnam
AND v~aufnr LIKE #p_aufnr
AND f~tplnr LIKE #p_tplnr
AND t~istat LIKE #p_istat
AND v~beber LIKE #p_beber
AND j~inact <> #abap_true
AND t~istat <> 'I0076'
AND t~spras = 'E'
AND fx~spras = 'E'
AND k~spras = 'E'
INTO TABLE #DATA(et_notifs).
Side note:EQKT is equipment short text (not equipment) and EQKT~SPRAS is language.
Problem: You wrote your condition to only select English text, which is why it ignores records that are joined with non English or ones, that aren't joined at all.
So if you have ( number represents a key ) your text table
1 E ....
2 X ....
3 N ....
4 E ....
After a join texts from table join like this
1 E ....
2 [initial]
3 [initial]
4 E ....
After filter you're left with
1 E ....
4 E ....
Unnecessarily complicated solution, using exclusion subquery
With restrictions of SAP Open SQL, excluding joins, as well as joins that including records based on absence of corresponding records from other tables is not possible.
The workarounds for excluding joins are generally sub-queries.
You could add a subquery to check select languages based on your filter and ignore that filter in other cases (to include empty records). Try to replace and K~SPRAS EQ 'E' with the following (the idea here is to take the language if it exists and bypass the condition otherwise):
and ( K~SPRAS in (select SPRAS from EQKT where EQUNR=V~EQUNR and spras = 'E')
OR NOT EXISTS (select SPRAS from EQKT where spras = 'E')
The idea here is you have 2 subqueries. One of them uses a positive check to include all the languages you need. The other uses a negative check and includes records where that particular language does not exist.
Update: Minimalistic solution (left join on key + condition)
After looking at your question with clear head, I noticed my solution might be too complicated for your needs (even though it will work).
A standard left join on key + condition will fulfill your requirement. Move your and K~SPRAS EQ 'E' into join condition and it will select exactly the way you want it to (A standard left join). Also, if I recall correctly outer keyword doesn't do anything on left/right joins.
PS: Aliases and redundant joins in the question aren't helping with its readability.

SQL JOIN Condition moved to with where clause produces differences

Query 1
select count(1)
from sdb_snmp_sysdata s
left join sdb_snmp_entphysicaltable e on s.source = e.source **and e.class = 3**
left join SDB_DF_DEVICE_DNS dns on dns.source = s.source
left join sdb_fdb_node f on upper(f.oldnodeid) = upper(dns.dns_name)
where (regexp_like(s.descr, 'NFXS-F FANT-F ALCATEL-LUCENT|Motorola APEX3000')
or regexp_like(e.descr, 'Motorola BSR64000 HD 100A Redundant Chassis|AS2511-RJ chassis')
or trim(e.ModelName) in ('RFGW1', 'ARCT01949', 'ARCT03253', 'UBR10012', 'WS-C3750-48TS-S', 'WS-C3750V2-48TS-S')
or like '%Nexus5596 Chassis%')
Query 2:
select count(1)
from sdb_snmp_sysdata s
left join sdb_snmp_entphysicaltable e on s.source = e.source
left join SDB_DF_DEVICE_DNS dns on dns.source = s.source
left join sdb_fdb_node f on upper(f.oldnodeid) = upper(dns.dns_name)
where (regexp_like(s.descr, 'NFXS-F FANT-F ALCATEL-LUCENT|Motorola APEX3000')
or regexp_like(e.descr, 'Motorola BSR64000 HD 100A Redundant Chassis|AS2511-RJ chassis')
or trim(e.ModelName) in ('RFGW1', 'ARCT01949', 'ARCT03253', 'UBR10012', 'WS-C3750-48TS-S', 'WS-C3750V2-48TS-S')
or like '%Nexus5596 Chassis%') **and e.class = 3**
The above two queries return different number of rows by changing e.class condition from on clause to where clause. I am unable to figure out. any help is appreciated.
My Understanding:
query 1 left outer join between sysdata and entphysicaltable hash join happens after full scan of individual tables.
in the second query 2 join happens after entphysicaltable is reduced to records containing only entphysicaltable.class = 3.
to me the query makes same sense but returns different results.
I can relate to this question I would like to know a concrete reason.
The best explanation is on a little example. Let have two tables
C1 C2
---------- -
1 x
Then the query with the filter B.c2 = 'x' in the ON clause returns 2 rows
select *
from A left outer join B
on A.c1 = B.c1 and B.c2 = 'x';
C1 C1 C2
---------- ---------- --
1 1 x
while when the filter is moved in the WHERE clause, only one row is delivered
select *
from A left outer join B
on A.c1 = B.c1
WHERE B.c2 = 'x';
C1 C1 C2
---------- ---------- --
1 1 x
The WHERE clause simple overrules the OUTER JOIN row missing logik - wee all know that NULL is not equal 'x', so the second row is discarded.
BWT if you see in the old join syntax constructs like B.c2(+) = 'x' this is the very same thema.
If I read your question right, then it simply comes down to how a LEFT JOIN works.
The way a (outer) LEFT JOIN works is that it will join what's on your left side with what's on your right side.
And then it being an outer join it will try to add NULL values to the right, for the situation where there is no match on the right.
However, by you adding your constraints in the WHERE clause, you're telling the query engine to filter out the rows where there is NULL because they will not match your WHERE clause.
If you have the filters in your ON clause - the query engine will not remove/filter out the NULL rows.
This happens because the WHERE is 'executed' after the JOINs.
That's why you get different number of rows, because an OUTER join functions differently based on whether you use the ON or the WHERE clause.
So if you want the join to include NULL rows, you'll need to use the ON clause.