What is the equivalent DISTINCT(sql server) in the Linq - sql

I have a Table(Send) with columns(Id, UserId,SendDate) and another table(Receive) with columns(Id,SendId,UserName).
I want show all records in SendTable with all RecieveUserName.
for example.
1 1 2013
2 2 2013
1 1 Jack
2 1 Ema
3 2 Alex
4 2 Sara
1 1 2013 Jack, Ema
2 2 2013 Alex, Sara
I use this query in SqlServer (The DISTINCT keyword eliminates duplicate rows from the results of a SELECT statement)
(SELECT STR( UserName )+ ','
FROM dbo.Reciver c1
WHERE c1.SendId = c2.id FOR XML PATH('')) Concatenated, c2.SendDate, c2.UserId
dbo.Reciver ON c2.Id = dbo.Reciver.SendId
How do this query in Linq?

Distinct is also available in LINQ.
For example
public class Product
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Code { get; set; }
Product[] products = { new Product { Name = "apple", Code = 9 },
new Product { Name = "orange", Code = 4 },
new Product { Name = "apple", Code = 10 },
new Product { Name = "lemon", Code = 9 } };
var lstDistProduct = products.Distinct();
foreach (Product p in list1)
Console.WriteLine(p.Code + " : " + p.Name);
Will return all rows.
var list1 = products.DistinctBy(x=> x.Code);
foreach (Product p in list1)
Console.WriteLine(p.Code + " : " + p.Name);
will return 9 and 4

It doesn't seem to me that you need to use Distinct in this Linq query. Assuming you have the relationships between tables set up on your linq datacontext, you can do something like this:
var result = from s in context.Send
select new {
id = s.Id,
userId = s.UserId,
date = s.SendDate,
users = s.Receive.Select(u => u.UserName)
Note: users will an IEnumerable<String> - you can use string.Join() on the client to join the names into a string.
To return users as a string to first need to 'switch' to Linq To Objects by calling AsEnumerable() or ToList() and the Linq to Sql query.
var output = from s in result.AsEnumerable()
select new {
id = s.id,
userId = s.userId,
date = s.date,
users = string.Join(", ", s.users)
Also see Gert Arnolds answer for a good explanation.

What you want can only be done in two steps. Not because of the DISTINCT, but because of the FOR XML. The C# equivalent of the latter is String.Join(), but you can't use that in a linq to entities statement directly. So you must collect the required data first, then switch to linq to objects (by applying AsEnumerable) and then do the concatenation and distinct:
.Where(s => s.Receivers.Any())
.Select(s => new {
Concatenated = s.Receivers.Select(r => r.UserName)
.Select(x => new {
Concatenated = String.Join(", ", x.Concatenated)


select some ids from sql in linq

hi I'm using the query below to select studentId and Score from table1 now i want select users that i selected their ids from table2, how i can select it with ids?
i can select users with this query from v in dc.tbl_Students select v but i want select some users that i have their id.
var qBestMan = (from T in (((from tbl_ActPoints in dc.tbl_ActPoints
select new
StudentId = (int?)tbl_ActPoints.StudentId,
Score = (int?)tbl_ActPoints.Score
from tbl_EvaPoints in dc.tbl_EvaPoints
select new
StudentId = (int?)tbl_EvaPoints.StudentId,
Score = (int?)tbl_EvaPoints.Score
group T by new
} into g
orderby g.Sum(p => p.Score) descending
select new
HighScoreUser = g.Sum(p => p.Score)
Try something like this:
//qBestMan must be a List, or a IEnumarable and not a Array. Remove the .ToArray() at the end, or substitute it by .ToList()
var Result = from users in dc.tbl_Students
join bestMen in qBestMan on bestMen.StudentId equals users.userid
select new
//fields that you want
example = users.example,
other = bestMen.other

linq distinct on two columns and return as a single field

I have a table as below
Id username userid departmentname
1 abc 1234 test1
2 abc 3456 test1
3 abc 1234 test2
4 abc 3456 test2
5 def 8989 test1
I want to apply distinct on username and userid columns and return the two columns as a single field in linq
The required output will below
I have tried the following
public static List<string> getUserDetails(string prefixText, int count)
List<string> usernames = new List<string>();
using (DBEntities context = new DBEntities())
var distinctUsers = context.counters.Select(m => new { m.UserName, m.UserID }).Distinct().ToList();
var abc = distinctUsers.Select(p => new { DisplayText = p.UserName + "-" + p.UserID }).ToList();
usernames = abc.Where(r => r.DisplayText.StartsWith(prefixText)).ToList();
return usernames;
But I have ended up with the issue.
1) Once I have got the required results, I need to filter with the list that starts with input string(prefixtext). I have got the required results in the variable abc and could able to get the list that startswith the input string, but the error I am getting is 'Cannot implicitly convert type list anonymous to list string. How can I convert list anonymous type to list string?
2) Is the above approach better? Or is there any best way than this?
Thank you 'Ashique', I have got it as below without using group by in another line of code.
var distinctUsers = context.counters.Select(m => (m.UserName + "-" + m.UserID)).Distinct().ToList();
var abc = distinctUsers.AsParallel().Where(x => x.StartsWith(prefixText)).ToList();
By default ,the above has implemented order by too which I need. Does it order by default or should I implement something like below to order by :
var distinctUsers = context.counters.Select(m => (m.UserName + "-" + m.UserID)).Distinct().OrderBy(n=>n).ToList();
You can try this:
using (DBEntities context = new DBEntities())
var distinctUsers = context.counters.Select(m => (m.UserName + "-" + m.UserID )).ToList();
usernames = distinctUsers.GroupBy(g => g).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
using (DBEntities context = new DBEntities())
usernames = context.counters.Select(m => (m.UserName + "-" + m.UserID )).GroupBy(g => g).Select(x => x.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
Try this out:
create table abc1 as
select distinct concat(username,'-',userid) as result from abc
group by username;

how to merge duplicate records into one record by linq

ID Name from to
001-1 ABC 2015/05/01 2015/05/31
001-1 ABC 2015/06/01 2015/07/15
003-2 DEF 2015/05/01 2015/05/11
002-1 LMN 2015/05/01 2015/06/15
002-1 LMN 2015/06/16 2015/07/31
003-2 DEF 2015/06/01 2015/07/15
004-5 GHI 2015/05/11 2015/05/15
I want to have merge the records into one which matching the period from 2015/05/15 to 2015/07/15 like the following result in datable.
ID Name from to
001-1 ABC 2015/05/01 2015/07/15
002-1 LMN 2015/05/01 2015/07/31
003-2 and 004-5 are not in new datatable as they are not in the require range.
How can I get this? I only know very basic knowledge about LINQ and it's very fresh to me. thx.
With this class / data as a mockup:
class Item
public string ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime From { get; set; }
public DateTime To { get; set; }
List<Item> items = new List<Item> {
new Item { ID = "001-1", Name = "ABC",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/01"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/31") },
new Item { ID = "001-1", Name = "ABC",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/06/01"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/07/15") },
new Item { ID = "003-2", Name = "DEF",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/01"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/11") },
new Item { ID = "002-1", Name = "LMN",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/01"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/06/15") },
new Item { ID = "002-1", Name = "LMN",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/06/16"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/07/31") },
new Item { ID = "003-2", Name = "DEF",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/06/01"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/07/15") },
new Item { ID = "004-5", Name = "GHI",
From = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/11"),
To = DateTime.Parse("2015/05/15") }
you can use the following linq query to get the desired result set:
var result = from i in items
orderby i.From
group i by new { i.ID, i.Name } into iGroup
where iGroup.First().From <= DateTime.Parse("2015/05/15") &&
iGroup.Last().To >= DateTime.Parse("2015/07/1") &&
(iGroup.Last().To - iGroup.First().From).Days + 1 ==
iGroup.Sum(g => (g.To - g.From).Days + 1)
select new Item
ID = iGroup.Key.ID,
Name = iGroup.Key.Name,
From = iGroup.First().From,
To = iGroup.Last().To
You can adjust datetime comparisons to fit your actual requirement. In the above linq query I am comparing the smallest From date and the largest To date of each group to the matching period dates.
This comparison:
(iGroup.Last().To - iGroup.First().From).Days + 1 ==
iGroup.Sum(g => (g.To - g.From).Days + 1)
checks for groups that have no gaps in their date ranges.
If the source data is stored in a DataTable such as:
DataTable items = new DataTable();
items.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
items.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
items.Columns.Add("From", typeof(DateTime));
items.Columns.Add("To", typeof(DateTime));
then the linq query becomes a bit more complicated:
var q = from i in items.AsEnumerable()
orderby i.Field<DateTime>("From")
group i by new { ID = i.Field<string>("ID"), Name = i.Field<string>("Name") } into iGroup
where iGroup.First().Field<DateTime>("From") <= DateTime.Parse("2015/05/15") &&
iGroup.Last().Field<DateTime>("To") >= DateTime.Parse("2015/07/1") &&
(iGroup.Last().Field<DateTime>("To") - iGroup.First().Field<DateTime>("From")).Days + 1 ==
iGroup.Sum(g => (g.Field<DateTime>("To") - g.Field<DateTime>("From")).Days + 1)
select new
ID = iGroup.Key.ID,
Name = iGroup.Key.Name,
From = iGroup.First().Field<DateTime>("From"),
To = iGroup.Last().Field<DateTime>("To")
The above query returns an IEnumerable of anonymous type. It can be converted back to a DataTable using Reflection (see this post for example).

get list of decision for a specific meetingtitle using linq asp.net

I have a database table. What I want is to get data using group by clause as I have used in below code.
Note that Decision is another table. now I want that all the decisions related to a specific Meeting Title should be shown in list.like
but below code returns only one decisiontitle.
public List<NewMeetings> GetAllMeetings()
var xyz = (from m in DB.MeetingAgenda
//join mp in Meeting on m.MeetingId equals mp.MeetingId
//where m.MeetingId == 2
group m by new { m.Meeting.MeetingTitle } into grp
select new NewMeetings
// meetingid = grp.Key.MeetingId,
meetingtitle = grp.Key.MeetingTitle,
decision = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle).FirstOrDefault(),
total = grp.Count()
List<NewMeetings> list = xyz.ToList();
return list;
public class NewMeetings
public int meetingid;
public string meetingtitle;
public string decision;
public int total;
Can somebody please tell me how to return a list of decisions to a specific Meetingtitle?
You are doing a FirstOrDefault on the list of decisions which obviously means you are only getting a single value. Instead you can join them all together into one longer string (separated by commas as you indicated in the question) by changing this line:
decision = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle).FirstOrDefault(),
To this:
decision = string.Join(",", grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle)),
However, as the string.Join is not recognised by Linq to Entities, you need to do the string.Join after the data has been retrieved (i.e. after the ToList):
var xyz = (from m in DB.MeetingAgenda
group m by new { m.Meeting.MeetingTitle } into grp
select new
meetingtitle = grp.Key.MeetingTitle,
decisions = grp.Select(x => x.Decision.DecisionTitle),
total = grp.Count()
.Select(m => new NewMeetings
meetingtitle = m.meetingtitle,
decision = string.Join(",", m.decisions),
total = m.total

Remove items from a collection in entity framework

I have a function as below :
IEnumerable<Group> GetAllChildren(int parentID)
using (Entities db = new Entities())
var result = (from x in db.Groups
where x.ParentID == parentID
select x).ToList();
foreach (Group child in result.ToList())
return result;
In the above function if I pass a group name I get all the children at all levels.
It works as expected.
Now my query looks like something like :
= new ObservableCollection<GroupNameWithCorrespondingEffect>
(from g in db.Groups
select new GroupNameWithCorrespondingEffect
GroupID = g.GroupID,
GroupName = g.GroupName,
CorrespondingEffect = g.Master_Effects.Effect
The above query will give me all the groups.
Now I want to remove all the groups from GroupNamesWithCorrespondingEffects that are children of a group with id == 25.
I have tried .Remove(GetAllChildren(25)) in 2nd query. but I get following error.
Collection.Remove(GroupNameWithCorrespondingEffect) has some invalid arguments.
hope this help you:
var childs = GetAllChildren(25).ToList();
var childIDList = childs.select(u => u.GroupID).ToList();
GroupNamesWithCorrespondingEffects = GroupNamesWithCorrespondingEffects
.Where(u => !childIDList.Contains(u.GroupID)).ToList();