Performing multiple inserts for a single row in a query - sql

I have a table containing data that i need to migrate into another table with a linking table. This is a one time migration as part of an upgrade.
I have a company table that contains records relating to a company and a contact person.
I want to migrate the contact details into another table and link the new person with a linking table
Consider I have this table which is already populated
And i want to migrate the contact person data to
PersonID (identitycolumn)
and use the identity column resulting and insert it into the linking table
I've tried a few different ways to approach this using cursors and output variables into a temp table but none seem right to me (or give me the solution...)
The closest i have got is to have a companyID on tblPerson and insert companyId into it and output the new personId and the companyId into a temp table. Then loop through the temp table to create the tblCompanyContact.
declare #companycontact TABLE (companyId int, PersonId int)
insert into tblPerson
output inserted.CompanyID, INSERTED.PersonID into #companycontact
from tblCompany c
insert into tblCompanyPerson
select c.companyId, PersonId from #companycontact c
Im using MS SQL Server 2008 R2
The tblPerson is already populated with hundreds of thousands of

There is a 'trick' using MERGE statement to achieve mapping between newly inserted and source values:
MERGE tblPerson trgt
USING tblCompany src ON 1=0
(Forename, Surename)
VALUES (src.ContactPersonForeName, src.ContactPersonSurename)
INTO tblCompanyPerson (CompanyId, PersonID);
That 1=0 condition is to always get everything from source. You might want to replace it or even whole source with some sub-query to actually check whatever you already have same person mapped.
EDIT: Here is some reading about using MERGE and OUTPUT

Because I don't know what SQL you are using its difficult to decide if this is correct. i also don't know if you already tried this but it's the best idea i have:
insert into tblPerson
(Forename, Surename)
Select ContactForename, ContactPersonSurename
from tblCompany
insert into tblCompanyPerson
(CompanyID, PersonID)
select CompanyId, PersonID
from tblPerson, tblCompany
where ContactForename = Forename and ContactPersonSurename = Surename


PostgreSQL Insert into table with subquery selecting from multiple other tables

I am learning SQL (postgres) and am trying to insert a record into a table that references records from two other tables, as foreign keys.
Below is the syntax I am using for creating the tables and records:
-- Create a person table + insert single row
pname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('personOne');
-- Create a city table + insert single row
cname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO city VALUES ('cityOne');
-- Create a employee table w/ForeignKey reference
CREATE TABLE employee (
ename VARCHAR(255) REFERENCES person(pname) NOT NULL,
ecity VARCHAR(255) REFERENCES city(cname) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(ename, ecity)
-- create employee entry referencing existing records
SELECT pname FROM person
WHERE pname='personOne' AND <-- ISSUE
SELECT cname FROM city
WHERE cname='cityOne
Notice in the last block of code, where I'm doing an INSERT into the employee table, I don't know how to string together multiple SELECT sub-queries to get both the existing records from the person and city table such that I can create a new employee entry with attributes as such:
The textbook I have for class doesn't dive into sub-queries like this and I can't find any examples similar enough to mine such that I can understand how to adapt them for this use case.
Insight will be much appreciated.
There doesn’t appear to be any obvious relationship between city and person which will make your life hard
The general pattern for turning a select that has two base tables giving info, into an insert is:
INSERT INTO table(column,list,here)
SELECT column,list,here
JOIN b ON a.x = b.y
In your case there isn’t really anything to join on because your one-column tables have no column in common. Provide eg a cityname in Person (because it seems more likely that one city has many person) then you can do
INSERT INTO employee(personname,cityname)
SELECT p.pname, c.cname
person p
JOIN city c ON p.cityname = c.cname
But even then, the tables are related between themselves and don’t need the third table so it’s perhaps something of an academic exercise only, not something you’d do in the real world
If you just want to mix every person with every city you can do:
INSERT INTO employee(personname,cityname)
SELECT pname, cname
person p
But be warned, two people and two cities will cause 4 rows to be inserted, and so on (20 people and 40 cities, 800 rows. Fairly useless imho)
However, I trust that the general pattern shown first will suffice for your learning; write a SELECT that shows the data you want to insert, then simply write INSERT INTO table(columns) above it. The number of columns inserted to must match the number of columns selected. Don’t forget that you can select fixed values if no column from the query has the info (INSERT INTO X(p,c,age) SELECT personname, cityname, 23 FROM ...)
The following will work for you:
INSERT INTO employee
SELECT pname, cname FROM person, city
WHERE pname='personOne' AND cname='cityOne';
This is a cross join producing a cartesian product of the two tables (since there is nothing to link the two). It reads slightly oddly, given that you could just as easily have inserted the values directly. But I assume this is because it is a learning exercise.
Please note that there is a typo in your create employee. You are missing a comma before the primary key.

Need to duplicate a row an its related data in other tables. Revision a row

My company has a database with Project related data. At times, they would like to Revise a project, keeping the old version and copying it so they can work on a copied version. The project table has a revision field that defaults to 0 and should increment by one when they click a revise button on the front-end website. The hierarchy would look like:
Project_Details: (ID) | (ProjectID)
Activities: (ID) | (ProjectID)
Activity_Details: (ID) | (ActivitiesID)
ProjectID will link all my tables together. I Have an Activities table that will contain activities for a project. So one to many. The Activities table will link all of its table by ActivityID.
What i Have so far just to test out:
INSERT INTO Project SELECT projectnumber, MAX(Revision)+1 FROM Project Where projectnumber = '23.444.555'
INSERT INTO ProjectDatails SELECT ##IDENTITY, Rate, Department FROM ProjectDatails where projectid = #projectid
INSERT INTO Activities SELECT ##IDENTITY, Area_No, Completed_Date FROM Activities where projectid = #projectid
This is where i am not sure what to do from here. I need to copy all my rows from an Activity_Details table that relate to my Activities table by activityid. However, there are multiple rows in my Activities table with the same ProjectID.
So it looks something like a foreach row in Activities with ProjectID = #projectid, get the activityid in that row, copy all rows in Activity_Details with that activityid.
How do I accomplish that.
No need for a loop. What you need is a mapping between the 'old' and 'new' activity records and use that mapping to create the Activity_details with the correct ActivityID.
If you can add another field on Activities, which will store the last ActivityID that record was copied from, you can use that in the join to insert into activities details:
INSERT INTO Activities (ProjectID, Area_No, Completed_Date, Last_ActivityID)
SELECT #newprojectid, Area_No, Completed_Date, ActivityID FROM Activities where projectid = #projectid
INSERT INTO Activity_Details (ActivityID, Details)
SELECT Activities.ActivityID, Details FROM Activity_Details
INNER JOIN Activities ON Activity_Details.ActivityID = Activities.Last_ActivityID
where Activities.projectid = #newprojectid
If you cannot (or don't want to) add that field, you will have to rely on a MERGE statement to get the get the mapping. Quite a bit trickier, but still doable. Probably best left to a different answer, if desired.

Using output to capture auto increment identity, plus past identity mapping table

I am trying to make exact copies of data in SQL, with new clientIDs, but keep the existing data in the old client as well. I will be inserting the data into a table with an auto incrementing integer primary key ID. I need to retain the ID's of the Old records and the new records together so I can continue using this mapping as I copy the different table data so I can maintain relationships.
At this point I have the following:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Driver]
OUTPUT inserted.ID
1234 AS clientID
FROM dbo.Driver
I am wondering if there is a way to also select the old ID of the driver in the Output so I can then insert all of this into a holding table using the OUTPUT. So I need to end up with the following after I perform the insert into the dbo.Driver table so I can also insert these values into a temp table:
At this point I don't know of a way to pull the Original ID from the original record.
I ended up using MERGE INTO to keep track of the old ID as per the following SO post:
How to use OUTPUT to capture new and old ID?
you can try...
INSERT INTO dbo.Driver (oldID, Name, clientID)
1234 AS clientID
FROM dbo.Driver A
LEFT JOIN dbo.Driver B ON A.Name = B.Name AND A.clientID = b.clientID
or maybe just
INSERT INTO dbo.Driver (oldID, Name, clientID)
1234 AS clientID
FROM dbo.Drive

SQL query to fillter and update table

i have an employee database table with a column NAME
in the NAME field we have names of employees like this -> LI-MING (ALLEN)
this is there real first name and there English nick name in ()
i would like to know if i can swap this around in an SQL UPDATE query
the reason why i would like this is Users want to have it sort this column by nick name
Try this
UPDATE Employee
' ('+SUBSTRING(name,1,CHARINDEX('(',name)-1)+')'
FROM Employee
If I were you I would create seperate colums both for name and nick name. Trying to get a string portion on the fly prevent sql server from using indexes which might be really importand from performance perspective.
So there are basicly two options:
Parse values for seperate columns every time you update or insert a new employee (via TRIGGER, application code, etc).
Or just create two calculated columns but make sure they are marked as PERSISTED.
Hope it helps!
I had worked on several project and I have done it my way to update same issue that you been through in 3 steps:
1) Create table with ID or Name field and Insert the values to the table
2) Trim the values with different functions and insert the final value to different table.
3) Update the old table with the new value
I don't say this is the only way to do thing but there might be other ways as well.
Create table #Employee(
EmployeeName varchar(200)
Insert into #Employee
Select 'LI-MING (ALLEN)' union all
Select 'Jio-Kio (Smith)'
from #Employee
Create table #EmployeeNew(
Employeename1 varchar(200),
Employeename2 varchar(200)
Insert into #EmployeeNew(Employeename1, Employeename2)
from #Employee
Select * from #Employee
Select * from #EmployeeNew
Select cast('('+Employeename1+')'+left(employeename2,len(employeename2)-1) as varchar(200)) from #EmployeeNew
Update e
Set e.EmployeeName = cast('('+e1.Employeename1+')'+left(e1.employeename2,len(e1.employeename2)-1) as varchar(200))
from #Employee e
left outer join #EmployeeNew e1 on ltrim(rtrim(substring(e.employeename,1,patindex('%(%',e.employeename)-1))) =e1.Employeename1

Transact-SQL: Getting ID of Lookup Value if Data isn't Related

I have 3 tables and two are related (Name and Gender):
Staging(id, name, gender)
Name(id, name genderID)
Gender(id, gender)
The data has been "dumped" into Staging(id, name, gender) in a denormalized fashion and now I'm trying to normalize the data.
I need to be able to use t-sql to do the following
Insert the name from the Staging table into the Name table
Get the id from the Gender table and insert into the Name table as a foreign key
The problem is the Gender and Name tables aren't related to Staging so I'm trying to understand the logic of how this transaction should work.
My assumption was that I needed to somehow to an INSERT INTO SELECT with some type of subquery, but I'm just at a lost. Thanks.
Yes, you need INSERT INTO...SELECT. Join table staging with Gender via column gender so you can get the ID.
INSERT INTO Name (ID, Name, GenderID)
FROM Staging s
ON s.gender = g.gender