mvc bundling scalability -

When you add a script or style bundle to an mvc site, the bundling framework will append a version to the output markup.
e.g. <script src="/Scripts/custom/App.js?v=nf9WQHcG-UNbqZZzi4pJC3igQbequHCOPB50bXWkT641"></script>
notice the querystring ?v=xxx-xxx
If you are hosting your App on multiple servers then each server would have a different version appended to the resource url which means in a classic round robin load balanced environment you will download that resource each time you hit a different server.
To me, seems to negate the value of bundling in some ways, since the initial load is quicker but a deteriorated performance is experienced on subsequent user interaction.
In practice how have others handled this issue I know depending on the size of the download it could be insignaficant because the minified and gzipped resource is tiny but in many situations this might not be the case. So how can one with minimal effort reap the benefits of bundling and minification in a high scale out environment.

In practice the version number is a hash of the contents of the files. So if you have the same javascript files on all nodes of your webfarm, they should all get the same version number. If you are getting a different hash this could be an indication that you haven't deployed the same contents of those files on all nodes of your webfarm.


VueJS Application Caching Issue - IIS 10

I have a VueJS application that is deployed to a local IIS 10 server for intranet use.
Trouble is, the index.html file is getting cached and a forced, manual clearing of the browser is needed to see updates. I understand there are ways on the server side to prevent this, but I'm unclear based on what I've read so far as to what the proper way of making sure the html file isn't cached is (js, css and the like are, of course, not cached since they have the additional value appended to the file name during build.)
I'm very much a novice when it comes to the server side of things, so any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Which packaging tool do you use in your project? Generally speaking, Webpack/Vue-CLI has settings for prevent the file from caching in the browser on the client-side. In other words, it adds hash value to output files which could flag the version we build recently, this will result in the client browser to forcibly request the new version file.
In the Webpack.config.js
output: {
filename: '[name].[contenthash].bundle.js'
See these links for more details.
Browser cache problems with webpack chunks and vue.js components
how to force clearing cache in chrome when release new Vue app version
VueJS/browser caching production builds

optimize build size vuejs

When I build the production build, the size of the css+js is going up to 3.8MB.
The only thing I could see is bootstrap which is taking half of the size amongst 3.8MB.
The app contains CRUD functionality in admin module where I have used bootstrap mostly and the other module is a list of static pages wherein I have used only grid of bootstrap.
Kindly guide on How can I make improvement in optimizing this further?
This is expected and using bootstrap and there's nothing you can do. If you had, instead, used bootstrap-vue you could import only the specific parts of the modules that you need (javascript) and that would significantly reduce the size of your bundle.
With that said, there's nothing wrong here. The gzip size of these is 252kb at maximum and that's quite cheap.
If you serve your site using http2 and the browser supports it, your request will be multiplexed and will use TCP pipelines to load the assets. This has huge gains and improvements over HTTP1 in that:
the connection to your server is opened through a TCP socket
the TCP socket then balances the requests by using Frames (which are asynchronous) vs http1 which is synchronous and could only manage 2 synchronous HTTPD threads at a time
the pipeline does not wait for assets and continues to cascade requests for assets, which improves the page load vastly.
So to summarize - serve your assets gzipped and make sure your web server uses http2 and your issue is trivial at this time.
Consider using purgecss plugin to get rid of all unused bootstrap classes:

Will avoiding "bundling and minification" in lieu of serving .js and .css from Azure blob be beneficial?

We have an MVC web site deployed in a Cloud Service on Microsoft Azure. For boosting performance, some of my colleagues suggested that we avoid the bundling and minification provided by ASP.NET MVC4 and instead store the .js and .css files on an Azure blob. Please note that the solution does not use a CDN, it merely serves the files from a blob.
My take on this is that just serving the files this way will not cause any major performance benefits. Since we are not using a CDN, the files will get served from the region in which our storage is deployed all the time. Ever time a user requests a page, at least for the first time, the data will flow across the data center boundary and that will in turn incur cost. Also, since they are not bundled but kept as individual files, the server requests will be more. So we are forfeiting the benefits of bundling and minification. The only benefit I see to this approach is that we can do changes to the .js and .css files and upload them without a need to re-deploy.
Can anyone please tell me which of the two options is preferable in terms of performance?
I can't see how this would be better than bundling and minification unless the intent is to blob store your minified and bundled files. The whole idea is to reduce requests to the server because javascript processes a single thread at a time and in addition there's added download time, I'd do everything I can to reduce that request count.
As a separate note on the image side, I'd also combine images into a single image and use css sprites ala:

Ektron really slow to startup on local host, how to improve this?

We're developing a solution which uses Ektron. As part of our solution we all have local IIS instances (localhost) and deploy to this local instance as part of the development life cycle.
The problem is that after a deployment and once dll's are replaced IIS restarts and the app pool is recycled, this means that Ektron dll's need to reload themselves.
This process takes an extended amount of time.
Is there anyway to improve the loading time of "Ektron"
To some extent, this is the nature of a large app running as a website rather than a web application. Removing the workarea from your local environment is one way to get this compile time down, though this will naturally not work depending on your workflow, for example if you are not using a separate dev DB or if you are storing the workarea in source control.
I have seen some attempts to pre-complile the workarea and keep the working code in a separate project ( but this approach will only speed up your builds, not the recompilation of individual pages that will occur after a build as a result of running as a web site.
The last (and least best-practice) solution is to simply avoid making code changes that cause a recompile, like modifying app_code. Apps running as websites are perfectly happy to recompile a single page's codebehind without regenerating DLLs, which is advantageous for productivity but ultimately discourages good practices like reusing code in libraries. Keep in mind that this is terrible advice, but if you have a deadline and are staring at an ektron page loading every 30 minutes it can be useful to know.
Same problem here. I found this:
That says that the help documentation was moved to be retrieved from an online source ( We're running Ektron 9, and I just made this change and it seems much faster on first load (after iisreset).
The solution is to set to in your hosts file.
There is not, this is just how IIS works. Instead of running a local instance of Ektron it's a good idea just to point your web.config file to the database of your test database and copy the /workarea folder to your local PC. You can't edit ektron locally but you can change the data on your test server and it will show up locally.

Storing files locally in Node Webkit App

I'm creating an app using Node Webkit. The purpose of this app is to display images and pdfs. The app needs to download those files from a central repository, and cache them locally. When the app runs offline, the files should still be available, and displayed.
On the face of it, this sounds like appcache is the answer - and that indeed is where I was heading when this was a pure webapp in a browser. However, now I've discovered node-webkit, and here we are.
node-webkit's GitHub wiki states:
"However, application cache is designed for browser use, for apps using node-webkit, it's less useful than the other two method, read HTML5 Application Cache if you want to use it."
But doesn't say why.
I've also researched node.js filesystem - but that seems like a whole magnitude of complexity above what I need.
Can anyone point me in a sensible direction?
It has to do with the nature of App Cache itself.
You specify a manifest file that lists all the static assets required for your app to run offline. You don't have any programmatic access to the cache to add and remove files via JS.
So for a node-webkit app, it'd make more sense to fetch these files and store them in the Application Support folder (Or AppData, depending on the platform). That's where the node.js part is really useful, the file IO stuff.