jasmine testing on external library - testing

I am attempting to do some basic testing using jasmine. I use an external library & what I intend to do is spy/mock the method calls on the library object (d3) and make sure appropriate methods are called on d3.
var d3Spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('d3', ['select']);
spyOn(window, 'd3').andReturn(d3Spy);
When 'select' is being called on the object, I get this error.
TypeError: Object function () {
spyObj.wasCalled = true;
var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments);
spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this;
spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args;
spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args});
return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments);
} has no method 'select'
What am I doing wrong?

The failure in your code is the following
spyOn(window, 'd3').andReturn(d3Spy);
This line wil return the spy only when you call d3(). So it replace the d3 object with a function that when its called returns the {select: jasmine.createSpy()}. But using d3 you will never call d3() cause select is a static member of d3
So the solution is just to spy on `d3.select'
spyOn(d3, 'select')
Btw. the problem with libs like D3 that use heavy chaining is, that its hard to mock. So the select spy in your example has to return the an object which fits the d3 Selections object and so on. So sometimes it would be easier to not mock out everything.


Pass callbacks with managed parameters and return types between managed and unmanaged C++

I am writing a native C++ project with a managed C++ wrapper that can receive and invoke callbacks from C#. The managed side should be able to retrieve back that callback and trigger on the managed environment as well.
The signature of the said callback is:
// Native C++
typedef EvaluateResult (*NativeFunction) (std::vector<EvaluateResult> args);
// Managed C++ wrapper
delegate EvaluateResultWrapper^ ManagedFunction (List<EvaluateResultWrapper^> args);
The EvaluateResultWrapper is the managed wrapper class for the native class EvaluateResult. The conversion between the EvaluateResult is:
EvaluateResult result;
EvaluateResultWrapper^ wrapper = gcnew EvaluateResultWrapper (result);
result = EvaluateResult (*wrapper.original);
I want to implement the constructor EvaluateResultWrapper::EvaluateResultWrapper (ManagedFunction^ func) that can roughly do the following:
// NOTE: Pseudo code
void EvaluateResultWrapper::EvaluateResultWrapper (ManagedFunction^ func) {
this->func = func; // Store the func as a member to avoid GC
// original is the pointer to the EvaluateResult that this object is wrapping around
this->original = new EvaluateResult ([&func](std::vector<EvaluateResult> args) -> EvaluateResult {
List<EvaluateResultWrapper^>^ argsList; // Convert args from vector to List. Assuming it is done under the hood
EvaluateResultWrapper^ wrapper = func->Invoke (argsList); // Invoke the managed callback
return EvaluateResult (wrapper.GetOriginal ()); // Convert the managed result to the native counterpart
I know the above code will not work, but the idea I should be able to wrap the managed callback with codes that able to do conversion of both the callback arguments and return types, so that it is native friendly.
Ideally, I can also do the other way around (not important)
// NOTE: Pseudo code
ManagedFunction^ EvaluateResultWrapper::GetFunction (ManagedFunction^ func) {
// if the callback is set by the managed side, return the same callback back
if (this->func != nullptr) return this->func;
// Otherwise, the callback is a native one
NativeFunction nativeFunc = this->original->GetFunction ();
return gcnew ManagedFunction ([&nativeFunc] (List<EvaluateResultWrapper^>^ args) -> EvaluaResultWrapper {
std::vector argsList; // Convert the args from List back to vector. Assuming it is done under the hood
EvaluateResult result = nativeFunc (argsList); // Invoke the native function
return gcnew EvaluateResultWrapper (result); // Convert the native result into the managed one
I wonder whether this can be done?
A little bit of context: I am writing an external scripting system on native C++ for our games (similar to Lua scripting). The EvaluateResult is a class representing an evaluation result of any statement. It is basically a value coupled with the type. The type can be either number, boolean, string, array, object, or in this case: function callback.
The function callback can be either set within the native C++ (when the interpreter pass the user-defined function in the scripts) or a function set by the host (managed side).
The idea is the host (C# side) should be able to define and set functions into the memory (defining print() function to print into the host console for example). The callback is wrapped as an EvaluateResult class before storing into the the scripting memory.
For inspection purpose, C# side must be able to get the function callback. Therefor, the ability to get the function is nice to have (but not important, since I can always instruct the native side to execute the function for me)

What is this anti-pattern called (using parent scopes to pass state)?

I'm trying to describe to a colleague issues I have with how their code is structured, and I'm looking for the name of the anti-pattern he's implemented (bonus points for the software principals it violates). I'm using JS to demonstrate, but this isn't JS specific.
function x() {
var a, b, c;
var doWork = function(){
a = 1;
b = 2;
return c;
var addAB = function(){
c = a + b;
var result = doWork();
He's passing information into and out of functions/methods using the parent scope. It makes understanding the code very difficult.
I don't know that there is an official name for it but, the issue you are describing is creating functions with side effects.
You don't want to have any function that modifies anything outside of its own scope. Having a shared member (in this case a, b, & c) that can be modified by any other function can lead to unknown and/or inconsistent states and/or behaviors.
I believe that your concerns aren't applicable to JavaScript (and many other programming languages). Your code and your team mates are using closures:
Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables
(variables that are used locally, but defined in an enclosing scope).
In other words, these functions 'remember' the environment in which
they were created.
In JavaScript and many other languages which can create closures is very common to access parent scope's references and it provides more power to code rather than pain. Obviously, a wrongly used tool produces pain, but I should analyze your mates' code to be sure that it's not that you're just against closures.
In summary, closures aren't an anti-pattern. They're a language feature.
For example, your code could be an actual use case like DOM event handling:
var text = "";
document.getElementById("someButton").addEventListener(function() {
text = document.getElementById("someInput").value;
And some developers implement something like private functions defining them inside a constructor function:
function A() {
this.text = "";
var that = this;
function fillText() {
that.text = "hello world";
var a = new A();
console.log(a.text); // "hello world"

How jasmine spy example works

I am just starting learning Jasmine( version 2.0.3 ), when I got to Spies section, the first example confused me:
describe("A spy", function() {
var foo, bar = null;
beforeEach(function() {
foo = {
setBar: function(value) {
bar = value;
spyOn(foo, 'setBar');
foo.setBar(456, 'another param');
it("tracks that the spy was called", function() {
it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() {
expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(456, 'another param');
it("stops all execution on a function", function() {
I wonder if anyone could explain why the setBar function does not affect the bar defined inside describe block? How Jasmine spies deal with this?
Because you are not actually executing the methods.
If you want this test to fail:
it("stops all execution on a function", function() {
After these calls:
foo.setBar(456, 'another param');
Then you should call and.callThrough for your spy.
spyOn(foo, 'setBar').and.callThrough();
From the documentation
Spies: and.callThrough
By chaining the spy with and.callThrough, the spy will still track all
calls to it but in addition it will delegate to the actual
With regard to your question, 'how jasmine deals with this?'
From here you can read a basic explanation:
Mocks work by implementing the proxy pattern. When you create a mock
object, it creates a proxy object that takes the place of the real
object. We can then define what methods are called and their returned
values from within our test method. Mocks can then be utilized to
retrieve run-time statistics on the spied function such as:
How many times the spied function was called.
What was the value that the function returned to the caller.
How many parameters the function was called with.
If you want all of the implementation details, you can check the Jasmine source code which is Open Source :)
In this source file CallTracker you can see how the gather data about the method calls.
A little more about the proxy pattern.

Dojo 1.7 how to use dojo components outside of require()

I have created Dojo widget like below using AMD loader in Dojo 1.7.2
var myCpane;
], function(ContentPane) {
myCpane = new ContentPane();
myCpane.startup(); // It gives 'myCpane' as undefined
In the above example, in the last statment, the variable 'myCpane' is coming as 'undefined', if I use the 'myCpane.startup()' inside the 'require()' callback function then, it will work fine.
But I want to use that 'myCpane' variable on outside of the 'require' function (for many reasons). I know the 'require()' callback function execution delayed due to the component loading process by Dojo.
My question is,
How to block the 'require()' function until it completes to execute it's callback function.
So the variable 'myCpane' will not be 'undefined' when the control come out from the 'require()' function
To overcome this issue, I have written a small function to load the modules and wait until the module load complete
LoadModule: function(modulePath) { // modulePath = "dijit/layout/ContentPane"
var moduleObject = undefined;
require({async: false}, [modulePath], function(getModuleObject) {
moduleObject = getModuleObject;
// Wait until the module loads completes
while(moduleObject === undefined);
// Return the loaded module.
return moduleObject;
The output of the function is always executing the while loop, the control never comes inside of 'require()'s callback function to set the value to the variable "moduleObject".
When the 'require()' function will call it's callback function? I have verified using the browser debugger window the file 'ContentPane.js' is loaded properly, but the callback function is not called, If I comment the while loop then, the callback is called properly.
When the control will come inside of the callback function in my case ?
I'm not sure what are you about to achieve, but it looks for me like a programming anti-pattern. Anyway you can achieve this via dojo/_base/Deferred:
require(["dojo/_base/Deferred"], function(Deferred) {
var deferred = new Deferred();
require(["dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(ContentPane) {
var myCpane = new ContentPane();
deferred.resolve(myCpane); //resolve, i.e. call `then` callback
deferred.then(function(myCpane) {
Mess with it at jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/phusick/HYQEd/
I would also suggest you consider one of these two strategies to achieve the same:
Give the ContentPane an id and obtain its reference via dijit's registry.byId().
Create ContentPane instance in a separate module and expose it as a return value of that module:
// file: myCpane.js
define(["dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(ContentPane) {
var myCpane = new ContentPane();
return myCpane;
// file: main.js
require(["./myCpane"], function(myCpane) {
I think this goes more to scope issue then amd loader question; consider
var x;
function foo() {
x = { bar : 1 };
// you wouldn't expect to have reference to x variable here
if(typeof x.bar == "undefined") console.log(x);
// foo() is called at a random time - or in dojo loader case, when modules are present
console.log(x.bar); // oohh now its there ^^
x in this case translates to your myCpane, which is declared as variable (var $$) inside a function, the function that is callback for when loader is done requireing modules.
The Deferred is a nice handler for this as stated below. A slight overhead though, if youre allready in a detached (async) function flow. For full control, look into require() you could do this as well:
var myCpane;
require({ async: false }, [
], function(ContentPane) {
myCpane = new ContentPane();
// require does not return until module loading is done and callback executed

How to register component interface in wxwebconnect?

I'm doing an experiment with wxWebConnect test application, incorporating the xpcom tutorial at "http://nerdlife.net/building-a-c-xpcom-component-in-windows/"
I adapt MyComponent class as necessary to compile together with testapp.exe (not as separate dll), and on MyApp::OnInit I have the following lines:
ns_smartptr<nsIComponentRegistrar> comp_reg;
res = NS_GetComponentRegistrar(&comp_reg.p);
if (NS_FAILED(res))
return false;
ns_smartptr<nsIFactory> prompt_factory;
nsCID prompt_cid = MYCOMPONENT_CID;
res = comp_reg->RegisterFactory(prompt_cid,
Those lines are copied from GeckoEngine::Init(), using the same mechanism to register PromptService, etc. The code compiles well and testapp.exe is running as expected.
I put javascript test as below :
try {
const cid = "#mozilla.org/mycomp;1";
obj = Components.classes[cid].createInstance();
alert(typeof obj);
// bind the instance we just created to our interface
obj = obj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMyComponent);
} catch (err) {
and get the following exception:
Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0 [nsISupport.QueryInterface]
The first alert says "object", so the line
is returning the created instance.
The second alert says "undefined", so the interface nsIMyComponent is not recognized by XULRunner.
How to dynamically registering nsIMyComponent interface in wxWebConnect environment ?
I'm not sure what is happening here. The first thing I would check is that your component is scriptable (I assume it is, since the demo you copy from is). The next thing I would check is whether you can instantiate other, standard XULRunner components and get their interface (try something like "alert('Components.interfaces.nsIFile');" - at least in my version of wxWebConnect this shows an alert box with string "nsIFile".
Also, I think it would be worth checking the Error Console to make sure there are no errors or warnings reported. A magic string to do that (in Javascript) is:
window.open('chrome://global/content/console.xul', '', 'chrome,dialog=no,toolbar,resizable');