How to copy a directory from local machine to remote machine - ssh

I am using ssh to connect to a remote machine.
Is there a way i can copy an entire directory from a local machine to the remote machine?
I found this link to do it the other way round i.e copying from remote machine to local machine.

Easiest way is scp
scp -r /path/to/local/storage
rsync is best for when you want to update versions where it has been previously copied.
If that doesn't work, rerun with -v and see what the error is.

It is very easy with rsync as well:
rsync /path/to/local/storage
I recommend the usage of rsync over scp, because it is highly likely that you will one day need a feature that rsync offers and then you benefit from your experience with the tool.

This is worked for me
rsync -avz -e 'ssh' /path/to/local/dir user#remotehost:/path/to/remote/dir

this is if you have to used another ssh port other than 22
rsync -avzh -e 'ssh -p sshPort' /my/local/dir/ remoteUser#host:/path/to/remote/dir
this works if your remote server uses default 22 port
rsync -avzh /my/local/dir/ remoteUser#host:/path/to/remote/dir
This worked for me.
Follow this link for detailed understanding.

we can do this by using scp command for example:
scp -r /path/to/local/machine/directory user#remotehost(server IP Address):/path/to/sever/directory
In case of differnt port
By default, the SCP protocol operates on port 22 but this can be overridden by supplying the -P flag, followed by the port number for example:
scp -P 8563 -r /path/to/local/machine/directory user#remotehost(server IP Address):/path/to/sever/directory
NOTE: we use -r flag to copy directory's files/folders recursively instead of a single file.


Is possible to copy files over ssh during an active connection

Very often I need to copy a file from a ssh connection. Lets say a mysql dump. what I do is
local $ ssh my_server
server$ mysqldump database >> ~/export.sql
server$ exit
local $ scp myserver:~/export.sql .
I know ssh has a lot of features like ssh-agent, port-forwarding, etc, and I was wondering if there is anyway to execute scp FROM the server to copy to my local computer (without creating another ssh connection).
First of all, this question is off-topic here, so it will be migrated or put on hold early.
Anyway, I described the solution for similar problem here, but it should help you:
Summed up, yes it is possible using remote port forwarding:
[local] $ ssh -R 2222:xyz-VirtuaBox:22 remote
[remote]$ scp -P 2222 /home/user/test xyz#localhost:/home/user

Cannot ssh into remote machine after rsync

I followed this page on Protecting the Docker daemon Socket with HTTPS to generate ca.pem, server-key.pem, server-cert.pem, key.pem and key-cert.pem
I wanted a remote Docker daemon to use those keys so i used rsync via ssh to send three of the files(ca.pem, server-key.pem and key.pem) to the remote host's home directory. The identity file for ssh into the remote host is called dl-datatest-internal.pem
ubuntu#ip-10-3-1-174:~$ rsync -avz -progress -e "ssh -i dl-datatest-internal.pem" dockerCer/ core#
sending incremental file list
sent 3,410 bytes received 79 bytes 6,978.00 bytes/sec
total size is 4,242 speedup is 1.22
The remote host stopped recognising the identity file ever since and started asking for a non-existent password.
ubuntu#ip-10-3-1-174:~$ ssh -i dl-datatest-internal.pem core#
core#'s password:
Does anyone know why and how to fix it? I still have all the keys if that helps.
There are a couple things about the rsync command that bother me, but, I can't put my finger on the problem (if there is one).
the rsync command and subsequent ssh command reference different hosts: rsync(core#
) and ssh to the host(core# Those are different machines, no?
the ~ in the target of the rsync command. core# I am pretty sure that the ~/ references the core home directory, but, you could just get rid of the ~/ and replace that with a . (dot).
If you can reproduce the environment you did the copy in, you can add a --dry-run to the rsync command to see what it is going to do. Looking at this command I can't see it erasing the target's .ssh directory.

rsync remote files over SSH to my local machine, using sudo privileges on local side, and my personal SSH key

I want to sync a directory /var/sites/ from a remote machine to a directory at the same path on my local machine.
The remote machine only authenticates SSH connections with keys, not passwords.
On my local machine I have an alias set up in ~/.ssh/config so that I can easily run ssh myserver to get in.
I'm trying rsync -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/ but it fails because my local user does not have permission to edit the local directory /var/sites/
If I try sudo rsync -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/ (just adding sudo), I can fix the local permission issue, but then I encounter a different issue -- my local root user does not see the proper ssh key or ssh alias.
Is there a way I can accomplish this file sync by modifying this rsync command? I'd like to avoid changing anything else (e.g. no changes to file perms or ssh setup)
Try this:
sudo rsync -e "sudo -u localuser ssh" -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/
This runs rsync as root, but the -e flag causes rsync to run ssh as your local user (using sudo -u localuser), so the ssh command has access to the necessary credentials. Rsync itself is still running as root, so it has the necessary filesystem permissions.
Just improving on top of larsks's response:
sudo rsync -e "sudo -u $USER ssh" ...
So in your case change rsync -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/ to sudo rsync -e "sudo -u $USER ssh" -a myserver:/var/sites/ /var/sites/
With regards to #larsks' answer, If you have your key loaded into the ssh agent, which is my use case, you can instead do:
sudo rsync -e "env SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$SSH_AUTH_SOCK ssh" /source/path /destination/path
Instead of the double sudo.
My use case, if anyone is interested in replicating, is that I'm SSHing to a non-root sudo-er account on remote A, and need to rsync root-owned files between remote A and remote B. Authentication to both remotes is done using keys I have on my real local machine and I use -A to forward the ssh-agent authentication socket to remote A.
Guss's answer works well if you want to use sudo rsync for local file permissions but want to utilise your user's SSH session. However, it falls short when you also want to use your SSH config file.
You can follow Wernight's approach by using sudo to switch the user for the SSH connection and supplying a path to the config file, but this won't work if you have to enter a passphrase. So, you can combine both approaches by making use of the --preserve-env flag:
sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK rsync -e "sudo --preserve-env=SSH_AUTH_SOCK -u $USER ssh" hostname:/source/path /destination/path
Note that it's necessary to cascade this flag through both sudo commands so it does look a bit messy!
As requested by Derek above:
when sudo asks for a password then you need to modify the sudoers config with sudo visudo and add a entry with NOPASSWD: in front of the rsync command.
For details you could consult man sudoers.
this will work in every mode, even via cron, at, systemd.service+timer, etc.
test it with: ssh <user>#<your-server> "sudo <your-rsync-command>"

shell script for copying from remote server to local computer using ssh tunneling - scp

I have managed to connect to a remote server through ssh tunneling. No how can I copy files from remote server to my local computer. Considering that I just want to do it from remote server to my local computer.
I dont know how to write this command
"scp file/I/want/to/copy localhost/home/folder"
thanks a lot
scp username#server:/home/username/file_name /home/local-username/file-name
check this:
scp -r (source)hostname:/(location of the file to be copied)/(file name) (Destination)hostname:/(location of the folder where the file should be copied to)
For example:
scp -r

How to make SSH go directly to specific directory?

when you do an "ssh second_machine" you are able to connect to second_machine on your home directory
But usually i am working in my_machine in directory with very long path, and i want to connect to second_machine and move to my working directory right away. So everytime i have to:
ssh second_machine
cd /very/long/path/to/directory/
Is there a way to make it automatic ?? ( ssh automatically go to the desired directory )
This should work for you
ssh -t second_machine "cd /very/long/path/to/directory/; bash"
Assumes you're wanting to run bash, substitute for a different shell if required.
To make it permanent, use RemoteCommand in your ~/.ssh/config file, e.g.
Host myhost
HostName IP
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
RemoteCommand cd /path/to/directory; $SHELL -il
SSH Config File Alias To Get To a Directory On Server
How can I automatically change directory on ssh login?
Run a remote command using ssh config file
You could do something like the one I'm using. Make an alias as the one below.
alias ssh 'ssh -t \!* "cd $PWD; csh"'
(here, csh could also be replaced by bash)
This brings you directly to the 'current' path on the other machine.
The usage would be like [$] ssh some machine
However, I find that it works slow. So, I'm looking for an alternative.