SQL incremental id for every user_id - sql

I have data:
user_id user_login_date
1 2013.07.05
1 2013.07.15
1 2013.07.16
1 2013.07.17
2 2013.07.05
2 2013.07.05
2 2013.07.15
And I want to make virtual table that would look like this:
user_id user_login_date date_id
1 2013.07.05 1
1 2013.07.15 2
1 2013.07.16 3
1 2013.07.17 4
2 2013.07.05 1
2 2013.07.05 2
2 2013.07.15 3
How do I do that?
I tried:
WITH user_count
AS (
SELECT user_id, user_login_date
FROM users
SELECT user_count.user_id, user_count.user_login_date, COUNT(user_count.user_id)
FROM users, user_count
WHERE users.user_login_date >= user_count.user_login_date
AND users.user_id = user_count.user_id
GROUP BY user_count.user_id, user_count.user_login_date
ORDER BY user_count.user_id, user_count.user_login_date;
But the result isn't that that I want.

user_id, user_login_date,
row_number() over(
partition by user_id
order by user_login_date
) as date_id
from users
order by user_id, date_id

select row_number() over (partition by user_id order by user_login_date) as date_id
, yt.*
from YourTable yt


SQL query to find user by it's specific latest action

I have following db scheme below where all user actions are collected:
user_id action_id timestamp
1 1 2022/05/07 17:23
1 2 2022/05/07 17:24
1 1 2022/05/07 17:25
2 1 2022/05/07 17:23
2 2 2022/05/07 17:24
3 2 2022/05/07 17:23
3 1 2022/05/07 17:24
id name
1 blocked
2 unblocked
The goal is to find all recently blocked users. So the expected result is to find 1 and 3 user ids since those users were recently blocked.
I've tried to play with following SQL below, but still do not have good understending how to finalize this:
select user_id, action_id, max(timestamp) as timestamp
from user_action
where action_id in (1,2)
group by user_id, action_id
Currently query is able to return only following:
user_id action_id timestamp
1 2 2022/05/07 17:24
1 1 2022/05/07 17:25
2 1 2022/05/07 17:23
2 2 2022/05/07 17:24
3 2 2022/05/07 17:23
3 1 2022/05/07 17:24
For the result above I need to all users where action_id = 1 and timestamp is bigger than in action_id = 2
One solution is to use ROW_NUMBER inside an embedded query and then filter the result for the last timestamp and the desired action_id.
SELECT ua.user_id, ua.action_id, ua.timestamp
FROM user_action) ua
WHERE ua.rn = 1 AND ua.action_id = 1
You can use CROSS APPLY to retrieve the last action_id by timestamp and then apply a filter.
SELECT DISTINCT ua.user_id, ca.action_id, ca.timestamp
FROM user_action ua
FROM user_action
WHERE user_id = ua.user_id
ORDER BY timestamp DESC) ca
WHERE ca.action_id = 1
An easier solution for most dbms might be:
with cte as (
select *,
row_number() over(partition by user_id order by timestamp_dt desc) as row_num
from user_action
select user_id,
from cte
where row_num=1
and action_id=1 ;
user_id action_id timestamp_dt
1 1 2022-05-07 17:25:00
3 1 2022-05-07 17:24:00
Note that you don't need action table because you have action_id=1.
If you should include action table than use:
with cte as (
select *,
row_number() over(partition by user_id order by timestamp_dt desc) as row_num
from user_action
select user_id,
from cte
inner join action a on a.id=cte.action_id
where row_num=1
and a.name='blocked' ;
You can use an inner join with a subquery to retrieve what you are looking for
SELECT u.user_id,u.action_id,u.timestamp
FROM user_action u
SELECT ua.user_id, MAX(ua.timestamp) as ts FROM user_action ua
GROUP BY ua.user_id
)as t ON u.user_id = t.user_id AND u.timestamp = t.ts
WHERE action_id = 1;
This should work for the common dbms and return this according to your data
user_id action_id timestamp
1 1 2022-05-07 17:25:00
3 1 2022-05-07 17:24:00
You can check the fiddle right here
Note: You can avoid having the action table as they mentioned

List the most up-to-date product of each category,postqresql queries

user_id product_id category_id date_added date_update
1 2 1 2.3.2021 null
1 3 1 2.3.2020 2.4.2023
1 4 2 2.3.2020 null
1 5 2 2.3.2020 2.4.2023
2 5 2 2.3.2020 2.4.2023
2 4 1 2.3.2020 null
List the most up-to-date product of each category
You can use row_number()
select * from
select *,row_number() over(parition by userid,category_id order by date_update) as rn
from tablename
)A where rn=1
OR you can also use distinct on
select distinct on (user_id,category_id) *
FROM tablename
ORDER BY user_id,category_id, date_update
List the most up-to-date product of each category
You can use distinct on. Let me assume that if the update date is null, then you want the creation date:
select distinct on (category_id) t.*
from t
order by category_id, coalesce(date_update, date_added) desc;
If you wanted this per user/category combination, the logic would be:
select distinct on (user_id, category_id) t.*
from t
order by user_id, category_id, coalesce(date_update, date_added) desc;
Using Window function
select u_id,c_id, p_id, coalesce (date_update, date_added) as date ,
rank () over (partition by u_id, c_id order by coalesce (date_update, date_added) desc) as r
from inventory
) t where r = 1

SQL : Return joint most frequent values from a column

I have the following table named customerOrders.
ID user order
1 1 2
2 1 3
3 1 1
4 2 1
5 1 5
6 2 4
7 3 1
8 6 2
9 2 2
10 2 3
I want to return to users with most orders. Currently, I have the following QUERY:
SELECT user, COUNT(user) AS UsersWithMostOrders
FROM customerOrders
ORDER BY UsersWithMostOrders DESC;
This returns me all the values grouped by total orders like.
user UsersWithMostOrders
1 4
2 4
3 1
6 1
I only want to return the users with most orders. In my case that would be user 1 and 2 since both of them have 4 orders. If I use TOP 1 or LIMIT, it will only return the first user. If I use TOP 2, it will only work in this scenario, it will return invalid data when top two users have different count of orders.
Required Result
user UsersWithMostOrders
1 4
2 4
You can use TOP 1 WITH TIES:
[user], COUNT(*) AS UsersWithMostOrders
FROM customerOrders
GROUP BY [user]
ORDER BY UsersWithMostOrders DESC;
See the demo.
> user | UsersWithMostOrders
> ---: | ------------------:
> 1 | 4
> 2 | 4
Option 1
Should work with most versions of SQL.
select *
from (
select *,
rank() over(order by numOrders desc) as rrank
from (
select `user`, count(*) as numOrders
from customerOrders
group by `user`
) summed
) ranked
where rrank = 1
Play around with the code here
Option 2
If your version of SQL allows window functions (with), here is a much more readable solution which does the same thing
with summed as (
select `user`, count(*) as numOrders
from customerOrders
group by `user`
ranked as (
select *,
rank() over(order by numOrders desc) as rrank
from summed
select *
from ranked
where rrank = 1
Play around with the code here
You can use a CTE to attain this Req:
SELECT [user], COUNT(user) AS UsersWithMostOrders
GROUP BY [user])
MAX(UsersWithMostOrders) AS MaximumOrders FROM CTE) S ON
Below Oracle Query can help:
WITH test_table AS
SELECT user, COUNT(order) AS total_order , DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY
total_order desc) AS rank_orders FROM customerOrders
select * from test_table where rank_orders = 1

How to select top 2 values for each id

I have a table with values
id sales date
1 5 "2015-01-04"
1 3 "2015-01-03"
1 1 "2015-01-01"
1 1 "2015-01-01"
2 7 "2015-01-05"
2 6 "2015-01-04"
2 4 "2015-01-03"
3 11 "2015-01-08"
3 10 "2015-01-07"
3 9 "2015-01-06"
3 8 "2015-01-05"
I want to select top two values of each id as shown in desired output.
Desired output:
id sales date
1 5 "2015-01-04"
1 3 "2015-01-03"
2 7 "2015-01-05"
2 6 "2015-01-04"
3 11 "2015-01-08"
3 10 "2015-01-07"
My attempt:
can someone help me with this. Thank you in advance!
select transactions.salesperson_id, transactions.id, transactions.date
from transactions
ORDER BY transactions.salesperson_id ASC, transactions.date DESC;
This can be done using window functions:
select id, sales, "date"
from (
select id, sales, "date",
dense_rank() over (partition by id order by "date" desc) as rnk
from transactions
) t
where rnk <= 2;
If there are multiple rows on the same date this might return more than two rows for the same ID. If you don't want that, use row_number() instead of dense_rank()
row_number() will get what you want.
select * from
(select row_number() over (partition by id order by date) as rn, sales, date from transactions) t1
where t1.rn <= 2

SQL: How do I display all records per unique id, but not the first record ever recorded in SQL

id Pricemoney time/date
1 100 01/20/2017
1 10 01/21/2017
1 1000 01/21/20147
2 10 01/23/2017
2 100 01/24/2017
3 1000 01/19/2017
3 100 01/22/2017
3 10 01/24/2017
I want to run a SQL query where I can display all the Id and it's pricemoney BUT NOT include the first record (based on time/date) per unique
Just to clarify what I do not want to be displayed
userid Pricemoney issuedate
1 100 01/20/2017 -- not included
1 10 01/21/2017
1 1000 01/21/20147
2 10 01/23/2017 --- not inlcuded
2 100 01/24/2017
3 1000 01/19/2017 -- not included
3 100 01/22/2017
3 10 01/24/2017
Expected result:
id Pricemoney time/date
1 10 01/21/2017
1 1000 01/21/20147
2 100 01/24/2017
3 100 01/22/2017
3 10 01/24/2017
You can use row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by time_date asc) as seqnum
from <tablename> t
) t
where seqnum > 1;
If you want to keep single rows, you can do:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by id order by time_date asc) as seqnum,
count(*) over (partition by id) as cnt
from <tablename> t
) t
where seqnum > 1 and cnt > 1;
You may use EXISTS
select t1.*
from data t1
where exists (
select 1
from data t2
where t1.id = t2.id and t2.time_date < t1.time_date
you can try this :
select data1.id,data1.Date,data1.Pricemoney from data1
left join (
select id ,min(Date) date from data1
group by id
) as t
on data1.date= t.date and t.id = data1.id
where t.id is null
group by data1.id,data1.Date,data1.Pricemoney
above query not duplicated records also ignore, if want
not duplicated records then use having count(id) > 1 in left query e,g.
select data1.id,data1.Date,data1.Pricemoney from data1
left join (
select id ,min(Date) date from data1
group by id
having COUNT(id) > 1
) as t
on data1.date= t.date and t.id = data1.id
where t.id is null
group by data1.id,data1.Date,data1.Pricemoney