How do I read and print a generic internal table? - abap

I'm pretty new to this. I'm currently studying abap for my job and I have a problem that I can't seem to work out. How would I go about creating a Function Module that takes any kind of internal table and write it to the screen? I'm looking for a very generic solution that can work with any kind of internal table as input.

This is the exact reason SAP has developed ALV (ABAP List Viewer).
One of the shortest way to display any (non-nested) table is the following.
DATA: go_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
r_salv_table = go_alv
t_table = itab.
go_alv->display( ).

This would be the simplest way for a table whose line type is only flat data objects, taken from page 33 of This SAP Development Guide.
<comp> TYPE ANY.
LOOP AT itab INTO <row>.
ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <row> TO <wa_comp>.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
WRITE <wa_comp>.
A more robust way would be to use introspection containing Run-Time Type Services, a set of classes that let you introspect the details of a data object. This would give you the details mentioned by vwegert. An even better option would be to put it in an ALV grid.

It is possible, but you have to think about a lot of stuff:
column widths, dynamically sizing columns
currency fields / fields with units
date formatting in a multi-lingual environment
tables may contain arbitrary data, including nested tables
All things considered, this is not a trivial task. This is best left to the existing components.


Standard deep nested data type?

I took the nice example and create a HTML form from the description which matches the input data types for the particular RFC function.
In SAP data types can contain data types which can contain data types, and I want to test my HTML form generator with a very nested data type.
Of course I could create my own custom data type, but it would be more re-usable if I would use an existing (rfc-capable) data type.
Which data type in SAP contains a lot of nested data types? And maybe a lot of different data types?
I cannot tell which structure is the best for your case but you could filter the view DD03VV (now that is a meaningful name) using the transaction se16h. If you GROUP BY the column TABNAME and filter on WHERE TABCLASS = 'INTTAB' the number of entries is an indicator for the size of the structure.
You could also aggregate and in a next step filter on the maximum DEPTH value (like a SQL HAVING, which afaik does not exist in SAP R/3). On my system the maximum depth is 12.
Edit: If you cannot access se16h, here's a workaround: Call se37 and execute SE16N_START with I_HANA = 'X'. If you cannot access se37 use sa38 and call RSFUNCTIONBUILDER (the report behind se37).
PS: The requests on DD03VV are awfully slow, probably due to missing optimzation for complex requests on ABAP dictionary views.
If I had to give only one DDIC structure, I would give this one:
It contains many elements of miscellaneous types, including nested ones, and it exists in any ABAP-based system (it belongs to the "BASIS" layer).
As it contains some data and object references in sub-levels which are invalid in RFC, you'll have to copy it and remove those reference fields.
There are also these structures (column "TABNAME") with fields of some interest:
-------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------
SFW_BF FROM_RELEASE elementary built-in type
SAUNIT_S_ALERT WHEN data element
SKWF_IOFLD .INCLU-FLD include structure SKWF_IO
APPEND_BAPI0002_2_2 .APPEND_DU append structure recursive (append of BAPI0002_2) (unique component of APPEND_BAPI0002_2_2)
SOADDRESS Structure with nested structures on 2 levels
Some structures may not be valid in some ABAP releases. They used to exist in ABAP basis 7.02 and 7.52.
Try the function module RFC_METADATA_TEST...
It has some deeply nested parameters.
In Se80 under Enterpise service browser, you will find examples of Proxy structures that are complex DDIC structures. With many different types.
Example edo_tw_a0401request
Just browse around, you will find something you like.
I found STFC_STRUCTURE in the docs of test_datatypes of PyRFC.
Works find for testing, since it is already available in my SAP system. I don't need a dummy rfc for testing. Nice.

How to list all tables in ABAP programmatically?

All tables may be listed with t-code SE16 and table DD02L. But how can that list be accessed programmatically?
It is rarely a good idea to access the database tables directly since you will have to deal with all kinds of technicalities you probably don't even know about - active / inactive versions, for example. You will also bypass all security and authorization checks, which might be irrelevant to you personally, but is undesirable in general. To get a list of tables, you can use the function module RPY_TABLE_SELECT. This function module will take care of the version handling and provide the description in the language of your choice as well.
Improved Alex code in some way and put it as an option:
SELECT tabname
Several things were refined: incline declarations were utilized, field-symbols added, SELECT * and WHERE IN were omitted and so on. Also tables in SAP have only TRANSP class, INTTAB class belongs to structures.
Note: the sample is functional since ABAP 7.40, SP08.
An ongoing search resulted in the following snippet:
Table description is given in table DD02T.

Get value from a table and save it inside of a structure

I am new in ABAP and I have to modify these lines of code:
LOOP AT t_abc ASSIGNING <fs_abc> WHERE lgart = xyz.
g_abc-lkj = g_abc-lkj + <fs_abc>-abc.
A coworker told me that I have to use a structure and not a field symbol.
How will be the syntax and why to use a structure in this case?
I have no idea why the co-worker wants that you use a structure in this case, because using a field symbol while looping is usually more performant. The reason could be that you are doing some kind of a novice training and he wants you to learn different syntax variants.
Using a structure while looping would like this
LOOP AT t_abc INTO DATA(ls_abc)
WHERE lgart = xyz.
g_abc-lkj = g_abc-lkj + ls_abc-abc.
Your code is correct, because Field symbol functions almost the same as a structure.
For Field symbol
Field symbol is a pointer,
so there is no data copy action for field symbol, and the performance is better
Well if we changed the value via field symbol, the internal table get changed also
For Structure
Structure is a copy of the data, so there is a data copy action, and the performance is bad if the data row is bigger than 200 bytes (based on the SAP ABAP programming guide for performance)
If changed the data in the structure, the original internal table remains the same because there are 2 copies of the data in memory

SELECT FROM (lv_tablename) error: the output table is too small

I have an ABAP class method, say, select_something. select_something has an exporting parameter, say, et_result. et_result is of type standard table because the type of et_result cannot be determined until runtime.
The method sometimes gives a short dump saying With ABAP/4 Open SQL array select, the output table is too small at "select * into table et_result from (lv_tablename) where..."
Error analysis: this particular case, the database table is 3806 bytes wide, but the internal table is only 70 bytes wide.
I tried "any table" too and the error is the same.
You could return a data reference. Your query will no longer fail, and you can assign the data to a correctly typed field symbol afterwards.
" Definition
class-methods select_all
!tabname type string
value(results) type ref to data.
" Implementation
method select_all.
data dref type ref to data.
create data dref type standard table of (tabname).
field-symbols <tab> type any table.
assign dref->* to <tab>.
select * from (tabname) into table <tab>.
get reference of <tab> into results.
Also, I agree with #vwegert that dynamic queries (and programming for that matter) should be avoided when possible.
What you're trying to do looks horribly wrong on many levels. NEVER use SELECT FROM (whatever) unless someone points a gun at your head AND the door is locked tight. You'll loose every kind of static error checking the system might be able to provide you with. For example, the compiler will no longer be able to tell you "Hey, that table you're reading from is 3806 bytes wide." It simply can't tell, even if you use constants. You'll find that out the hard way, producing short dumps, especially when switching between unicode and NUC systems, quite likely some in production systems. No fun.
(Actually there are a few - very very VERY few - good uses for dynamic table names in the SELECT statement. I need them about once every two to three years, and I code quite a lot weird stuff. Just avoid them wherever you can, even at the cost of writing more code. It's just not worth the trouble fixing broken stuff later.)
Then, changing the generic formal parameter type does not do anything to the type of the actual parameter. If you pass a STANRDARD TABLE OF mandt WITH DEFAULT KEY to your method, that table will have lines of 3 characters. It will be a STANDARD TABLE, and as such, it will also be an ANY TABLE, and that's about it. You can twist the generic types anywhere you like, there's no way to enforce correctness using generic types the way you use them. It's up to the caller to make sure that all the right types are used. That's a bad way to fly.
First off, I agree with vwegert's response, try to avoid dynamic sql selections if you can
That said, check the short dump. If the error is an exception class, you can wrap the SELECT statement in a try/catch block and at least stop it from dumping.
You can also try "INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE et_result". If ET_RESULT is dynamic, you might have to cast it into the proper structure using RTTS. This might give you some ideas...
Couldn't agree more to vwegert, but if there is absolutely no other way (and there usually is) of performing your task than using dynamic select statements and dynamically typed parameters, do some checks on the type of the table and the parameter at runtime.
Use CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR and its subclasses to do so.
This way, you can handle errors at runtime without your program dumping,
But as vwegert said, this dynamic stuff is pure evil and will most certainly break at some point during runtime. Adding the necessary error handling will most likely be a lot more work and a lot harder than redesigning your code to none dynamic SQL and typed parameters

Move FMOIX/FMCOX structures into Internal Table

I am a newbie to ABAP (3 days experience) and I am currently on a task to write reports using ABAP code. It is like moving some data from a specific SAP database to a Business Intelligence staging area.
So the core difficulty is that some data on the SAP server is in the format of dictionary structures (FMOIX, FMCOX, etc.) and I need to move these data into internal tables during program runtime. I was told that OPENSQL would not work in this case.
If you still do not get what I mean, I can suggest several ways, actually given by my supervisor. First is to use GET event, say
IF FMOIX-zhdlt > From_dat and FMOIX-zhdlt < to_dat.
Append FMOIX to itab.
The thing is that I am still not very clear about this GET event. Is it just a event handler thing, or can it loop through data records?
What I googled for more than two days give me something like
MOVE FMOIX to itab.
So what are the ways to move transactional structure like FMOIX into internal tables, say the internal table name is ITAB?
Your answer would be greatly appreciated. Though I have time, I am totally new.
Thanks a lot.
If your supervisor is suggesting that you use the GET event, it means that your program is (or should be) using a logical database - in this case probably FMF or FMF_BCS.
Doing GET FMOIX reads a set of fields defined in the logical database (as a node). Underneath your GET statement, you can use FMOIX as a structure, e.g. WRITE FMOIX-field1. The program will (implicitly, it's not explicity defined in the code like a LOOP...ENDLOOP is) loop through all the rows returned according to your selection criteria. You should be able to use MOVE-CORRESPONDING to move the contents of each row into a proper structure, and then APPEND that structure to your itab.
Quick link on GET in ABAPDocu
Note: this answer is a bit of a guess, since I've only used a logical database once, and the documentation is a little thin on the ground compared to the volumes out there about standard SELECTs and internal tables.
You can create your internal table in type of that structure such as:
data: itab like table of fmoix with header line.
And you can use this internal table to fill up wherever you are using your select codes.
Such as:
select * from ____
into corresponding fields of itab
where zhdlt gt from_dat
and zhdlt lt to_dat.
I'm not sure this is what you are looking for but I can tell you creating itab in type of that structure can be filled up with all corresponding datas that coming from your select. You cant loop FMOIX because its not a table, its a structure. So is there any specific reason to hold your datas in structures?
Hope it was helpful.