Windows 8 Image Slider - windows-8

Is the image slider that the Windows 8 Camera app uses available as a control within the framework? It has nice transitions between images and provides previous and next buttons.

There is callisto refernce in nuget there you can find flipview like windows 8 app store

There is a FlipView control if you are referring to that.

You have some similar controls already built-in, such as FlipView if you want the previous and next buttons.
But if you want all the features in the image gallery application (with zooming capabilities), you will have to create your own component. I did, and it was quite painful, but sadly I did not have the time to package it properly to share with the community. Maybe someone else did it.


Picker with two selection columns with numbers in Xamarin.Forms

I need to make a picker like this in the picture below:
What you see is a TimePicker and I took it just to give you an example. I would like to have one with about 200 numbers on the left and 100 on the right (for example). How can I do it in a Xamarin.Forms PCL project?
The first problem you'll face is that the picker control you see here is a native iOS control. The Xamarin.Forms TimePicker is basically not a physical control in itself but it translates to a native control on each platform. That's why it will look different on Android and UWP devices because they provide their own picker controls, as seen in the picture below.
Now, if you're ok with the controls looking different, you could use custom renderers to modify each native control or even replace them to provide the functionality you need. I thought I'd outline the basic steps for you to get you started:
Create a new Xamarin.Forms control called CustomPicker or something.
Create custom renderers for each platform.
On iOS, you can use the UIPickerView and specify numberOfComponents, numberOfRows and the data source.
On Android, you might want to use a 3rd party control since by default, there are no scrolling picker controls like the one on iOS. WheelPicker looks promising.
On UWP, you might be able to work something out using the PickerFlyoutBase. I have limited knowledge on the platform but you should be able to find something quite easily.
As you can see, it's going to be quite an effort to get the scroll picker working on each platform.
Edit: You could also look into native embedding, which lets you embed native controls into Xamarin.Forms app's pages.
Native Embedding
Embedding native controls into Xamarin.Forms
We've developed a two-column picker for Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS).
We added this control to MaterialDesignControls NuGet (, where you can find other interesting controls with the material design look and feel.
Contributions are welcome!

Flipview without rubber band effect at edge in Windows Phone 8.1

I am developing an app, which has 3 screens in first page as flipview items. Two screens has gridview & last screen contains camera. I want to develop nearly same UI as 6snap from Rudy Huyn.
In that it has camera in middle & two gridview (data view) at the ends. It doesn't have elastic band effect while swiping from one screen to another & it seems he has used flipview. I have chose flipview because it has selection change event & I can dispose camera resources efficiently. If my UI control choice is wrong let me know. I have tried to play manipulation events of flipviewitem but it doesn't work as expected. Any one out there who can guide me to develop the same flipview as 6snap.
Please check out my answer here:
ScrollViewer: Disable Snap (elastic band effect)
Maybe you will need to implement a different logic when to disable, and when to enable ManipulationMode, but it is possible

Is there a jump list control in WinRT like Windows Phone?

I do want this control in sometime for my project. For ex, I want it to be displayed when my app in snap mode.
You can use semantic zoom for that purpose.
Guidelines for Semantic Zoom
XAML GridView grouping and SemanticZoom sample
I implemented jumplist using semantic zoom. Might blog about it if anyone's interested.

How do I position in mono for android?

Hello i am new to Mono for android. I am trying to make a Calculator, in a normal windows forms application.
I can Drag a button or textbox to any position I want but how does that work in Mono for android, I want the buttons next to each other not only downwards. If I place buttons under eachother that go out of the framework I dont want that either..
I am not English il hope you will understand.
please help.
Android "supports", but has deprecated and doesn't endorse, pixel-perfect layout. Unfortunately the Windows Forms-style of dragging and dropping controls onto a design surface at specific pixel locations requires pixel perfect layout, so you can see the mismatch here.
For a Calculator, what you would instead want to do use a Table Layout or some other "resizable" container, so that your Activity can support the variety of device sizes that Android covers.

Is it possible to display a modal window in SCSF application at the center of the screen

In SCSF application I would like to display a view as a modal window at the center of the screen. Is it possible to do that?
WindowSmartPartInfo doesn't have any option for setting screen postion.
Assuming you're talking about Winforms, not WPF since the WPF layer for CAB does expose this option. In winforms there is no option in the WindowSmartPartInfo to do this. However, you could extend it and extend WindowWorkspace to use your new SmartPartInfo (override the OnApplySmartPartInfo method).
Before you do this, you might want to check the contrib and community sites to see if anyone has already done it. I think I've seen one somewhere.