I think I'm missing something obvious here in Dojo 1.8 w.r.t. writing custom widgets.
I have a simple widget that includes, among other things, a currencyTextBox.
At runtime, I would like to be able to change the currency of that widget to USD or EUR or whatever else.
Normally, if this wasn't a widget, I could do that simply with
But nested widgets inside of custom widgets don't get registered in the registry. So, what's the trick to getting addressability to the widget and assigning widget attributes (not just DOM attributes) for a widget nested inside a custom widget?
Add data-dojo-attach-point="myCurrentTextBox" to the widget definition in the template. Then from within the widget you can access the textbox using this.myCurrentTextBox.
As far as I know, all widgets are added to the registry.
Maybe the id is wrong? I guess by 'registry' it mean you required 'dijit/registry' ?
Did you try with registry.byNode?
I have a dashboard built using dojo dijits. One of the dijit is dojo calendar widget.
In this dashboard I am embedding an iframe to it. I want to change the value of the calendar widget from within the iframe.
The issue is since it is not just about changing the text value in the input box of calendar dijit it is also about calling the on change event. So I am using the following
dijit.byId('dijit_form_DateTextBox_1').set('value', datFrom);
This way the value gets updated as well as the change event is fired.
Now since I want to do this from within the iframe I need to get reference to calendar dijit in parent HTML page.
If this is a simple Javascript I would have used following to get to that DOM Element and change the value.
const targetNode = $('#'+divId, window.parent.document)[0];
But since this is dojo so I am unable to get this as a dijit object. Is there a way to get dijit from Parent page
Since the dataTextBox is inside iframe, it's in different scope, and looks like you are not using dojo in AMD pattern.
What you could do is get the object from iFrame's contentWidow and call byID() like any other function, example
var _dijit = document.getElementById("iframeId").contentWindow.dijit;
var dateTextBox = _dijit.byId('dijit_form_DateTextBox_1');
dateTextBox.set('value', datFrom);
or better is, you just call a global reference your own function rather than taking reference of dijit.
I am currently developing a web application that is used to display elements for events on a map provided by HERE Maps. I am using Vue.
I have some components, but the relevant component is the component HereMaps.vue which initializes the map using the HERE Maps Api.
The HERE Maps Api provides the possibility to place so called InfoBubbles on the map showing additional information. These InfoBubbles can be provided some HTML-code in order to customize their appearance.
Please refer to the documentation for additional information
Following the documentation the code looks something like this:
let bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(marker.getPosition(), {
content: "<div class='someClass'>Some Content</div>"
This is happening after mount in the "mounted" method from Vue in the "HereMaps" component.
The Bubbles are added in a "closed" (hidden) form and dynamically "opened" to reveal their content when the corresponding marker icon on the map is clicked. Therefore the HTML-code is present on the DOM after the component is mounted and is not removed at a later stage.
Now instead of supplying custom code within each bubble added to the UI i want to just add a component like this:
let bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(marker.getPosition(), {
content: "<myDynamicComponent></myDynamicComponent>"
It does not matter to me wether the component is initialized using props or if it is conditionally rendered depending on the state of a global variable. I just want to be able to use the "myDynamicComponent" in order to customize the appearance in a different file. Otherwise the design process gets very messy.
As far as i know this is not possible or at least i was not able to get it work. This is probably due to the fact that the "myDynamicComponent" is not used within the "template" of the "HereMaps" component und thus Vue does not know that it needs to render something here after the directive is added to the DOM in the "mounted" method.
This is what the InfoBubble looks using normal HTML as an argument:
This is what the InfoBubble looks using the component as an argument:
It appears to just be empty. No content of the "myDynamicComponent" is shown.
Does anyone have any idea how i could solve this problem.
Thank You.
Answer is a bit complicated and I bet you wouldn't like it:)
content param can accept String or Node value. So you can make new Vue with rendered your component and pass root element as content param.
BTW, Vue does not work as you think, <myDynamicComponent></myDynamicComponent> bindings, etc exists in HTML only in compile time. After that all custom elements(components) are compiled to render functions. So you can't use your components in that way.
Give us fiddle with your problem, so we can provide working example:)
We have implemented checkbox in popover. There we are using checked.bind , but in the view model its not reflecting its value on change of the checkboxes.
Sample Gist Run Provided below:
Gist Run
Thanks in Advance
Programmatically injected HTML needs to be compiled manually
The integration with bootstrap I provided to you earlier cannot do this. The bootstrap plugin assigns the innerHTML property of the popover and it does this outside of aurelia's rendering pipeline. The HTML is therefore not compiled by aurelia, which is why bindings (and other aurelia behaviors) will not work.
The templating framework takes care of this for you automatically as long as you are following conventions (such as custom elements). In any other case you'll need to manually work with the ViewCompiler.
In case you're interested, you can see an example with programmatically generated HTML in this gist. Also see this question if you want to know more about it. I do not recommend it in this scenario however.
Use aurelia-dialog
A tooltip (or popover) is just that: a tip on how to use the tool. It should not need more than some plain markup, text and styling (of course this is subjective to some degree, and some people may disagree)
For collecting user input in-between pages or screens, I'd argue a modal dialog is a better fit because of its property to "pop out" more and to de-emphasize the rest of the screen until the user either proceeds or cancels.
More importantly, by using aurelia-dialog your bindings and behaviors will simply work because, well, it's an aurelia plugin :-)
I have an Aurelia application in which I'm trying to build a CMS component. This component will load data from the server and this data mainly contains slug, title and content fields.
I also have several global components defined in my application, and I want to be able to use those components in the server so when I pull that data my CMS component is able to transform/compile those custom elements.
An example would be a tab component. I have the tab component with this structure defined:
<tab title="First"></tab>
<tab title="Second"></tab>
The CMS component will contain a content property which I use to pass a string like this: '<tab-panel><tab title="First"></tab><tab title="Second"></tab></tab-panel>'
The component needs to compile that string and render it in its view. I've checked the enhance API, but it doesn't worked, at least for me. Any other suggestion to dynamically compile/render custom elements??
Thanks a lot in advance.
I've found the solution. I've used a compose element and InlineViewStrategy and it worked well, the components are shows and binding works as expected.
If your custom elements are registered globally using globalResources you can actually using the TemplatingEngine to dynamically insert content into the DOM and then compile it after-the-fact. This blog post goes into detail in how you can do it.
However, I would use this as a last resort. As is mostly always the case, there are much better ways to do something in Aurelia. Using the <compose> element is a great way to dynamically render content in your Aurelia applications and should always be the first port of call.
In asp.net the DataGrid supports templates. You can provide your own template and have the grid fill the data in your template.
With Dojo Grid, it seems like I can't make my own template outside of the the rigid simplistic cell style grid that Dojo provides.
Does anyone know a way to use a custom template with Dojo Grid? Specifically, with Dojo you're forced to use a cell that corresponds to a data item. I'm looking to use a table as a template with any styling that I choose (rows,columns,rowspans,colspans, more than one data items in a single cell, etc).
Any clues please?
Firstly, it sounds like everything you want is available by customizing the grid. You can do nesting of cells and even have things like Filtering Selects in rows. Unfortunately the docs on this are not awesome so it takes Googling and trial and error if you want very customized features.
Secondly, because of the OO nature of Dojo you can always use inheritance to create mixes of various widgets. Specifically the _templated class allows you to specify an HTML template for your widget, which themselves can included templated widgets.
If that sounds non-trivial, you're right, which is why I would suggest digging deeper into the Enhanced grid and probably open up the code before trying to write something yourself.
I can tell you that I struggled getting it working correctly, but I have hence been pleasantly surprised by features that I needed that I thought I would need to build myself but were built into the grid.