UVC Extension Unit transfert only one byte of data? - com

I am using UVC extension Unit between Windows7 / Windows xp and Custom device.
To access the custom device I am using the following COM interface :
s.Property.Set = Guid_KSPROPSETID;
s.Property.Id = PropID;
s.NodeId = dwExtensionNode;
hr = pIKsControl->KsProperty( (PKSPROPERTY) &s, sizeof(s), pbPropertyValue, ulSize, &ulBytesReturned);
It works fine, but at the Windows UVC side I can't transfert more than one byte instead of the complete buffer pbPropertyValue of ulSize size. Someone know why? And how to fix it?
One more question, I am trying to find how to access the UVC_GET_MIN, UVC_GET_MAX, UVC_GET_INFO, UVC_GET_DEF and UVC_GET_RES with Extension unit? With the standard property I am using pVideoProcAmp->GetRange Method. But I didn't find the equivalent for the extension unit.

Finally, the problem was coming from the UVC_GEN_LEN return value.
The length need to be = 0x02;
And the data back needed to be equal to the len of the ulSize..


W5100 macraw send format

Quick question:
I'm working on a network switch project using the W5100S. I've been having trouble with the format of the data to send in MACRAW mode for this purpose. Do I need to write the entire ethernet frame (dest, source, type, payload, FCS)? Or do I also need to include layer 1 elements like the preamble and SFD?

How to set the input audio device for Microsoft.Speech recognizer in VB.Net or C# to any audio device

I want to use the Microsoft.Speech namespace in VB.NET to create a telephony application. I need to be able to set the recognizer input to any audio device installed on the system. Microsoft has the recognizer.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice() method, but I need something like .SetInputToAudioDeviceID. How can I choose another wave audio input from the list of devices installed on my system? In SAPI, I would use MMSystem and SpVoice:
Set MMSysAudioIn1 = New SpMMAudioIn
MMSysAudioIn1.DeviceId = WindowsAudioDeviceID 'set audio input to audio device Id
MMSysAudioIn1.Format.Type = SAFT11kHz8BitMono 'set wave format, change to 8kHz, 16bit mono for other devices
Dim fmt As New SpeechAudioFormatInfo(1000, AudioBitsPerSample.Eight, AudioChannel.Mono)
Recognizer.SetInputToAudioStream(MMSysAudioIN1, fmt)
How do I do this with Microsoft.Speech?
MORE INFO: I want to take any wave input device in the Windows list of wave drivers and us that as input to speech recognition. Specifically, I may have a Dialogic card with wave input reported by TAPI as deviceID 1-4. In SAPI, I can use the SpMMAudioIn class to create a stream and set which device ID is associated with that stream. You can see some of that code above. Can I directly set Recognizer1.SetInputToAudioStream by the device ID of the device like I can in SAPI? Or do I have to create code that reads bytes and uses buffers, etc. Do I have to create a MemoryStream Object? I can't find any example code anywhere. What do I have to check in .NET to get access to ISpeechMMSysAudio/spMMAudioIn in case something like this would work? But hopefully, there is a way to use MemoryStream or something like it that takes a device ID and lets me pass that stream to the recognizer.
NOTE 2: I added "imports Speechlib" to the VB project and then tried to run the following code. It gives the error listed in the comments below about not being able to set the audio stream to a COM object.
Dim sre As New SpeechRecognitionEngine
Dim fmt As New SpeechAudioFormatInfo(8000, AudioBitsPerSample.Sixteen, AudioChannel.Mono)
Dim audiosource As ISpeechMMSysAudio
audiosource = New SpMMAudioIn
audiosource.DeviceId = WindowsAudioDeviceID 'set audio input to audio device Id
' audiosource.Format.Type = SpeechAudioFormatType.SAFT11kHz16BitMono
sre.SetInputToAudioStream(audiosource, fmt) <----- Invalid Cast with COM here
It also appears the SpeechAudioFormatType does not support 8kHz formats. This just gets more and more complicated.
You would use SpeechRecognitionEngine.SetInputToAudioStream. Note that if you're having problems with streaming input, you may need to wrap the stream, as illustrated here.

Get USB disk drive letter by device path or handle

My goal is to write a c-dll (compiled with MinGW) that is able to search for certain models of USB sticks connected to the computer and deliver the serial number, the vendor ID, the product ID and the drive letter.
I have searched on the internet for several hours know but could not find an approach that works for me.
I am using the Setup Api to get a list of all connected USB devices. For each USB device I get a path that looks like this:
From that string I can get the vendor ID, product ID and the serial number I am looking for.
My problem is now to determine the drive letter of the USB drive that is related to this device path.
During my internet research I found the following approach multiple times (for example here http://oroboro.com/usb-serial-number/):
Once the device path is found, the USB drive must be opened by CreateFile. The handle returned by that function can be used to get the device number by function DeviceIOControl with IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER.
After that, the CreateFile function could be used to open each drive letter (starting from a:) and try to get the device number the same way like described above. Once the same device number is found again, the relation between device path and drive letter is made.
My Problem is that the IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER call is not working. The DeviceIOControl function returns error code 50 which means "The request is not supported".
I am not able to create a link between the device path of a USB stick and the drive letter. I have tried several IOCTL_STORAGE and IOCTL_VOLUME calls but none worked for the USB sticks I tried.
I also read in another Forum that people had problems with the results of the DeviceIOControl function. It was returning the desired result on some PCs while it was making trouble on others.
Is there another way of achieving my goal?
I already had a look into the registry where I can also find the desired data. But again I had the problem to create the connection between device path and drive letter.
I would not like to use the WMI. I have read that it is still not really supported by MinGW.
I have a implementaion for all this with C# where it is really easy to get the desired information, but now I also need one that is created with unmanaged code and can be used to replace a c-dll also included in Delphi projects.
I would appreciate any suggestions for a solution to my problem.
Best regards,
And here the code if someone is interested. The position with this comment "//HERE IS WHERE I WOULD LIKE TO GET THE DEVICE NUMBER!!!" is where the request of the device number would be used if it would work.
typedef struct ty_TUSB_Device
char devicePath[300];
GetUSBDevices (TUSB_Device *devList[], int size)
HDEVINFO deviceInfo;
ULONG index;
ULONG requiredLength;
int devCount = 0;
// Now iterate over host controllers using the new GUID based interface
if (deviceInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
deviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
for (index=0;
//allocate memory for pointer to TUSB_Device structure
devList[devCount] = malloc(sizeof(TUSB_Device));
devList[devCount]->deviceDetailData = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, requiredLength);
devList[devCount]->deviceDetailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
//open the usb device
hHCDev = CreateFile(devList[devCount]->deviceDetailData->DevicePath,
// If the handle is valid, then we've successfully found a usb device
strncpy(devList[devCount]->devicePath, devList[devCount]->deviceDetailData->DevicePath, sizeof(devList[devCount]->devicePath));
return devCount;
I found out what my problem was. From what I read on the internet it seems there where other people having the same problems like me, so I will post my solution.
The whole point is that there are obviously different path values one can obtain for a USB device using the SetupApi. All path values can be used to get a handle to that device, but there are obviously differences about what can be done with the handle.
My failure was to use GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE to list the devices. I found out that when I use GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK, I get a different path value that lets me request the device number. That way I am able to get the link to the drive letter.
That path value obtained with GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK also contains the serial number but not the vendor and product IDs. But since both path values do contain the serial, it is no problem to get them both and build the relation.
I tested the code with Windows XP, 7 and 8 and it works fine. Only the FileCreate code of the code sample above must be adjusted (replace GENERIC_WRITE by 0). Otherwise Administrator rights or compatibility mode are required.
I did not try to find out what these different GUID values really stand for. Someone with a deeper knowledge in this area could probably provide a better explanation.
Best regards,

Detect if printer support duplex programmatically using obj-c

I have been stumped by this for the last few days. I need to detect if a printer support duplex printing.
I have had partial success using code like:
NSPrinter * printer = [NSPrinter printerWithName:pname];
[printInfo setPrinter:printer];
PMPrintSettings settings = printInfo.PMPrintSettings;
PMDuplexMode pmDuplexMode = 0;
OSStatus status = PMGetDuplex(settings, &pmDuplexMode);
supportsDuplex = (status >= 0);
But this only work if I captured a full printerConfig through an NSPrintPanel. What I need is a way to detect if a printer with a specific name support duplex without requiring the user to 1st open a panel. I would like to do if for any printer defined on the local Mac. Any help is appreciated!
In your code snippet, I doubt that it's correct to interpret positive status as indicating support. In general, any value other than zero (noErr) is a failure of some sort.
If you're confident that PMGetDuplex() returns an error for a print settings object when the printer doesn't support duplex, you can try this approach: create a session with PMCreateSession(), obtain a PMPrinter using PMPrinterCreateFromPrinterID() or by searching the array returned from PMSessionCreatePrinterList() for on which matches whatever criteria you want, set the session to use that printer using PMSessionSetCurrentPMPrinter(), create a print settings object with PMCreatePrintSettings(), call PMSessionDefaultPrintSettings() to initialize the print settings from the session, call PMSessionValidatePrintSettings() just for good measure, then call PMGetDuplex() and check the return value.
It might also be worth trying to set a duplex mode with PMSetDuplex() and check the return code and, possibly, calling PMSessionValidatePrintSettings() and checking if it changed that setting.

Mimic file IO in j2me midlet using RMS

I want to be able to record audio and save it to persistent storage in my j2me application. As I understand j2me does not expose the handset's file system, instead it wants the developer to use the RMS system. I understand the idea behind RMS but cannot seem to think of the best way to implement audio recording using it. I have a continuous stream of bits from the audio input which must be saved, 1) should I make a buffer and then periodically create a new record with the bytes in the buffer. 2) Should I put each sample in a new record? 3) should I save the entire recording file in a byte array and then only write it to the RMS on stop recording?
Is there a better way to achieve this other than RMS?
Consider this code below and edit it as necessary it should solve your problem by writing to the phone filesystem directly
FileConnection fc = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
fc = (FileConnection)Connector.open("file:///E:/");
if (!fc.exists())
fc = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file:///E:/test.wav");
if (!fc.exists())
dos = fc.openDataOutputStream();
dos.write( recordedSoundArray);