Bootstrap Scroll Spy Not working - highlights the last section only? - scrollspy

Scroll Spy, why aren't you working? My Body has not 100% height, I've set my data attributes correctly and just can understand why you are not working !
I believe I've followed bootstrap docs correctly?

It's #content you want to spy on:


How can I highlight menu while scrolling the page in blazor?

I wanna highlight the menu while scrolling the page. As we know, there are so many tutorials about this.
For example, here is one by JQUERY:
Now the problem is it seems the Blazor server-side has forbidden some method of JQUERY that it can not run perfectly.
In the tutorial above, the scroll method never works.
I searched for something about Blazor forbidden JQUERY, most of the solution is to invoke JQUERY by the Blazor code.
However, I don't know how to get the scrolling event by the Blazor code.
Would you please help me? Thank you.
You have two options
You can use onscroll for detected you scroll page change states. Event argument types
You can call js function by using JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("yourFunction");

Blazor component - inline styling

I've created a simple blazor app that has a slider on top. There is a javascript self executing function that adds some inline css to this slider so it makes its' height the same as window.height.
I'm adding this javascript file in _Host.cshtml, before closing the body tag.
My issue is that this inline styling isn't applied. I've debugged the javascript code and it gets the correct height, the element on which I want to add the styling is found, the element.css('height', myHeight) is being called with the correct value, but in the end there is no style attribute on that element. I've also tried, after the component has been rendered, to remove the script tag from the page and add it again, hoping that it will re-run and then change the height, but no success there as well.
I've created a .NET Core WebApp using that same slider and everything works as expected (I have the style attribute on my element). In this second app I add the script before closing the body tag, in _Layout.cshtml.
Seems preety much the same as the blazor app, but for some reason, on that one doesn't work.
Do you guys have any idea why?
I've found something interesting. In the beginning, the page is loaded correctly, but the component is being reloaded after the app connects to the we socket Information: WebSocket connected to wss://localhost:44361/_blazor?id=cepYgPnJYddq2bHSywwwYw.. This is when I lose the inline styles.
So how can I stop it from reloading? I guess this is the question.

Vuetify carousel looping

Vuetify carousel - I cannot find the way to turn off the looping. I do not show images in my vuetify carousel, I use for a few steps for the user -passive steps, more like a description step by step and I don't need the loop in the carousel..
Thanks for help
For those who are interested I ended up using vue-carousel
There is now a continuous (default=true) prop now.
You can turn it off by setting it like so: :continuous="false"
THe docs of Vuetify do not provide any info of such option.
Since you do not use it as carousel but as stepper, why don't you use stepper..?
Either I was blind yesterday or it just appeared - the docs mention now the cycle prop of carousel:
I think you should give it a try by setting this to false. ;)

Element UI and font-awesome

Can anyone explane if it is possible to use font-awesome or another big icon font with Element UI? I've seen FAQ but cannot make it work for me.
You can just include those libraries / or NPM them and they work, Element UI has a limited set of icons so I have include vue-awesome (font awesome) but I notice the position of the icons if out a bit so you need some CSS to adjust top margins (I needed -4px) and line them with say button text.

How to remove this border from tooltipdialog that shows up on mouse click?

Whenever I click inside a tooltipdialog, this border shows up around it.
Is there an easy way to remove this?
EDIT: After trying in different browsers, it seems to affect only Chrome, the outline doesn't appear in Firefox or IE.
I faces the similar issue when i started working on Dojo. To fix this basically you need to add the following css for dijit's dijitTooltipDialog class
.dijitTooltipDialog {
outline : none
See this for example.