Unexpected behavior in fragment shader algorithm - opengl-es-2.0

I'm having some trouble with my fragment shader on different devices.
On some devices the shader works fine but on other the algorithm produces curious results.
I've checked the algorithm in Java to ensure that the algorithm itself does not contain erros.
One part where the algorithm fails is the following.
When I write the calculation like this it works on all devices:
float a = sqrt(dot(MD,MD));
float factor = (dot(MD,b)/a)/a;
but if I use
float factor = dot(MD,b)/dot(MD,MD);
which, I believe is the same calculation and thus, should produces the same results, but the algorithm fails on some devices. The other parts where failures can occur are more complex but maybe if I can understand why this is failing I can also solve the other parts.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BTW, I'm using OpenGL ES 2.0 with precision mediump float and dot(MD,MD) is always greater than zero

float point works differently on different devices, there is no accuracy guarantees, so you should expect bad results when numbers are too big or too small.
as for your example when dot(MD,MD) is close to 0 sqrt moves it away from it thus stabilising further operation with this number. in the division this is especially critical.


MPFR - Loss precision after addition

First, sorry if this question looks "silly", because I'm new to MPFR, LOL.
I have two mpfr_t variables with precision of 1024, and they have the value of 0.2 and 0.06 stored in them.
But when I add these variables, things goes wrong and the result (which is also a mpfr_t variable) has the value of 0.2599999...
This is strange because the MPFR library should maintain the precision (isn't it?).
Could you please help me with this? Thanks so much, so much in advance.
MPFR numbers are represented in binary (base 2). In this system, the only numbers that can be represented exactly have the form N·2k, where N and k are integers. Neither 0.2 = 1/5 nor 0.06 = 3/50 have this form, so that they are approximated with some small error. When you add these variables, you are seeing a consequence of this error (there may be also another error in the addition operation since in binary these numbers have many nonzero digits, unlike in decimal).
This is the same issue as the one described in: Is floating point math broken?
To answer the question in comment "Is there a way to avoid this situation?", no, there is no way to avoid this situation in practice, except in very specific cases. For instance, if all your numbers (inputs and results of each intermediate operations) are decimal numbers, representable with a small enough number of digits, you can use a decimal arithmetic (but MPFR can't do that). Computer algebra systems may help in some cases. There's also iRRAM... I'll come back to it later.
However, there are solutions to attempt to hide issues with numerical errors. You need to estimate the maximum possible error on a computed value. With an error analysis, you can obtain rigorous bounds, but this may be difficult or take time to do. Note that rigorous bounds are pessimistic in general, but if you use arbitrary precision (e.g. with MPFR), this is less an issue. The analysis can be done dynamically with interval arithmetic (still pessimistic, even worse). But perhaps a simple estimate is sufficient for you. Once you have an estimate of the maximum error:
For the output, choose the number of displayed digits so that the error is less than the weight of the last displayed digit.
For discontinuous functions (e.g. equality test, floor, ceil): if the distance between the computed value and a discontinuity point is less than the maximum error, assume that the actual value is equal to the discontinuity point. Note that this is just a heuristic, but if it fails (this may remain unnoticed and will probably invalidate your estimate), this means that you have not done your computations with enough precision.
Note: MPFR won't do that for you. But you can write code to take these rules into account.
The iRRAM package, which is based on MPFR, can track the error in a rigorous way (like with interval arithmetic) and automatically redo all the computations in a higher precision if it notices that the accuracy is too low. However, if some mathematical result is a discontinuity point, iRRAM won't help. In particular, it cannot provide a rigorous equality test.
Finally, I suggest that you have a look at Goldberg's paper What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic, in particular the notion of cancellation.

Graph Lassoalgorithm Sklearn.covariance.graph_lasso()

I am working on replicating a paper titled “Improving Mean Variance Optimization through Sparse Hedging Restriction”. The authors’ idea is to use Graphical Lasso algorithm to infuse some bias in the estimation process of the inverse of the sample covariance matrix. The graphical lasso algorithm works perfectly fine in R, but when I use python on the same data with the same parameters I get two sorts of errors:
If I use coordinate descent (cd ) mode as a solver, I get a floating point error saying that: FloatingPointError: Non SPD result: the system is too ill-conditioned for this solver. The system is too ill-conditioned for this solver (The thing that bugs me is that I tried this solver on a simulated Positive definite matrix and It game me this error)
If I use the Least Angle Regression (LARS) mode (Which is less stable but recommended for ill-conditioned matrices) I get an overflow error stating OverflowError: int too large to convert to float
To my knowledge, unlike C++ and other languages, python is not restricted by an upper maximum for integer numbers (besides the capacity of the machine itself). Whereas the floats are restricted. I think this might be the source of the later problem. (I have also heard in the past that R is much more robust in terms of dealing ill-conditioned matrices). I would be glad to hear you experience with graph lasso in R or python.
With this email, I have attached a little python code that simulates this problem in a few lines. Any input will be of great appreciation.
Thank you all,
from sklearn.covariance import graph_lasso
from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix
symetric_PD_mx= make_spd_matrix(100)
glout = graph_lasso(emp_cov=symetric_PD_mx, alpha=0.01,mode="lars")

Why does floating point addition took longer than multiplication

I was working with PIC18f4550 and the program is critical to speed. when I multiply two floating variables it tooks the PIC about 140 cycles to perform the multiplication. I am measuring it with PIC18f4550 timer1.
variable_1 = variable_2 * variable_3; // took 140 cycles to implement
On the the other hand when I add the same two variables the PIC tooks 280 cycles to perfom the addition.
variable_1 = variable_2 + variable_3; // took 280 cycles to implement
I have seen that the number of cycles vary if the variables changed depend on their exponents.
What is the reason of those more cycles? though I was thinking the addition is more simple than multiplication.
Is there any solution?
For floating point addition, the operands need to be adjusted so that they have the same exponent before the add, and that involves shifting one of the mantissas across byte boundaries, whereas a multiply is basically multiplying the mantissas and adding the exponents.
Since the PIC apparently has a small hardware multiplier, it may not be surprising that sometimes the multiply can be faster than doing a multi-byte shift (especially if the PIC only has single bit shift instructions).
Unless a processor has direct support for it, floating point is always slow, and you should certainly consider arranging your code to use fixed point if at all possible. Getting rid of the floating point library would probably free up a lot of code space as well.

Numerical Accuracy: to scale or not?

I am working on a n-body gravitational simulator that takes input and produces output in metric MKS units. This involves dealing with some very large numbers (like solar masses expressed in kilograms, semimajor axes of planetary orbits expressed in meters, and timescales of years expressed in seconds), which get multiplied by some very small numbers (notably, the gravitational constant, which is 6.67384e-11 in MKS units), and also the occasional very small number getting added to or subtracted from a very large number (mainly when summing up pairwise accelerations), which gets me concerned about the effects of rounding errors.
I've already taken the step of replacing all masses m by Gm (premultiplying by the gravitational constant), which significantly reduces the total number of multiplies, and makes the mass numbers much smaller, and that seems to have had a positive effect on both efficiency and accuracy, as judged by how well the simulator conserves energy.
I am wondering, however: is potentially it worth trying to do some internal re-scaling into different units to further minimize floating point errors? And if so, what kind of range (for double-precision floats) should I be trying to get my numbers centered on for maximum accuracy?
In general if you want precise results in physical based rendering you don't want to use floats or doubles since they have massive rounding problems and thus introduce errors in your simulation.
If you need or want to stick with floats/double you probably should rescale around zero. The reason is that often floating point representations have a higher "density" of values around this point and tend to have fewer on the min/max sides. Image example from google
I would suggest that you change all values to integer based number variables. This erases rounding errors (over/underflow can still happen!) and speeds up the calculation process by an order of magnitude because normal CPUs work faster with integer operations. In case of GPU its basically the same but thats another story all by its own...
But before you take such an effort to further improve your accuracy i would strongly advise an arbitrary precision number library. This may come with an performance loss but should be way easier and yield better results than a rescaling of your values.
Most of the numerical mathematicians come across this problem.
At first let me remind you that you can not deal with numbers (or phsycal values) smaller than the machine epsilon for each calculation. Unfortunately the epsilon depends around which number you are analyzing. You can try eps(a) for any value of a in MATLAB, as far as I remember eps(1.0)~=2.3e-16 and eps(0)~1e-298.
That's why in numerical methods you avoid calculations using very different scaled numbers. Because one is just an ignored (smaller than its epsilon) by the other value and rounding errors are inevitable.
But what else people do? If they encounter such physical problems, before coding, mathematicians analyse the problem theoritically, they make simplifications to use similarly scaled numbers.

LDPC behaviour as density of parity-check matrix increases

My assignment is to implement a Loopy Belief Propagation algorithm for Low-density Parity-check Code. This code uses a parity-check matrix H which is rather sparse (say 750-by-1000 binary matrix with an average of about 3 "ones" per each column). The code to generate the parity-check matrix is taken from here
Anyway, one of the subtasks is to check the reliability of LDPC code when the density of the matrix H increases. So, I fix the channel at 0.5 capacity, fix my code speed at 0.35 and begin to increase the density of the matrix. As the average number of "ones" in a column goes from 3 to 7 in steps of 1, disaster happens. With 3 or 4 the code copes perfectly well. With higher density it begins to fail: not only does it sometimes fail to converge, it oftentimes converges to the wrong codeword and produces mistakes.
So my question is: what type of behaviour is expected of an LDPC code as its sparse parity-check matrix becomes denser? Bonus question for skilled mind-readers: in my case (as the code performance degrades) is it more likely because the Loopy Belief Propagation algo has no guarantee on convergence or because I made a mistake implementing it?
After talking to my TA and other students I understand the following:
According to Shannon's theorem, the reliability of the code should increase with the density of the parity check matrix. That is simply because more checks are made.
However, since we use Loopy Belief Propagation, it struggles a lot when there are more and more edges in the graph forming more and more loops. Therefore, the actual performance degrades.
Whether or not I made a mistake in my code based solely on this behaviour cannot be established. However, since my code does work for sparse matrices, it is likely that the implementation is fine.