How to write a URL rule in Yii framework? - yii

<?php echo CHtml::link($value->title, array(Yii::app()->createUrl('forum/thread', array('id'=>$value->thread_id)))); ?>
i got a link
in my urlManager rules 'thread/<id:\d+>' => 'forum/thread',
how to change the rule and method createUrl?
createUrl('any-value/forum/thread', array('id'=>$value->thread_id))
to get in url
forum/any-value/thread/2 or forum/php-for-newbies/thread/2
I am sorry for my english, thanks a lot

URL Manager rule should look like this:
'forum/<title:\w+>/thread/<id:\d+>' => 'forum/thread', //make sure this is listed first so it has priority
'thread/<id:\d+>' => 'forum/thread',
Then in your controller you would have this:
public function actionThread($id,$title=null) {
//$title will contain title from url if sent

Try this:
'forum/any-value/thread/<id:\d+>' => 'any-value/forum/thread',
and with this:
createUrl('any-value/forum/thread', array('id'=>$value->thread_id))
So you should get forum/any-value/thread/2
that should work!
But If you are inside the module called forum then you would do like that:
'any-value/thread/<id:\d+>' => 'any-value/forum/thread',
and with this:
createUrl('any-value/forum/thread', array('id'=>$value->thread_id))


How to define route in phalcon

I have controller named GlossaryController with 2 actions indexAction and anotherAction in view i have a directory glossary and index.volt file
i want to define a route with parameters for example
http://localhost/project/glossary/another/params it should redirect me to indexAction with parameters
In your routes.php file in app/config folder add this line:
$router->add("/glossary/another/{param1}/?{param2}", array(
"controller" => "Glossary",
"action" => "another",
And your anotherAction method will be like:
public function anotherAction($param1, $param2 = 0) {
//some code
This way first param must be sent, second one is optional, you can add this way as much params as you like.
See official docs for various ways of routing:

Laravel 5.3 Route model binding with multiple parameters

Is it possible to have route model binding using multiple parameters? For example
Web Routes:
So url will be binded to shoe Model, which has color blue.
First of all, it would feel more natural to have a route like the following:
Route::get('{product}/{color}', 'Products#page');
and to resolve product by route binding, and just use the color parameter in the controller method directly, to fetch a list of blue shoes for example.
But let's assume that for some reason it's a requirement. I'd make your route a bit more explicit, to start with:
Route::get('{color}/{product}', 'Products#page');
Then, in the boot method of RouteServiceProvider.php, I would add something like this:
Route::bind('product', function ($slug, $route) {
$color = $route->parameter('color');
return Product::where([
'slug' => $slug,
'color' => $color,
])->first() ?? abort(404);
first here is important, because when resolving route models like that you effectively want to return a single model.
That's why I think it doesn't make much sense, since what you want is probably a list of products of a specific color, not just a single one.
Anyways, I ended up on this question while looking for a way to achieve what I demonstrated above, so hopefully it will help someone else.
Do not forget to declare the parameter types:
Route::delete('safedetail/{safeId}/{slug}', [
'as' => 'safedetail.delete',
'uses' => 'SafeDetailController#destroy',
'safeId' => '[0-9]+',
'slug' => '[a-z]+',
Try changing your controller to this:
class Pages extends Controller{
public function single($lang, App\Page $page){
You must add the Page Model.

Yii CLinkPager & urlManager rules

I have the following issue:
When I press a button in my pagination, CLinkPager generates the link as follows:
What I need is something like this:
Furthermore, I need something like:
where name is url of user_id = 445.
I've set some rules in urlManager but they don't quite do the job:
For step 1:
'<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\d+>/<page:\d+>' => '<controller>/<action>',
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Here example for page/videos/445/page/2.This will help you understand:
'page/videos/<number:\d+>/page/<pageId:\d+>' => '/site/test',
//url for call www.your_site.lh/page/videos/445/page/2
public function actionTest($number, $pageId)
echo '<pre>';
echo "$number<br/>";
echo "$pageId<br/>";
echo '</pre>';
URL Management
If you want to change generation links in pager you can override CLinkPager.

Yii URL Manager: problems in create an view url

in file config main.php:
'/view-details/<slug:[a-zA-Z0-9]+>' => array('product/details', 'urlSuffix' => '.html')
create url:
$this->createUrl('product/details', array('slug'=>'my-product-demo-with-id-123'));
(done! perfect generate url)
but, when visit link, this is error: unsolved request view-details/my-product-demo-with-id-123.html
if remove all character "-" (mydomain/view-details/MyProductDemoWithID123.html), it's working, not error.
what is problems? somebody can help me?
The regular expression you're using will only match single words but your url has hyphens as well.
You need to have a rule that looks like this
'/view-details/<slug:[-\w]+>' => array('product/details', 'urlSuffix' => '.html')
I'm not sure (new at Yii!) but probably this can be related to a bad method in your Controller actionView().
Look if you have in your controller "View-details" a method similiar to "actionMyProductDemoWithID123()" and inside of this, you render that file.
Example: yourDomain/yourController/yourView
Class YourController{
In your case, you probably have something similar to this:
Class view-details{
If it's not, you can take a look at this post:
You missed the "-" part of your regex so it won't match try
'/view-details/<slug:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+>' => array('product/details', 'urlSuffix' => '.html')
In your regex you are allowing only alphanumeric values. Your have to allow "-" also as you are using in your parameter(slug).
Regex with Alphanumeric and -,_
'view-details/<slug:[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+>' => array('product/details','urlSuffix' => '.html'),

Yii Controller Parameters

When I create this method
inside of a yii controller and attempt to access it in the browser I get an error 400.
How can I set up yii so that if I enter:
/controller/test/text it would simply print the string 'text' on the screen instead of returning an invalid request error?
I already verified that the URL is correct. If I write
and then go to /controller/test/text then it works just fine.
How can I set up yii so that a controller action can accept parameter values in the URL?
You have to edit the urlManager rewrite rules array in your config.php to include
'controller/test/<parameter:\w+>' => 'controller/test',
with your controller function as
#curtis: Thanks. That
helped!!! <controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\w+>'=>'<controller>/<action>
– Curtis Colly Mar 31 '13 at 3:27
The rule <controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/<id:\w+>'=>'<controller>/<action> line will send the last parameter to the controller as $id if you want to use $parameter you should change id to parameter.
In the controller you can also type
print($_GET['parameter']); //or $_REQUEST
Try the url: /controller/test/parameter/text , it should work.
Suggested url rule by #topher is also correct.