Gallery with mixed content types, it always opens the first element, should open the clicked element
Simple example with just images, works fine.
Thank you
Question was resolved on GitHub
Is there a way for a bunch of named anchors in a large html to be clickable within a PhantomJs generated PDF file?
I.e. say I have a table of contents or a list of FAQ questions. When clicking on the question/title - I'm taken to its answer/content within the same HTML file which is great but when the same HTML is rendered into a PDF each named anchor becomes an absolute URL (i.e. so clicking on it opens a browser with that URL instead of jumping to its content within the PDF file.
So, basically, is it possible (and how?) for a markup like this - to work within the generated PDF?
BTW, this works great when "printing as a PDF file" in Google Chrome but links end up broken when rendered in PhantomJs so there must be something I'm missing that I can't seem to find in the docs.
Any ideas?
Apparently there's a bug in PhantomJs preventing this. As suggested by PhantomJsCloud a quick-and-dirty workaround would be to replace the links with page links.
I'd like to include a picture in a page element in an Inquest script: is this possible?
If so, how would you do it?
I know this question was asked 8 years ago...but I recently had the same question. So I thought maybe I could put something here in case someone in the future would have a similar question.
You cannot add a picture to the page element in Inquisit 5, but it would be possible in Inquisit 6. For Inquisit 5, you'll have to use or .
Here's some discussion on this:
There is some discussion here.
In general, it seems that the page element only allows for simple text based instructions.
If you want to present images in instructions, there are a few options.
htmlpage element
You can use the htmlpage element, which allows for instructions to be a complete formatted HTML file that can include images.
The htmlpage element is used to define pages of text to be displayed
as instructions using the preinstructions or postinstructions
attribute. The htmlpage element is useful when complete control over
formatting and content of instruction pages is required, otherwise the
page element provides an easier way to display text with basic
formatting. The actual content of the page is contained in a separate
HTML file located on the local machine or the web. source
Picture or picture and text in a normal trial
The other option is to present instructions as normal stimuli in the main trials of a block.
See for example, the instructions in the sample script for the Iowa Gambling Task.
This can be either done as one integrated picture that includes text, or each image can be positioned as it's own stimuli.
I have a page of about 10 embedded PDF docs. My question is there another option that would use smaller file sizes or something so they don't bogg down the page when visited? Even convert PDF to something else if possible. Right now they are all in an accordion jquery and run with Scribd. Maybe something similar to this would work.:
scrolling text box
If you want the jqueryui to download different data for each tab you need to put an empty div inside each section and then set an on open (I am not familiar with jqueryui but maybe the activate event?) and create an ajax call to get the relevant pdf and save it to the empty div.
There are lots of questions about ajax in jqui accordion here here and here for example.
I wasted few hours for looking the answer and I'm very sad cause I didn't find anything usefull. I have a CMS in cloud and it provides content for diffrent devices like www site and my new windows store application.
I want to use html formating. I've already created app in c# and xaml and I'm wondering how can I display html
I was happy cause I found but I can't make it work. I get blank page. No text, no error, no nothing.
Can someone pls tell me how can I display html in my app ?
Use a WebView/WebViewBrush or use HTML Agility Pack and implement the styles/rendering yourself.
In WinRt app you can display html code by some ways:
Using WebView with it's NavigateToString("html content")
Using WebViewBrush and displaying it in rectangle
If you had your .html file local - you can open it with myWebview.Navigate(new Uri("ms-appx-web:///" + myPath));
You can make a screenshot of webpage by the method wich I describe here and open it as a picture.
For more info, see the WebView control sample
I'm working on an entirely flash-based site for a client who has already been using Blogspot for his News/Homepage updates. He wants to continue updating through Blogspot, but wants the blog to automatically fill in the text box on the flash site Homepage. I'm not sure if this is possible, or how I would go about doing it.
Here is the blogspot page:
Here is an example of what the scrolling SWF text box will be like:
Is this possible? Any help would be absolutely amazing!
You can use URLLoader to load the page as text. I'm not sure of the best way to parse it though.
Maybe you can try looking for the CSS tag that is being used for the text in question and then grabbing the text in between those tags? There might be better ways to do this though.
Note, you can update values to the htmlText property of a text box, which will allow Flex to maintain some of the styles specified from the loaded page.