Copy data from a table and load it into another table - sql

I have a table 'A' having 40 columns. I need to copy the data from 20 specific columns from 'A' , to another table 'B' having those 20 columns. There will be around 3 - 10 million records.
What will be the most efficient way to do this in PLSQL.

"daily table B will be truncated and new data will be inserted into it
from A."
Okay, so the most efficient way to do this is not to do it. Use a materialized view instead; a materialized view log on table A will allow you to capture incremental changes and apply them daily, or at any other window you like. Find out more.
Compared to that approach using handrolled PL/SQL - or even pure SQL - is laughably inefficient.

Do you need to do any sort of conversion on the data or is it just copying data straight from one table to another?
The easiest way to do this is, although you would have to create the indexes separately.
create table B as (select A.c1, A.c2, A.c3..... from A);
If table x already existed, you could just do a
insert into B select A.c1, A.c2.... from A
To speed this up, you would want to drop all the indexes on table x until the insert was done.


How to create a computed column in PrestoDB with values persisted?

I am working in PrestoDB to query and create tables to configure data in a way that I can draw upon it and work on it in Excel and PowerBI. I am trying to create a persisted calculated column that is simply the quotient of two other existing columns.
A colleague suggested
Create Table B as
Select * , Column A/Column B as Column Q
from Table A
however when I perform
Select *
from Table B
column Q is there but completely empty.
What can I run to permanently add these computed columns so that when I query this data the values are persisted?
I don't think PrestoDB supports computed columns, much less persisted computed columns.
I think what you want is view, though, not a table:
create view v_a
select a.*, ColumnA/ColumnB as ColumnQ
from A a;
Anyone who queries v_b will see ColumnQ with the latest calculation of the ratio.

Is it possible to update one table from another table without a join in Vertica?

I have two tables A(i,j,k) and B(m,n).
I want to update the 'm' column of B table by taking sum(j) from table A. Is it possible to do it in Vertica?
Following code can be used for Teradata, but does Vertica have this kind of flexibility?
Update B from (select sum(j) as m from A)a1 set m=a1.m;
The Teradata SQL syntax won't work with Vertica, but the following query should do the same thing :
update B set m = (select sum(j) from A)
Depending on the size of your tables, this may not be an efficient way to update data. Vertical is a WORM (write once read many times) store, and is not optimized for updates or deletes.
An alternate way would be to first temporarily move the data in the target table to another intermediate (but not temporary) table. After that write a join query using the other table to produce the desired result, and finally use export table with that join query. Finally drop the intermediate table. Of course, this is assuming you have partitioned your table in a way suitable for your update logic.

Renaming two columns or swapping the values? Which one is better?

I have a table with more than 1.5 million records, in which I have two columns, A and B. Mistakenly the column values of A got inserted into the column B and column B's values got inserted to A.
Recently only we found the issue. What will be the best option to correct this issue? Rename the column names interchangingly (I don't know how it can be possible, since if we nename A to B, when B already exists), or swapping the values contained in the two columns?
Hi, You can have the below query to swap the columns,
UPDATE table_name SET A = B, B = A;
But you have huge amount of date in this case renaming will be good. But renaming of column name because of data issue is not a right solution. So you can have above update query to update your data.
Before updating take a backup of table which you are updating using the query,
CREATE TABLE table_name_bkp AS SELECT * FROM table_name;
Always have a backup while playing with original data which will not mess up
15 lakh rows aren't a big deal for SQL server. Switching column names have many cons in relational DB such as index, foreign Key and also you may have to do lots of impacts. So, I would like to suggest to go for traditional path. Simply do the update.

Oracle SQL merge tables without specifying columns

I have a table people with less than 100,000 records and I have taken a backup of this table using the following:
create table people_backup as select * from people
I add some new records to my people table over time, but eventually I want to merge the records from my backup table into people. Unfortunately I cannot simply DROP my table as my new records will be lost!
So I want to update the records in my people table using the records from people_backup, based on their primary key id and I have found 2 ways to do this:
MERGE the tables together
use some sort of fancy correlated update
Great! However, both of these methods use SET and make me specify what columns I want to update. Unfortunately I am lazy and the structure of people may change over time and while my CTAS statement doesn't need to be updated, my update/merge script will need changes, which feels like unnecessary work for me.
Is there a way merge entire rows without having to specify columns? I see here that not specifying columns during an INSERT will direct SQL to insert values by order, can the same methodology be applied here, is this safe?
NB: The structure of the table will not change between backups
Given that your table is small, you could simply
FROM backup b
WHERE t.key = b.key );
FROM backup;
That is slow and not particularly elegant (particularly if most of the data from the backup hasn't changed) but assuming the columns in the two tables match, it does allow you to not list out the columns. Personally, I'd much prefer writing out the column names (presumably those don't change all that often) so that I could do an update.

Copy data between tables in different databases without PK's ( like synchronizing )

I have a table ( A ) in a database that doesn't have PK's it has about 300 k records.
I have a subset copy ( B ) of that table in other database, this has only 50k and contains a backup for a given time range ( july data ).
I want to copy from the table B the missing records into table A without duplicating existing records of course. ( I can create a database link to make things easier )
What strategy can I follow to succesfully insert into A the missing rows from B.
These are the table columns:
.. 40 extra varchar columns here ...
My biggest concern is the lack of PK. Can I create something like a hash or a PK using all the columns?
What could be a possible way to proceed in this case?
I'm using Oracle 9i in table A and Oracle XE ( 10 ) in B
The approximate number of elements to copy is 20,000
Thanks in advance.
If the data volumes are small enough, I'd go with the following
You say there are about 20,000 to copy, but not how many in the entire dataset.
The other option is to delete the current contents of the copy and insert the entire contents of the original table.
If the full datasets are large, you could go with a hash, but I suspect that it would still try to drag the entire dataset across the DB link to apply the hash in the local database.
As long as no duplicate rows should exist in the table, you could apply a Unique or Primary key to all columns. If the overhead of a key/index would be to much to maintain, you could also query the database in your application to see whether it exists, and only perform the insert if it is absent