How can I run a SQL query iteratively for every row in a table? - sql

I have the following query:
DECLARE #AccString varchar(max)
SET #AccString=''
SELECT #Acctring=#AccString + description + ' [ ] '
FROM tl_sb_accessoryInventory ai
JOIN tl_sb_accessory a on a.accessoryID = ai.accessoryID
WHERE userID=6
SELECT userID, serviceTag, model, #AccString AS ACCESSORIES FROM tl_sb_oldLaptop ol
JOIN tl_sb_laptopType lt ON ol.laptopTypeID = lt.laptopTypeID
WHERE userID=6
which outputs this:
What I want to be able to do is run this for every userID in a table tl_sb_user.
The statement to get the userIDs is:
Select userID from tl_sb_user
How can I get this to output a row as above for each user?

You are trying to do a string concatenation subquery. In SQL Server, you need to do the string concatenation using a correlated subquery with for xml path. Arcane, but it generally works.
The results is something like this:
SELECT userID, serviceTag, model, #AccString AS ACCESSORIES,
stuff((select ' [ ] ' + description
from tl_sb_accessoryInventory ai join
tl_sb_accessory a
on a.accessoryID = ai.accessoryID
where a.userId = ol.UserId
for xml path ('')
), 1, 11, '') as accessories
FROM tl_sb_oldLaptop ol JOIN
tl_sb_laptopType lt
ON ol.laptopTypeID = lt.laptopTypeID;
You don't have table aliases identifying where the columns come from, so I am just guessing that a.userId = ol.UserId references the right tables.
Also, this substitutes certain characters with html forms. Notably '<' and '>' turn into things like '<' and '>'. When I encounter this problem, I use replace() to replace the values.

Simply leave out the WHERE clause.


Apply like function on an array is SQL Server

I am getting array from front end to perform filters according that inside the SQL query.
I want to apply a LIKE filter on the array. How to add an array inside LIKE function?
I am using Angular with Html as front end and Node as back end.
Array being passed in from the front end:
[ "Sports", "Life", "Relationship", ...]
SQL query is :
FROM Skills
WHERE Description LIKE ('%Sports%')
FROM Skills
WHERE Description LIKE ('%Life%')
FROM Skills
WHERE Description LIKE ('%Relationship%')
But I am getting an array from the front end - how to create a query for this?
In SQL Server 2017 you can use OPENJSON to consume the JSON string as-is:
FROM skills
FROM OPENJSON('["Sports", "Life", "Relationship"]', '$') AS j
WHERE skills.description LIKE '%' + j.value + '%'
Demo on db<>fiddle
As an example, for SQL Server 2016+ and STRING_SPLIT():
DECLARE #Str NVARCHAR(100) = N'mast;mode'
SELECT name FROM sys.databases sd
INNER JOIN STRING_SPLIT(#Str, N';') val ON LIKE N'%' + val.value + N'%'
-- returns:
Worth to mention that input data to be strictly controlled, since such way can lead to SQL Injection attack
As the alternative and more safer and simpler approach: SQL can be generated on an app side this way:
Select * from Skills
Description Like '%Sports%'
OR Description Like '%Life%'
OR Description Like '%Life%'
A simple map()-call on the words array will allow you to generate the corresponding queries, which you can then execute (with or without joining them first into a single string).
var words = ["Sports", "Life", "Relationship"];
var template = "Select * From Skills Where Description Like ('%{0}%')";
var queries = => template.replace('{0}', word));
var combinedQuery = queries.join("\r\n");

SQL query trim a column?

I am using the following query to populate some data. From column "query expression" is there a way to remove any text that is to the left of N'Domain\
Basically I only want to see the text after N'Domain\ in the column "Query Expression" Not sure how to do this.
INNER JOIN v_CollectionRuleQuery
ON v_DeploymentSummary.CollectionID = v_CollectionRuleQuery.CollectionID
At least for SQL Server:
SUBSTRING([v_CollectionRuleQuery.QueryExpression], CHARINDEX('N''Domain\', [v_CollectionRuleQuery.QueryExpression]) + 9, LEN([v_CollectionRuleQuery.QueryExpression])
Give it a try.
I didn't understand if you wanted to include N'Domain\ in your string if that's the case just remove the +9.
In my understanding you want something like this:
SUBSTRING([v_CollectionRuleQuery.QueryExpression], CHARINDEX('N''Domain\', [v_CollectionRuleQuery.QueryExpression]) + 9, LEN([v_CollectionRuleQuery.QueryExpression])
INNER JOIN v_CollectionRuleQuery
ON v_DeploymentSummary.CollectionID = v_CollectionRuleQuery.CollectionID
Try this, It will not change values for QueryExpression without the text N'Domain and does not require that N'Domain is the first text:
STUFF(crq.QueryExpression, 1, charindex('N''Domain\',
REPLICATE('w', LEN('N''Domain\')-1) + crq.QueryExpression), '')
v_DeploymentSummary ds
v_CollectionRuleQuery crq
ON ds.CollectionID = crq.CollectionID
STUFF(x, 1, charindex('N''Domain\',
replicate('w', LEN('N''Domain\')-1) + x), '')
FROM (values('N''Domain\xxx'),('N''Doma'),('xxN''Domain\yyy')) x(x)
In SQL Server, you can use stuff() for this purpose:
SELECT ds.SoftwareName, ds.CollectionName,
STUFF(crq.QueryExpression, 1,
CHARINDEX('Domain\', rq.QueryExpression) + LEN('Domain\') - 1,
FROM v_DeploymentSummary ds INNER JOIN
v_CollectionRuleQuery crq
ON ds.CollectionID = crq.CollectionID;
Note the use of table aliases makes the query easier to write and to read.

Using the results of a select sub query as the columns to select in the main query. Injection?

I have a table that contains a column storing sql functions, column names and similar snippets such as below:
ID | Columsql
1 | c.clientname
2 | CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),c.DOB,103)
The reason for this is to use selected rows to dynamically create results from the main query that match spreadsheet templates. EG Template 1 requires the above client name and DOB.
My Subquery is:
select columnsql from CSVColumns cc
left join Templatecolumns ct on = ct.CSVColumnId
where ct.TemplateId = 1
order by ct.columnposition
The results of this query are 2 rows of text:
I would wish to pass these into my main statement so it would read initially
select columnsql from CSVColumns cc
left join Templatecolumns ct on = ct.CSVColumnId
where ct.TemplateId = 1
order by ct.columnposition
) from Clients c
but perform:
select c.clientname, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),c.DOB,103) from clients c
to present a results set of client names and DOBs.
So far my attempts at 'injecting' are fruitless. Any suggestions?
You can't do this, at least not directly. What you have to do is, in a stored procedure, build up a varchar/string containing a complete SQL statement; you can execute that string.
declare #convCommand varchar(50);
-- some sql to get 'convert(varchar(10), c.DOB, 103) into #convCommand.
declare #fullSql varchar(1000);
#fullSql = 'select c.clientname, ' + #convCommand + ' from c,ients c;';
exec #fullSql
However, that's not the most efficient way to run it - and when you already know what fragment you need to put into it, why don't you just write the statement?
I think the reason you can't do that is that SQL Injection is a dangerous thing. (If you don't know why please do some research!) Having got a dangerous string into a table - e.g 'c.dob from clients c;drop table clients;'- using the column that contains the data to actually execute code would not be a good thing!
The original programmer is likely using a C# function:
string newSql = string.format("select c.clientname, {0} from clients c", "convert...");
Basic format is:
string.format("hhh {0} ggg{1}.....{n}, s0, s1,;
{0} in the first string is replaced by the string at s0; {1} is replaces by tge string at s1, .... {n} by the string at sn.
This is probably a reasonable way to do it, though why is needs all the fragments is a bit opaque. You can't duplicate that in sql, save by doing what I suggest above. (SQL doesn't have anything like the same string.format function.)

SQL CONCAT IF Statement?

Morning All,
Im not to sure how i need to solve my following query... I have the following query which pulls back the desired records in SQL server...
SELECT agenda.AgendaItemNumber,Agenda.AgendaName, AgendaType.AgendaTypeDescription, userdetails.fullName
FROM Agenda
JOIN AgendaType ON AgendaType.AgendaTypeID=Agenda.AgendaTypeID
JOIN UserDetails ON Agenda.AgendaID = Userdetails.AgendaID
WHERE agenda.AgendaTypeID = '2'
AND AgendaItemNumber = AgendaItemNumber
AND AgendaName = AgendaName
AND AgendaTypeDescription = AgendaTypeDescription
AND AgendaItemNumber >= '3'
The above query works but i need to enhance this slightly. It pulls back the following results, which essentially are duplicate records except for the 'fullname' column...
What i would like to do is be able to add some extra code to this query so that when i run the query i am able to display one record for each 'AgendaItemNumber' and for it to concat both of the fullnames for this record. However i have additional AgendaItemsNumbers in this table that only have 1 x user fullname assigned to them. its just these few records within the image file i need to do something clever with.
Maybe there is a better way to complete this task?
Many thanks in advance. Any queries please dont hesitate to ask.
SELECT agenda.AgendaItemNumber,
STUFF(( SELECT ';' + FullName
FROM UserDetails
WHERE UserDetails.AgendaID = Agenda.AgendaID
), 1, 1, '') AS fullName
FROM Agenda
ON AgendaType.AgendaTypeID=Agenda.AgendaTypeID
INNER JOIN UserDetails
ON Agenda.AgendaID = Userdetails.AgendaID
WHERE agenda.AgendaTypeID = '2'
AND AgendaItemNumber = AgendaItemNumber
AND AgendaName = AgendaName
AND AgendaTypeDescription = AgendaTypeDescription
AND AgendaItemNumber >= '3'
The XML extension in SQL-Server allows you to concatenate multiple rows into a single row. The actual intention of the extension is so you can output as XML (obviously), but there are some nifty tricks that are byproducts of the extensions. In the above query, if there were a column name in the subquery (FullName) it would output as <FullName>Joe Bloggs1</FullName><FullName>Joe Bloggs2</FullName>, because there is no column name it simply concatenates the rows (not forming proper XML). The PATH part allows you to specify an additional node, for example if you use PATH('Name') in the above you would get <Name>;Joe Bloggs</Name><Name>;Joe Bloggs2</Name> If you combine Path with a column name you would get Joe Bloggs.
Finally the STUFF just removes the semicolon at the start of the list.

naming columns in excel with Complex sql

I’m trying to run this SQL using get external.
It works, but when I try to rename the sub-queries or anything for that matter it remove it.
I tried as, as and the name in '', as then the name in "",
and the same with space. What is the right way to do that?
Relevant SQL:
SELECT list_name, app_name,
(SELECT fname + ' ' + lname
FROM dbo.d_agent_define map
WHERE map.agent_id = tac.agent_id) as agent_login,
input, CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
FROM dbo.maps_report_list list
JOIN dbo.report_tac_agent tac ON (tac.list_id = list.list_id)
WHERE input = 'SYS_ERR'
AND app_name = 'CHARLOTT'
AND convert(VARCHAR,DATEADD(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008'
AND list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%'
ORDER BY agent_login,CONVERT(VARCHAR,DATEADD(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
You could get rid of your dbo.d_agent_define subquery and just add in a join to the agent define table.
Would this code work?
select list_name, app_name,
map.fname + ' ' + map.lname as agent_login,
convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970')) as tac_seconds
from dbo.maps_report_list list
join dbo.report_tac_agent tac
on (tac.list_id = list.list_id)
join dbo.d_agent_define map
on (map.agent_id = tac.agent_id)
where input = 'SYS_ERR'
and app_name = 'CHARLOTT'
and convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008'
and list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%'
order by agent_login,convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
Note that I named your dateadd column because it did not have a name. I also tried to keep your convention of how you do a join. There are a few things that I would do different with this query to make it more readable, but I only focused on getting rid of the subquery problem.
I did not do this, but I would recommend that you qualify all of your columns with the table from which you are getting them.
To remove the sub query in the SELECT statement I suggest the following:
SELECT list_name, app_name, map.fname + ' ' + map.lname as agent_login, input, convert(varchar,dateadd(ss, TAC_BEG_tstamp, '01/01/1970))
FROM dbo.maps_report_list inner join
(dbo.report_tac_agent as tac inner join dbo.d_agent_define as map ON (tac.agent_id=map.agent_id)) ON list.list_id = tac.list_id
WHERE input = 'SYS_ERR' and app_name = 'CHARLOTT' and convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,day_tstamp,'01/01/1970'),101) = '09/10/2008'
and list_name LIKE 'NRBAD%' order by agent_login,convert(varchar,dateadd(ss,TAC_BEG_tstamp,'01/01/1970'))
I used parentheses to create the inner join between dbo.report_tac_agent and dbo.d_agent_define first. This is now a set of join data.
The combination of those tables are then joined to your list table, which I am assuming is the driving table here. If I am understand what you are trying to do with your sub select, this should work for you.
As stated by the other poster you should use table names on your columns (e.g. map.fname), it just makes things easy to understand. I didn't in my example because I am note 100% sure which columns go with which tables. Please let me know if this doesn't do it for you and how the data it returns is wrong. That will make it easier to solve in needed.