How to customize issue display in YouTrack? - youtrack

Is there a way to customize the style for the issue displayed from search?
The specific features I am looking for:
To be able to choose whatever fields to display and the order. The popup windows
from "Visibility Setting" does not seem to work completely for this purpose.
To break down issues into groups with headings, such as priorities, milestone, etc
(again, from user choice).
Here is the sample screen from fogbugz:
Anyway to do the same? That is the simple useful feature I assume must be already supported.
I have search the doc, but could not find an answer.

What you request is clear, but unfortunately, it's not possible.


is there a way to determine which layout has been selected in a Google Meet

In a Google Meet, you can click the vertical ellipsis and then change the layout.
I have written an extension for which the tiled layout gives the best results, but I can't seem to find (programmatically) which view is being used. Any tips or suggestions?
There is no mention as of today of getting or setting Meet layout in its documentation; neither you can list its activities or get them from System Parameters. If you need this feature, I would suggest you to open an Issue Tracker case asking for it. Feel free to ask me more if needed.

Template 10:Using MasterDetail along with Hamburger Template

I am using template 10 for developing a UWP app and i'm using hamburger template so when a user clicks on a particular category i would like to navigate him to a event list in a master detail view where on left is complete event list in that category and on right selected event details.There is a sample provided and its difficult to understand and don't know how to use the sample in my app along with hamburger navigation.Also as an extra feature if the user clicks on a particular category the hamburger panel should hide and masterdetail view of event should come.And when user click on back button the panel should appear again with that page.
If anyone could help me it would be of great help.Thanks in advance.
There is a really detailed sample in the repository. It has 2 examples in total. 1 a control being developed by a community member. The other is a design based around using basic XAML with visual states along with responsive triggers for screen sizing.
I've implemented the response non-usercontrol variant and it works very well. The other control based scenario has some good features and is being updated often for feature additions and corrections.
Master Detail Sample
I think what you might be looking for here is a slightly simpler thing that we are able to give you. Master/Detail is certainly not splitting the atom. That being said, it's not just a drag and drop thing either. Your are going to need to take a look at the sample. Try to reproduce it exactly into a blank project. It's a great resource, but it's not a control for you to use as much as a sample for you to refer to. I certainly wish I had a simpler answer for you, but this is going to take a little effort on your side to understand the mechanics and implement it. In the end, once you pass that "ah ha" moment, I think you will look back and realize it's simpler than you thought. But until you understand how it works at a fundamental level, it's just going to continue to confuse you. I agree with #mvermef that the visual-state approach (the primary approach) is the easiest and uses the skills you will want to learn for future development, too. But, to that end, please recognize there are TWO approaches in that sample. One uses view-states and the other uses a custom user control. If I were you, don't pick the second approach. The first approach will be easy to understand, easy to implement, and wonderfully helpful to understand for other things later down the road.

how to prevent dojo name text box remove/delete name onclick

I want prevent users from possibility to delete a name by accident from the list.. It should be possible to delete a name by clicking only on [x]...
Reconsider the plan as Stephan says. My advice: you have used filter elements from OneUI framework. That's not a good choice in my opinion.
My suggestion is to use list element of OneUI instead, for example:
You might want to reconsider that plan :-) - the behavior of the dojo value picker in any other application is to make the full entry a click target - since you don't control other applications, you create an interaction inconsistency that will rather annoy users.
... But if you have to:
The Dojo UI interaction is deeply wired into that control and can't be changed easily. Your sensible option is to take the source of the control and create your own dojo/dijiit widget. Since dojo supports name spaces, that can coexist with the default control. Check the dojo documentation. It contains tutorials how to do that.
You might find there are better uses for your time.

Dynamic suggestions for text ctrl in wxPython?

Is there any way to mimic the dynamic suggestions behavior as per the search field on Google? As in, I type something in a text ctrl, and a list of suggestions pops up below for the user to chose from? If wxPython doesn't have such a feature, perhaps some other Python gui has it?
EDIT: For use on a Mac. That excludes this example, although it seems to be exactly what I am looking for.
Im not sure it theres a way to automatically do this but I think it could be easily achieved by binding to EVT_TEXT.
This is a recipe from the wxpython wiki for a TextCtrlAutoComplete control
Have you tried AutocompleteTextCtrl?
You could quickly download and test it as it comes with a nice test module to run straight away.

spell check textfield

I am trying to get a spellchecker to check spelling in a text field as the user types. I am well aware that browsers such as firefox have this feature for textfields (but this requires a user to manually enable it in the right click menu.
The ideal script Im looking for would accept an id as a parameter, since the id for the field I want to be checked cannot change.
My suggestion would to look at a predictive text tool, similar to the tag-finder that SO uses where you have a dictionary, and as a term is typed, you do some kind of AJAX-y lookup to see if they're typing correctly.
Adding a new word would be similar to adding new tags on SO - if the predicted word is not picked, add it to your dictionary.
I'm sure there are others who have done a similar task, though - and this suggestion might be harder to implement than in sounds in my head.