How to connect to JDBC database from within Oracle - sql

From within Oracle RDBMS I would like to connect and query/manipulate data in a remote JDBC compliant database.
Ideally I would like to use the remote JDBC database through an Oracle database link. I was hoping that I would be able to do it just like for any other database link:
UPDATE table1#remoteJDBClink
SET col1 = 'Joe';
It seems to me that Oracle database links are limited to where Oracle has created a Gateway product for the target db. They do support "Generic ODBC" as a target, but strangely I cannot figure out how I would do "Generic JDBC" as the target db.
Any other suggestions as to how I would query/manipulate a remote JDBC database from within Oracle are more than welcome. Perhaps the whole Gateway stuff in Oracle has been superseded by something else that I should use? At least I feel the information about the topic on Oracle's website seem a bit dated.
My requirements are very simple: Just basic SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT. No cross-database joins, no distributed transactions, etc. I wonder if Oracle allows one to build my own Gateway?
Oracle version: 11g (or better)


Database change notifications for DB2?

Oracle and SQL server have a database change notification feature that notifies table/row level changes in a database to registered clients. The feature is mostly used for synchronization of data with other data sources.
I've been looking for this feature in DB2 but so far, no luck. Does DB2 not provide this feature at all or am I missing something?
There is no such feature out of the box, not in the LUW version anyway (since you reference Oracle and MS SQL Server, I guess that's what you're interested in). You can easily roll your own using Q Replication event publishing, InfoSphere Change Data Capture, or plain old triggers and MQ functions.

How to automatically push data from SQL Server to Oracle?

I have users entering data in SharePoint (Running on SQL Server), but my application to view that data will be an Oracle Apex app running on Oracle, obviously. How do I have the data be pushed into the Oracle db automatically?
First off, are you sure that you need to replicate the data to Oracle? Oracle Heterogeneous Services allows you to create a database link in Oracle that connects to a non-Oracle database using ODBC (assuming you use the Transparent Gateway for ODBC which is free). Your APEX application could then query and report on data that is in SQL Server by issuing queries that run over the database link. Tim Hall has a good article (though it's a bit dated and some of the components have been renamed, the general approach is still the same) on configuring Heterogeneous Services.
If you do need to replicate the data, you can create materialized views in Oracle that query the objects in SQL Server using the database link you created with Heterogeneous Services and schedule those materialized views to refresh on a regular basis. The materialized views will need to do a complete refresh, though, which means that every row will need to be copied from SQL Server to Oracle every time there is a refresh. That generally limits the frequency with which you can realistically have refreshes happen. If you need the data to be replicated to the Oracle database and you need to send incremental changes so that the Oracle side doesn't lag too far behind, you can use Streams from a non-Oracle database to an Oracle database but that involves a lot more work.
In SQL Server you can setup linked servers that allow you to view data from other db's. You might see if Oracle has something similar, if not the same. Alternatively, you could use the sql's integration services to push the data over to an oracle table. Unfortunately I only know how to setup linked servers in SQL Server and I don't have a lot of experience with ssis to tell you how to do that, but those are the first two options I can think of that you might explore further.
Here's a link I found that might be helpful as well:
There's no way to do it "automatically" that I know of that will work across DBMS. ETL tools like Sql Server Integration Services might help but there's going to be a loading delay (as it will have to poll for changes). You could build some update triggers on the SharePoint database tables but that's going to turn into a support nightmare.

replication between SQL Server and MySQL server

I want to setup replication between SQL Server and MySQL, in which SQL Server is the primary database server and MySQL is the slave server (on linux).
Is there a way to setup such scenario? Help me .
My answer might be coming too late, but still for future reference ...
You can use one of the heterogeneous replication solutions like SymmetricDS: It can replicate data between any SQL database to any SQL database, altough the overhead is higher than using a native replication solution.
of course you can replicate MSSQL database to MYSQL
By using Linked Server in MSSQL.
for that you need to download ODBC drivers. and you can further search regarding how to create Linked server on SQL SERVER.
This option is very easy and Totally free. You can use OPEN QUERY FOR THIS.
By using SSIS Packages.
for that you need the Business Intelligence service of SQL SERVER. you can create SSIS Packages on Visual Studio and run them for replication.
No. At least not without doing a lot of dirty, bad things. MSSQL and MySQL speak different replication protocols, so you won't be able to set it up natively (which is the way you'd want to handle it). At best, you could hack together some sort of proxy that forwards insert/update/delete/create/alter, etc. queries from one to the other. This is a terrible idea as they don't speak the same SQL except in the most common case. Even database dumps which wouldn't really be replication are generally incompatible between vendors.
Don't do it. If you must use different OSes on your servers, standardize the database to something that runs on both.
These two databases are from two different vendors. While I cannot say for sure, it is unlikely Microsoft has any interest in allowing replication to a different vendor's database server.
I work with Informix and MySQL. Both those databases have commands that dump the entire database to an ascii file format. You would need to see how that is done on MS SQL Server; ftp the dump to the server hosting the MySQL server; and then convert the dump into something MySQL can import.

Migrate SQL Server to Oracle

I need to migrate data (including tables, procedures, schema) from Sql Server 2005 to Oracle 10g. Can anyone suggest me a way to do it? Thanks.
Take a look at the Oracle Migration Workbench
SwisSQL have a commercial tool that will do that. It can go from and to several different database vendors. I've used it before to go from SQL Server to Oracle and it works well.
The best way to work around is by using ORACLE GATEWAY First create tables, views, stored procedures and triggers in ORACLE and then using ORACLE GATEWAY you can directly insert the data from SQLSERVER to ORACLE.
But you need to be cautious about data types. For migrating data from Image, TEXT you need to use *DBMS_Sql*
One of the possible options is to use SQL Developer. It is an Oracle free tool, which migrates both database objects and data. However, you need to have high level of knowledge in database migration, in particular experience of working with Oracle and SQL Server. Sometimes the results of automatic migration with SQL Developer require significant manual adjustments.

How to Convert SQL server to Oracle?

I have a SQL server database (Tables, Views, SP...). I need to convert this database to Oracle 10g. How can I do it?
Transferring the data will be easy; SQL Server integration services can do that, or Oracle's SQL Developer.
However, views and stored procedures are different between Oracle and SQL Server. SQL Server uses T-SQL, Oracle uses PL/SQL. These are not very compatible and I don't know a tool can automatically convert between the two. If your database relies on specific T-SQL features, you will need a developer to do the conversion.
Get the jTDS jdbc driver from sourceforge.
Add it to Oracle SQL Developer.
Tools > Migration > Migrate
Create a migration repository in your new Oracle database.
Create a new migration project.
Point it to your SQL Server database.
Convert it - mind the data types.
Migrate the data:
online row-by-row inserts over JDBC. Fine for SMALL/test boxes.
offline - use micrsosoft's unload utility to pull the sql server down to flat files. SQL Developer will create SQL*Loader scripts to put them over into Oracle.
If you have GoldenGate licensed, use that to move the data over and to synch changes from one system to the other in case you need to keep both up and going.
Start looking at the migrated T-SQL procs and functions. SQL Developer will leave comments for code blocks it wasn't able to translate...but you will need to TEST and VERIFY every single translation. Customers can see upwards to 80-90% translation rates for their T-SQL, but it could be as low as just depends on the nature of your code.
The entire process is described here.
I wrote a white paper, with Sybase ASE as the example source platform, here. The process is identical for SQL Server. It has step-by-step guidance with screenshots.
If you have an Oracle account manager, reach out for help. We have specialists that deal exclusively with migrations such as yours. They have lots of practical advice and can recommend 3rd party partners if you lack the expertise.
sql developer can help. You can download it here , it is free.
There is step by step documentation including videos on how to migrate SQL Server to Oracle DB. You find it here:
Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle
Or you can use a tool to do the job for you like Ispirer - Migrate Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle
You basicaly setup an Oracle Server, once its ready you migrate your tables using a software made for that. I guess this script can do the job: