constant spin loading but no image popping up - colorbox - colorbox

When clicking the links, I get the popup box as expected however the images won't load, it just spins and spins. all the paths are ok as far as I can see.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="colorbox/colorbox.css" />
<script src="colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js"></script>
<p><a class="group1" href="" title="Me and my grandfather on the Ohoopee.">Grouped Photo 1</a></p>
<p><a class="group1" href="" title="On the Ohoopee as a child">Grouped Photo 2</a></p>
<p><a class="group1" href="" title="On the Ohoopee as an adult">Grouped Photo 3</a></p>
//Examples of how to assign the Colorbox event to elements
$(".group2").colorbox({rel:'group2', transition:"fade"});
$(".group3").colorbox({rel:'group3', transition:"none", widt h:"75%", height:"75%"});
$(".group4").colorbox({rel:'group4', slideshow:true});
$(".youtube").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:640, innerHeight:390});
$(".vimeo").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:500, innerHeight:409});
$(".iframe").colorbox({iframe:true, width:"80%", height:"80%"});
$(".inline").colorbox({inline:true, width:"50%"});
onOpen:function(){ alert('onOpen: colorbox is about to open'); },
onLoad:function(){ alert('onLoad: colorbox has started to load the targeted content'); },
onComplete:function(){ alert('onComplete: colorbox has displayed the loaded content'); },
onCleanup:function(){ alert('onCleanup: colorbox has begun the close process'); },
onClosed:function(){ alert('onClosed: colorbox has completely closed'); }
$('.non-retina').colorbox({rel:'group5', transition:'none'})
$('.retina').colorbox({rel:'group5', transition:'none', retinaImage:true, retinaUrl:true});
//Example of preserving a JavaScript event for inline calls.
$('#click').css({"background-color":"#f00", "color":"#fff", "cursor":"inherit"}).text("Open this window again and this message will still be here.");
return false;
and a jsfiddle
Chrome console gives these errors which are general as far as I can see and not related to this (although I know, they need sorting!)
GET 404 (Not Found) newsliderdev.asp:20
GET 404 (Not Found) newsliderdev.asp:1
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "".

After using various versions of colorbox and jQuery I finally found a set that works well together and solves this issue as it was simply down to the versions of colorbox and jQuery I was using. jQuery 1.6.4 and the current version of colorbox work together perfectly.


Downloading PDFs opened in new tab with CasperJS

I'm trying to write a casperJS program that can navigate and download PDFs. If I can grab an actual URL corresponding to the PDF it's pretty straight-forward, but that isn't always the case. To test this, I've been working with this simple example locally:
<h1 class="page-title">Hello</h1>
<a id='1' href="test.pdf" target="_blank">one</a>
Basic casper:
casper.start('file:///opt/templates/templates/src/main/resources/casperjs/example.html').then(function() {
casper.then(function() {
this.waitForSelector('a', function() {'a');
casper.wait(1000, function() {
When I run this, the (only) popup that's present is a blank HTML page that never loads. It's also worth noting that if you test this without the 'target="_blank"' (i.e. the PDF opens in the same tab), the 'resource.received' event will be emitted (with null content type), but loading the resource will fail:
[warning] [phantom] Loading resource failed with status=fail: file:///opt/templates/templates/src/main/resources/casperjs/test.pdf
Is there any good way to handle links that will open/download PDFs in some generic way? You can hook into 'navigation.requested' perhaps and download there, but I don't think there's a wonderful way to figure out that the nav is for a PDF (the URL may not always have file extension).

epub.js not loading properly on IE11

I'm trying to load an epub on my page using epub.js library and its not working on IE 11, it works perfrectly on chrome and Firefox though.
I'm not getting a script error, I don't get a message in the console log, fiddler says all scripts (including zip.js and my epub) are downloaded properly.
It just doesn't load, the iframe embedded has a src="" property and an empty html body. as in the following snapshot.
Here is my html page content:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<script src="content/epubjs/epub.js"></script>
<script src="content/epubjs/libs/zip.min.js"></script>
<span onclick="Book.prevPage();">Prev</span>
<span onclick="Book.nextPage();">Next</span>
<div style="height: 700px; border: 5px solid red" id="area"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
EPUBJS.filePath = "content/epubjs/libs/";
<script type="text/javascript">
var Book = ePub("content/aliceDynamic.epub", {
version: 4,
restore: false, // Skips parsing epub contents, loading from localstorage instead
storage: false, // true (auto) or false (none) | override: 'ram', 'websqldatabase', 'indexeddb', 'filesystem'
spreads: false, // Displays two columns
fixedLayout: true, //-- Will turn off pagination
styles: {}, // Styles to be applied to epub
width: false,
height: '700px'
I tried to play around with the options parameter, set things to false and true here and there but it didn't help.
It looks like it is a problem with the current version of epub.js and internet explorer 11. If you try and load the moby dick page you should see the same problem.
Try setting a break on all exceptions (even handled ones) in the javascript engine of IE, and you will see that the javascript throws an exception saying that "'XPathResult' is undefined".
Common recommendations to correct that seem to be installing the wicked-good-xpath library in order to sidestep ie11 lack of XPath support. Install the library and initialize it before trying to load you epub.
If this doesn't correct your problem, you may have to wait until the issues are solved since you don't seem to be the only person who encounters it.

PhantomJS rewriting URL in backgroundImage property to local file system

I am using PhantomJS to do some rewriting of HTML. I'm adding a background-image property to an element. But when I write out the resulting DOM, the URL has been rewritten to a local URL. I've boiled this down to the following test case:
var page = require('webpage').create();"test.html",function(){
<div id="test"></div>
$ phantomjs test.js
<div id="test" style="background-image: url(file:///C:/cygwin/tmp/test.png); ">
The problem remains if you specify ./test.png or //test.png. However, is left unchanged, as might be expected.
If this HTML document is opened in Chrome, and the background-image property added to the div element in the style inspector, the URL is unmodified, whether the document is inspected in the Elements tab in devtools, or via document.body.innerHTML displayed in the console, or copying the HTML.
I just found out that if the document is located in Chrome, and the command"url(test.png"); is issued in the console, then the URL is rewritten. So at the end of the day it appears that this is not a PhantomJS issue, although I still don't understand this behavior.
Obviously, I don't want this URL to be rewritten in this fashion, and I don't understand why PhantomJS feels the need to do this. Ideas?

Video.js not showing controls in Firefox when adding video dynamically

I am trying to offer a playlist of videos and only play a video once its link was clicked. Here's my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>WW Video Player</title>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<video id="video_player" class="video-js vjs-default/skin" width="800" height="600" data-setup='{ "controls": true }'></video>
<script type="text/javascript">
videojs("video_player", {}, function() {});
function SelectVideo(path)
var mplayer = videojs("video_player", { "controls": true, "autoplay": false });
mplayer.src({ type:"video/mp4", src: path});;
Play Video
In the <video> tag, I have tried adding plain controls and removing data-setup, but I can't get the controls to show up.
Furthermore, mplayer.requestFullScreen(); isn't working, either - here's Firebug's error message:
TypeError: mplayer.requestFullScreen is not a function
I'm running Firefox 22.0 on Windows 7 64bit.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Video.js is good and bad at the same time. I appreciate the work that's gone into it, but I've spent days getting it to work correctly. I wish I'd found your answer earlier, codoplayer looks good.
Videojs goes wrong whenever a javascript error occurs, and subsequently fails to set the correct classes on the control bar etc.
The bad javascript could be in your own code, and there is one in video.js that affects Firefox.
First, make sure your own scripts aren't failing...
The function that must be changed in video.js is: vjs.Player.prototype.techGet()
When an exception occurs, it handles it, then re-throws at the end. Replace the line 'throw e;' with 'return null;'
Why? There are methods within video.js that do not seem to realise that techGet could throw.. here is an example:
vjs.Player.prototype.currentSrc = function(){
return this.techGet('currentSrc') || this.cache_.src || '';
It throws an exception on techGet whenever the tech is flash, which is common in Firefox, IE8 etc. It will never reach this.cache_.src || ''. It looks like that wasn't the intention, so it's probably a bug.
If interested in IE8, you will have to do something with all the calls to innerHTML, they may fail and will need replacing with a method that works on the DOM instead.

dojo 1.8: loading dojo-laced html files into contentpane

Hi Any idea how I can load dojo-laced html file dynamically into contentpanes?
I am able to load non-dojo html into content pane using href.
When I loaded dojo-laced html file, I can see text in html tags but not text in dojo scripts. Where did I go wrong?
The scripts I put here are:-
Another problem in jsfiddle is that pressing button 1 will not update, unlike in my environment.
and funny thing is that border container and comtent panes are not displayed, unlike in my environment too.
Here are my links in jsfiddle
- main page for testing loading
- dojo content to be loaded
Please advise. Thanks
First of all, your ContentPanes and BorderContainer are not being displayed because you're not parsing them.
In your code, you can run parser manually:
ready(function () {
// ...
Regarding your first question, it seems that you didn't read the documentation:
<div id="foo" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" href="/some/page.html">
<script type="dojo/method">
alert ('Hello World!');
Code from: ContentPane documentation