zend framework 2 + doctrine: removing media with related Entity - optimization

I've setup ZF2 Skeleton Application with Doctrine2. My goal is to create simple News service with simple hierarchy.
Category -> News -> Media (file)
I've setup all required relations for Category, News and Media (i.e. If News is deleted all related media is deleted from DB).
The problem is that media points to some file (located in file storage). I've implemented simple function that deletes all media related to News and then News it self.
It feels that this is wrong approach.
Is there a way to bind delete file function to Media Entity that will be called automatically each time Media is removed directly or throught it's parents? (i.e. News or Category)

Found the solution.
It's pretty simple:
First add annotation before Media class
* Media
* #ORM\Table(name="media")
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks <- Add this line
class Media
Then you need to add 2 functions for the class on PreRemove and PostRemove
* #ORM\PreRemove()
public function storeFilenameForRemove()
$this->temp = realpath($this->path);
* #ORM\PostRemove()
public function removeImg()
if (isset($this->temp)) {
This functions will be fired: 1st before remove (to store file name) and second after Entity is removed from DB to remove related File.
You need also to define
private $temp;
That stores file name.
That's it. Now when you remove news or news category all related media files will be removed with the it's entity.


Issues with EasyAdmin and Symfony relations One-to-Many

I was having issues with Easy Admin and the one-to-many relationship handled by Symfony. The three entities that I currently have in place are User, Products, and Category.
When I place the relationship on Product and Category, I get this error when I try to add a new Category in the admin section of Easy Bundle:
Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class AppBundle\Entity\Product could not be converted to string
Here are what my associates look like int the Product and Category classes, they are basically copied straight out of the Symfony docs.
The Product Category
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Category", inversedBy="products")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="category_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $category;
And here is the association on the Category end:
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Product", mappedBy="category")
private $products;
public function __construct()
$this->products = new ArrayCollection();
The main issues that I believe is going on is that their is no field for category in the products table and this is leaving the Easy Bundle confused, since it seems to be relying on the class properties.
If anyone can make a suggestion on how to fix this, that would be great. Or if you know of a butter admin bundle to work with that might have this issues, that would also be great.
Also, if you have any experience with Easy Admin Bundle, do you suggest just developer just make their own. Because I do see other issue with this Bundle, such as being able to list category names on the Products new form, since Symfony only seems to log the category_id and not the name. I wouldn't be able to list the categories by name, just id numbers. And I would like to list of the different category names.
Any suggestions or help with this would be great.
I just got this error as well. Just add a __toString() magic method to your Product entity:
class Product {
public function __toString()
return $this->title; // <-- add here a real property which
} // describes your product

How to get all FAL File Objects which are referenced?

I'm trying to make a extbase extension for TYPO3 to get alle file objects with mimetype image/... which referenced by any content, plugin or fluid in typo3.
But i don't know which is the best way to get these data. How should i create a model in my extension and how should i create the correct repository?
If i create a custom query i'm not sure how to return a complete FAL Object which contains any data (like metadata) etc.
hope someone could help me to find the right way, and maybe has a example or something.
thanks a lot
You could do it like this, details are at the bottom:
Get all file references.
Go through them, retrieve the referenced file for each of them and retain only the ones where the field mime_type starts with image/.
There are two things you probably need to watch out for:
The field mime_type needs to be up to date. Check the FAL scheduler indexing task for that.
Performance. Depending on the number of files you have, it could be much faster to do this with a custom SQL statement which makes use of a JOIN. But you should only do that if performance is a problem.
How to get all file references:
First, build your own empty file reference class:
namespace Vendor/Extkey/Domain/Model;
class FileReference extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference {}
Make sure to configure it in your TypoScript to be serialized to the table sys_file_reference:
config.tx_extbase.persistence {
classes {
Vendor\Extkey\Domain\Model\FileReference {
mapping {
tableName = sys_file_reference
Add a repository for the references:
namespace Vendor/Extkey/Domain/Repository;
class FileReferenceRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {
public function initializeObject() {
/** #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QuerySettingsInterface */
$defaultQuerySettings = $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\QuerySettingsInterface');
The reference class can be empty, but the repository needs it to be there in order to work correctly. Make sure you add the default query settings to ignore the page id, so you get all non-hidden and non-deleted file references by calling $fileReferenceRepository->findAll().
How to check the MIME-type of each referenced file:
You can get the MIME-type of each reference by calling
This should automatically fetch the original file from storage and read its MIME-type.

How do I obtain all documents referenced by a single document?

If I have a document Shop that has many Activities defined as ReferenceMany, is there a way I can directly query for the list of Activities for a Shop without hydrating a Shop instance?
For example:
"_id": fd390j09afj09dfj,
"activities": [
All I want is to be able to say "get me the array activities where _id is fd390j09afj09dfj, and hydrate them as Activity instances.
Here's the first solution I came up with:
* Gets all activities configured for a shop.
* #param string $shopId
* #return \BikeShed\Domain\Activity[]|\Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection
public function findByShopId($shopId) {
/** #var \BikeShed\Domain\Repository\Shop $shopRepository */
$shopRepository = $this->dm->getRepository('BikeShed\Domain\Shop');
$shop = $shopRepository->findOneById($shopId);
return $shop->getActivities();
It's simply fetching the Shop and then getting all the Activities via the defined relation.
Here's a working example of how you would implement jmikola's last suggestion:
* #param string $shopId
* #return ActivityModel[]
public function findByShopId($shopId) {
$partialShopData = $this->dm->getRepository('BikeShed\Domain\Shop')->createQueryBuilder()
$activityIds = [];
foreach($partialShopData['activities'] as $activity)
$activityIds[] = $activity['$id'];
return $this->createQueryBuilder()
You cannot directly query the Shop collection or (or ODM repository) and receive Activity instances; however, you can use the Query Builder API to specify a projection with select('activities'). The executed query will still return Shop instances, but the activities field should be the only thing hydrated (as a PersistentCollection of Activity instances). In this case, you shouldn't modify any of the non-hydrated Shop fields, as ODM will detect any non-null value as a change.
It should be trivial to add a convenience method on ShopRepository that issues the above query with its select() and returns the collection (or an array) of Activity documents instead of the Shop. Keeping the Shop inaccessible should also protect you from inadvertently modifying other non-hydrated fields within it.
The down-side with this method is that the Activities will be proxy objects and lazily loaded. You can mitigate this with reference priming. With priming, you'll end up doing two queries (one for the Shop and one for all referenced Activity documents).
Regarding your follow-up question about putting this method on the Activity repository, you do have another option. Firstly, I agree that ActivityRepository::findByShopId() is preferable to calling a method on ShopRepository that returns Activity objects.
Each repository has a reference to the document manager, which you can use to access other repositories via the getRepository() method. An ActivityRepository::findByShopId() could do the following:
Access the Shop repository through the document manager
Query for the Shop by its ID, projecting only the activities field and disabling hydration completely
Collect the identifiers from the activities array. Depending on whether the Activity references are simple or not, the elements in that array may be the raw _id values or DBRef objects.
Execute a query for all Activity objects (easy, since we're already in that repository) where the ID is $in the array of identifiers

Document serialization with Doctrine MongoDB ODM

I'm trying to code a class handling serialization of documents by reading their metadata. I got inspired by this implementation for entities with Doctrine ORM and modified it to match how Doctrine ODM handles documents. Unfortunatly something is not working correctly as one document is never serialized more than once even if it is refered a 2nd time thus resulting on incomplete serialization.
For example, it outputs this (in json) for a user1 (see User document) that belongs to some place1 (see Place document). Then it outputs the place and the users belonging to it where we should see the user1 again but we don't :
id: "505cac0d6803fa1e15000004",
login: "user1",
places: [
id: "505cac0d6803fa1e15000005",
code: "place1",
users: [
id: "505c862c6803fa6812000000",
login: "user2"
I guess it could be related to something preventing circular references but is there a way around it ?
Also, i'm using this in a ZF2 application, would there be a better way to implement this using the ZF2 Serializer ?
Thanks for your help.
I have a serializer already written for DoctrineODM. You can find it in http://github.com/superdweebie/DoctrineExtensions - look in lib/Sds/DoctrineExtensions/Serializer.
If you are are using zf2, then you might also like http://github.com/superdweebie/DoctrineExtensionsModule, which configures DoctrineExtensions for use in zf2.
To use the Module, install it with composer, as you would any other module. Then add the following to your zf2 config:
'sds' => [
'doctrineExtensions' => [
'extensionConfigs' => [
'Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer' => null,
To get the serializer use:
$serializer = $serivceLocator->get('Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer');
To use the serializer:
$array = $serializer->toArray($document)
$json = $serializer->toJson($document)
$document = $serializer->fromArray($array)
$document = $serializer->fromJson($json)
There are also some extra annotations available to control serialization, if you want to use them:
#Sds\Setter - specify a non standard setter for a property
#Sds\Getter - specify a non standard getter fora property
#Sds\Serializer(#Sds\Ignore) - ignore a property when serializing
It's all still a work in progress, so any comments/improvements would be much appreciated. As you come across issues with these libs, just log them on github and they will get addressed promptly.
Finally a note on serializing embedded documents and referenced documents - embedded documents should be serialized with their parent, while referenced documents should not. This reflects the way data is saved in the db. It also means circular references are not a problem.
I've pushed updates to Sds/DoctrineExtensions/Serializer so that it can now handle references properly. The following three (five) methods have been updated:
The first two are self explainitory - the last is to allow serialization rules to be applied without having to hydrate db results into documents.
By default references will be serialized to an array like this:
[$ref: 'CollectionName/DocumentId']
The $ref style of referencing is what Mongo uses internally, so it seemed appropriate. The format of the reference is given with the expectation it could be used as a URL to a REST API.
The default behaviour can be overridden by defineing an alternative ReferenceSerializer like this:
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="MyTargetDocument")
* #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\ReferenceSerializer('MyAlternativeSerializer'))
protected $myDocumentProperty;
One alternate ReferenceSerializer is already included with the lib. It is the eager serializer - it will serialize references as if they were embedded documents. It can be used like this:
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="MyTargetDocument")
* #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\ReferenceSerializer('Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer\Reference\Eager'))
protected $myDocumentProperty;
Or an alternate shorthand annotation is provided:
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="MyTargetDocument")
* #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\Eager))
protected $myDocumentProperty;
Alternate ReferenceSerializers must implement Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer\Reference\ReferenceSerializerInterface
Also, I cleaned up the ignore annotation, so the following annotations can be added to properties to give more fine grained control of serialization:
For example, put #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\Ignore('ignore_when_serializing')) on an email property - it means that the email can be sent upto the server for update, but can never be serialized down to the client for security.
And lastly, if you hadn't noticed, sds annotations support inheritance and overriding, so they play nice with complex document structures.
Another very simple, framework independent way to transforming Doctrine ODM Document to Array or JSON - http://ajaxray.com/blog/converting-doctrine-mongodb-document-tojson-or-toarray
This solution gives you a Trait that provides toArray() and toJSON() functions for your ODM Documents. After useing the trait in your Document, you can do -
// Assuming in a Symfony2 Controller
// If you're not, then make your DocmentManager as you want
$dm = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager();
$report = $dm->getRepository('YourCoreBundle:Report')->find($id);
// Will return simple PHP array
$docArray = $report->toArray();
// Will return JSON string
$docJSON = $report->toJSON();
BTW, it will work only on PHP 5.4 and above.

Mapping two tables to one entity in Doctrine2

I'm looking at using doctrine for an application I'm working on - but after reading the documentation I'm having trouble conceptualizing how to represent the database structure we have in terms of entities.
I have many tables which have partner tables which hold translation data like the following....
Where I would like to have one Entity (Navigation Element) which had access to the 'label' field depending on what Language I set in my application. The following from the Doctrine documentation seems to suggest that you need to define one (single) table which is used to persist an entity
By default, the entity will be
persisted to a table with the same
name as the class name. In order to
change that, you can use the #Table
annotation as follows:
Or do I need to define two entities and link them (or allow the translation table to inherit from the element table).
And what strategy would I use to always insert a language_id clause to the Join (to ensure I'm pulling the right label for the currently set language). Is this something I would define in the entity itself, or elsewhere?
This seems to suit a One-To-Many Bidirectional association. This is the scenario from that page translated to your situation:
/** #Entity */
class NavigationElement
// ...
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="NavigationElementTranslation", mappedBy="navigationElement")
private $translations;
// ...
public function __construct() {
$this->translations = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
/** #Entity */
class NavigationElementTranslation
// ...
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="NavigationElement", inversedBy="translations")
* #JoinColumn(name="navigation_element_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $navigationElement;
// ...
You could add a getLabel($languageId) method to the NavigationElement entity that searches through the translations to get the correct label:
public function getLabel($languageId) {
foreach($this->translations as $trans) {
if($trans->languageId == $languageId)
return $trans->label;
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
And you could use the following DQL to ensure you only load the translation you want into the $translations property:
$query = $em->createQuery(
"SELECT ne, net
FROM Entity\NavigationElement ne
JOIN ne.translations net WITH net.languageId = :langId"
$query->setParameter('langId', $languageId);
$navigationElements = $query->execute();
This situation sounds like one where you would want to cache aggressively. Make sure you look into Doctrine 2's caching mechanisms too.
Also, internationalization can be handled reasonably well in PHP with gettext if you find join tables for translations start to become unmanageable.
I would also direct anyone who has to tackle this same problem to take a look at the following doctrine extension.