SQL Foreign Key, is my example an appropriate use? - sql

Can someone please confirm if this is an appropriate use of a foreign key(this is just an example):
Application to book a meeting room;
tblBooking -> pkName,Time,fkRoomName;
tblRoom -> pkRoomName, RoomNumber;
The UI will populate a dropdown menu using the pkRoomName data, when the booking is made the selected pkRoomName will then go to tblBooking fkRoomName.
Have I understood this correctly?

Yes, if you want to ensure that any booking that specifies a room refers to a known room, then this is an appropriate use of a foreign key.
Note, however, that just declaring the foreign key relationship is not the same thing as requiring that all bookings specify a room. Records in tblBooking with a NULL value for fkRoomName will be permitted. If you want to require a room is specified, you must also use the NOT NULL constraint on the fkRoomName field.
Finally, a small matter of semantics. I would not use "fk" in the column name for the RoomName. This is because a foreign key is a different entity from the columns it includes. It is not uncommon to have foreign keys that include multiple columns and it is also not uncommon to have several different foreign key relationships out of a single table. Therefore fkRoomName is an appropriate name for the foreign key itself, but not so much for the column.


SQL many-to-many

I need to build a simple forum (message board) as a school project. But I came across one problem. In the img above there are 2 tables: post and category, which have many-to-many relationship. I made a bridge table, which stores the postKey and categoryKey. Is it a bad practice to create a composite primary key from those 2 keys, or I need something like postCategoryKey? And what else should I improve?
On my opinion, there is no need for PostCategoryKey, due to it's only a relationship table and you won't accés it by postCategoryKey.
I would create the PK using the 2 others FK (postKey and categoryKey).
Hope it helps!
It depends, if you plan later on to add some extra metadata to postCategoryKey in a separate table, then it makes sense.
In your case - I'd go with a composite primary key and get rid of postCategoryKey
You will have to make postKey and categoryKey not null and create a unique constraint on them anyway. That makes them a key for the table, no matter whether you call this the "primary key" or not.
So, there are three options:
Leave this as described with NOT NULL and the unique constraint.
Declare the two columns the table's primary key.
Create an additional column postCategoryKey and make this the primary key.
The decision doesn't really matter. Some companies have a database style convention. In that case it's easy; just follow the company rules. Some people want every table to have a single-column primary key. If so, add that PK column. Some people want bridge tables to have a composite primary key to imediately show what identifies a row. My personal preference is the latter, but any method is as good as the other actually. Just stay consistent in your database.

Foreign keys vs secondary keys

I used to think that foreign key and secondary key are the same thing.
After Googling the result are even more confusing, some consider them to be the same, others said that a secondary key is an index that doesn't have to be unique, and allows faster access to data than with the primary key.
Can someone explain the difference?
Or is it indeed a case of mixed terminology?
Does it maybe differ per database type?
The definition in wiki/Foreign_key states that:
In the context of relational databases, a foreign key is a field (or
collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of
another table. In other words, a foreign key is a column or a
combination of columns that is used to establish and enforce a link
between two tables.
The table containing the foreign key is called the referencing or
child table, and the table containing the candidate key is called the
referenced or parent table.
Take the example of the case:
A customer may place 0,1 or more orders.
From the point of the business, each customer is identified by a unique id (Primary Key) and instead of repeating the customer information with each order, we place a reference, or a pointer to that unique customer id (Customer's Primary Key) in the order table. By looking at any order, we can tell who placed it using the unique customer id.
The relationship established between the parent (Customer table) and the child table (Order table) is established when you set the value of the FK in the Order table after the Customer row has been inserted. Also, deleting a child row may affect the parent depending on your Referential Integrity stings (Cascading Rules) established when the FK was created. FKs help establish integrity in a relational database system.
As for the "Secondary Key", the term refers to a structure of 1 or more columns that together help retrieve 1 or more rows of the same table. The word 'key' is somewhat misleading to some. The Secondary Key does not have to be unique (unlike the PK). It is not the Primary Key of the table. It is used to locate rows in the same table it is defined within (unlike the FK). Its enforcement is only through an index (either unique or not) and it is implementation is optional. A table could have 0,1 or more Secondary Key(s). For example, in an Employee table, you may use an auto generated column as a primary key. Alternatively, you may decide to use the Employee Number or SSN to retrieve employee(s) information.
Sometimes people mix the term "Secondary Key" with the term "Candidate Key" or "Alternate Key" (usually appears in Normalization context) but they are all different.
A foreign key is a key that references an index on some other table. For example, if you have a table of customers, one of the columns on that table may be a country column which would just contain an ID number, which would match the ID of that country in a separate Country table. That country column in the customer table would be a foreign key.
A secondary key on the other hand is just a different column in the table that you have used to create an index (which is used to speed up queries). Foreign keys have nothing to do with improving query speeds.
"Secondary key" is not a term I'm familiar with. It doesn't appear in the index of Database Design for Mere Mortals and I don't remember it in Pro SQL Server 2012 Relational Database Design and Implementation (my two "goto" books for database design). It also doesn't appear in the index for SQL for Smarties. It sounds like its not an actual term at all.
I've always used the term "candidate key".
A candidate key is a way to uniquely identify an entity. You identify all the candidate keys during the design phase of a database system. During the implementation phase, you will decide on a primary key: either one of the candidate keys or an artificial key. The primary key will probably be implemented with a primary key constraint; the candidate keys will probably be implemented with unique constraints.
A foreign key is an instance of one entity's candidate key in another entity, representing a relationship between the two entities. It will probably be implemented with a foreign key constraints.

REFERENCES keyword in SQLite3

I was hoping someone could explain to me the purpose of the SQL keyword REFERENCES
name TEXT,
, color TEXT);
name STRING,
damage INTEGER,
wizard_id INTEGER REFERENCES wizards(id)
I've spent a lot of time trying to look this up and I initially thought that it would constrain the type of data you can enter into the powers table (based on whether the wizard_id ) However, I am still able to insert data into both columns without any constraint that I have noticed.
So, is the keyword REFERENCES just for increasing querying speed? What is its true purpose?
It creates a Foreign Key to the other table. This can have performance benefits, but foreign keys are mostly about data integrity. It means that (in your case) the wizard_id filed of powers must have a value that exists in the id field of the wizards table. In other words, powers must refer to a valid wizard. Many databases also use this information to propagate deletions or other changes, so the tables stay in sync.
Just noticed this. A reason that you're able to bypass the key constraint may be that foreign keys aren't enabled. See Enabling foreign keys in the SQLite3 documentation.
From what I've gathered, there are two main benefits of using REFERENCES, and an important distinction to be made between its use with and without FOREIGN KEY.
It gives the DBMS room to optimize
Without using REFERENCES, SQLite would not know that attribute id and attribute wizard_id are functionally equivalent. The more known constraints you can define for the Database Management System (SQLite in this case), the more freedom it has to optimize the way it handles your data under the hood.
It can enforce or encourage good practice
Reference declaration can also be useful for enforcement and warning provision. For example, say you have two tables, A and B, and you assume that A.name is functionally equivalent to B.name, so you attempt a join: SELECT * FROM A, B WHERE A.name = B.name. If REFERENCE was never used to indicate functional equivalency between these two attributes, the DBMS could warn you when you make the join, which would be helpful in the case that these attributes only happen to have the same name but are not actually meant to represent the same thing.
REFERENCES does not always create a "foreign key"
Contrary to what has already been suggested, references and foreign keys are not the same thing. A reference declares functional equivalency between attributes. A foreign key refers to the primary key of another table.
EDIT: #IanMcLaird has corrected me: the use of REFERENCES does always create a foreign key of some kind, although this conflicts with the popular definition of foreign key as "a set of attributes in a table that refers to the primary key of another table" (Wikipedia).
Using REFERENCES without FOREIGN KEY may create a "column-level foreign key" which operates contrary to the popular definition of "foreign key."
There is a difference between the following statements.
driver_id INT REFERENCES Drivers
driver_id INT REFERENCES Drivers(id)
driver_id INT,
FOREIGN KEY(driver_id) REFERENCES Drivers(id)
The first statement assumes that you would like to reference the primary key of Drivers since no attribute is specified. The third statement requires that id be the primary key of Drivers. Both assume you want to make a foreign key by the popular definition provided above; both create a table-level foreign key.
The second statement is tricky. If specifying an attribute which is the primary key of Drivers, the DBMS may opt to create a table-level foreign key. But the specified attribute does not have to be the primary key of Drivers, and if it isn't, the DBMS will create a column-level foreign key. This is somewhat unintuitive for those who are first approaching databases and learn the less-flexible, popular definition of "foreign key."
Some people may use these three statements as if they are the same, and they may be functionally identical in many general use cases, but they are not the same.
All that said, this is just my understanding. I am not an expert in this subject and would greatly appreciate additions, corrections, and affirmations.

Set on demand foreign key in DataBase

I have table in my data base with these specs:
one PK
3 fields with foreign key
some statistic fields
problem is here:
In every row only one FK field will be filled.
What is the best solution A or B?
A- define 3 FK for my table
B- define one field as FK_TYPE and one field as DEMAND_FK and use checking on FK_TYPE for result
Option A - if you've got to have this design, you'll need a separate column for each foreign key. There's no (standard) way to define a "conditional" foreign key.
If your system supports check constraints, include a check constraint so that exactly one of the FK columns is not null. If it doesn't support check constraints, add triggers that enforce this same check.
If I am not wrong, B can not be possible in any relational database. Foreign key can only reference to only one primary key of a table. If you use B then you have to add the constrain in application level. Otherwise use A.

Should every table have a primary key?

I read somewhere saying that every table should have a primary key to fulfill 1NF.
I have a tbl_friendship table.
There are 2 fields in the table : Owner and Friend.
Fields of Owner and Friends are foreign keys of auto increment id field in tbl_user.
Should this tbl_friendship has a primary key?
Should I create an auto increment id field in tbl_friendship and make it as primary key?
Primary keys can apply to multiple columns! In your example, the primary key should be on both columns, For example (Owner, Friend). Especially when Owner and Friend are foreign keys to a users table rather than actual names say (personally, my identity columns use the "Id" naming convention and so I would have (OwnerId, FriendId)
Personally I believe every table should have a primary key, but you'll find others who disagree.
Here's an article I wrote on the topic of normal forms.
Yes every table should have a primary key.
Yes you should create surrogate key.. aka an auto increment pk field.
You should also make "Friend" an FK to that auto increment field.
If you think that you are going to "rekey" in the future you might want to look into using natural keys, which are fields that naturally identify your data. The key to this is while coding always use the natural identifiers, and then you create unique indexes on those natural keys. In the future if you have to re-key you can, because your ux guarantees your data is consistent.
I would only do this if you absolutely have to, because it increases complexity, in your code and data model.
It is not clear from your description, but are owner and friend foreign keys and there can be only one relationship between any given pair? This makes two foreign key column a perfect candidate for a natural primary key.
Another option is to use surrogate key (extra auto-incremented column as you suggested). Take a look here for an in-depth discussion.
A primary key can be something abstract as well. In this case, each tuple (owner, friend), e.g. ("Dave","Matt") can form a unique entry and therefore be your primary key. In that case, it would be useful not to use names, but keys referencing another table. If you guarantee, that these tuples can't have duplicates, you have a valid primary key.
For processing reasons it might be useful to introduce a special primary key, like an autoincrement field (e.g. in MySQL) or using a sequence with Oracle.
To comply with 1NF (which is not completely aggreed upon what defines 1NF), yes you should have a primary key identified on each table. This is necessary to provide for uniqueness of each record.
In general, you can create a primary key in many ways, one of which is to have an auto-increment column, another is to have a column with GUIDs, another is to have two or more columns that will identify a row uniquely when taken together.
Your table will be much easier to manage in the long term if it has a primary key. At the very least, you need to uniquely identify each record in the table. The field that is used to uniquely identify each record might as well be the primary key.
Yes every table should have (at least one) key. Duplicating rows in any table is undesirable for lots of reasons so put the constraint on those two columns.