SQL SERVER Identity changes daily - sql-server-2012

I have a table which has an Identity column requestID. I have set autoincrement and seed values, both to 1.
The requestId increases as expected. But It shows one unexpected behavior.
if today's last increment is 500, next day's identity starts at 1001.
How to solve this problem?

In SQL 2012 identity columns internally use sequences with CACHE for generating the values. While this improves performance, it has a side effect: an unexpected shutdown causes gaps in the sequence. There's nothing that can be done to prevent this. The official Microsoft guidance is that the application should not rely on the identity value to be sequential. 'Unexpected' shutdown includes, a power loss, Windows restart, and stopping SQL Server instance using NET STOP.

Why is this a problem? Most likely there are 500 attempts to insert something and they all fail. It is not a must (and not the intention of the autoinc-column) to store consecutive numbers. It's intention is to provide unique numbers where each new number is greater than the previous thus giving a sort order on the insert sequence.

You could run the following command daily:
I assume that you're trying to keep track of the number of Requests by day, but you could see counting problems if any inserts fail i.e. there might be gaps in your numbers.
IMO it would be better to just not reset the field each day and store the insertion time into a column for the new record. Then you can query by date and get a count.


SEQUENCE number on every INSERT in MS SQL 2012

I am in the situation where multiple user inserting values from application to database via web service, have using stored procedure for validate and insert records.
Requirement is create unique number for each entries but strictly in SEQUENCE only. I added Identity column but its missed some of the number in between e.g. 25,26,27,29,34...
Our requirement is strictly generate next number only like we use for Invoice Number/ Order Number/ Receipt Number etc. 1,2,3,4,5...
I checked below link about Sequence Number but not sure if its surely resolve my issue. Can someone please assist in this.
Sequence Numbers
If you absolutely, positively cannot have gaps, then you need to use a trigger and your own logic. This puts a lot of overhead into inserts, but it is the only guarantee.
Basically, the parts of a database that protect the data get in the way of doing what you want. If a transaction uses a sequence number (or identity) and it is later rolled back, then what happens to the generated number? Well, that is one way that gaps appear.
Of course, you will have to figure out what to do in that case. I would just go for an identity column and work on educating users that gaps are possible. After all, if you don't want gaps on output, then row_number() is available to re-assign numbers.

Azure SQL Server identity key values jumping up by 1,000

I am using the SQL Server 2012 that MSOFT provide for Azure. My identity columns have a habit of jumping up by 1,000 sometimes even though they are "INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL" in my table.
Is there anything I can do to stop this happening. What about if I remove all rows from a table? Seems like even after I delete every row then when I add a new row it starts off with an ID that's more than 1,000.
Refer to this post and this answer. Basically, this is by design and the argument as to why this is not too much of an issue is that azure database limits will be exceeded before hitting the identity limit. There is also the option of using a bigint.
There is no explanation as to why the jump in seed is done when the database is bounced, but I am guessing it has something to do with concurrency problems that might result in the same identity being used for two records at the boundary between shutting down and restarting (for some reason I can't think of).

Questions about increment operator

I have a table with a field that increments. The values for that field are 1, 2, 3...60 and then the field is 1060.
I don't know why?
The next value for id must be 61.
This is a new feature of SQL Server 2012. Identity columns use Sequences and values are cashed by default to speed up when inserting new rows. When unplanned shutdown of SQL Server occurs, cache is lost and Identity values continue with gap (of usually 1000 or 10000) created.
There could be several reasons - some of the most likely:
999 records were deleted
999 inserts were attempted and failed
Something reset the identity value using DBCC CHECKIDENT ({table}, RESEED, {value});
Something inserted a record with a specific ID using SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON
Autoincrement fields are not guaranteed to be consecutive. Thy are guaranteed to be unique. If you need them to be consecutive, then I would recommend keeping track of the next ID yourself, which will require you to think about concurrency, foreign key references, etc.
Am assuming you mean an IDENTITY field with an increment of 1.
This increases the value by 1 each time a new record is inserted.
To quote:
If an identity column exists for a table with frequent deletions, gaps
can occur between identity values. If this is a concern, do not use
the IDENTITY property. However, to ensure that no gaps have been
created or to fill an existing gap, evaluate the existing identity
values before explicitly entering one with SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON.
As alluded to in the comments it's likely this table once had data populated with all the missing values but these were deleted. (As this is quite a big chunk maybe this was done in bulk?)

SQL Server based Counter

Whats the best way to implement a unique counter generator in SQL Server 2005?
So I have a single field in a table with a single value which is the counter.
I want to get the current value and also increment by 1.
So database will hold the next incremented value. I have tried several select + update combos but since this counter is being hit very hard (probably 5000 times per minute) from various calls from independent applications, the application seems to be slow. How can I get a better counter?
I need the value to be serial so we cannot have a different table for each application.
I have suggestion from someone here: http://www.sqlines.com/mysql/how-to/select-update-single-statement-race-condition but not sure it is right or may have other issues.
Can you not just Insert a row into a table using an Identity column? Once you retrieve the inserted counter value using SCOPE_IDENTITY, you'll know what the previous version was. It'll be fast because it's not checking existing rows. If you don't need to store per-request rows, you could clear these out occasionally.

Sequence vs identity

SQL Server 2012 introduced Sequence as a new feature, same as in Oracle and Postgres. Where sequences are preferred over identities? And why do we need sequences?
I think you will find your answer here
Using the identity attribute for a column, you can easily generate
auto-incrementing numbers (which as often used as a primary key). With
Sequence, it will be a different object which you can attach to a
table column while inserting. Unlike identity, the next number for the
column value will be retrieved from memory rather than from the disk –
this makes Sequence significantly faster than Identity. We will see
this in coming examples.
And here:
Sequences: Sequences have been requested by the SQL Server community
for years, and it's included in this release. Sequence is a user
defined object that generates a sequence of a number. Here is an
example using Sequence.
and here as well:
A SQL Server sequence object generates sequence of numbers just like
an identity column in sql tables. But the advantage of sequence
numbers is the sequence number object is not limited with single sql
and on msdn you can also read more about usage and why we need it (here):
A sequence is a user-defined schema-bound object that generates a
sequence of numeric values according to the specification with which
the sequence was created. The sequence of numeric values is generated
in an ascending or descending order at a defined interval and may
cycle (repeat) as requested. Sequences, unlike identity columns, are
not associated with tables. An application refers to a sequence object
to receive its next value. The relationship between sequences and
tables is controlled by the application. User applications can
reference a sequence object and coordinate the values keys across
multiple rows and tables.
A sequence is created independently of the tables by using the CREATE
SEQUENCE statement. Options enable you to control the increment,
maximum and minimum values, starting point, automatic restarting
capability, and caching to improve performance. For information about
the options, see CREATE SEQUENCE.
Unlike identity column values, which are generated when rows are
inserted, an application can obtain the next sequence number before
inserting the row by calling the NEXT VALUE FOR function. The sequence
number is allocated when NEXT VALUE FOR is called even if the number
is never inserted into a table. The NEXT VALUE FOR function can be
used as the default value for a column in a table definition. Use
sp_sequence_get_range to get a range of multiple sequence numbers at
A sequence can be defined as any integer data type. If the data type
is not specified, a sequence defaults to bigint.
Sequence and identity both used to generate auto number but the major difference is Identity is a table dependant and Sequence is independent from table.
If you have a scenario where you need to maintain an auto number globally (in multiple tables), also you need to restart your interval after particular number and you need to cache it also for performance, here is the place where we need sequence and not identity.
Although sequences provide more flexibility than identity columns, I didn't find they had any performance benefits.
I found performance using identity was consistently 3x faster than using sequence for batch inserts.
I inserted approx 1.5M rows and performance was:
14 seconds for identity
45 seconds for sequence
I inserted the rows into a table which used sequence object via a table default:
NEXT VALUE for <seq> for <col_name>
and also tried specifying sequence value in select statement:
SELECT NEXT VALUE for <seq>, <other columns> from <table>
Both were the same factor slower than the identity method. I used the default cache option for the sequence.
The article referenced in Arion's first link shows performance for row-by-row insert and difference between identity and sequence was 16.6 seconds to 14.3 seconds for 10,000 inserts.
The Caching option has a big impact on performance, but identity is faster for higher volumes (+1M rows)
See this link for an indepth analysis as per utly4life's comment.
I know this is a little old, but wanted to add an observation that bit me.
I switched from identity to sequence to have my indexes in order. I later found out that sequence doesn't transfer with replication. I started getting key violations after I setup replication between two databases since the sequences were not in sync. just something to watch out for before you make a decision.
I find the best use of Sequences is not to replace an identity column but to create a "Order Number" type of field.
In other words, an Order Number is exposed to the end user and may have business rules along with it. You want it to be unique, but just using an Identity Column isn't really correct either.
For example, different order types might require a different sequence, so you might have a sequence for Internet Order, as opposed to In-house orders.
In other words, don't think of a Sequence as simple a replacement for identity, think of it as being useful in cases where an identity does not fit the business requirements.
Recently was bit by something to consider for identity vs sequence. Seems MSFT now suggests sequence if you may want to keep identity without gaps. We had an issue where there were huge gaps in the identity, but based on this statement highlighted would explain our issue that SQL cached the identity and after reboot we lost those numbers.
Consecutive values after server restart or other failures – SQL Server might cache identity values for performance reasons and some of the assigned values can be lost during a database failure or server restart. This can result in gaps in the identity value upon insert. If gaps are not acceptable then the application should use its own mechanism to generate key values. Using a sequence generator with the NOCACHE option can limit the gaps to transactions that are never committed.