I have a problem using the Magnific Popup on my site here: http://www.cphrecmedia.dk/musikdk/stage/
Try to click on the usericons on the top right corner. Somehow the X is positioned to the right and not just above the popup. I've yet to find the solution that fixes this. Anyone who knows what I'm doing wrong?
The div with id="loginbox" should be relatively positioned:
position: relative;
The X button is an absolute position element and it is positioned relative to its first parent element (loginbox) that must have a position other than static.
I have this basic layout structure to control the general content width of all my website:
width: 90%
max-width: 1280px
Now I added an absolute positioned modal to my nav bar which should follow this positioning. I have an animated open close toggle in the nav bar and want the menu modal to always appear right below it.
I assume that I have to set the "right:" property accordingly. However I have a hard time to mathematically translate the above conditions to match the right: property.
Any idea for a suitable calc() code which does that?
My math skills fail me here. Help is much appreciated!
Working with plenty of calc() commands but unable to match the conditions.
I'm using bootstrap with bootstrap-toc (https://afeld.github.io/bootstrap-toc/)
Working with the following scenario:
http://jsbin.com/cerozeleya/edit?output (make sure to click "run with Js" to be able to see the sidebar)
As I scroll the view, I would like the sidebar to scroll until a point where the jumbotron is no longer in view. At that point, it should stay affixed while the content scrolls.
I can't get that behaviour to happen with the included jsbin. I tried messing with the data-offset-top/data-offset-bottom attributes within my nav #toc but nothing changes. I found another question here that instructed the following changes on the css:
.affix{ top: 0px;}
.affix-bottom{ position: absolute;}
But that didn't work either. I tried reading the affix and scrollspy documentation, but its either not clicking with me, or I'm not seeing what I'm doing wrong.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
You have to use data offset top within the tag which you want to affixed
data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="197"
<nav id="toc" data-toggle="toc" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="197"></nav>
Edit the offset value according to your needs
I have problem with my nav bar on a theme I am developing. http://astanmedia.com/blog All is ok at full screen, but reduce the screen size so the the menu collapses and when you click / touch the toggle button, the dropdown refuses to break over the slider, no matter what z-index is set, or positioning used. on scroll I have the nav change to fixed at the top, and it displays fine once the slider has passed it. The dropdowns also function fine over the slider at full screen. Have tried to paste code here for 15 minutes, I must be doing it wrong, so I have linked to a paste bin of the code here http://pastebin.com/6war9TGu. Thanks in advance
I think I see your problem. It's not the z-index, it's the navbar-collapse style.
You have:
.navbar-collapse { max-height: 50px; }
You need something like:
.navbar-collapse { max-height: 275px; }
According to the Google Chrome developer tools, you can find the .navbar-collapse style on line 106 of your style.css. In your Pastebin it looks like it's on line 94.
As a note, once you fix the .navbar-collapse max-height, you'll also need to add a background color to your .navbar .navbar-nav class so that the drop down menu doesn't have a transparent background.
I'm seeing a few other little things on your style that may need adjustment, but I'm going to assume that you'll ask specifically about these issues as you go. To fix the question you asked about, the navbar-collapse should help.
I am looking for a way to get the caret x y coordinates inside a contenteditable div, in a similar manner to how you can get the mouse coordinates using window.event since I need to open a pop-up exactly where the user is with the caret inside the contenteditable div. How can I do this? Many thanks!
Here's one approach:
Coordinates of selected text in browser page
However, in some circumstances this will not give you coordinates, in which case you'd need to fall back to inserting an element at the caret, getting its position and removing the element again.
I posted this a week or so ago:
Position simplemodal modal on top of an existing div
and thought that I had solved my problem, but when the window is scrolled, the modal container moves.
I think I need to change it from fixed to absolute positioning, but when I change it in the script, the right side of the container lines up with the left side of the div (but it does stay in the same place vertically).
Here's what I'm doing now:
$('.slider-caption #large-spot-two').click(function (e) {
$('#basic-modal-content-two').modal({appendTo:"#slider1", autoPosition: false});
return false;
What's the best way for me to keep the modal container above the div, whether the page is scrolled or not?
The plugin was created to be fixed (not move when the page is scrolled, etc.). Changing the CSS position works until the page is resized or scrolled, as you have found.
The code required to change that behavior would require more work that I currently have time for. You might try BlockUI, as it sounds like that would fit your needs better?