Formatting errors when SavingAs text files from worksheets - vba

This is a question related to: Create text Files from every row in an Excel spreadsheet I have implemented ExactaBox great solution with the following code:
Sub SaveRowsAsENW()
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook, wbNew As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet, wsTemp As Excel.Worksheet
Dim r As Long, c As Long
Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("worksheet1")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'will overwrite existing files without asking
r = 1
Do Until Len(Trim(wsSource.Cells(r, 1).Value)) = 0
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set wsTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
For c = 2 To 7
wsTemp.Cells((c - 1) * 2 - 1, 1).Value = wsSource.Cells(r, c).Value
Next c
Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsTemp = wbNew.Worksheets(1)
'wbNew.SaveAs wsSource.Cells(r, 1).Value & ".csv", xlCSV 'old way
wbNew.SaveAs "textfile" & r & ".enw", xlCSV 'new way
'you can try other file formats listed at
r = r + 1
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Option Explicit
I have used this solution and it works fine. The only trouble I have is that some of the lines get quotation marks in the output file.
This is an example of output text file (line 2-3 demonstrates the error):
0 Journal Article 'No quotation marks
"%A Wofford, J.C."
"%A Goodwin, Vicki L."
%T A field study of a cognitive approach to understanding transformational and .. 'No quotation marks
This formatting seem to be added when it is being saved (it is not part of the cell formatting). Do any of you have any ideas of why this happens? /How can I adapt my code to fix it?

True. .csv stands for comma-separated values, where a field contains a comma it has to be 'escaped' (here with quotes) or would be split into different fields before/after each comma. Answer provided before does however offer alternatives - of which Tab delimited is the most logical.

This is likely past the point of being helpful to you, but after hitting this problem recently myself I thought I'd share my eventual solution. The formatting you're seeing is actually the result of a MS saving issue, which appends quotes to lines that have certain characters.
In my case I wrote out the file as usual and then called a sub that cleans the file of the problem extra characters. First I replaced any output that would need quotes with something like an asterisk or any other character that would never occur in my file. Then I saved the file as normal and called the below code, used to replace any character with another, twice. Once to remove the quotes Excel created, the second time to replace my dummy character with quotes. The code executes fairly quickly and renames the file so you can be certain the result is finished processing. Hopefully useful to others searching.
It's still clunkier than I'd like since you save a file and then edit it, but it worked well enough to become my final solution in the end.
Sub ReplaceStringInTextFile(FileNameAndLoc As String, OutFile As String, SearchForWords As String, SubstituteWords As String)
'This macro searches a file, replacing one string with another, saving it, and renaming it.
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objReadFile As Object
Dim objWriteFile As Object
'Set Objects
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objReadFile = objFSO.opentextfile(FileNameAndLoc, 1, False)
'Read file contents
Contents = objReadFile.readall
'Close read file
'Copy contents without double quotes
NewContents = Replace(Contents, SearchForWords, SubstituteWords)
'Write output
Set objWriteFile = objFSO.opentextfile(FileNameAndLoc, 2, False)
objWriteFile.write NewContents
'Rename file
Name FileNameAndLoc As OutFile
End Sub


Calling a global/public variable in moduleB whose value was defined in moduleA

I wrote 4 macros to do things, but it requires 2 inputs from the user to make sure the right file is being used because some of the macros switch back and between 2 workbooks. I only had access to a few of the files, but I knew that eventually I would have access to the rest of the 35 files. If I didn't have the inputs, I would have to manually change the filename in the macro code, but I don't want to do that, so I used inputs. But now that I have all the files in the right format, I am trying to a separate macro that has a list of the other files in a separate workbook, and then opens those files and does the macros, but it would require the inputs a lot. So now, I'm trying to remove that need for the inputs. But I'm unfamiliar with public variables and somewhat familiar with the calling of other subroutines.
My setup is this:
option explicit
public current as string
Sub master_macro
dim i as integer
dim path as string
dim wb as workbook
dim sht as worksheet
set wb = workbooks("name.xlsx")
set sht = wb.worksheets(1)
path = "C:\xxx\"
for i = 1 to 20
currun = sht.cells(i,1).value 'this takes the value from the separate workbooks that has the file names
full_currun = currun & ".xlsx"
with & full_currun)
call blanks
call lookup
call transfer
call combine
end with
next i
The last 2 macros switch between 2 sheets. So in those macros, the currun is generated the an inputbox, albeit a different name.
nam = inputbox("yadda yadda")
set wb = workbooks(nam & ".xlsx")
I'm trying to get the currun vaue that is defined in the master macro to macro3 and macro4.
You see the part where it says Sub master_macro? What you are doing there is declaring a procedure, which is a basically a general term to describe "a block of self-contained code that does something when it is run." Procedure declarations have three major components:
type - this is what you are doing with Sub; you are saying it is a subroutine, which is distinct from a function Function in that it does not return a value
name - this is the identifier you use to refer to the procedure elsewhere in your code. it is supposed to be descriptive since that enhances the readability. "master_macro" is not bad, but as a general rule you don't want to use underscores when naming procedures in VBA.
parameters - this is where you define the set of variable values that can be passed to the procedure when it is run. each parameter is separated by a comma and declared using the syntax [pass type] + [variable name] + [variable type]. [pass type] is either ByRef or ByVal; the basic distinction is that ByRef sends a direct reference to the variable, while ByVal sends a copy of the value.
The last part is what you are missing to solve this problem. Both macro3 and macro4 are declared (in module B) like master_macro is here. If they need to know what the currun value is then simply add (ByVal currun As String) to their declarations. When they are called from another procedure, as they are in master macro, they will expect to receive a string. Change the two lines in master macro from:
Call macro3
Call macro4
Call macro3(full_currun)
Call macro4(full_currun)
and macro3 and macro4 will have the value of full_currun stored in their own internal variable currun for use as they need.
Thanks guys. managed to get it to work. Here's the finished work below
sub master()
dim i as integer
dim path, currun, fullcurrun as string
dim wb as workbook
dim sht as worksheet
set wb = workbooks("Name.xlsx")
set sht = wh.worksheets(1)
path = "C:\xxx\"
for i = 1 to ?
currun = sht.cells(i,1).value
fullcurrun = currun & ".xlsx" & fullcurrun)
call blank(currun)
call lookup(currun)
call transfer(currun)
call transfer(currun)
next i
end sub
public sub blank/lookup/transfer(byval currun as string)
blah blah blah
end sub

Unable to create a logic to convert the values in Excel to CSV the right way with VBA

I made the code to convert the values to the csv file but the problem is
that I'm not sure if this is the right way because this is the first time I even touched VBA macro! As seen in the image I provided, there is a button "Convert to CSV", when I tap it, the macro will call ExportWorksheetAndSaveAsCSV method and will convert the entire sheets contents into csv. However, it looks like it converts the entire sheet it'self.
What I want to do is the following steps .
1.Pass in the Sheet name as a parameter like ExportWorksheetAndSaveAsCSV("Sheet2"), so that it can be used as a file name. But I'm not sure how I can pass a parameter in function from the Buttton.
2.Convert the values in the columns E to I to CSV. If possible want to have the tites of the data show in the first row of the csv file.
I attached the image and the code so you can see. Some tips or examples will be really helpful! I would love to hear from you.
Public Sub ExportWorksheetAndSaveAsCSV()
Dim wbkExport As Workbook
Dim shtToExport As Worksheet
Dim book As String
Dim fileName As String
book = "Sheet1"
fileName = "test.csv"
Set shtToExport = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(book) 'Export to CSV file
Set wbkExport = Application.Workbooks.Add
shtToExport.Copy Before:=wbkExport.Worksheets(wbkExport.Worksheets.Count)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
wbkExport.SaveAs fileName:="C:\Users\myStuff\Documents\" & fileName, FileFormat:=xlCSV
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
wbkExport.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

Filename in variable used for formulas and copying

I am trying to use a wildcard filename as a variable so I can use it to copy and do some formulas. And then I want to flatten all the formulas.
It looks like this:
This first part works (first thing opens wildcard file from a cell formula and second assigns only filename without path to variable Prod - hovering over variable prod gives exactly what it should)
Dim wbProd As Workbook
Set wbProd = Workbooks.Open(FileNAME:=Sheets("refs").Range("B48").Value)
Dim Prod As String
Prod = Worksheets("refs").Range("B49").Value
With Workbooks(" & Prod & ").Sheets("Report 1")
.Range("A2:BG10", .Range("A2:BG10").End(xlDown)).Copy Workbooks("WeeklyData X.xlsx").ActiveSheet.Range("A2")
End With
Windows("WeeklyData X.xlsx").Activate
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Report 1")
ws.UsedRange.Value = ws.UsedRange.Value
I am getting an error with this first part of copying: With Workbooks(" & Prod & ").Sheets("Report 1"). When I use this copying method without using filename in a variable it works and also when I use variable filename to do Vlookups it works. I dont know what would be the reason not to work here.
Also if you have better way to flatten all the formulas and preseve formats (coz of dates) it would be great.
A quick fix would be to create a Workbook variable (Dim myWB as Workbook),
Then do Set myWB = Workbooks(Prod). Then just do With myWB.Sheets("Sheet1").
The issue is that Excel needs quotes in the sheet name, and so your book is literally being understood as being titled & Prod &. So, to keep your current idea, you need to just add an additional quote to each quote: With Workbooks("" & Prod & "").Sheets("Report 1").
Personally I recommend setting up a workbook variable, but either works!
#drLecter - Very welcome! You'll also run into the "double quotes" issue when trying to set up formulas that have quotes in them. IE The worksheet formula =Vlookup("myText",A1:D1,2,False) would, in VBA, become
Cells(1,1).Formula = "=Vlookup(""myText"",A1:D1,2,False)".
As you can see, if I didn't use double quotes, VBA would stop reading the formula at
Cells(1,1).Formula = "=Vlookup(
Use dir() !
Microsoft Documentation link - dir() function
-Returns a string representing the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or file attribute, or the volume label of a drive.
just adapt something like this::
Sub LoopThroughFiles()
Dim MyObj As Object, MySource As Object, file As Variant
file = Dir("c:\testfolder\")
While (file <> "")
If InStr(file, "test") > 0 Then
MsgBox "found " & file
Exit Sub
End If
file = Dir
End Sub

Code returning 90 empty values when pulling hyperlinks from a document

I am particularly new to coding, not to mention VBA. After a week of really cracking down on learning VBA, I've started to get the hang of it. At the moment, I'm trying to put together a code that will pull the hyperlinks (both addresses and names) out of a word document (eventually word, excel, and power point files), and dump them into the excel file I run the code from. It also dumps the file path and name at the top of the list. I can run the code and pull links from 1 file at a time, and the code pops it out after the end of the last filled line. It will save me endless amounts of time when I have to update links.
Sub ExtractWordLinks()
'the following code gets and sets an open file command bar for word documents
Dim Filter, Caption, SelectedFile As String
Dim Finalrow As String
Filter = "docx Files (*.docx),*.docx, doc Files (*.doc),*.doc, xlsm Files (*.xlsx),*.xlsx"
Caption = "Please Select .doc, .docx, .xlsx files only, " & TheUser
SelectedFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(Filter, , Caption)
'check if value is blank if it is exit
Finalrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If (Trim(SelectedFile) = "") Then
Exit Sub
'setting up the inital word application object
Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.Application")
'opening the document that is defined in the open file dialog
wordapp.documents.Open (SelectedFile)
'ability to change wether it needs to burn cycles updating the UI
wordapp.Visible = False
'declare excel sheet
Dim xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet
'set active sheet
Set xlsSheet = Application.ActiveSheet
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
'MsgBox (wordapp.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Count)
For i = 1 To wordapp.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Count
'puts the title of the document in the formatted cells
'xlsSheet.Cells(Finalrow + 1, 1).Value = wordapp.ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & wordapp.ActiveDocument.Name
'formats the file name cell to be a bit easier to discern from the listing.
Range(Cells(Finalrow + 1, 1), Cells(Finalrow + 1, 2)).Font.Bold = True
Range(Cells(Finalrow + 1, 1), Cells(Finalrow + 1, 2)).Merge
'save the links address.
xlsSheet.Cells(Finalrow + i, 1).Value = wordapp.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks(i).Address
'save the links display text
xlsSheet.Cells(Finalrow + i, 2).Value = wordapp.ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks(i).TextToDisplay
wordapp.ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
wordapp.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If
End Sub
My problem, is that when I run this code on a simple sample file with 3 or so hyperlinks in it across a single page, it returns everything exactly how I want, with the file path/name at the top and all the links in the page directly below it (address in one column, displayed text in the other). However, when I run it on one of the files I am writing this code for (a 95+ page .docx file with ~30 links), it prints out the path/file in the formatted section, and then drops 90 (90 every time) blank lines before printing out the path/file a second time, and then all the links in the document. It does it perfectly, except for the inexplicable second path/file (even there if I comment out the bit I put in) and the 90 blank entries.
Can anyone explain what's going on, or should I try to figure out a way to just bypass the issue by removing my own link code, and including a bit that removes all blank lines?

Updating target workbook - extracting data from source workbook

My question is as follows:
I have given a workbook to multiple people. They have this workbook in a folder of their choice. The workbook name is the same for all people, but folder locations vary.
Let's assume the common file name is MyData-1.xls.
Now I have updated the workbook and want to give it to these people. However when they receive the new one (let's call it MyData-2.xls) I want specific parts of their data pulled from their file (MyData-1) and automatically put into the new one provided (MyData-2).
The columns and cells to be copied/imported are identical for both workbooks. Let's assume I want to import cell data (values only) from MyData-1.xls, Sheet 1, cells B8 through C25 ... to ... the same location in the MyData-2.xls workbook. How can I specify in code (possibly attached to a macro driven import data now button) that I want this data brought into this new workbook. I have tried it at my own location by opening the two workbooks and using the copy/paste-special with links process. It works really well, but It seems to create a hard link between the two physical workbooks. I changed the name of the source workbook and it still worked. This makes me believe that there is a "hard link" between the tow and that this will not allow me to give the target (MyData-2.xls) workbook to others and have it find their source workbook.
To clarify my understanding, each user has a spreadsheet called MyData-1.xls but with varying locations. You would like to send each person a new spreadsheet MyData-2 which will automatically pull in data from range B8:C25 in MyData-1.xls?
There are various options on doing this and below I have provided one way of doing this. In short, the user will open MyData-2, click a button, and the code will search for MyData-1 on their directory, open the workbook, grab the data, paste it into MyData-2, and then close MyData-1.
Sub UpdateWorkbook()
'Identify workbook you would like to pull data from (same for all users)
Dim TargetWorkbook As String
TargetWorkbook = "MyData-1"
'Get the full path of that workbook by searching in a specified directory
Dim TargetPathName As String
TargetPathName = GetFilePath(TargetWorkbook)
'Retrieve data in range B8:C25, copy and paste, then close workbook
Dim TargetRng As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:=TargetPathName
Set TargetRng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B8:C25")
TargetRng.Copy Destination:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B8:C25")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function GetFilePath(TargetWkbook As String) As String
Dim FullFilePath As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error Resume Next
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:\"
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = TargetWkbook
If .Execute > 0 Then
FullFilePath = .FoundFiles(1)
End If
End With
GetFilePath = FullFilePath
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function
By way of explanation:
In the sub you first need to specify the name of the workbook MyData-1
The Function GetFilePath will then get the full path name of the workbbok. Note that I have set it to look in the "C:\" drive and you may want to amend that
Once we have the full file path we can easily open the workbook and copy the required range.
Note that the screenupdating is turned off to create the 'illusion' that the workbook has not been opened when the data is copied. Also, I have added a button on the worksheet of MyData-2 to trigger the code i.e. user opens workbook, presses button, and data is imported.
Finally, this code could be augmented significantly and you may want to tweak it. For example, error checking if file not found, searching in multiple directories (e.g C:\, D:)...
Hope this gets you started on the right track
You should use the copy/paste-special for values only:
Private Sub ImportData_Click()
On Error GoTo OpenTheSheet
GoTo SheetOpen
Workbooks.Open "MyData-1.xls"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
This could be cleaned up a bit, but it's always messy to do file stuff in VBA, I'd probably put the opening code in a function.
Make sure they put the new file in the same directory as the old file.