How to map collections in proper way - nhibernate

What is the best way for mapping collection of objects in NHibernate?
Now I am using bags, but maybe another approach can be more efficient?

Before wore Bag and ClassMapping, something very similar to this:
Bag(am => am.AlumnoMateriaId, map =>
map.Key(k =>
}, rel => rel.ManyToMany(p => p.Column("AlumnoId")));
Now Use the NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes, and a class would look like:
using NHMA = NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes;
[NHMA.Class(Table = " Calificacion ")]
public class Calificacion
[NHMA.Id(0, Name = "id", TypeType = typeof(Int32), Column = "Id", Access = "field")]
[NHMA.Generator(1, Class = "native")]
public Int32 id;
public virtual Int32 Id
get { return id; }
set { id = value; }
[NHMA.ManyToOne(2, Name = "calificacion", Access = "field", Column = "CalificacionID",
Class = "Calificacion", ClassType = typeof(Calificacion),
ForeignKey = "FK_Calificacion_Alumno", NotNull = false)]
private Calificacion calificaion;
public virtual Calificacion Calificaion
get { return calificaion; }
set { calificaion = value; }
[NHMA.Property(Name = "nombre", Access = "field", Column = "Nombre", Length = 50)]
private string nombre;
public virtual string Nombre
get { return nombre; }
set { nombre = value; }


PATCH in web API for Many to Many relationships using EF

I'm trying to remove a tag from a list of tags using a PATCH request. But while saving changes to the db context I get the following error:.
This the the PATCH code.
[HttpPatch("{id:int}/{field}", Name = "UpdateNote")]
public IActionResult UpdateNote(int id, string field, JsonPatchDocument<CreateNoteDTO> patchNoteDTO)
if (id == 0 || patchNoteDTO == null)
return BadRequest();
var note = _db.Notes.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(u => u.ID == id);
if (note == null)
return NotFound();
CreateNoteDTO createNoteDTO = _mapper.Map<CreateNoteDTO>(note);
if (field.Equals("tags"))
var tags = _db.Tags.Where(u => u.Notes.Any(x => x.ID == note.ID)).AsNoTracking().ToList();
List<TagDTO> tagDTOs = new List<TagDTO>();
if (tags.Count > 0)
foreach (var tag in tags)
TagDTO tagDTO = _mapper.Map<TagDTO>(tag);
createNoteDTO.Tags = tagDTOs;
patchNoteDTO.ApplyTo(createNoteDTO, ModelState);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
Note updateNote = _mapper.Map<Note>(createNoteDTO);
updateNote.ID = id;
updateNote.ChangedDate = DateTime.Now;
if (!field.ToLower().Equals("category"))
_db.Entry(updateNote).Property(u => u.FKCategory).IsModified = false;
_db.Entry(updateNote).Property(u => u.CreatedDate).IsModified = false;
return NoContent();
My ApplicationDBContext looks like this:
public class ApplicationDbContext : DbContext
public ApplicationDbContext(DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext> options) : base(options)
public DbSet<Note> Notes { get; set; }
public DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public DbSet<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
//Write Fluent API configurations here
.HasOne(e => e.Category)
.WithMany(e => e.Notes)
.HasForeignKey(e => e.FKCategory)
.HasMany(n => n.Tags)
.WithMany(t => t.Notes)
.UsingEntity(j => j
new { NotesID = 1, TagsTagID = 1 },
new { NotesID = 2, TagsTagID = 2 }
new Category
CategoryID = 1,
CategoryName = "testCategory1",
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
new Category
CategoryID = 2,
CategoryName = "testCategory2",
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
new Tag
TagID = 1,
TagName = "testTag1",
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
new Tag
TagID = 2,
TagName = "testTag2",
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
new Note
ID = 1,
Title = "testTitle1",
Description = "testDescription1",
FKCategory = 1,
Deleted = false,
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
ChangedDate = DateTime.Now,
new Note
ID = 2,
Title = "testTitle2",
Description = "testDescription2",
FKCategory = 2,
Deleted = false,
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
ChangedDate = DateTime.Now,
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Initially I tried without the following if condition:
CreateNoteDTO createNoteDTO = _mapper.Map<CreateNoteDTO>(note);
if (field.Equals("tags"))
var tags = _db.Tags.Where(u => u.Notes.Any(x => x.ID == note.ID)).AsNoTracking().ToList();
List<TagDTO> tagDTOs = new List<TagDTO>();
if (tags.Count > 0)
foreach (var tag in tags)
TagDTO tagDTO = _mapper.Map<TagDTO>(tag);
createNoteDTO.Tags = tagDTOs;
But I got a different error:
I wanted to remove a tag form the following object using a PATCH request:
Note Object

how to pass two or three values to fluent validation Must function?

my code :
public class MandatoryValidator : AbstractValidator<Entity.EigenSchema.AttributeSet>
private string Keyvalue = string.Empty;
public MandatoryValidator(string keyvalue)
Keyvalue = keyvalue;
RuleFor(record => record.Mandatory).Must(Mandatory);
protected bool Mandatory(bool val)
if (val)
if(Keyvalue!=null || Keyvalue!="")
return true;
return false;
return true;
this checks if the field is mandatory or not.
Now I need a function that takes more than one parameter to mandatory function, something like this..
protected bool Mandatory(bool val, string strval, int val)
//strval = record.LocalUnique
//val = record.Size
You can do it like this
RuleFor(record => record.Mandatory).Must(mandatoryField => Mandatory(mandatoryField, Keyvalue, 012));
You can also
RuleFor(record => record).Must(WholeObject=> Mandatory(WholeObject))
//.WithName(x => x.MandatoryFieldName) optional
//and now
private bool MandatorChecker(MyRecordType obj)
strval = obj.LocalUnique;
val = obj.Size;
This one will use the name you provided if this rule breaks.

null userId, Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value

I have an issue with userId in Habits table. it is a foreign key from id in Users Table. but I keep getting the error "Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value " from AddHabitDialogController class.
obviously userId should never be null. where is the issue? how can I solve it?
if more code is needed you can check :
Users Table:
class UsersTable {
static const String tableName = 'Users';
static const String id = 'id';
static const String email = 'email';
static const String createQuery = '''
$id integer primary key autoincrement,
$email text not null unique);''';
String toString() => 'Person, ID: $id, email: $email';
bool operator ==(covariant Users other) => id ==;
int get hashCode => id.hashCode;
Habits table:
class HabitsTable {
static const String tableName = 'Habits';
static const String id = 'id';
static const String userId = 'userId';
static const String text = 'text';
static const String emoji = 'emoji';
static const String period = 'period';
static const String startPeriod = 'startPeriod';
static const String createQuery = '''
$id integer primary key autoincrement,
$userId integer not null,
$text text not null,
$emoji text not null,
$period text not null,
$startPeriod integer,
FOREIGN Key($userId) REFERENCES ${UsersTable.tableName}(${}));''';
User model class:
class Users {
late final int id;
late String email;
Users.fromDb(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
id = map[];
email = map[];
Habit model class:
class Habit {
late final int id;
late final int userId;
late String text;
late String emoji;
late final List<int> period;
late final DateTime? startPeriod;
required this.userId,
required this.text,
required this.emoji,
required this.period,
Habit.fromDb(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
id = map[] as int;
userId = map[HabitsTable.userId] as int;
text = map[HabitsTable.text] as String;
emoji = map[HabitsTable.emoji];
period = (jsonDecode(map[HabitsTable.period]) as List<dynamic>)
.map((e) => e as int)
if (map[HabitsTable.startPeriod] != null) {
startPeriod =
} else {
startPeriod = null;
Map<String, dynamic> toDb() {
Users? owner;
return {
// id,
HabitsTable.userId: owner!.id,
HabitsTable.text: text,
HabitsTable.emoji: emoji,
HabitsTable.period: jsonEncode(period),
HabitsTable.startPeriod: startPeriod?.millisecondsSinceEpoch
class AddHabitDialogController {
Users? owner;
//final user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;
//String get owneruserId => AuthService.firebase().currentUser!.id;
final List<bool> period = [true, true, true, true, true, true, true];
int? id;
int? userId;
String? emoji;
String? text;
StartPeriod startPeriod = StartPeriod.none;
final StreamController<bool> _addBtnEnabledCtrl = StreamController();
Stream<bool> get addBtnEnabled =>;
final StreamController<StartPeriod> _selectedStartPeriodCtrl =
Stream<StartPeriod> get selectedStartPeriod =>;
final StreamController<bool> _loadingCtrl = StreamController();
Stream<bool> get loading =>;
void changePeriodValue(int index, bool newValue) {
period[index] = newValue;
void changeTextValue(String newValue) {
text = newValue;
void changeEmojiValue(String newEmoji) {
emoji = newEmoji;
void changeStartPeriod(StartPeriod newValue) {
startPeriod = newValue;
Future<void> addHabit(BuildContext context) async {
final dataService = GetIt.I.get<DataService>();
final List<int> forPeriod = [];
for (int i = 0; i < period.length; i++) {
if (period[i]) {
forPeriod.add(i + 1);
final habit = Habit(
//id: id!,
userId: owner!.id, //error from here
emoji: emoji!,
text: text!,
period: forPeriod,
startPeriod: _calculateStartPeriodDateTime());
await dataService.addHabit(habit);
void _updateAddBtnEnabledState() {
_addBtnEnabledCtrl.add((text?.isNotEmpty ?? false) &&
(emoji?.isNotEmpty ?? false) &&
period.where((e) => e).isNotEmpty);
DateTime? _calculateStartPeriodDateTime() {
final now =;
switch (startPeriod) {
return DateTime(now.year, now.month,;
case StartPeriod.thisMonth:
return DateTime(now.year, now.month);
case StartPeriod.thisYear:
return DateTime(now.year);
case StartPeriod.none:
return null;
void dispose() {
enum StartPeriod { none, today, thisMonth, thisYear }
Because the local variable of AddHabitDialogController owner can't be referenced before it is declared
class AddHabitDialogController {
Users? owner; // -> you did not assign this owner?

Read Data attributes or Custom Attributes in SQL server from string

I want in SQL prepared dynamic query based on the shortcode.
For Eg.
SET #ShortCode = '[User data="Name" data="MobileNumber"]';
User = table name
Name = User table field
MobileNumber = User table field
Query output be like
SELECT [Name],[MobileNumber] FROM [dbo].[User]
SET #ShortCode = '[Country data="Name" ID="1"]';
Country = table name
Name = Country table field
ID = User table field
Query output be like
SELECT [Name] FROM [dbo].[Country] WHERE [ID] = 1
How to extract all data attributes values and how to get User in the []
This functionality is done in C#
Here My c# code
// Model class
public class ShortCodeResult
public Guid? ID { get; set; }
public string TableName { get; set; }
public bool IsValidShortCode { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string,object> KeyValue { get; set; }
public ShortCodeResult() {
KeyValue = new Dictionary<string, object>();
ID = Guid.NewGuid();
//Regex Filter
public class RegexFilter
private string oPattern = #"(\w+)=[\""]([a-zA-Z0-9_.:\""]+)";
public ShortCodeResult GetShortCodeValues(string Code)
var oShortCodeModel = new ShortCodeResult();
var oRegex = new Regex(oPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var oTableNameRegex = Regex.Match(Code, #"\b[A-Za-z]+\b", RegexOptions.Singleline).Value;
var lstMatchCollection = oRegex.Matches(Code).Cast<Match>().Where(x=>x.Value.StartsWith("data")).ToList();
if (lstMatchCollection != null && lstMatchCollection.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < lstMatchCollection.Count; i++)
var oSelected = new Regex("[^=]+$").Match(Convert.ToString(lstMatchCollection[i]));
if (oSelected != null)
oShortCodeModel.KeyValue.Add(i.ToString(), oSelected.Value.Trim('"'));
oShortCodeModel.TableName = oTableNameRegex;
return oShortCodeModel;
//HtmlHelper Extension
public static MvcHtmlString RenderShortCode(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string IdOrExprssion)
#region Get short code data
var oShortCode = ShortCodeHelper.GetShortCode(IdOrExprssion);
var oMvcHtmlString = new MvcHtmlString(IdOrExprssion);
var oRegexFilter = new RegexFilter();
var shortCodeModel = oRegexFilter.GetShortCodeValues(oShortCode.Expression);
var ostringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortCodeModel.TableName))
ostringBuilder.AppendLine("SELECT ");
ostringBuilder.AppendLine((shortCodeModel.KeyValue.Count > 0 ? string.Join(",", shortCodeModel.KeyValue.Select(x => x.Value)) : "*"));
ostringBuilder.AppendLine(" FROM ");
ostringBuilder.AppendLine(" WITH(NOLOCK) ");
if (oShortCode.FilterCode.Count() > 0)
ostringBuilder.AppendLine("WHERE ");
foreach (var filterCode in oShortCode.FilterCode)
var oDyanamicData = DBHelper.GetDataTable(ostringBuilder.ToString(), System.Data.CommandType.Text, new List<SqlParameter>());
if (oDyanamicData != null)
if (oShortCode.IsHtmlRender)
for (int i = 0; i < oDyanamicData.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < oDyanamicData.Columns.Count; j++)
string key = Convert.ToString(oDyanamicData.Columns[j]);
string value = Convert.ToString(oDyanamicData.Rows[i].ItemArray[j]);
if (oShortCode.DisplayCode.Count > 0)
var displayCode = oShortCode.DisplayCode.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayColumnName == key);
if (displayCode != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayCode?.ReplaceKey))
oShortCode.DefinedHtml = oShortCode.DefinedHtml.Replace(displayCode.ReplaceKey, value);
return new MvcHtmlString(oShortCode.DefinedHtml);
string key = string.Empty, value = string.Empty;
#region For Json
List<JObject> dataList = new List<JObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < oDyanamicData.Rows.Count; i++)
JObject eachRowObj = new JObject();
for (int j = 0; j < oDyanamicData.Columns.Count; j++)
key = Convert.ToString(oDyanamicData.Columns[j]);
value = Convert.ToString(oDyanamicData.Rows[i].ItemArray[j]);
eachRowObj.Add(key, value);
return new MvcHtmlString(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataList));
return oMvcHtmlString;
Can anyone help me solved above in SQL server or prepared query in store procedure

Building lambda expression dynamically

I know how to build a simple lambda like x => x > 5:
int[] nbs = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
IEnumerable<int> result1 = nbs.Where(x => x > 5);
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "x");
ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(5);
BinaryExpression expressionBody = Expression.GreaterThan(parameter, constant);
Expression<Func<int, bool>> expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(expressionBody, parameter);
IEnumerable<int> result2 = nbs.Where(expression.Compile());
But, how do I create a more complex lambda like this p=>p.FindAttribute("Gender")?.Value == "Female" in the same style as above?
public class Person
public bool POI { get; set; } = false;
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Car> Cars { get; set; }
public List<Attribute> Attributes { get; set; }
public bool PersonOfInterest()
return POI;
public Attribute FindAttribute(string name)
return Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == name);
public class Attribute
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public Attribute(string name, string value) { Name = name; Value = value; }
public class Car
public string Make { get; set; }
public int Horsepowers { get; set; }
public string Fuel { get; set; }
Person p1 = new Person();
p1.Name = "Thom";
p1.POI = true;
p1.Attributes = new List<Attribute>() {new Attribute("Length", "Tall"), new Attribute("Hair", "Long hair")};
p1.Cars = new List<Car>()
new Car(){Horsepowers = 100, Make = "Toyota", Fuel = "Diesel"},
new Car(){Horsepowers = 200, Make = "Fiat", Fuel = "Diesel"},
new Car(){Horsepowers = 300, Make = "Audi", Fuel = "Diesel"},
new Car(){Horsepowers = 150, Make = "Ferrari", Fuel = "Petrol"}
Person p2 = new Person();
p2.POI = false;
p2.Attributes = new List<Attribute>() { new Attribute("Nationality", "English"), new Attribute("Gender", "Female") };
p2.Name = "Sophie";
p2.Cars = new List<Car>()
new Car(){Horsepowers = 500, Make = "McLaren", Fuel = "Diesel"},
new Car(){Horsepowers = 200, Make = "Volvo", Fuel = "Diesel"},
new Car(){Horsepowers = 300, Make = "Audi", Fuel = "Diesel"},
new Car(){Horsepowers = 400, Make = "Ferrari", Fuel = "Diesel"}
IEnumerable<Person> res = persons.Where(p=>p.FindAttribute("Gender")?.Value == "Female");
Of course I could always create a new method on Person like:
public bool HasAttributeWithValue(string name, string value)
return FindAttribute(name)?.Value == value;
But it's still of interest to me if it's possible to construct the complex lambda dynamically!
This piece of code does the job.
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p");
ConstantExpression my_null_object = Expression.Constant(null);
ConstantExpression gender = Expression.Constant("Gender");
MethodCallExpression methodcall = Expression.Call(parameter, typeof(Person).GetMethod("FindAttribute"), gender);
BinaryExpression is_null = Expression.Equal(methodcall, my_null_object);
ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant("Female");
MemberExpression member = Expression.Property(methodcall, typeof(Attribute).GetProperty("Value"));
BinaryExpression expressionBody = Expression.Equal(member, constant);
BinaryExpression cond = Expression.AndAlso(Expression.IsFalse(is_null), expressionBody);
Maybe clearer this way
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p");
ConstantExpression my_null_object = Expression.Constant(null);
MethodCallExpression methodcall = Expression.Call(parameter, typeof(Person).GetMethod("FindAttribute"), Expression.Constant("Gender"));
BinaryExpression cond = Expression.AndAlso(
Expression.IsFalse(Expression.Equal(methodcall, my_null_object)),
Expression.Property(methodcall, typeof(Attribute).GetProperty("Value")),
Null-conditional operator is a language feature. It can be converted to this code:
var attribute = p.FindAttribute("Gender");
return attribute == null ? false : attribute.Value == "Female";
To build an expression tree you can use Expression.Block:
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p");
var findAttribute = Expression.Call(p,
var attribute = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Attribute), "attribute");
var body = Expression.Block(
new[] {attribute}, // local variables
new Expression[]
Expression.Assign(attribute, findAttribute),
Expression.Equal(attribute, Expression.Constant(null)),
Expression.PropertyOrField(attribute, "Value"),
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Person, bool>>(body, p);