What is the difference between SRS and Requirement Analysis? - requirements

My understanding of Requirement Analysis is that it is a process and the document created during this process is SRS (Software Requirement Specification).

As #CharlesB said: You're right.
Although of course, there are many different terms in the industry for the specification which is the "output" of the process. The SRS is specified by IEEE. Especially in the US, SRS is the most common term for the artifact.

requirements are what your program should do,they shouldn't specify the how, but the what
specifications are how you plan to do it and how to achieve the requirements


OpenMDAO v/s modeFrontier comparisons for optimization capabilities and application scaling

I realize that this might not be the best platform to ask this, but I think this would be best unbiased one to put my question in.
How would you compare OpenMDAO v/s modeFrontier with regards to there optimization capabilities and application scaling and overall software development? Which one would you pick and why?
If you know of any resources or link do provide.
The most fundamental technical difference is OpenMDAO can pass data + derivative information between components. This means that if you want to use gradient based optimization and have access to at least some tools that provide derivative information, OpenMDAO will have far more effective overall capabilities. This is especially important when doing optimization with high-cost analysis tools (e.g. partial differential equation solvers --- CFD, FEA). In those situations making use of derivatives offers between a 100x and 10000x speedup.
One other difference is that OpenMDAO is designed to run natively on a distributed memory compute cluster. Industrial frameworks can submit jobs to remote clusters and query for the results, but OpenMDAO itself can run on the cluster and has a direct and internal MPI based distributed memory capability. This is critical to it being able to efficiently handle derivatives of those expensive PDE solvers. To the best of my knowledge, OpenMDAO is unique in this regard. This is a low level technical detail that most users never need to directly understand, but the consequence is that if you want to do any kind of high fidelity coupled optimziations (aero-structural, aero-propulsive, aero-thermal) with more than one PDE solver in the loop then OpenMDAO's architecture is going to be by far the most effective.
However, OpenMDAO does not offer a GUI. It does not have the same level of data tracking and visualization tools. Also, I know that mode-frontier offers the ability to split a single model up across multiple computers distributed across an organization. Mode Frontier, along with other tools like ModelCenter and Isight, all offer this kind of smooth user experience and code-free interaction that many find valuable.
Honestly, I'm not sure a direct comparison is really warranted. I think if you have an organization that invests in a commercial integration tool like Mode Fronteir, then you can still use OpenMDAO to create tightly coupled integrated optimizations which you can then include as boxes inside your overall integration framework.
You certainly can use OpenMDAO as a complete integration framework, and it has some advantages in that area related to derivatives and execution in distributed memory environments. But you don't have to, and it certainly does not have to be an exclusive decision.

Automated Design in CAD, Analysis in FEA, and Optimization

I would like to optimize a design by having an optimizer make changes to a CAD file, which is then analyzed in FEM, and the results fed back into the optimizer to make changes on the design based on the FEM, until the solution converges to an optimum (mass, stiffness, else).
This is what I envision:
create a blueprint of the part in a CAD software (e.g. CATIA).
run an optimizer code (e.g. fmincon) from within a programming language (e.g. Python). The parameters of the optimizer are parameters of the CAD model (angles, lengths, thicknesses, etc.).
the optimizer evaluates a certain design (parameter set). The programming language calls the CAD software and modifies the design accordingly.
the programming language extracts some information (e.g. mass).
then the programming language extracts a STEP file and passes it a FEA solver (e.g. Abaqus) where a predefined analysis is performed.
the programming language reads the results (e.g. max van Mises stress).
the results from CAD and FEM (e.g. mass and stress) are fed to the optimizer, which changes the design accordingly.
until it converges.
I know this exists from within a closed architecture (e.g. isight), but I want to use an open architecture where the optimizer is called from within an open programming language (ideally Python).
So finally, here are my questions:
Can it be done, as I described it or else?
References, tutorials please?
Which softwares do you recommend, for programming, CAD and FEM?
Yes, it can be done. What you're describing is a small parametric structural sizing multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) environment. Before you even begin coding up the tools or environment, I suggest doing some preliminary work on a few areas
Carefully formulate the minimization problem (minimize f(x), where x is a vector containing ... variables, subject to ... constraints, etc.)
Survey and identify individual tools of interest
How would each tool work? Input variables? Output variables?
Outline in a Design Structure Matrix (a.k.a. N^2 diagram) how the tools will feed information (variables) to each other
What optimizer is best suited to your problem (MDF?)
Identify suitable convergence tolerance(s)
Once the above steps are taken, I would then start to think MDO implementation details. Python, while not the fastest language, would be an ideal environment because there are many tools that were built in Python to solve MDO problems like the one you have and the low development time. I suggest going with the following packages
OpenMDAO (http://openmdao.org/): a modern MDO platform written by NASA Glenn Research Center. The tutorials do a good job of getting you started. Note that each "discipline" in the Sellar problem, the 2nd problem in the tutorial, would include a call to your tool(s) instead of a closed-form equation. As long as you follow OpenMDAO's class framework, it does not care what each discipline is and treats it as a black-box; it doesn't care what goes on in-between an input and an output.
Scipy and numpy: two scientific and numerical optimization packages
I don't know what software you have access to, but here are a few tool-related tips to help you in your tool survey and identification:
Abaqus has a Python API (http://www.maths.cam.ac.uk/computing/software/abaqus_docs/docs/v6.12/pdf_books/SCRIPT_USER.pdf)
If you need to use a program that does not have an API, you can automate the GUI using Python's win32com or Pywinauto (GUI automation) package
For FEM/FEA, I used both MSC PATRAN and MSC NASTRAN on previous projects since they have command-line interfaces (read: easy to interface with via Python)
HyperSizer also has a Python API
Install Pythonxy (https://code.google.com/p/pythonxy/) and use the Spyder Python IDE (included)
CATIA can be automated using win32com (quick Google search on how to do it: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/347243-automate-catia-v5-with-python-and-pywin32/)
Note: to give you some sort of development time-frame, what you're asking will probably take at least two weeks to develop.
I hope this helps.

Semantic techniques in IOT

I am trying to use semantic technologies in IOT. From the last two months I am doing literature survey and during this time I came to know some of the tools required like (protege, Apache Jena). Now along with reading papers I want to play with semantic techniques like annotation, linking data etc so that I can get the better understanding of the concepts involved. For the same I have put the roadmap as:
Collect data manually (using sensors) or use some data set already on the web.
Annotate the dataset and possibly use ontology (not sure)
Apply open linking data principles
I am not sure whether this road map is correct or not. I am asking for suggestions in following points
Is this roadmap correct?
How should I approach for steps 2 and 3. In other words which tools should I use for these steps?
Hope you guys can help me in finding a proper way for handling this issue. Thanks
Semantics and IoT (or semantic sensor web [1]) is a hot topic. Congratulations that you choose a interesting and worth pursuing research topic.
In my opinion, your three steps approach looks good. I would recommend you to do a quick prototype so you can learn the possible challenges early.
In addition to the implementation technologies (Portege, etc.), there are some important works might be useful for you:
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE). [2] It is an important work for sharing and exchanging sensor observation data. Many large organizations (NOAA, NASA, NRCan, AAFC, ESA, etc.) have adopted this standard. This standard has defined a conceptual data model/ontology (O&M, ISO 19156). Note: this is a very comprehensive standard, hence it's very BIG and can be time consuming to read. I recommend to read #2 mentioned below.
OGC SensorThings API (http://ogc-iot.github.io/ogc-iot-api/), a IoT cloud API standard based on the OGC SWE. This might be most relevant to you. It is a light-weight protocol of the SWE family, and designed specifically for IoT. Some early research work has been done to use JSON-LD to annotate SensorThings.
W3C Spatial Data on Web (http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Main_Page). It is an on-going joint work between W3C and OGC. Part of the goal is to mature SSN (Semantic Sensor Network) ontology. Once it's ready, the new SSN can be used to annotate SensorThings API for example. A work worth to monitor.
[1] Sheth, Amit, Cory Henson, and Satya S. Sahoo. "Semantic sensor web." Internet Computing, IEEE 12.4 (2008): 78-83.
[2] Bröring, Arne, et al. "New generation sensor web enablement." Sensors 11.3 (2011): 2652-2699.

Swarm Intelligence - what kinds of problems are effectively solved?

I am looking for practical problem (or implementations, applications) examples which are effectively algoritmized using swarm intelligence. I found that multicriteria optimization is one example. Are there any others?
IMHO swarm-intelligence should be added to the tags
Are you looking for toy problems or more for real-world applications?
In the latter category I know variants on swarm intelligence algorithms are used in Hollywood for CGI animations such as large (animated) armies riding the fields of battle.
Related but more towards the toy-problem end of the spectrum you can model large crowds with similar algorithms, and use it for example to simulate disaster-scenarios. AFAIK the Dutch institute TNO has research groups on this topic, though I couldn't find an English link just by googling.
One suggestion for a place to start further investigation would be this PDF book:
That book also has an appendix (B) with some sample projects you could try and work on.
If you want to get a head start there are several frameworks (scientific use) for multi-agent systems such as swarming intelligence (most of 'em are written with Java I think). Some of them include sample apps too. For example have a look at these:
Post edited, added more info.
I will take your question like: what kind of real-world problems SI can solve?
There are alot. Swarm intelligence is based on the complex behaviour of swarms, where agents in the swarm coordinate and cooperate by executing very simple rules to generate an emergent complex auto organized behaviour. Also, the agents often make a deliberation process to make efficient decisions, and also, the emergent behaviour of the swarms allows them to find patterns, learn and adapt to their environment. Therefore, real-world applications based on SI are those that often required coordination and cooperation techniques, optimization process, exploratory analysis, dynamical poblems, etc. Some of these are:
Optimization techniques (mathematical functions for example)
Coordination of a swarm of robots (to organize inventory for example)
Routing in communication networks. (This is also dynamical combinatorial optimization)
Data analysis (usually exploratory, like clustering). SI has alot of applications in data mining and machine learning. This allows SI algorithms to find interesting patterns in big sets of data.
Np problems in general
I'm sure there are alot more. You should check the book:
"Swarm Intelligence: from natural to artificial systems". This is the basic book.
Take care.

Does anybody actually use the PSP (Personal Software Process)?

I've been reading a bit about this recently but it looks to be a bit heavy. Does anybody have real world experience using it?
Are there any light weight alternatives?
The Personal Software Process is a personal improvement process. The full-blown PSP is quite heavy and there are several forms, templates, and documents associated with it. However, a key point is that you are supposed to tailor the PSP to your specific needs.
Typically, when you are learning about the PSP (especially if you are learning it in a course), you will use the full PSP with all of its forms. However, as Watts S. Humphrey says in "PSP: A Self-Improvement Process for Software Engineers", it's important to "use a process that both works for you and produces the desired results". Even for an individual, multiple projects will probably require variations on the process in order to achieve the results you want to.
In the book I mentioned above, "PSP: A Self Improvement Process for Software Engineers", the steps that you should follow when defining your own process are:
Determine needs and priorities
Define objectives, goals, and quality criteria
Characterize the current process
Characterize the target process
Establish a strategy to develop the process
Validate the process
Enhance the process
If you are familiar with several process models, it should be fairly easy to take pieces from all of them and create a process or workflow that works on your particular project. If you want more advice, I would suggest picking up the book. There's an entire chapter dedicated to extending and modifying the PSP as well as creating your own process.
The Personal Software Process itself is a subset of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) processes. There are no light weight alternatives available as of now.