Speed up loop in excel - vba

I had some great help to get this search tool working in excel but I was wondering if there is room for speed improvement. I did some research and with what little I understand about VB for i = LBOUND(array) To UBOUND(array) seems most optimal. Would 'For Each' be faster? I am wondering if there is a way to isolate the records currently in the worksheet, or if it is already doing this with L/UBOUND? If it is, is there a way to do 'ignore special characters' similar to SQL? After adding screenupdating and calculation, I was able to shave about 10 seconds off of the total run time. And further I was using FormulaR1C1 for my search before this new loop and it would limit the amount of columns to search while being super fast.
Range("W2:W" & LastRow).FormulaR1C1 = _
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(23), 1) = 0 Then
Any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Sub FindFeature()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim shResults As Worksheet
Dim vaData As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sSearchTerm As String
Dim sData As String
Dim rNext As Range
Dim v As Variant
Dim vaDataCopy As Variant
Dim uRange As Range
Dim findRange As Range
Dim nxtRange As Range
Dim ws As Range
'Put all the data into an array
vaData = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value
'Get the search term
sSearchTerm = Application.InputBox("What are you looking for?")
'Define and clear the results sheet
Set shResults = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Results")
shResults.Range("A3").Resize(shResults.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1).EntireRow.Delete
Set uRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
vaData = uRange.Value
vaDataCopy = vaData
For Each v In vaDataCopy
v = Anglicize(v)
Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose (vaDataCopy)
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = vaDataCopy
'Loop through the data
Set ws = Cells.Find(What:=uRange, After:="ActiveCell", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not ws Is Nothing Then
Set findRange = ws
Set nxtRange = Cells.FindNext(After:=ws)
Set findRange = nxtRange
Loop Until ws.Address = findRange.Address
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = vaData
'Write the row to the next available row on Results
Set rNext = shResults.Cells(shResults.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rNext.Resize(1, uRange(vaData, 2)).Value = Application.Index(vaData, i, 0)
'Stop looking in that row after one match
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Ultimately, the execution speed here is severely hampered by the apparent requirement to operate on every cell in the range, and because you're asking about performance, I suspect this range may contain many thousands of cells. There are two things I can think of:
1. Save your results in an array and write to the Results worksheet in one statement
Try replacing this:
'Write the row to the next available row on Results
Set rNext = shResults.Cells(shResults.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rNext.Resize(1, UBound(vaData, 2)).Value = Application.Index(vaData, i, 0)
'Stop looking in that row after one match
Exit For
With a statement that assigns the value Application.Index(vaData, i, 0) to an array variable, and then when you're completed the For i loop, you can write the results in one pass to the results worksheet.
NOTE This may be noticeably faster if and only if there are many thousands of results. If there are only a few results expected, then exeuction speed is primarily affected by the need to iterate over every cell, not the operation of writing the results to another sheet.
2. Use another method than cell iteration
If you can implement this method, I would use it in conjunction with the above.
Ordinarily I would recommend using the .Find and .FindNext methods as considerably more efficient than using the i,j iteration. But since you need to use the Anglicize UDF on every cell in the range, you would need to make some restructure your code to accommodate. Might require multiple loops, for example, first Anglicize the vaData and preserve a copy of the non-Anglicized data, like:
Dim r as Long, c as Long
Dim vaDataCopy as Variant
Dim uRange as Range
Set uRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
vaData = uRange.Value
vaDataCopy = vaData
For r = 1 to Ubound(varDataCopy,1)
For c = 1 to Ubound(varDataCopy,2)
varDataCopy(r,c) = Anglicize(varDataCopy(r,c))
Then, put the Anglicize version on to the worksheet.
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = vaDataCopy
Then, instead of the For i =... For j =... loop, use the .Find and .FindNext method on the uRange object.
Here is an example of how I implement Find/FindNext.
Finally, put the non-Anglicized version back on the worksheet, again with the caveat that it might require use of Transpose function:
ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Value = vaData
Whil this still iterates over every value to perform the Anglicize function, it does not operate on every value a second time (Instr function). So, you're essentially operating on the values only once, rather than twice. I suspect this should be much faster, especially if you combine it with the #1 above.
After some comment discussion & emails back and forth, we arrive at this solution:
Option Explicit
Sub FindFeature()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim shSearch As Worksheet:
Dim shResults As Worksheet
Dim vaData As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, r As Long, c As Long
Dim sSearchTerm As String
Dim sData As String
Dim rNext As Range
Dim v As Variant
Dim vaDataCopy As Variant
Dim uRange As Range
Dim findRange As Range
Dim nxtRange As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim foundRows As Object
Dim k As Variant
Set shSearch = Sheets("City")
'Define and clear the results sheet
Set shResults = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Results")
shResults.Range("A3").Resize(shResults.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1).EntireRow.Delete
'# Create a dictionary to store our result rows
Set foundRows = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Get the search term
sSearchTerm = Application.InputBox("What are you looking for?")
'# set and fill our range/array variables
Set uRange = shSearch.UsedRange
vaData = uRange.Value
vaDataCopy = Application.Transpose(vaData)
For r = 1 To UBound(vaDataCopy, 1)
For c = 1 To UBound(vaDataCopy, 2)
'MsgBox uRange.Address
vaDataCopy(r, c) = Anglicize(vaDataCopy(r, c))
'# Temporarily put the anglicized text on the worksheet
uRange.Value = Application.Transpose(vaDataCopy)
'# Loop through the data, finding instances of the sSearchTerm
With uRange
.Cells(1, 1).Activate
Set rng = .Cells.Find(What:=sSearchTerm, After:=ActiveCell, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
Set findRange = rng
Set nxtRange = .Cells.FindNext(After:=findRange)
Debug.Print sSearchTerm & " found at " & nxtRange.Address
If Not foundRows.Exists(nxtRange.Row) Then
'# Make sure we're not storing the same row# multiple times.
'# store the row# in a Dictionary
foundRows.Add nxtRange.Row, nxtRange.Column
End If
Set findRange = nxtRange
'# iterate over all matches, but stop when the FindNext brings us back to the first match
Loop Until findRange.Address = rng.Address
'# Iterate over the keys in the Dictionary. This contains the ROW# where a match was found
For Each k In foundRows.Keys
'# Find the next empty row on results page:
With shResults
Set rNext = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0). _
Resize(1, UBound(Application.Transpose(vaData), 1))
End With
'# Write the row to the next available row on Results
rNext.Value = Application.Index(vaData, k, 0)
MsgBox sSearchTerm & " was not found"
End If
End With
'# Put the non-Anglicized values back on the sheet
uRange.Value = vaData
'# Restore application properties
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'# Display the results
End Sub
Public Function Anglicize(ByVal sInput As String) As String
Dim vaGood As Variant
Dim vaBad As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim sReturn As String
Dim c As Range
'Replace any 'bad' characters with 'good' characters
vaGood = Split("S,Z,s,z,Y,A,A,A,A,A,A,C,E,E,E,E,I,I,I,I,D,N,O,O,O,O,O,U,U,U,U,Y,a,a,a,a,a,a,c,e,e,e,e,i,i,i,i,d,n,o,o,o,o,o,u,u,u,u,y,y", ",")
vaBad = Split("Š,Ž,š,ž,Ÿ,À,Á,Â,Ã,Ä,Å,Ç,È,É,Ê,Ë,Ì,Í,Î,Ï,Ð,Ñ,Ò,Ó,Ô,Õ,Ö,Ù,Ú,Û,Ü,Ý,à,á,â,ã,ä,å,ç,è,é,ê,ë,ì,í,î,ï,ð,ñ,ò,ó,ô,õ,ö,ù,ú,û,ü,ý,ÿ", ",")
sReturn = sInput
Set c = Range("D1:G1")
For i = LBound(vaBad) To UBound(vaBad)
sReturn = Replace$(sReturn, vaBad(i), vaGood(i))
Next i
Anglicize = sReturn
End Function


Excel VBA array of Selected Range

I know how to make two functions on each column (in this case TRIM and STRCONV to ProperCase
Dim arrData() As Variant
Dim arrReturnData() As Variant
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Dim lRows As Long
Dim lCols As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Range("H2", Range("H2").End(xlDown)).Select
lRows = Selection.Rows.Count
lCols = Selection.Columns.Count
ReDim arrData(1 To lRows, 1 To lCols)
ReDim arrReturnData(1 To lRows, 1 To lCols)
Set rng = Selection
arrData = rng.Value
For j = 1 To lCols
For i = 1 To lRow
arrReturnData(i, j) = StrConv(Trim(arrData(i, j)), vbProperCase)
Next i
Next j
rng.Value = arrReturnData
Set rng = Nothing
Currently I'm trying to figure out how to add one more FOR which where I could gather more than one selection ranges for example:
Set myAnotherArray(0) = Range("H2", Range("H2").End(xlDown)).Select
Set myAnotherArray(1) = Range("J2", Range("J2").End(xlDown)).Select
For k = 1 To myAnotherArray.lenght
Because I'm copying and pasting whole script to make aciton on three columns. Tried already:
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Area As Range
Set Rng = Range("Range("H2", Range("H2").End(xlDown)).Select,Range("J2", Range("J2").End(xlDown)).Select")
For Each Area In Rng.Areas
Area.Font.Bold = True
Next Area
Even tried to Union range but I failed. Any sugesstions?
And as always... Thank you for your time!
I found a way you could use to perform work on those ranges, refer to the code below:
Sub DoSomethingWithRanges()
Dim m_Worksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim m_Columns() As Variant
Set m_Worksheet = ActiveSheet
' fill all your columns in here
m_Columns = Array(2, 3, 4)
For Each m_Column In m_Columns
' the area being used ranges from the second until the last row of your column
With m_Worksheet.Range(m_Worksheet.Cells(2, m_Column), m_Worksheet.Cells(m_Worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, m_Column))
' do things with range
.Font.Bold = True
End With
Next m_Column
End Sub
In the variant array m_Columns you can add all the columns you want. Only downside is that in my example you have to use numbers to specify columns instead of "H". However, you don't have to worry about the row-indexes, since the area automatically ranges from the second to the last used row.

Create various ranges if cell is found or not found in another workbook

I have been struggling for a day and a half with my code. I have a spreadsheet with over 50 columns 18000 rows. I have been able to identify a smaller range of cells in column A defined by "AllEntRg" based on blank cells in column H(OpsCol). I'm stuck with my loops towards the bottom. For EntityRg, I am looping through each cell in "AllEntRg" and if it is Not found in Range CCRg which was defined in BudWb Wk4 Then I want to create a range of all of those cells. The next option, CostCRg, I want to define a range for all cells that ARE FOUND in CCrg.
I have tested this by selecting individual cells and it provides the results I'm looking for but when I have this in the loops I'm getting the following two results: For EntityRg, the range.address defined is the same as AllEntRg (this shouldn't be the case). For CostCRg, I'm getting an error. I'm not sure what I'm not defining correctly. I've been stuck here for quite a while and I have tried using Match Function as well. Again, individually it works but in the loop I'm getting these results which are not expected. I'm interested on the feedback I may receive. Thanks.
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim BudWkb As Workbook
Dim Wk2 As Worksheet
Dim PNLWkb As Workbook
Dim fpath As String
Dim fname As String
Set BudWkb = Workbooks("SubModel Forecast_Other Admin v4.xlsm")
Set Wk2 = BudWkb.Sheets("By PM")
fname = "Feb15 PNL"
'fname = InputBox("Enter PNL File Name")
Dim Wk4 As Worksheet
Set Wk4 = BudWkb.Sheets("Validation")
With Wk4
Dim CCCol As Long
Dim fRowCC As Long
Dim lRowCC As Long
CCCol = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
fRowCC = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).Offset(1, 0).row
lRowCC = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).End(xlDown).row
Dim CCRg As Range
Set CCRg = Wk4.Range(Wk4.Cells(fRowCC, CCCol), Wk4.Cells(lRowCC, CCCol))
'MsgBox (CCRg.Address)
End With
Set PNLWkb = Workbooks("Feb15 PNL.xlsx")
Dim Wk1 As Worksheet
Set Wk1 = PNLWkb.Sheets("det")
With Wk1
If Left(Wk2.Name, 5) = "By PM" Then
Dim OpsCol As Long
OpsCol = Wk1.Cells.Find("Property Manager", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
OpsCol = Wk1.Cells.Find("Submarket", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
End If
Dim FRow As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ExpCol As Long
Dim PropCodeCol As Long
Dim Expense As String
Expense = InputBox("Enter Expense GL")
'to locate begining and ending row of data on PNL report
'Identifies the column where the SubMarket names are located for lookup purposes
'Defines the expense GL column to lookup based on the inputbox above
FRow = Wk1.Cells.Find("66990000", lookat:=xlPart).Offset(2, 0).row
lRow = Wk1.Cells.Find("66990000", lookat:=xlPart).End(xlDown).Offset(-1, 0).row
ExpCol = Wk1.Cells.Find(Expense, lookat:=xlPart).Column
PropCodeCol = Wk1.Cells.Find("Property Code", lookat:=xlWhole).Column
'Defines the Range of the PM or Sub-Market Names
Dim OpsRg As Range
Set OpsRg = Wk1.Range(Wk1.Cells(FRow, OpsCol), Wk1.Cells(lRow, OpsCol))
'Defines the Range of the Property Codes
Dim PropCodeRg As Range
Set PropCodeRg = Wk1.Range(Wk1.Cells(FRow, PropCodeCol), Wk1.Cells(lRow, PropCodeCol))
'Defines the exact range of the expense column being analyzed
Dim ExpRg As Range
Set ExpRg = Wk1.Range(Wk1.Cells(FRow, ExpCol), Wk1.Cells(lRow, ExpCol))
End With
Dim AllEntRg As Range
For Each Cell In OpsRg
If Cell = "" Then
If AllEntRg Is Nothing Then
Set AllEntRg = Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol)
Set AllEntRg = Union(AllEntRg, Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol))
End If
'End If
End If
MsgBox (AllEntRg.Address)
'MsgBox (Application.Match(Wk1.Cells(59, 1), CCRg, 0))
'Dim y
'y = Application.Match(Wk1.Cells(10, 1), CCRg, 0)
'If IsError(y) Then
'MsgBox ("pooopy error")
'End If
Dim EntityRg As Range
'Dim c As Range
For Each c In AllEntRg
'Dim z
'z = Application.Match(c, CCRg, 0)
If CCRg.Find(c.Value, lookat:=xlPart) Is Nothing Then
If EntityRg Is Nothing Then
Set EntityRg = c
Set EntityRg = Union(EntityRg, c)
End If
End If
MsgBox (EntityRg.Address)
Dim CostCRg As Range
Dim r As Range
For Each r In AllEntRg
If Not CCRg.Find(r.Value, lookat:=xlPart) Is Nothing Then
If CostCRg Is Nothing Then
Set CostCRg = r
Set CostCRg = Union(CostCRg, r)
End If
End If
MsgBox (CostCRg.Address)
Dim v As Double
v = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(EntityRg)
'SendKeys "{F9}"
MsgBox (v)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I have no means of running your code but I have reviewed it and have noticed some possible problems.
lRowCC = Wk4.Cells.Find("Cost Center", lookat:=xlWhole).End(xlDown).row
`.End(xlDown) is not a reliable method of finding the last row of a column. Read this answer of mine for an explanation: Excel vba – xlDown
You say: “For EntityRg, the range.address defined is the same as AllEntRg (this shouldn't be the case).”
Do you believe they are the same because EntityRg.Address = AllEntRg.Address?
EntityRg .Address will be a string of absolute cell and range addresses separated by commas. You may not be aware that this string has a maximum length of about 255. I cannot find any documentation but from my own experimentation, EntityRg .Address will be truncated to less than 256 such that there is no partial cell or range address.
Are you being fooled by the first 255 characters of these addresses matching?
Another possibility is that every use of CCRg.Find(c.Value, lookat:=xlPart) returns Nothing so EntityRgand AllEntRg are equal. You say CostCRg gives an error; is this because it is Nothing?
You have two loops searching CCRg for values in AllEntRg. One loop records the successes and one records the failures. Why not combine the loops into something like:
If CCRg.Find(c.Value, lookat:=xlPart) Is Nothing Then
If EntityRg Is Nothing Then
Set EntityRg = c
Set EntityRg = Union(EntityRg, c)
End If
If CostCRg Is Nothing Then
Set CostCRg = r
Set CostCRg = Union(CostCRg, r)
End If
End If
I am concerned that For Each c In AllEntRg is not giving you what you expect. If you combine ranges with Union, it will tidy them up. So Union(Range("A2"), Range("A3", Range("A5"), Range("A6"), Range("A7")).Address is
"$A$2:$A$3,$A$5:$A$7" not "$A$2,$A$3,$A$5,$A$6,$A$7". My recollection is that For Each c In AllEntRg would not split "$A$2:$A$3" into separate cells.
Please use F8 to step through this loop to check that it is performing as you expect.
Hope this helps
Answer to problem described in comment
Your problem is you are not being consistent in you use of Withs and, in particular, you are not identifying which workbook you want to operate on.
Wk4 is explicitly specified to be within workbook BufdWkb and Wk1 is specified to be within PNLWkb.
However, in
Set AllEntRg = Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol)
you do not specify a worksheet or workbook for Cells. This is the equivalent of
Set AllEntRg = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol)`
You need to write Set AllEntRg = .Cells(Cell.row, PropCodeCol) (note period before Cells) and include this code within the With Wk1 Block.

VBA check for value in a range

I am trying to loop through a column and if cells = "what i'm lookng for" then do something.
I have this so far, where I'm off is in the if statement where I check for the "name":
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim wksDest As Worksheet
Dim wksSource As Worksheet
Dim rngSource As Range
Dim name As String
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim c As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wksSource = Worksheets("Sheet1")
With wksSource
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For c = 16 To 20
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, c).End(xlUp).Row
Set rngSource = .Range(.Cells(5, 16), .Cells(LastRow, 16))
name = rngSource.Value
If name = "mark"
do something
End If
Next c
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'MsgBox "Done!", vbExclamation
End Sub
OK Chris
Maybe a bit of simplification is required but also a few assumptions.
It doesn't seem like LastCol is being used for anything - so let's assume this is the Column you want to loop through.
Your loop has fixed start and end values yet you are determining the LastRow - so let's assume you want to start from row 5 (in your code) and loop to the LastRow in the LastCol.
In order to determine LastCol you must have data in the row you are using to do this - so let's assume that there are values in row 1 in all columns up to column you want to loop say 16 (in your code).
If you want to (IF) test for a single (string) value in this case then you must arrange for your rngSource to be a single cell value. You also don't need to assign this to a variable unless you need to use it again.
Finally, if you want to check for other values you may want to consider using a SELECT CASE structure in place of your IF THEN structure.
Have a look at the following and change my assumptions to meet your requirement - good luck.
Sub test()
Dim wksDest As Worksheet
Dim wksSource As Worksheet
Dim rngSource As Range
Dim name As String
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastCol As Long
Dim c As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wksSource = Worksheets("Sheet1")
With wksSource
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, LastCol).End(xlUp).Row
FirstRow = 5
For c = FirstRow To LastRow
If .Range(.Cells(c, LastCol), .Cells(c, LastCol)).Value = "Mark" Then
MsgBox ("do something")
End If
Next c
End With
End Sub
You can just do that with one line.
If Not IsError(Application.Match(ValueToSearchFor, RangeToSearchIn, 0)) Then
'The value found in the given range
End If
Search for "Canada" in column C of sheet named "Country"
If Not IsError(Application.Match("Canada", Sheets("Country").Range("C:C"), 0)) Then
'The value found in the given range
End If
Pass value to find and Column where value need to be checked. It will return row num if its found else return 0.
Function checkForValue(FindString As String,ColumnToCheck as String) As Long
SheetLastRow = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).row
With Sheets("Sheet1").Range("$" & ColumnToCheck & "$1:$" & ColumnToCheck & "$" & CStr(SheetLastRow) )
Set rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
lookat:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If Not rng Is Nothing Then
checkForValue = rng.row 'return row its found
'write code you want.
checkForValue = 0
End If
End With
End Function
I tried Hari's suggestion, but Application.Match works weird on range names (not recognizing them...)
Changed to: WorksheetFunction.Match(...
It works, but when value is not present A runtime ERROR jumps before IsError(...) is evaluated.
So I had to write a simple -no looping- solution:
dim Index as Long
Index = -1
On Error Resume Next
Index = WorksheetFunction.Match(Target,Range("Edificios"), 0) 'look for Target value in range named: Edificios
On Error GoTo 0
If Index > 0 Then
' code for existing value found in Range # Index row
End If
Remeber Excel functions first index = 1 (no zero based)
Hope this helps.
I'm guessing what you really want to do is loop through your range rngSource. So try
Set rngSource = .Range(.Cells(5, 16), .Cells(LastRow, 16))
for myCell in rngSource
if myCell.Value = "mark" then
do something
end if
next myCell

Copying visible/filtered rows efficiently in excel

I am working with some very large datasets (various sheets with 65K+ rows and many columns each). I am trying to write some code to copy filtered data from one sheet to a new empty sheet as fast as possible, but have not had much success so far.
I can include the rest of the code by request, but all it does is calculates the source and destination ranges (srcRange and destRange). The time taken to calculate these is negligible. The vast majority of the time is being spent on this line (4 minutes 50 seconds to be precise):
srcRange.Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=destRange
Additionally I've tried this:
destRange.Value = srcRange.Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value
But it doesn't work properly when there's a filter.
Function FastCopy(srcSheet As String, srcCol As String, destSheet As String, destCol As String)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim srcRange As Range
Dim destRange As Range
Set srcRange = GetColumnRangeByHeaderName(srcSheet, srcCol, -1)
Set destRange = GetColumnRangeByHeaderName(destSheet, destCol, srcRange.Rows.Count)
'destRange.Value = srcRange.Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Value
srcRange.Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy Destination:=destRange
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Function
This is a slow, dual core machine with 2GB of RAM running excel 2010. Results will obviously vary on a faster machine.
Try something like this to work with filtered ranges. You're on the right track, the .Copy method is expensive and simply writing values from range to range should be much faster, however as you observe, this doesn't work when a range is filtered. When the range is filtered, you need to iterate the .Areas in the range's .SpecialCells:
Sub Test()
Dim rng As Range
Dim subRng As Range
Dim destRng As Range
Set destRng = Range("A10")
Set rng = Range("A1:B8").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
For Each subRng In rng.Areas
Set destRng = destRng.Resize(subRng.Rows.Count, subRng.Columns.Count)
destRng.Value = subRng.Value
Set destRng = destRng.Cells(destRng.Rows.Count, 1).Resize(1, 1).Offset(1, 0)
End Sub
Modified for your purposes, but untested:
Function FastCopy(srcSheet As String, srcCol As String, destSheet As String, destCol As String)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim srcRange As Range
Dim destRange As Range
Dim subRng As Range
Set srcRange = GetColumnRangeByHeaderName(srcSheet, srcCol, -1)
Set destRange = GetColumnRangeByHeaderName(destSheet, destCol, srcRange.Rows.Count)
For Each subRng In srcRange.Areas
Set destRng = destRng.Resize(subRng.Rows.Count, subRng.Columns.Count)
destRng.Value = subRng.Value
Set destRng = destRng.Cells(destRng.Rows.Count, 1).Resize(1, 1).Offset(1, 0)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Function
Simplest copying (no filter)
Range("F1:F53639").Value = Range("A1:A53639").Value
To expand on my comment
Sub Main()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' paste the Range into an array
Dim arr
arr = Range("$A$1:$A$53639").Value
' fill the range based on the array
Range("$F$1").Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)) = arr
' apply the same filter to your copied range as the original range
'+ i don't know how you have applied your filter but just re-apply it to column F
' and delete the invisible cells
' unfortunately there is no xlCellTypeHidden or xlCelltypeInvisible hehe so you have to iterate
Dim i As Long
For i = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If (Range("F" & i).EntireRow.Hidden) Then Range("F" & i).Delete
' or Range("F" & i).EntireRow.Delete
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
If you could provide the time it took you to run it that would be great I am very curious
I just ran this code on 53639 rows and it took less than 1 second
Sub Main()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim tNow As Date
tNow = Now
' paste the Range into an array
Dim arr
arr = Range("$A$1:$A$53639").Value
' fill the range based on the array
Range("$F$1").Resize(UBound(arr, 1), UBound(arr, 2)) = arr
' apply the same filter to your copied range as the original range
ActiveSheet.Range("$F$1:$F$53640").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="a"
' and delete the invisible cells
' unfortunately there is no xlCellTypeHidden or xlCelltypeInvisible hehe so you have to iterate
Dim i As Long
For i = Range("F" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
If (Range("F" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True) Then
Range("F" & i).Delete
End If
Next i
Debug.Print DateDiff("s", tNow, Now)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Read a value from spreadsheet X, compare adjacent values between spreadsheets X and Y

I have an Macro Based Excel file that generates a list of items received and their status (i.e. received, repaired, etc). This program runs daily, and right now I have it capture the previous day's list and place it in a spreadsheet called PreviousData before updating with the current day's list, which is placed in a spreadsheet called Data; this is used to compare what we believe we fixed/changed status on the previous day.
I'm basically self taught in VBA, so I'm not super efficient or experienced. What I want to do is the following:
On the Data Spreadsheet, grab the order number starting in J2
Switch to the PreviousData Spreadsheet, and search for the order number from step 1
Scenario A: If the order number is found on PreviousData, compare the status values next to the order number on both sheets; if they differ, run some code otherwise do nothing
Scenario B: If the order number is not found on PreviousData, do nothing
Repeat until 1st blank cell encountered in Data Spreadsheet
I did some searching around the interwebs and found something (it might have been from this forum, actually) that would go row by row and compare cell values, but if scenario B came up the function would fail with "out of range." Here is the code I tried and have modified to try to get to work:
Sub output()
Dim varSheetA As Variant
Dim varSheetB As Variant
Dim varSheetRMA As Variant
Dim strRangeToCheck As String
Dim strRangeRMA As String
Dim Variable As String
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim Count As Integer
strRangeToCheck = "K2:L1000"
strRangeRMA = "J2:J1000"
' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above.
Debug.Print Now
varSheetA = Worksheets("PreviousData").Range(strRangeToCheck)
varSheetB = Worksheets("Data").Range(strRangeToCheck) ' or whatever your other sheet is.
varSheetRMA = Worksheets("Data").Range(strRangeRMA)
Debug.Print Now
Cells.Find(What:=Variable, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1)
For iCol = LBound(varSheetA, 2) To UBound(varSheetA, 2)
If varSheetA(iRow, iCol) = varSheetB(iRow, iCol) Then
' Cells are identical.
' Do nothing.
' Cells are different.
' Code goes here for whatever it is you want to do.
End If
Next iCol
Next iRow
End Sub
Please help :)
This code should be easier to understand + it does the job.
Option Explicit
Sub CompareStatuses()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
Dim lr1&, lr2&, i&, j&
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PreviousData")
lr1 = ws1.Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lr2 = ws2.Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lr1
For j = 2 To lr2
Set rng1 = ws1.Range("J" & i)
Set rng2 = ws2.Range("J" & j)
If StrComp(CStr(rng1.Value), CStr(rng2.Value), vbTextCompare) = 0 And _
StrComp(CStr(rng1.Offset(0, 1).Value), CStr(rng2.Offset(0, 1).Value) _
,vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
' found a matching Order + both statuses are different
' this is where you wanted to run some code
End If
Set rng1 = Nothing
Set rng2 = Nothing
Next j
Next i
End Sub