how to handle dynamic objects\controls with OpKey Personal edition - selenium

Any idea how to handle dynamic objects and controls from within OpKey Personal. We are using OpKey an automation framework over selenium since past one year but got into a problem lately.
My situation. a control in my web portal is displayed dynamically bsed on certain input parameters i choose. Using regular expression in OpKey object repository is not working.
Any idea how can i handle this situation


Razor Page with dynamic form

Having recently migrated from years of web forms, I’ve built numerous dot net core razor page apps - So I’m not a complete beginner but I am struggling to understand the best way to approach one particular scenario. I have a page that captures some header information but also needs to capture some additional data that is specific to the “type” of record being edited. In webforms I dynamically loaded a user control for the relevant type using a path name (the path name of the user control being linked to the type so the system knew what form to load). With user controls I could then handle the form submission which meant the logic could be completely different for each type/form. Whereas I can use view components to create the relevant UI in the same way in my razor pages app, I can’t then handle the post back from there. So what would be the best way to approach this in razor pages? To make matters more complex, the type (and thus the objet i want to capture) could be defined in a RCL (another project). Also the type needs to be defined in a database entry, so I need to be able to load it from a string. Whereas a standalone page for each type would be easy, the management of this data is on one place in the core system so I can’t have a different page for each one.

ID's Required for UI automation in selenium in all html pages

There is a project where we are going to automate the UI but the Automation team is suggesting that we have to use ID's all over the page so that it will be easy to automate there script.
My Question here is why we will use ID's everywhere ? hampering the Html and Css structure.
The webpage can be automated without ID's in html yes or no ?
Yes, a web page can be automated without ID's. For example, you can play with cssSelectors here (note that example page has elements with and without ids)
Using ids for element's lookup in automation is generally considered as a best practice. If you use ids your automation tests will become independent of html structures which basically will make them more stable.
For example, in the first version of your app you may have some text implemented as
<p id="someTextId" class="someClass">Hello world</p>
but at some point may decide to rewrite it as (change the tag and even apply different class name)
<div id="someTextId" class="anotherClass">Hello world</div>
In case you rely on id #someTextId to locate an element your test will still be able to access necessary element and interact with it properly. If you use p or .someClass your automation test will fail to find an element even though from the ui perspective the same text will be displayed in a browser.
We faced several downsides of using id:
Some frameworks do not recommend using them or generate them automatically. (Potential issues with ids described here,,,,
Some other logic may rely on them, so changing/adding them for the need of automation may somehow affect other app logic unexpectedly.
What you can use instead of id is some other attribute. For example in our projects, we have switched from id to a specific attribute named dataSeleniumId. It clearly shows that the attribute is selenium tests usage only. As a next step, you can add a rule in your team when someone changes or removed dataSeleniumId attribute he should inform automation testing team about it. As changing/removing this attribute will lead to test failures and to avoid any false failures it is better to fix it in advance.
For an automation developer its much easier to browse trough the html code and see the id of specific button/text field/etc.. to implement the relevant locator inside the automated test.
In most cases, the project start to receive duplication of classes or complicated nested elements. This make the life of automation dev harder, because of writing xpath or css selectors, verify that they work and this locator finds only 1 unique element.
Its up to the team and code style suggested from the team leader.
Back on the question, yes the website can be written without id's but if the goals is to automate large part of the website, id's would be great helper to the automation dev team.

How to retrieve Salesforce Page Layout Field Properties via API?

The Web interface coded in .NET (Grantee Portal for nonprofits applying for grants) is pulling information from the Salesforce Page Layout.
The Salesforce user we use to connect the Web interface with Salesforce via API has 'view all and edit all' rights
As it is now, if a field is defined as Read-Only on the Page Layout in Salesforce, it is still editable on the web page (the Salesforce User we use has to have 'view all and edit all' rights)
What we are trying to achieve:
IF a field is defined as Read-Only on the Salesforce Page Layout
THEN the same field should be Read-Only on the Web interface page
To achieve the above, I guess that I need to fetch the field property for the Page Layout via API. Any ideas on how to do so?
Thank you!
You'll need Metadata API (the set of webservices that let you add new objects, fields, picklist values or even create classes & run unit tests).
Here's the API Guide:
Depending on how often you modify layouts you might decide "screw it, I'll just use Eclipse IDE". In that case you'd download all page layouts (they're XML files), point your C# app to them and let the magic happen.
Slightly more advanced is to use Migration Tool (Ant / Java based application that can be scripted for periodic download of same stuff).
Super advanced would be to use this API guide to write it in C#. It's not rocket science (here's the specification for Page Layout object and here's the Java sample code for the operation that retrieves the metadata... sorry, no C#). Actually you might be better off looking at this example though:
Seeing that you'll probably want to cache this info somewhere anyway (I can't imagine your user coming to your page, having to wait for the webservice callout to complete, then having his UI rendered) - pick your poison.
Or share the work within the team (1 person kicks off with files downloaded with Eclipse, other tries to figure out the C# code to retrieve them on demand).

Creating dynamic web forms in ASP.NET

My project aims to provide the end user the ability to dynamically design forms in run-time. That would be something like a simple web based IDE to design web-forms.
The end user should be able enter all the components and their respective properties of the web form at runtime.
A web form should be generated based on the components and properties defined by the user and the final form should be displayed.
Is reflections the best ways to do this? If so could you please point me an appropriate page as to how I would have to do this?
Are there other ways to implement this apart from reflections?
I tried researching on web-parts but , I came to realize that web parts was not what I intended to do with the project because I would not know any of the properties of the components in advance during compile time.
Does it have to be webforms and its controls running from server ( from System.Web.UI )?
Just to share some experience, we have a huuge codegeneration like applications, which given parameters ( which could be input like ones or the whole database depending of the case ) can generate html submiting forms to server side using jquery and/or dojo ajax features...
because we want simplicity, we decided we would not generate server side controls dinamicaly
the bottom line is, I don't know your requirement, but maybe you want to do something similar.

Need your ideas to automate

In my project we have a web based tool where it collects all the exceptions that occur in log. The list of exceptions will be displayed in table and a icon will be displayed in a column to get the stack trace. Some one needs to check all those exceptions and we need to assign to different teams based on the keywords.
Eg : If the stacktrace contains "DB Connection error" it has to be assigned to DB team, if it contains code error like "classcast exception" in particular file then it has to be assigned to individual owning the module. Currently some one has to open each n every row in the table displayed and open the stack trace and do Ctrl + F and if any of those keywords are found assign it to respective team.
We don't have any access to the tool's database and it's web based. I need some good ideas to automate it. Please suggest me with which technology and idea to automate it.
Sounds like selenium + programming language of your choice is a good fit (even without a selenium).
You need to:
download source code of the page containing exceptions table.
Use any of these: wget, curl, selenium, urllib for python, etc.
put it into variable and extract exceptions list in convenient to you format.
Use any xpath-powered tool, like selenium, lxml for python, etc.
do your thing with the extracted exceptions list: search for keywords, assign tickets, etc.
Use programming language of your choice.
Definitely you can achieve this using selenium.
Following are the steps to follow.
Supply date criteria with type command to the boxes text boxes element.
click search button.
store the required text in variable using storeValue(locator, variableName).
click on image link if you are able to keep track of popup window else you have to use
$second=$sel->getAttribute("//html/body/.../a#href"); and now your $second has link address $sel->openWindow($second,"MyWindow2"); now select that new window $sel->selectWindow("MyWindow2"); and do operation of storing required data from the popup.
Now agian for selection of previous window use `$sel->selectWindow("null"); // hear $sel is object of selenium (i.e. $this).
Select your required option using select(selectLocator, optionLocator).
Use selenium RC for above steps so that you have more manipulation with the data stored and as per requirement operations.
In above steps syntax are of PHPUnit.
Please try the steps may help you.