Script to compare two tables in database, from user input - sql

I am very new to VBA and SQL and am trying to learn. I have a MS Access project that requires a VBA script that prompts the user to input two table names and numerous field names and create a SQL query utilizing those the names.
The specific SQL query I'm trying to use is below.
A.user_index, A.input1, B.input1, A.input2, B.input2, A.input3, B.input3, B.input4,
A.input4, A.input5, B.input5
table1 AS A
table2 AS B ON A.user_index = B.user_index
(((A.input1) <> [B].[input1)) OR
(((A.input2) <> [B].[input2])) or
(((A.input4) <> [B].[input4]));
The overall purpose of this is to have a script that will be able to list fields for comparison that is applicable with any database. I know this is probably a relatively easy solution. However, I have no idea where to start.

My first instinct is to say "What have you tried so far?", but as you said, you don't know where to start.
It sounds like you need to first prompt the user for several field and table names, then build a query based on those values. I recommend first outlining exactly what you want your script to do. Maybe something like:
Declare variables to hold the values.
Prompt the user for each of the values and store them in the variables.
2a. After the user enters a value, make sure it is valid. If not, do something accordingly.
Declare a variable to hold your SQL query.
Construct the query.
Run the query.
This is obviously just an example. Break down each step into "baby steps" as much as possible.
It's a good idea to ask yourself how unique these baby steps are to your particular situation (hint: they almost certainly are not unique). If they aren't, then they have probably been solved tens of thousands of times already, so you have a very good chance of googling your questions.
If you still can't find an answer to how to do a particular step, feel free to ask here. Just remember to include your code even if it is broken :)


SQL column name with function

I want to create 3 new columns with their names reffering to some date varibales and this is not possible to write them like this. So the first column name should be YEAR2022, 2nd column YEAR2021 and 3rd column YEAR2020.
Can you please give me an idea how to write this?
select column1*2 as CONCAT('YEAR',YEAR(DATEADD(YY,0,GETDATE()))),
column1*4 as CONCAT('YEAR',YEAR(DATEADD(YY,-2,GETDATE()))) FROM table1
The error that I get is:
Incorrect syntax near 'YEAR'.
As I mentioned in my comment, an alias cannot be an expression, it has to be a literal. As such the expressions you have tried to use are not allowed and generate syntax errors.
Normally, this sort requirement is the sign of a design flaw, or that you're trying to do something that should be in the presentation in the SQL layer. I'm going to assume the latter here. As a result, instead you should use static names for the columns, and then in your presentation layer, control the name of the columns there, so that when they are presented to the end user they have the names you want (for today that would be YEAR2022, YEAR2021 and YEAR2020). Then your query would just look like this:
select column1*2 AS ThisYear,
column1*3 AS YearPrior,
column1*4 AS Year2Prior
FROM dbo.table1;
How you change the names of the columns in your presentation layer is a completely different question (we don't even know what language you are using to write your application). If you want to ask about that, I suggest asking a new question (only if after you've adequately researched the problem and failed to find a solution), so that we can help you there.
Note that Though you can achieve a solution via dynamic SQL, I would strongly suggest it is the wrong solution here, and thus why I haven't given an answer providing a demonstration.

How to execute a sql query in jscript/jscript.NET

First at all sorry for my English, this is not my native language. So.
I want to execute a SQL query in a script to get some data. I don't know if it's possible and if so, how to make it. To summarize :
The script add a button in M3 Smart Office (a ERP). I already done that.
When i select a row in a M3 function (like an article, or a client) i want to take and send his ID (and some other data) to a website.
They're is a lot of function in M3. In each function, they're are some field who contains a data. One of them contain the ID of the object (An article, a client,...). What i want to do, is to get this ID. The problem is that the field who contains the ID doesn't have the same name in all the function. So, i have two solutions :
Do a lot of if/elseif. Like "if it's such function, take such field". But if I (or somebody else) want to add a combination function/field later i (or somebody else ;) )need to do that in the script. It's not practical.
Create a sql table wich contain all the combination function/field. Then is the script, i do a sql query and i get all the data that the script need.
So here the situation. Maybe you have ideas to do that otherwise (without sql) and i take it !
Please see this in depth tutorial from the 4guysfromrolla site:
Server-Side JScript Objects

Get last few query results in SQL

I frequently do a static analysis of SQL databases, during which I have the luxury of nobody being able to change the data except me.
However, I have not found a way to 'tell' this to SQL in order to prevent running the same query multiple times.
Here is what I would like to do, first I start with a complicated query that has a very small output.
Then I run a simple query from the same window (Mostly using SQL server studio if that is relevant)
Now I suddenly realize that I forgot to save the results from my first complicated (slow) query.
As I know the underlying data did not change (or even if it did) I would like to look one step back and simply get the result. However at the moment I don't know any trick to do this and I have to run the entire query again.
So the question summary is: How can I (automatically store/)get the results from recently executed queries.
I am particulary interested in simple select queries, and would be happy to allocate say 100MB memory for automated result storage. Would prefer a solution that works in SQL server studio with T-SQL, but other SQL solutions are also welcome.
EDIT: I am not looking for a way to manually prevent this from happening. In the cases where I can anticipate the problem it will not happen.
This can't be done in Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server does not cache results, instead it caches data pages that were accessed by your query. This should make your query go a lot faster the second time around so it won't be as painful to re-run it.
In other databases, such as Oracle and MySQL, they do have a query caching mechanism that will allow you to retrieve the results directly the second time around.
I run into this frequently, I often just throw the results of longer-running queries into a temp table:
INTO #results1
FROM #results1
If the query is very long-running I might use a 'real' table. It's a good way to save on re-run time.
Downside is that it adds to your query.
You can also send query results to a file in SSMS, info on formatting the output is here: SSMS Results to File
The easiest way to do this is to run each query in its own SSMS window, the results will stay there until you close it, or run out of memory - besides that, I am not sure there is a way to accomplish what you want.
Once you close the SSMS window, I don't believe there is a way to get back 'cached' results.
This isn't a technical answer to your question. Having written queries and looking at results for many years, I am in the habit of saving the results in Excel, regardless of the database/query tool I'm using.
The format in Excel is rather methodical:
Each worksheet has the date. (Called something like "1 Jul".)
Each spreadsheet contains one month. (Typically with the month name like "work-201307".)
In the "B" column I copy and paste the query.
Underneath, in the "C" column, I copy and paste the results.
The next query starts a few lines after, one after the other.
I put the queries in the "B" column, so I can go to the "A" column and use to get to the first row. I put the results in the "C" column, so I can go to the "B" column and use to move between queries.
I mostly do this so I can go back and see the work I did many months ago. For instance, someone sends an email from February and says "do this again". I can go back to the February spreadsheet, go to the day it was created, and see what I was doing at that time.
In your question, though, I realize that I now instinctively solve this problem, because the "right click on the grid, copy with column headers, alt-tab to excel, alt-V" is a behavior that I comes quite naturally.
I was going to suggest you to run each query into a script with a counter (stored in a table) increased each time the query is executed (i.e. i++) and storing each query in a Temp Table called "tmpTable" + i, but it sounds very complicated to manage. Am I right?
Then I googled and I've found this Tool Pack: I didn't try it but you could take a look:
Hope it helps.
EDIT: added the folliwing link. There's the option to output as XML file and they mention SQL Server Integration Services as a possible solution too.
SECOND EDIT: There's this DBMS-Independent tool too, it sounds interesting:
i am not sure this is what you want. Anyway check my answer
In sql server management studio you can open multiple tabs for executing queries. Open new tab for each query, then the result of executed queries will be available under that tab.
After executing one query in a tab dont use that tab for new query, open new tab for that job.
Have you considered using some kind of offline SQL client such as Excel? Specifically, Excel will retrieve the results into the spread sheet (using the Data ribbon/menus) where they are stored pretty much permanently as results. It will prompt you to refresh when necessary or you can do it on demand.
Your question as to whether it can be done in T/SQL or other databases depends on the database and results cache and even then they are options that the query processor can use not guarantees to the individual query.

how to update field names automatically after updating SQL

I am changing the command text for a data set inside the .rdl ffile:
I would like to know how can I update the resulting fields that are returned by the select statement:
I know that these fields must be automatically generated, so I was wondering if it's possible to update them right after editing the SQL code inline??
Usually when someone wants to have a look at the data in command text they are wanting it for reference to an end user(from what I have seen). You may want to amend it but ultimately with reporting your first goal should be: "What am I doing this for?" If your goal is dynamic creation at runtime then I would avoid this and offer a few other suggestions:
Procertize it. Making a stored procedure if you have the know how in SQL Server is a convenient and fast way to get what you want and you can optimize it if you know what you are doing with your SQL FU to get good results. The downside would be if you work with multiple environments you have to deploy your code for the TSQL as well as the RDL file.
Use an expression to build the dataset at runtime. In cases where I have been told that the query itself was not properly optimized by other developers they have mentioned doing this. I myself do not always see the advantage of doing this versus just having your predicate construction work well with good indexing on the source engine. Regardless you can build your dataset at runtime. It would be similar to hitting 'fx' next to the text and then putting in something like this(assuming you have a variable named #Start):
="Select thing
from table
Where >= " & Parameters!Start.Value
Again I have not really seen if this is really that much faster than:
Select thing
from table
Where >= #Start
But it is there if you just want to build it dynamically.
You can try to build your expression dynamically from parameters being PART of the select statement. SSRS is all about the 'expressions' and what you can do with them. Once you jump in and learn how they apply to everything you can go nuts so to speak on using them. A general rule though is the more of them you use and rely on the slower your reports will become.
I hope some of this may help, I would ask first is something dynamic due to a need to be event driven or is performance related.

Need Pattern for dynamic search of multiple sql tables

I'm looking for a pattern for performing a dynamic search on multiple tables.
I have no control over the legacy (and poorly designed) database table structure.
Consider a scenario similar to a resume search where a user may want to perform a search against any of the data in the resume and get back a list of resumes that match their search criteria. Any field can be searched at anytime and in combination with one or more other fields.
The actual sql query gets created dynamically depending on which fields are searched. Most solutions I've found involve complicated if blocks, but I can't help but think there must be a more elegant solution since this must be a solved problem by now.
Yeah, so I've started down the path of dynamically building the sql in code. Seems godawful. If I really try to support the requested ability to query any combination of any field in any table this is going to be one MASSIVE set of if statements. shiver
I believe I read that COALESCE only works if your data does not contain NULLs. Is that correct? If so, no go, since I have NULL values all over the place.
As far as I understand (and I'm also someone who has written against a horrible legacy database), there is no such thing as dynamic WHERE clauses. It has NOT been solved.
Personally, I prefer to generate my dynamic searches in code. Makes testing convenient. Note, when you create your sql queries in code, don't concatenate in user input. Use your #variables!
The only alternative is to use the COALESCE operator. Let's say you have the following table:
Name nvarchar(20)
Nickname nvarchar(10)
and you want to search optionally for name or nickname. The following query will do this:
SELECT Name, Nickname
FROM Users
Name = COALESCE(#name, Name) AND
Nickname = COALESCE(#nick, Nickname)
If you don't want to search for something, just pass in a null. For example, passing in "brian" for #name and null for #nick results in the following query being evaluated:
SELECT Name, Nickname
FROM Users
Name = 'brian' AND
Nickname = Nickname
The coalesce operator turns the null into an identity evaluation, which is always true and doesn't affect the where clause.
Search and normalization can be at odds with each other. So probably first thing would be to get some kind of "view" that shows all the fields that can be searched as a single row with a single key getting you the resume. then you can throw something like Lucene in front of that to give you a full text index of those rows, the way that works is, you ask it for "x" in this view and it returns to you the key. Its a great solution and come recommended by joel himself on the podcast within the first 2 months IIRC.
What you need is something like SphinxSearch (for MySQL) or Apache Lucene.
As you said in your example lets imagine a Resume that will composed of several fields:
List item
Education (this could be a table on its own) or
Work experience (this could grow to its own table where each row represents a previous job)
So searching for a word in all those fields with WHERE rapidly becomes a very long query with several JOINS.
Instead you could change your framework of reference and think of the Whole resume as what it is a Single Document and you just want to search said document.
This is where tools like Sphinx Search do. They create a FULL TEXT index of your 'document' and then you can query sphinx and it will give you back where in the Database that record was found.
Really good search results.
Don't worry about this tools not being part of your RDBMS it will save you a lot of headaches to use the appropriate model "Documents" vs the incorrect one "TABLES" for this application.