I am using Extjs 4.1.1.
Can we have Grid with readonly feature i.e. for specific columns, can we make it readonly
Even we have cell edito on for that column ?
we can able to achieve through event(before edit) . please refer below link for reference with example
Extjs 3
EXtjs 3.2 :How do I Set the specific cell as uneditable or read only?
Extjs 4
ExtJS 4 RowEditing disable edit on one column based on record
I have a autocomplete field:
I need to set the default value selected for this dropdown using another control value as shown in:
This control is passed to the form load as shown in:
For example if use cost center is 110 as shown in:
Then the default selected value of the Site lookup dropdown needs to be as shown in:
The tricky part is that your Site-Item field isn't a dropdown but an autocomplete. An autocomplete doesn't know all the possible label/values, but can only find some label/values doing a search by label. So you can't tell an autocomplete "set your value to 110", because it doesn't know what the label corresponding to 110 is.
If you knew the label, you could do this programmatically with an fr-set-label, but here you don't have the label but the value. You can read more about this in the section Setting by value. So, my advice is to use a Dynamic Data Dropdown instead of an Autocomplete field.
In my project, I have a form that has 3 radio buttons, an ultragrid, and a textbox. When I load the form, I want the ultragrid to be ReadOnly, or the equivalent of this, and then I want it to become active again when rbCategory is checked (one of the radiobuttons). I then need it to be set to ReadOnly again if one of the other 2 radio buttons are selected.
I feel like ReadOnly is not a property that can be used with Ultragrids, so what is the equivalent (to make it grey, like a ReadOnly textbox, basically), and how is this coded?
I tried using
ugCategories.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowUpdate = DefaultableBoolean.False
but this didn't seem to do the job
By setting AllowUpdate you are actually making the grid read-only. If you need to change the grid appearance you need to set appearance for the read-only cells like this:
ugCategories.DisplayLayout.Override.ReadOnlyCellAppearance.BackColor = Color.Gray;
Further, you may consider set and the CellClickAction to CellSelect like this:
ugCategories.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CellClickAction.CellSelect;
You may also check this article for more helpful information from Mike Saltzman - Infragistics Win Forms Guru
I want to remove/hide this row (in orange) from the grid, I don't know what this row mean.
I see that the auto filter row feature is enabled on you screenshot. This feature row allows data to be filtered on the fly - by typing text within a row.
To disable this feature set the GridOptionsView.ShowAutoFilterRow property to false.
You can also restrict this option from activating by end-user via hiding the "Show Auto Filter Row" check item within the Column Header Context Menu. To do this, just set the GridOptionsMenu.ShowAutoFilterRowItem property to false.
Is it possible to create a column in GridX that will be invisible and not rendered? I don't want to simply hide cells with CSS because it's not elegant and it can have side effects.
Invisible columns are usefull, because for example, in onApply event from cell editor, I become a row data that contains only those fields from dataStore, that are declared as column.
Is there such feature in GridX as invisible column?
I'm using Dojo 1.9 with GridX 1.2.
There is a hidden columns module:
gridx/modules/HiddenColumns (version 1.2)
Hide columns and change the column array at the same time so that other grid features are not affected by hidden columns. That means, hidden columns can no longer be accessed through grid.columns() function.
Update -
I played around with the test GridX here and the least width it goes up to is 20px. However this email from one of the developers actually suggests that this might not be possible at all!
Earlier -
Have you tried building the grid with ColumnResizer module, and, selecting the required column, and, using the setWidth() method to set the width to zero? - this does NOT work.
I want to change a outline view , and add checkbox cell in front of node , and the node have a icon and how to add checkbox in head of the icon?
Download the DragNDropOutlineView sample code from Apple and have a look. It contains all the features you're looking for.
As for adding cells, think of it more in terms of adding columns (a column is designed to hold one cell of a single type). If you want more controls in each row, add a new column and set its cell type. Both of these actions can be performed easily in Interface Builder. You can select the table and increase its column count by one (a new column will appear), move the column where you want it (to the beginning), and drag a checkbox-configured button cell (there's a checkbox cell in the IB palette) into the body of the column and its "data cell" prototype will be set. That's it. Just wire it up as you normally would (NSTableViewDataSource or Cocoa Bindings) and you're done.