Controlling MSP430 with Android Mobile USB - embedded

I'm looking to control a bunch of LEDs from my Android phone, with a TI MSP430 or similar.I want to communicate vis USB. The MSP430 has a USB port, but I can't find any information about using the USB port for anything besides programming the chip. Is there a way around this, to use USB to communicate with the board?


USB WebCamera protocol

When I plug a USB web Camera into a PC via USB, what communications is used? I know each device COULD have its own uniques driver, but it seems as though 99% use a common built in driver now. Where is it spec'd and how do you get a linux embedded device to act like a webcam?
What you're looking for is the USB Video Class and you can download the specification for this and other standard USB device classes here:
The Linux USB gadget framework has code to emulate such a device:

Connecting multiple usb peripherals to a FPGA

I want to connect a USB peripherals to a FPGA. Basically FPGA should act like an USB host. Is there a FPGA board support a USB hub so that one could connect multiple(upto 4) USB peripherals at a time.
I have a Digilent Nexys3 fpga which is based on Spartan 6. It supports only one USB device (keyboard or mouse). It doesn't support a hub. I have found Cypress host controllers, but I am not sure how to use it in a FPGA.
You need to have a USB host controller inside your FPGA, such IP is not freely available, one alternative is to use a Zynq based (for Xilinx) or Cyclone V based (for Altera) board. Those have integrated USB controllers connected to their dual ARM core.
You can find more info about those at:
Altera Cyclone V
Xilinx Zynq
You maybe able to use an external host controller but then you have to connect it to your FPGA and that is usually requires a lot of IOs and those modules are more expensive than buying a Zed board ($395) or Cyclone V board ($450).

Arduino: Application communication over built in USB?

The Arduino Nano (and other models) has a USB Connector on the pcb.
Can a Arduino Application (Code inside the loop() Function) communicate to a PC/Mac over the built in USB Channel?
The board at the link you posted uses an FTDI USB to UART chip; the ATMega168 itself has no USB controller. The UART side of the FTDI chip is attached to the ATMega168's RXD/TXD UART pins. So from the point of view of the Arduino code, you are just communicating with a UART driven serial port.
From the PC end, the FTDI chip uses the USBSER.SYS driver to emulate a legacy UART serial port (A Virtual COM Port or VCP). You will be able to see this and which COM port it has been assigned to in Device Manager.
So in essence all you need to know is how to do serial port programming on both the PC and the Arduino and you are good to go.
This is how I have done it. You also need to write a program to your computer - for POSIX-compilant OSes, this one could help you out.

Using Arduino to connect Android tablet to USB Accessory

I have an Arduino-compatible board with USB Host Shield. It is connected to an Acer A100 Android tablet running "Ice Cream Sandwich" (Android 4.0.3) with Kernel (The tablet has a USB micro connector and does not support USB HOST mode and therefore cannot connect directly to a USB accessory device.)
This picture shows what I have been able to do successfully (but with my tablet in place of the phone).
I would like to find an example of using an Android tablet connected to a USB Accessory (such as a keyboard or flash drive) via Arduino.
Connecting the USB accessory to the Arduino's USB micro connector (using an external power supply) does not work.
Can anyone provide me with such an example?
Theoretically it should work, I haven't tried it yet though.
Arduino should act as the middle man and should relay signals both from your tablet and the accessory.
What code are you use?
This is: adk_release_20120606?
And what board are you use SeeeduinoADK?
I use board Seeeduino ADK, but unfortunately I could not make it work in USB accessory mode. My board work in only ADB (MicroBridge mode). See my work example
My tablet is Ainol Aurora with Android version 4.0.4 (CyanogenMod 9)

Controlling MSP430 with computer (USB?)

I'm looking to control a bunch of LEDs from my computer, with a TI MSP430 or similar.
My computer is a Macbook Air, and so it looks like the only port I can communicate with is USB. The MSP430 has a USB port, but I can't find any information about using the USB port for anything besides programming the chip. Is there a way around this, to use USB to communicate with the board?
If you are using one of the processors with built in USB hardware then you should look at this Texas Instruments Page which describes the capabilities of the MSP USB. It includes links to the USB software stack that you will need to implement an HID class device.
I see two more options here. You can also use:
a) USB <-> LPT adapter to control the LEDs directly — in this case the schematics are extremely simple. See how it's done;
b) USB <-> COM or USB <-> RS232 adapter to communicate with the controller via RS232 — in this case you'll have to implement some simple protocol for communication with the controller, but the whole solution would still be much simpler than the one with USB.
The MSP430 Series 5 and Series 6 micro controllers (i.e. MSP430x6xx and MSP430x5xx) have built in USB modules that allow communication from PC and could be used to control the MSP430 via USB. Download the MSP430 USB Developers package here: and use the USB CDC or HID API stacks to develop an application as per your requirements. In case you are using CDC(COM port) you may use a Terminal program to send the commands to control LEDs or if you use the HID stack, you may use the hidDemo PC software included in the Developers package to send/receive commands.