Fluent nHibernate SubclassMap and AddFromAssemblyOf - nhibernate

I created a generic user repository base class that provides reusable user management functionality.
public class UserRepository<TUser> where TUser : new, IUser
I have a concrete implementation of IUser called UserImpl, and corresponding mapping class UserImplMap : ClassMap<UserImpl> (they all are in the same namespace and assembly). I add the mapping using AddFromAssemblyOf . I also use this to create / generate the schema.
So far so good and things work as expected.
Now, in a different project, I needed a few additional properties in my IUser implementation class, so I implemented a new class UserImplEx : UserImpl. This class has the additional properties that I needed. Also, I created a new mapping class UserImplExMap : SubclassMap<UserImplEx>
Now when I create schema using this approach, I get two tables one for UserImpl and one for UserImplEx.
Is is possible to configure / code Fluent mapping in some way so that all the properties (self, plus inherited) of UserImplEx get mapped in a single table UserImplEx instead of getting split into two tables?
Alternatively, if I provide full mapping in UserImplExMap : ClassMap<UserImplEx>, then I do get the schema as desired, but I also get an additional table for UserImpl (because corresponding mapping is present in the UserRepository assembly). If I follow this approach, is there a way to tell AddFromAssemblyOf to exclude specific mapping classes?

Option 1
since you have inhertance here and want the correct type back NH has to store the type somewhere, either through the table the data is in or a discriminator.
If a discriminator column in the table does not matter then add DiscriminatorColumn("userType", "user"); in UserImplMap and DiscriminatorValue("userEx") in UserImplExMap
Option 2
class MyTypeSource : ITypeSource
private ITypeSource _inner = new AssemblyTypeSource(typeof(UserImplMap).Assembly);
public IEnumerable<Type> GetTypes()
return _inner.Where(t => t != typeof(UserImplMap)).Concat(new [] { typeof(UserImplExMap) });
public void LogSource(IDiagnosticLogger logger)
public string GetIdentifier()
return _inner.GetIdentifier();
and when configuring
.Mappings(m =>
var model = new PersistenceModel();
PersistenceModel.AddMappingsFromSource(new MyTypeSource());


FluentNHiberante union-subclass mapping does not generate table for base class

I am trying to map following domain model using union-subclass strategy and FluentNHibernate. Here is how my classes look (with unneeded parts removed)
public class Benefit
public class Leave : Benefit
public class SeasonTicketLoan : Benefit
And here is my mapping code
public class BenefitMappings : ClassMap<Benefit>
public BenefitMappings()
public class LeaveMappings : SubclassMap<Leave>
public class SeasonTicketLoanMappings : SubclassMap<SeasonTicketLoan>
When I generate a database script using SchemaExport for the above mapping, I get a table for Leave and another one for SeasonTicketLoan but none for Benefit. Am I missing anything here?
...Am I missing anything here?
Yes, you are using mapping Table Per Concrete Class (TPC), Which is intended to create
separate table per each class and
NO table for parent.
To get really deep and clear understanding, you should read this comprehensive article:
Inheritance mapping strategies in Fluent Nhibernate
Where you can read:
Table Per Concrete Class (TPC)
In TPC inheritance, every class in an inheritance hierarchy will have its own table. The inheritance hierarchy masks the fact that there are several independent underlying tables representing each subtype.
code snippet extract:
// mapping of the TPCBaseEntity base class
public class TPCBaseEntityMap : ClassMap<TPCBaseEntity>
public TPCBaseEntityMap()
// indicates that this class is the base
// one for the TPC inheritance strategy and that
// the values of its properties should
// be united with the values of derived classes
In case, we would like to have also table per base class(es), we need:
Table Per Type(TPT)
TPT is an inheritance described in the database with separate tables. Every table provides additional details that describe a new type based on another table which is that table’s parent.
again some mapping snippet extract:
// mapping of the TPTAnimal base class
public class TPTAnimalMap : ClassMap<TPTAnimal>
public TPTAnimalMap()
// the name of the schema that stores the table corresponding to the type
// the name of the table corresponding to the type
// mapping of the TPTHorse class
public class TPTHorseMap : SubclassMap<TPTHorse>
public TPTHorseMap()
// the name of the schema that stores the table corresponding to the type
// the name of the table corresponding to the type

How to configure Fluent NHibernate automapping so it makes separate hbm for sub classes?

This question might seems a bit strange at first but there's a legacy project that is working this way and I want to know if there's a way to generate its hbm documents using Fluent Nhibernate.
We have a parent class which is not an abstract class .Something like this:
public class Employee
//Memebers of Employee
and it has some subclasses.The purpose of these subclasses is merely for code re-usability and as you can see these are some views (Summaries) to represent some information.
public class EmployeeType1:Employee
//Memebers of EmployeeType1
public class EmployeeType2:Employee
//Memebers of EmployeeType2
So here is the question : is there a way that we can tell fluent nhibernate not to take this inheritance hierarchy into account or in another word to tell it to generate separate hbm file for each of these classes?
unfortunatly FNH can not write subclass maps individually. You could however alter the mapping after writing it to disc.
var model = new FluentNHibernate.Automapping.AutoPersistenceModel();
// add assembly and the like to model
forech(var baseclass in classesWithSubclasses)
var doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.Load(baseclass.getType().FullName + ".hbm.xml");
// use xpath to separate the subclassmapping in its own file

Mapping inheritance in NHibernate 3.3

I have the inheritance described below :
public abstract class BaseEntity<TId> {....}
public abstract class ModelEntity : BaseEntity<Int32>{....}
public abstract class AuditableEntity : ModelEntity,IAuditable{....}
public class ApplicationUser : AuditableEntity{....}
public class SuperUser : ApplicationUser
I am using NHibernate 3.3 and I want to Create the mappings for that inheritance
public abstract class ModelEntityMap<TEntity> : ClassMapping<TEntity>
where TEntity : ModelEntity
public class AuditableEntityMap<TEntity> : ModelEntityMap<TEntity> where TEntity : AuditableEntity
{ ...}
public class ApplicationUserMap : AuditableEntityMap<ApplicationUser>
public class SuperUserMap : JoinedSubclassMapping<SuperUser>{...}
When the application starts and trys to set up the database it raises the following Exception :
Ambiguous mapping for SuperUser More than one root entities was found BaseEntity / ApplicationUser
Possible solutions
-Merge the mapping of root Entity in the one is representing the real root in the hierarchy
-Inject a IModelInspector with a logic to discover the real root-entity.
I was using Fluent nhibernate with the same inheritance and worked fine with SuperUserMap defined as
public class SuperUserMap : SubClassMap {...}
I am new to Nhibernate mapping by code and quite confused !!!
I believe there are two ways to solve this problem:
a) Using the concept of discriminator that identifies the type of the class stored and thereby the right object is retrieved from the database, in this case your class is mapped to a table that has all the columns plus the discriminator columns. Not sure how this works with multi-level inheritance but this is something that you can google.
b) take a look at this post on how he deals with inheritance: http://fabiomaulo.blogspot.co.nz/2011/04/nhibernate-32-mapping-by-code_13.html you might get some idea to solve your issue.
You can influence the decision whether an entity is a root entity by overriding the IsRootEntity logic of the model mapper that you use to create mappings.
Here's an example that defines the default NHibernate mapping-by-code behaviour:
var modelMapper = new ConventionModelMapper();
modelMapper.IsRootEntity((type, declared) =>
if (declared) return true; // Type has already been declared as root entity
return type.IsClass
&& typeof(object) == type.BaseType
&& modelMapper.ModelInspector.IsEntity(type);
You will have to tweak this decision logic to exclude the BaseEntity class as possible root entity.
I had this error with NHibernate 4.1.1 (May 2017), so I'm answering with how I solved it for future reference
In my case, I copied an existing mapping of an inheriting class, and forgot to change the parent mapping class to ClassMapping and encountered the same error
In other words, in your mapping class, check the parent class, make sure it is ClassMapping or JoinedSubclassMapping if it's a child class

AutoMapping Custom Collections with FluentNHibernate

I am retrofitting a very large application to use NHibernate as it's data access strategy. Everything is going well with AutoMapping. Luckily when the domain layer was built, we used a code generator. The main issue that I am running into now is that every collection is hidden behind a custom class that derives from List<>. For example
public class League
public OwnerList owners {get;set;}
public class OwnerList : AppList<Owner> { }
public class AppList<T> : List<T> { }
What kind of Convention do I have to write to get this done?
I don't think you're going to be able to achieve this with a convention. You will have to create an auto mapping override and then do the following:
mapping.HasMany(l => a.owners).CollectionType<OwnerList>();

NHibernate - Do I have to have a class to interface with a table?

I have a class called Entry. This class as a collection of strings called TopicsOfInterest. In my database, TopicsOfInterest is represented by a separate table since it is there is a one-to-many relationship between entries and their topics of interest. I'd like to use nhibernate to populate this collection, but since the table stores very little (only an entry id and a string), I was hoping I could somehow bypass the creation of a class to represent it and all that goes with (mappings, configuration, etc..)
Is this possible, and if so, how? I'm using Fluent Nhibernate, so something specific to that would be even more helpful.
public class Entry
private readonly IList<string> topicsOfInterest;
public Entry()
topicsOfInterest = new List<string>();
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<string> TopicsOfInterest
get { return topicsOfInterest; }
public class EntryMapping : ClassMap<Entry>
public EntryMapping()
Id(entry => entry.Id);
HasMany(entry => entry.TopicsOfInterest)
I had a similar requirement to map a collection of floats.
I'm using Automapping to generate my entire relational model - you imply that you already have some tables, so this may not apply, unless you choose to switch to an Automapping approach.
Turns out that NHibernate will NOT Automap collections of basic types - you need an override.
See my answer to my own question How do you automap List or float[] with Fluent NHibernate?.
I've provided a lot of sample code - you should be able to substitute "string" for "float", and get it working. Note the gotchas in the explanatory text.