SQL Query Compare values in per 15 minutes and display the result per hour - sql

I have a table with 2 columns. UTCTime and Values.
The UTCTime is in 15 mins increment. I want a query that would compare the value to the previous value in one hour span and display a value between 0 and 4 depends on if the values are constant. In other words there is an entry for every 15 minute increment and the value can be constant so I just need to check each value to the previous one per hour.
For example
| UTCTime | Value |
| 12:00 | 18.2 |
| 12:15 | 87.3 |
| 12:30 | 55.91 |
| 12:45 | 55.91 |
| 1:00 | 37.3 |
| 1:15 | 47.3 |
| 1:30 | 47.3 |
| 1:45 | 47.3 |
| 2:00 | 37.3 |
In this case, I just want a Query that would compare the 12:45 value to the 12:30 and 12:30 to 12:15 and so on. Since we are comparing in only one hour span then the constant values must be between 0 and 4 (O there is no constant values, 1 there is one like in the example above)
The query should display:
| UTCTime | ConstantValues |
| 12:00 | 1 |
| 1:00 | 2 |
I just wanted to mention that I am new to SQL programming.
Thank you.
See SQL fiddle here

Below is the query you need and a working solution Note: I changed the timeframe to 24 hrs
;with SourceData(HourTime, Value, RowNum)
datepart(hh, UTCTime) HourTime,
row_number() over (partition by datepart(hh, UTCTime) order by UTCTime) RowNum
from foo
datepart(hh, UTCTime) - 1 HourTime,
from foo
where datepart(mi, UTCTime) = 0
select cast(A.HourTime as varchar) + ':00' UTCTime, sum(case when A.Value = B.Value then 1 else 0 end) ConstantValues
from SourceData A
inner join SourceData B on A.HourTime = B.HourTime and
(B.RowNum = (A.RowNum - 1))
group by cast(A.HourTime as varchar) + ':00'

select SUBSTRING_INDEX(UTCTime,':',1) as time,value, count(*)-1 as total
from foo group by value,time having total >= 1;

Mine isn't much different from Vasanth's, same idea different approach.
The idea is that you need recursion to carry it out simply. You could also use the LEAD() function to look at rows ahead of your current row, but in this case that would require a big case statement to cover every outcome.
AS (
FROM #Table1
JOIN #Table1 b
ON T.UTCTime = T2.UTCTime
AND T.RowRank = T2.RowRank -1
If you run the portion inside the ;WITH T AS ( ) you'll see that gets us the hour we're looking at and the values in order by time. That is used in the recursive portion below by joining to itself and evaluating each row compared to the next row (hence the RowRank - 1) on the JOIN.


SQL: Calculate number of days since last success

Following table represents results of given test.
Every result for the same test is either pass ( error_id=0) or fail ( error_id <> 0)
I need help to write a query, that returns the number of runs since last good run ( error_id= 0) and the date.
| Date | test_id | error_id |
| 2019-12-20 | 123 | 23
| 2019-12-19 | 123 | 23
| 2019-12-17 | 123 | 22
| 2019-12-18 | 123 | 0
| 2019-12-16 | 123 | 11
| 2019-12-15 | 123 | 11
| 2019-12-13 | 123 | 11
| 2019-12-12 | 123 | 0
So the result for this example should be:
| 2019-12-18 | 123 | 4
as the test 123 was PASS on 2019-12-18 and this happened 4 runs ago.
I have a query to determine whether given run is error or not, but I have trouble applying appropriate window function to it to get the wanted result
select test_id, Date, error_id, (CASE WHEN error_id 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_error
from testresults
You can generate a row number, in reverse order from the sorting of the query itself:
SELECT test_date, test_id, error_code,
(row_number() OVER (ORDER BY test_date asc) - 1) as runs_since_last_pass
FROM tests
WHERE test_date >= (SELECT MAX(test_date) FROM tests WHERE error_code=0)
ORDER BY test_date DESC
Note that this will run into issues if test_date is not unique. Better use a timestamp (precise to the millisecond) instead of a date.
Here's a DBFiddle: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/8gSHVcXMztuRiFcL8zLeEx/0
If there's more than one test_id, you'll want to add a PARTITION BY clause to the row number function, and the subquery would become a bit more complex. It may be more efficient to come up with a way to do this by a JOIN instead of a subquery, but it would be more cognitively complex.
I think you just want aggregation and some filtering:
select id, count(*),
max(date) over (filter where error_id = 0) as last_success_date
from t
where date > (select max(t2.date) from t t2 where t2.error_id = 0);
group by id;
You have to use the Maximum date of the good runs for every test_id in your query. You can try this query:
select tr2.Date_error, tr.test_id, count(tr.error_id) from
testresults tr inner join (select max(Date_error), test_id
from testresult where error_id=0 group by test_id) tr2 on
tr.test_id=tr2.test_id and tr.date_error >=tr2.date_error
group by test_id
This should do the trick:
select count(*) from table t,
(select max(date) date from table where error_id = 0) good
where t.date >= good.date
Basically you are counting the rows that have a date >= the date of the last success.
Please note: If you need the number of days, it is a complete different query:
select now()::date - max(test_date) last_valid from tests
where error_code = 0;

How to write a SQL statement to sum data using group by the same day of every two neighboring months

I have a data table like this:
datetime data
2017/8/24 6.0
2017/8/25 5.0
2017/9/24 6.0
2017/9/25 6.2
2017/10/24 8.1
2017/10/25 8.2
I want to write a SQL statement to sum the data using group by the 24th of every two neighboring months in certain range of time such as : from 2017/7/20 to 2017/10/25 as above.
How to write this SQL statement? I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
The expected results table is like this:
datetime_range data_sum
2017/8/24~2017/9/24 100.9
2017/9/24~2017/10/24 120.2
One conceptual way to proceed here is to redefine a "month" as ending on the 24th of each normal month. Using the SQL Server month function, we will assign any date occurring after the 24th as belonging to the next month. Then we can aggregate by the year along with this shifted month to obtain the sum of data.
WITH cte AS (
YEAR(datetime) AS year,
CASE WHEN DAY(datetime) > 24
THEN MONTH(datetime) + 1 ELSE MONTH(datetime) END AS month
FROM yourTable
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), month) +
'/25~' +
CONVERT(varchar(4), year) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(2), (month + 1)) +
'/24' AS datetime_range,
SUM(data) AS data_sum
FROM cte
year, month;
Note that your suggested ranges seem to include the 24th on both ends, which does not make sense from an accounting point of view. I assume that the month includes and ends on the 24th (i.e. the 25th is the first day of the next accounting period.
I would suggest dynamically building some date range rows so that you can then join you data to those for aggregation, like this example:
| | period_start_dt | period_end_dt | your_data_here |
| 1 | 24.04.2017 00:00:00 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 2 | 24.05.2017 00:00:00 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 3 | 24.06.2017 00:00:00 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 4 | 24.07.2017 00:00:00 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 5 | 24.08.2017 00:00:00 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 6 | 24.09.2017 00:00:00 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 7 | 24.10.2017 00:00:00 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 8 | 24.11.2017 00:00:00 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 9 | 24.12.2017 00:00:00 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 10 | 24.01.2018 00:00:00 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 11 | 24.02.2018 00:00:00 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
| 12 | 24.03.2018 00:00:00 | 24.04.2018 00:00:00 | 1 |
declare #start_dt date;
set #start_dt = '20170424';
period_start_dt, period_end_dt, sum(1) as your_data_here
from (
dateadd(month,m.n,start_dt) period_start_dt
, dateadd(month,m.n+1,start_dt) period_end_dt
from (
select #start_dt start_dt ) seed
cross join (
select 0 n union all
select 1 union all
select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5 union all
select 6 union all
select 7 union all
select 8 union all
select 9 union all
select 10 union all
select 11
) m
) r
-- ON yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt
group by
period_start_dt, period_end_dt
Please don't be tempted to use "between" when it comes to joining to your data. Follow the note above and use yourdata.date >= r.period_start_dt and data.date < r.period_end_dt otherwise you could double count information as between is inclusive of both lower and upper boundaries.
I think the simplest way is to subtract 25 days and aggregate by the month:
select year(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as yr,
month(dateadd(day, -25, datetime)) as mon,
from t
group by dateadd(day, -25, datetime);
You can format yr and mon to get the dates for the specific ranges, but this does the aggregation (and the yr/mon columns might be sufficient).
Step 0: Build a calendar table. Every database needs a calendar table eventually to simplify this sort of calculation.
In this table you may have columns such as:
Date (primary key)
Half-year (e.g. 1 or 2)
Day of year (1 to 366)
Day of week (numeric or text)
Is weekend (seems redundant now, but is a huge time saver later on)
Fiscal quarter/year (if your company's fiscal year doesn't start on Jan. 1)
Is Holiday
If your company starts its month on the 24th, then you can add a "Fiscal Month" column that represents that.
Step 1: Join on the calendar table
Step 2: Group by the columns in the calendar table.
Calendar tables sound weird at first, but once you realize that they are in fact tiny even if they span a couple hundred years they quickly become a major asset.
Don't try to cheap out on disk space by using computed columns. You want real columns because they are much faster and can be indexed if necessary. (Though honestly, usually just the PK index is enough for even wide calendar tables.)

SQL grouping by datetime with a maximum difference of x minutes

I have a problem with grouping my dataset in MS SQL Server.
My table looks like
# | CustomerID | SalesDate | Turnover
---| ---------- | ------------------- | ---------
1 | 1 | 2016-08-09 12:15:00 | 22.50
2 | 1 | 2016-08-09 12:17:00 | 10.00
3 | 1 | 2016-08-09 12:58:00 | 12.00
4 | 1 | 2016-08-09 13:01:00 | 55.00
5 | 1 | 2016-08-09 23:59:00 | 10.00
6 | 1 | 2016-08-10 00:02:00 | 5.00
Now I want to group the rows where the SalesDate difference to the next row is of a maximum of 5 minutes.
So that row 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 are each one group.
My approach was getting the minutes with the DATEPART() function and divide the result by 5:
(DATEPART(MINUTE, SalesDate) / 5)
For row 1 and 2 the result would be 3 and grouping here would work perfectly.
But for the other rows where there is a change in the hour or even in the day part of the SalesDate, the result cannot be used for grouping.
So this is where I'm stuck. I would really appreciate, if someone could point me in the right direction.
You want to group adjacent transactions based on the timing between them. The idea is to assign some sort of grouping identifier, and then use that for aggregation.
Here is an approach:
Identify group starts using lag() and date arithmetic.
Do a cumulative sum of the group starts to identify each group.
The query looks like this:
select customerid, min(salesdate), max(saledate), sum(turnover)
from (select t.*,
sum(case when salesdate > dateadd(minute, 5, prev_salesdate)
then 1 else 0
end) over (partition by customerid order by salesdate) as grp
from (select t.*,
lag(salesdate) over (partition by customerid order by salesdate) as prev_salesdate
from t
) t
) t
group by customerid, grp;
Thanks to #JoeFarrell for pointing out I have answered the wrong question. The OP is looking for dynamic time differences between rows, but this approach creates fixed boundaries.
Original Answer
You could create a time table. This is a table that contains one record for each second of the day. Your table would have a second column that you can use to perform group bys on.
TimeGroup TIME
-- You could use a loop here instead.
('00:00:00', '00:00:00'), -- First group starts here.
('00:00:01', '00:00:00'),
('00:00:02', '00:00:00'),
('00:00:03', '00:00:00'),
('00:04:59', '00:00:00'),
('00:05:00', '00:05:00'), -- Second group starts here.
('00:05:01', '00:05:00')
The approach works best when:
You need to reuse your custom grouping in several different queries.
You have two or more custom groups you often use.
Once populated you can simply join to the table and output the desired result.
/* Using the time table.
SUM(Turnover) AS SumOfTurnover
Sales AS s
INNER JOIN [Time] AS t ON t.TimeId = CAST(s.SalesDate AS Time(0))

Joining series of dates and counting continous days

Let's say I have a table as below
date add_days
2015-01-01 5
2015-01-04 2
2015-01-11 7
2015-01-20 10
2015-01-30 1
what I want to do is to check the days_balance, i.e. if date is greater or smaller than previous date + N days (add_days) and take the cumulated sum of days count if they are a continuous series.
So the algorithm should work like
for i in 2:N_rows {
days_balance[i] := date[i-1] + add_days[i-1] - date[i]
if days_balance[i] >= 0 then
date[i] := date[i] + days_balance[i]
The expected result should be as follows
date days_balance
2015-01-01 0
2015-01-04 2
2015-01-11 -3
2015-01-20 -2
2015-01-30 0
Is it possible in pure SQL? I imagine it should be with some conditional joins, but cannot see how it could be implemented.
I'm posting another answer since it may be nice to compare them since they use different methods (this one just does a n^2 style join, other one used a recursive CTE). This one takes advantage of the fact that you don't have to calculate the days_balance for each previous row before calculating it for a particular row, you just need to sum things from previous days....
drop table junk
create table junk(date DATETIME, add_days int)
insert into junk values
('2015-01-01',5 ),
('2015-01-04',2 ),
('2015-01-11',7 ),
('2015-01-20',10 ),
('2015-01-30',1 )
;WITH cte as
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY date) i, date, add_days, ISNULL(DATEDIFF(DAY, LAG(date) OVER (ORDER BY date), date), 0) days_since_prev
, combinedWithAllPreviousDaysCte as
select i [curr_i], date [curr_date], add_days [curr_add_days], days_since_prev [curr_days_since_prev], 0 [prev_add_days], 0 [prev_days_since_prev] from cte where i = 1 --get first row explicitly since it has no preceding rows
select curr.i [curr_i], curr.date [curr_date], curr.add_days [curr_add_days], curr.days_since_prev [curr_days_since_prev], prev.add_days [prev_add_days], prev.days_since_prev [prev_days_since_prev]
from cte curr
join cte prev on curr.i > prev.i --join to all previous days
select curr_i, curr_date, SUM(prev_add_days) - curr_days_since_prev - SUM(prev_days_since_prev) [days_balance]
from combinedWithAllPreviousDaysCte
group by curr_i, curr_date, curr_days_since_prev
order by curr_i
| curr_i | curr_date | days_balance |
| 1 | 2015-01-01 00:00:00.000 | 0 |
| 2 | 2015-01-04 00:00:00.000 | 2 |
| 3 | 2015-01-11 00:00:00.000 | -3 |
| 4 | 2015-01-20 00:00:00.000 | -5 |
| 5 | 2015-01-30 00:00:00.000 | -5 |
Well, I think I have it with a recursive CTE (sorry, I only have Microsoft SQL Server available to me at the moment, so it may not comply with PostgreSQL).
Also I think the expected results you had were off (see comment above). If not, this can probably be modified to conform to your math.
drop table junk
create table junk(date DATETIME, add_days int)
insert into junk values
('2015-01-01',5 ),
('2015-01-04',2 ),
('2015-01-11',7 ),
('2015-01-20',10 ),
('2015-01-30',1 )
;WITH cte as
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY date) i, date, add_days, ISNULL(DATEDIFF(DAY, LAG(date) OVER (ORDER BY date), date), 0) days_since_prev
,recursiveCte (i, date, add_days, days_since_prev, days_balance, math) as
select top 1
0 [days_balance],
CAST('no math for initial one, just has zero balance' as varchar(max)) [math]
from cte where i = 1
UNION ALL --recursive step now
prev.days_balance - curr.days_since_prev + prev.add_days [days_balance],
CAST(prev.days_balance as varchar(max)) + ' - ' + CAST(curr.days_since_prev as varchar(max)) + ' + ' + CAST(prev.add_days as varchar(max)) [math]
from cte curr
JOIN recursiveCte prev ON curr.i = prev.i + 1
select i, DATEPART(day,date) [day], add_days, days_since_prev, days_balance, math
from recursiveCTE
order by date
And the results are like so:
| i | day | add_days | days_since_prev | days_balance | math |
| 1 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | no math for initial one, just has zero balance |
| 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 0 - 3 + 5 |
| 3 | 11 | 7 | 7 | -3 | 2 - 7 + 2 |
| 4 | 20 | 10 | 9 | -5 | -3 - 9 + 7 |
| 5 | 30 | 1 | 10 | -5 | -5 - 10 + 10 |
I don’t quite get how your algorithm returns your expected results? But let me share a technique I came up with that might help.
This will only work if the end result of your data is to be exported to Excel, and even then it won’t work in all scenarios depending on what format you export your dataset in, but here it is....
If you’ll familiar with Excel Formulas, what I discovered is that if you write an Excel formula in your SQL as another field, it will execute that formula for you as soon as you export to excel (best method that works for me is just coping and pasting it into Excel, so that it doesn’t format it as text)
So for your example, here’s what you could do (noting again I don’t understand your algorithm, so this is probably wrong, but it’s just to give you the concept)
, add_days
, '=INDEX($1:$65536,ROW()-1,COLUMN()-2)'
AS "days_balance[i]"
AS "date[i]"
ORDER BY /*Ensure to order by whatever you need for your formula to work*/
The key part to making this work is using the INDEX formula function to select a cell based on the position of the current cell. So ROW()-1 tells it get me the result of the previous record, and COLUMN()-2 means take the value from two columns to the left of the current. Because you can't use cell references like A2+B2-A3 because the row numbers won't change on export, and it assumes the position of the columns.
I used SQL string concatenation with || just so it's easier to read on screen.
I tried this one in excel; it didn’t match your expected results. But if this technique works for you then just correct the excel formula to suit.

SQL Group by specific time period

Hello, I need best solution to group data by specific time periods. I need to group month data from 07:00:00 till 18:59:59 and then from 19:00:00 till next days 06:59:59. In database there is a lot of data so speed-wise effective solution would be preferred.
Also would be great to insert Shift letter in query. There is 4 shifts: A,B,C,D and i have calendar table.
Table [Shiftcalendar]:
[ShiftDate] | [SHIFT] | [Nextshift]
2013-11-11 | N | A=B
2013-11-11 | D | C=A
2013-11-10 | N | D=C
.... | .... | ....
Column [Shift] represents day or night, column [Nextshift] represents shift and next shift. N means night time and is from 19:00:00 till next days 06:59:59, D means day and is from 07:00:00 till 18:59:59.
Table [wrkSpeedInfo]:
[wrkActionDate] | [wrkSpeed] | [wrkGlueValue] | [x1]
2013-11-11 07:00:35 | 200 | 300 | 20
2013-11-11 07:00:55 | 97 | 255 | 13
2013-11-11 07:01:23 | 127 | 124 | 15
.... | .... | .... | ....
I need to SUM [wrkSpeed], [wrkGlueValue] and [x1].
Someones help would be really appreciated :)
PS.: Don't mind my English writing skills, I am still on verge of improving it.
So long I doing lot of querys to take specific dates and shifts data, but would like to have all data in one query.
WHERE [wrkActionDate] BETWEEN '2013-10-03 07:00:00' AND '2013-10-03 18:59:59'
I can post full query but it takes lot of space and when would need to explain much more what i trying to do.
Ok someone said to post full query:
SELECT [wrkActionDate]
,DATEDIFF(second, (SELECT TOP 1 t2.[wrkActionDate] FROM [DW].[dbo].[wrkSpeedInfo] as t2 WHERE [wrkCntrId] = 'S1' AND t2.[wrkActionDate] < t1.[wrkActionDate] ORDER BY t2.[wrkActionDate] DESC), [wrkActionDate])/60.0 AS MinPassed
,SUM([wrkSpeed])*DATEDIFF(second, (SELECT TOP 1 t2.[wrkActionDate] FROM [DW].[dbo].[wrkSpeedInfo] as t2 WHERE [wrkCntrId] = 'S1' AND t2.[wrkActionDate] < t1.[wrkActionDate] ORDER BY t2.[wrkActionDate] DESC), [wrkActionDate])/60.0 AS SumWrkSpeed
,SUM([wrkGlueValue])*DATEDIFF(second, (SELECT TOP 1 t2.[wrkActionDate] FROM [DW].[dbo].[wrkSpeedInfo] as t2 WHERE [wrkCntrId] = 'S1' AND t2.[wrkActionDate] < t1.[wrkActionDate] ORDER BY t2.[wrkActionDate] DESC), [wrkActionDate])/60.0 AS SumWrkGlueValue
,SUM([x1]) AS SumX1
FROM [DW].[dbo].[wrkSpeedInfo] as t1
WHERE [wrkActionDate] BETWEEN '2013-10-03 07:00:00' AND '2013-10-03 18:59:59' AND [wrkCntrId] = 'S1'
GROUP BY [wrkCntrId], [wrkActionDate]
So if I just could get all month data in one query that would be great, because now only getting data for one shift.
Would be great to get something like:
[ShiftDate] | [SHIFT] | [Nextshift] | SUM([wrkSpeed]) | SUM([wrkGlueValue]) | SUM([x1])
They using MS SQL 2012. Can't change structure or anything, only can select data from DB.
If you wanted to sum all the values just based on the day you would simply have to
But you don't want to group by the date precisely, you want to group based on your shift pattern. So to do that you can create a field that calculates which shift a particular time falls into, and then group based on that field.
SELECT [Shift]
,SUM(wrkSpeed) AS wrkSpeed
,SUM(wrkGlueValue) AS wrkGlueValue
,SUM(x1) AS x1
CASE WHEN (DATEPART(HOUR, wrkActionDate) >= 7 AND DATEPART(HOUR, wrkActionDate) < 19)
THEN LEFT(CAST(wrkActionDate AS DATE),10)+' D'
ELSE LEFT(CAST(DATEADD(DAY, -1, wrkActionDate) AS DATE),10)+' N'
END AS [Shift]
FROM [DW].[dbo].wrkSpeedInfo w
) w
GROUP BY [Shift]