Math with datetime in SQL query in rails - sql

So I have an table of phone_numbers in Rails 3.2, and I would like to be able to make a query such as the following:
PhoneNumber.where("last_called_at - #{} > call_spacing * 60")
where last_called_at is a datetime and call_spacing is an integer, representing the number of minutes between calls.
I have tried the above, I have also tried using
PhoneNumber.where("datediff(mi, last_called_at, #{}) > call_spacing")
If anyone could help me make this work, or even recommend a current, up-to-date rails SQL gem, I would be very grateful.
Edit: So the best way to make this work for me was to instead add a ready_at column to my database, and update that whenever either call_spacing or last_called_at was updated, using the before_save method. This is probably the most semantic way to approach this problem in rails.

You have to use quotes around #{}. To make your first query work you may use TIME_TO_SEC() function:
PhoneNumber.where("(TIME_TO_SEC('#{}') - TIME_TO_SEC(last_called_at)) > (call_spacing * 60)")
Here is my way to do this:
PhoneNumber.where("last_called_at > '#{ - (call_spacing * 60)}'")
also take a look at this article to be aware of how to play with timezones:


RSpec: How to mock SQL NOW()

I can mock with a great timecop gem.
=> 2018-05-13 18:04:46 +0300'2018.03.12, 12:00'))
=> 2018-03-12 12:00:04 +0300
Thu, 15 Mar 2018 12:00:00 MSK +03:00
TeacherVacation.where('ends_at > ?',
But (obviously) this wouldn't work while using NOW() in a query:
TeacherVacation.where('ends_at > NOW()').count
Can I mock NOW() so that it would return the results for a certain time?
Timecop is a great gem! I would recommend using Timecop.freeze instead of traveling for your instance; you want to keep your tests deterministic.
As far as I could find, there doesn't seem to be a way to mock SQL's functions. Some languages like Postgres allow overloading functions, but you would still need a way to interject, and there doesn't seem to be a way to use environment variables in SQL.
A co-worker seemed to be certain you could actually drop system/language functions and make your own, but I was concerned about how to recover them after you do that. Trying to go that route sounds like a pain.
Here are a couple of "solutions" that I've come up with today while fighting this problem. Note: I don't really care for them to be honest, but if it gets tests in place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They at least offer a way to get things "working".
Unfortunately there's no snazzy gem to control the time in SQL. I imagine you would need something crazy like a plugin to the DB, a hack, a hook, a man in the middle, a container that you could trick SQL into thinking the system time was something else. None of those hack ideas would surely be portable/platform agnostic unfortunately either.
Apparently there are some ways to set time in a docker container, but that sounds like a painful overhead for local testing, and doesn't fit the granularity of a per-test time to be set.
Another thing to note, for me we're running large complex raw SQL queries, so that's why it's important that when I run the SQL file for a test I can have proper dates, otherwise I would just be doing it through activerecord like you mentioned.
String Interpolation
I ran across this in some large queries that were being ran.
This definitely helps if you need to push some environment variables through, and you can inject your own "current_date" if you want. This would help too if you needed to utilize a certain time across multiple queries.
FROM #{#prefix}.my_table
WHERE date < #{#current_date} - INTERVAL '5 DAYS'
class SqlRunner
def initialize(file_path)
#file_path = file_path
#prefix = ENV['table_prefix']
#current_date =
def run
execute(eval( #file_path))
def execute(sql)
The Dirty Update
The idea is to update the value from ruby land pushing your "time-copped" time into the database to overwrite the value generated by the SQL DB. You may need to get creative with your update for times, like querying for a time greater than a given time that doesn't target your timecop time that you'll be updating rows to.
The reason I don't care for this method is because it ends up feeling like you're just testing activerecord's functionality since you're not relying on the DB to set values it should be setting. You may have computations in your SQL that you're then recreating in the test to set some value to the right date, and then you're no longer doing the computation in the SQL so then you're not even actually testing it.
INSERT INTO some_table (
FROM projects
JOIN people ON = people.project_id
describe 'insert_test.sql' do
LARGE_INSERT_SQL ='sql/large_insert.sql')
before do
Timecop.freeze, 10, 28)
after do
context 'populated same_table' do
before do
it 'has the right date' do
expect(SomeTable.last.created_on).to eq(Date.parse('2018.10.28')
def execute(sql_command)
def mock_current_dates(actual_date)
rows = SomeTable.where(created_on: actual_date)
# Use our timecop datetime
Fun Caveat: specs wrap in their own transactions (you can turn that off, but it's a nice feature) so if your SQL has a transaction in it, you'll need to write code to remove it for the specs, or have your runner wrap your code in transactions if you need them. They'll run but then your SQL will kill off the spec transaction and you'll have a bad time. You can create a spec/support to help out with this if you go the route of cleaning up during tests, if I were in a newer project I would go with writing a runner that wraps the queries in transactions if you need them -- even though this isn't evident in the SQL files #abstraction.
Maybe there's something out there that lets you set your system time, but that sounds terrifying modifying your system's actual time.
I think the solution for this is DI (dependency injection)
def NOW(time =
In test
current_test =, 5, 13)
p NOW(current_test)
In production

Rails generated query result is empty, but returns value in Postgres

I'm having a strange problem in Rails with a Postgres query.
The query looks something like this:
:conditions => ["
weekly_planner_events.time_start =
date_part('epoch', to_timestamp(?)::timestamptz at time zone 'CDT')",
This generates (as I can view in the console), the following SQL statement:
SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes"
INNER JOIN "weekly_planner_events" ON "recipes"."id" = "weekly_planner_events"."recipe_id"
WHERE "weekly_planner_events"."weekly_planner_id" = 2
AND (weekly_planner_events.time_start = date_part('epoch', to_timestamp(1347426000)::timestamptz at time zone 'CDT'))
My problem is that the generated SQL statement works well on psql or pgAdmin, but on rails it returns an empty array. That is, if I copy and paste it as is on a postgres console, it works perfectly fine, but when I run it on the Rails console, it returns nothing, and I have no idea why its happening.
I've tried the following:
Parametrizing 'epoch' and 'CDT'/timezone (in order to remove 's
Switching to a where statement, with the same condition
Passing the variables with #{}s
Doing the search without the date_part('epoch', [float]) function works fine in Rails, but its obviously not the result I need.
I'm finding this issue quite confusing, if there is any other data you need please let me know and I will edit the post.
Thank you.
Maybe when you are using the find_or_create method it is using the create action, so you create a new WeeklyPlanner for a user, and this brand new WeeklyPlanner doesn't have recipes attached to it because it has just been created.
When you go to psql, you probably use a existent WeeklyPlanner.
But this is just a guess.

From within a grails HQL, how would I use a (non-aggregate) Oracle function?

If I were retrieving the data I wanted from a plain sql query, the following would suffice:
select * from stvterm where stvterm_code > TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()
I have a grails domain set up correctly for this table, and I can run the following code successfully:
def a = SaturnStvterm.findAll("from SaturnStvterm as s where id > 201797") as JSON
return false
In other words, I can hardcode in the results from the Oracle function and have the HQL run correctly, but it chokes any way that I can figure to try it with the function. I have read through some of the documentation on Hibernate about using procs and functions, but I'm having trouble making much sense of it. Can anyone give me a hint as to the proper way to handle this?
Also, since I think it is probably relevant, there aren't any synonyms in place that would allow the function to be called without qualifying it as schema.package.function(). I'm sure that'll make things more difficult. This is all for Grails 1.3.7, though I could use a later version if needed.
To call a function in HQL, the SQL dialect must be aware of it. You can add your function at runtime in BootStrap.groovy like this:
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate
import org.hibernate.Hibernate
def dialect = applicationContext.sessionFactory.dialect
def getCurrentTerm = new SQLFunctionTemplate(Hibernate.INTEGER, "TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()")
dialect.registerFunction('F_Get_Current_term', getCurrentTerm)
Once registered, you should be able to call the function in your queries:
def a = SaturnStvterm.findAll("from SaturnStvterm as s where id > TT_STUDENT.STU_GENERAL.F_Get_Current_term()")

what is the same equivalent query in `rails console` with this sql ?

select * from user where room_id not in (select id from rooms);
what is the same equivalent query in rails console with this sql?
User.all.each { |u| }
(sorry, but this example is not correct.)
You can translate it almost literally:
User.where('room_id not in (select id from rooms)').all
The where clause is quite flexible in what it accepts.
User.where("room_id not in (select id from rooms)")
but you want this since it would be rather faster:
User.where("not exist (select id from rooms where id=users.room_id)")
that's the closest you can get. There appears to be no way to create an Active Record query that translates to SQL NOT(). A search on the subject returns a bunch of SO questions with much the same answer.
You could do something like { |u| !Room.find_by_id(u.room_id) }
But that could be less efficient again.
I don't know if you are familiar with the squeel gem. It allows allows you to build very complex SQL-queries in a pure Ruby code. In your case it should be as simple as the following code (afer adding the gem 'squeel' line in your Gemfile and running bundle install):
room_ids ={id}; User.where{room_id.not_in room_ids}
Worth trying, isn't it?
Here's the squeel's page.

How do I pick the last and the second to last entries in a blog model?

I have a model, blog_posts which has a field "published_at". I'd like to select the latest two blogs from that model to display on my homepage. Not sure how to structure that though.
At the moment I have a work around that takes a slice of the data but it keeps failing when I have nothing in the table, rather than fix this I feel there is probably a better way to retrieve the data.
I need to select the blogs in separate calls, for example
#blog_post.latestpost, #blog_post.secondlatestpost
Is this what you're looking for? :
class BlogPost < Activerecord::Base
def self.latestpost
order("published_at DESC").limit(1).first
def self.secondlatestpost
order("published_at DESC").offset(1).limit(1).first
Use it like this :
Hope this helps.
You could also do:
BlogPost.order(:published_at).last # for the last post
BlogPost.order(:published_at).offset(1).last # for the second to last post
As of Rails 5 you can use BlogPost.second_to_last.
At least since Rails 4.x you can specify how many last records you want. E.g. to fetch last 2 records:
BlogPost.last(2) # BlogPost.last(2).first will return the second last post
The same goes for first(). There are also methods second(), third(), fourth(), fifth(), forty_two(). And starting with Rails 5.x, second_to_last(), third_to_last().
You could also use ActiveRecord
BlogPost.order("published_at DESC").second
Although I think going with offset and limit is the somewhat cleaner and more portable version. Internally second (and third, fourth) use the find_nths method. Documented here: