WIDTH property is not affected to a dialog box in Simple Modal1 jquery plugin - simplemodal

I've just faced the problem on the SimpleModal1 jquery plugin
I'm studying web programming, and i'm building any pages that I want now.
And I'm using SimpleModal1 plugin, and jquery.modal() works fine.
But... in one of my JS file, giving option containerCSS:{"width":"20%"} doesn't affect the dialog box's horizontal size.
The Problematic JS File
function openLoginDialog(){
Another file that works fine
function openJoinDialog(){

containerCss is not the same as containerCSS... Your problem might just be a simple matter of misplaced capitals.


Can vscode's markdown preview scripts trigger actions directly in an extension?

I'm writing a vscode extension where I'm hoping to squeeze more dynamic functionality out of markdown preview. Effectively the problem I'm trying to solve is:
In markdown preview, there's a checkbox
When user clicks the checkbox in markdown preview, send a message/event to the vscode extension runtime
Vscode extension can listen for this message/event and store the action in local storage
Checkbox state is saved - and subsequent renders of the markdown preview can use this action
Ideally, I'd like to do this while keeping the default markdown preview security (https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/languages/markdown#_strict). After all, I don't need the extension to or markdown preview script to talk to a remote server - I just want them to be able to talk to one another.
Problem as code
To write the problem as sudo code, I want my markdown preview script to contain something like:
const button = ... // get button element
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
... /*
* Send a message to the vscode extension. Something like:
* `vscode.postMessage('vscode.my-extension.preview-action' + value)`
* (which I can't get to work, I'll discuss why)
where then my extension can listen for messages like 'vscode.my-extension.preview-action'.
What I've Tried Already
I have tried acquireVsCodeApi() but because the markdown extension already does that, I can't do it again in the subsequent loaded script. I've also tried registering a uri handler but as far as I can try out the preview script still needs to fetch to that uri, which is still blocked by the default markdown security settings.
Perhaps markdown preview scripts are not the place to do this kind of thing, but I just wanted to leverage as much as possible that's already there with the vscode markdown extension. I want to supplement markdown but not replace it, the functionality I want to add is just icing on markdown documentation.
I've read https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/markdown-extension#adding-advanced-functionality-with-scripts and it doesn't tell me much about markdown extension scripts capabilities and limitations.
Thanks to #LexLi I looked at some of the source code in the markdown extension and was able to come up with an ugly hack to make this work in preview scripts. Markdown allows normal clicks. And vscode extensions can handle normal clicks. I've paraphrased the code so there could be small syntax errors.
In the extension I did this:
handleUri(uri: vscode.Uri): vscode.ProviderResult<void> {
console.log(`EXTENSION GOT URL: ${uri.toString()}`);
Then I made sure my extension/preview script put this in the document
<!-- in the preview script I place a button like this -->
<!-- it even works with hidden :) so I can do more app customization -->
cant see me but I'm there
Then my preview script I can even set href before faking a click:
const aMessager = document.querySelector("#my-extension-messager");
console.log('client is setting attribute and clicking...')
aMessager.setAttribute('href', 'vscode://publisher-id.my-extension?action=do-something');
console.log('client clicked');
Logs I saw (trimmed/tweaked from my particular extension to match the contrived example):
client is setting attribute and clicking...
client clicked
[Extension Host] EXTENSION GOT URL: vscode://publisher-id.my-extension?action%3Ddo-something
It's a hack but I can do a lot with this. Within the URL I can encode data back to the extension and kind of pass whatever I want (as long as data is relatively small).

Dynamic background images not loading

I'm using Vue 3 along with Tailwind and in my template I display a list of background images, so I'm looping through an array of images and this div is responsible for showing them:
<div :class="`h-full bg-[url('#/assets/img/${article.preview_image}')] bg-center bg-no-repeat bg-cover hover:scale-105 transition duration-[2000ms] ease-in-out`" />
This way it doesn't work although I have no errors in the console and when I check the DOM it's rendered alright, the images just don't show up
The weird part is that when I hard code the name of the image like bg-[url('#/assets/img/my_image.jpg')] it works, and when I go back to using my loop variable it still works although it was not working at first, and it's not cache related because I disabled it
And then when I restart the server the images are gone again
Any idea what's causing this?
By the way, the data comes from a data.json file, if it matters. Like:
{ preview_image: 'xxx.jpg'},
{ preview_image: 'xxx.jpg'}
{ preview_image: 'xxx.jpg'}
I tried to use a .ts file instead but the problem remains
This may be a webpack issue where your image files are not bundled correctly. I se you have tried a .ts file. Can you try again but use require("filePath"), with the image files. This ensures that the files are bundled.
Cheers :)

Fast refresh in react native always fully reload the app

This question has been asked several times here(here the most relevant,Another example), but no solution has been proposed in any of them. So I have 2 questions to you guys:
Any idea why it wouldn't work in a large project? I mean, there are any know issues with fast refresh related to the size of the project or the packages he includes that will make fast refresh stop working? There is any way to fix it?
Is there a convenient way to edit an internal page in the app without using a fast refresh (without running the page independently, since it depends on all the logic of the app)?
This bug really makes the development really difficult for me, and I find it hard to believe that professional developers have not found a way around this problem, Please help!
I'm using expo-cli(v3.26.2 - Expo SDK 38 that using react-native v0.62)
using default export with no name ALWAYS resulted in a full reload of the app without hot reload!
So after a lot of months of pain, I accidentally found a strangely enough effect:
I usually write my react components in this syntax:
export default ({ ...props }) => {
and for some reason, changing a module that exports that way ALWAYS resulted in a full reload of the app without hot reload!
after months of pain, accidentally i found out that changing the export to:
const Test = ({ ...props }) => {
export default Test;
completely fixed the issue and now hot reload works perfectly fine!
I did not saw this effect mentioned in a single place on the internet!
From react-refresh-webpack-plugin troubleshoot section
Un-named/non-pascal-case-named components
See this tweet for drawbacks of not giving component proper names.
They are impossible to support because we have no ways to statically
determine they are React-related. This issue also exist for other
React developer tools, like the hooks ESLint plugin. Internal
components in HOCs also have to conform to this rule.
// Wont work
export default () => <div />;
export default function () {
return <div />;
export default function divContainer() {
return <div />;
There is an other way to obtain this weird behavior.
When you export a simple function:
//if we export this function in the entry file of the app,
//it will break the hot reload feature without any warnings.
export function someName() {
from the entry file of your app (with typescript template expo init nameApp the file is App.tsx)
It will exactly produce a full reload of the app rather than a hot reload.
This is vicious because on ios simulator it full reloads the app without the modification whereas in android it full reloads the app WITH the modification. So you'll take some time to realize that this is not a hot reload in android but a full reload.
IDK why ios don't display the modification like android does..
But when you think at the problem, we shouldn't export multiple things from the entry point of an app. This sounds weird isn't it ?
During development, I had your problem with the infinity "Refreshing..." message. As well as incomprehensible errors like "unknow resolve module 2" and "bundle error..."
the solution turned out to be unexpected, I changed "require()" to "import" in the main index.js file
const module = require('some-module')
import module from 'some-module';

This JSFiddle is not loading p5.js correctly

This code I have written in my JSFiddle works well in my computer, and it creates a button and loads a sketch each time I press the button. I "loaded" p5.js, p5.dom.js via CDNJS cause p5.js is not available in the javascript frameworks and extensions options. But the behaviour is not being reproduced correctly. What is wrong with it?
Link: https://jsfiddle.net/truxx/uf7y9meq/5/
I tried:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.5.11/p5.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.5.11/addons/p5.dom.js"></script>
You've got a few things going on here. First of all you should really fix your HTML. You've got mismatched and illegal tags all over the place. Please try to fix all of these problems, and properly format your HTML while you're at it.
It also seems pretty strange that you're trying to mix instance and global mode. Why do you have a setup() and mousePressed() function outside of the sketch function, and another setup() function inside the sketch function? What do you expect that to do?
To fix those problems, you need to choose either instance or global mode. This might require you to rewrite some of your code, but your goal should be to make everything consistent instead of using two different modes in one sketch.

App works as desired in debug mode but crashes in Rally environment

I have created an app that creates a grid dynamically, as well as lets the user make changes to one of the grid columns via a 'numberfield' editor. Everything is working great in the debug environment but when I try to edit one of the fields in the Rally environment it crashes the app. From the looks of it, the iframe containing the app is just reloading altogether.
Now, here's the weird part that may be a clue to what's going on. The app crashes after I click elsewhere on the app (committing the change) but if I scroll the mouse wheel somewhere on the app, the spinner loses focus (no up/down arrows) and then if I click somewhere the edits are applied and the app doesn't crash. Once again in the debug mode I don't need to go through this, I can just click elsewhere and the changes are applied.
This is a known issue with 2.0p5 that will be fixed with the next release of the SDK. Basically it's using a sledgehammer to respond to the fact that something was edited and refreshing it. Since the new SDK can communicate with the message bus this is totally unnecessary...
In the meantime you should be able to patch your app by defining a global Rally.getApp function that returns your app instance to prevent the hard refresh:
//In your app definition give it an xtype:
Ext.define('My.App', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App',
alias: 'widget.myapp'
//Find the app instance by its xtype and return it
Rally.getApp = function() {
return Ext.ComponentQuery.query('myapp')[0];
You can then delete that code once 2.0p6 is released and you upgrade.