Bind variables in case statement in MonetDB - pentaho

I seem to have come across a strange restriction in using bind variables in MonetDB. If i use bind variables in the normal way by saying where field=${var} then it works. But not in this case:
Here is a sample:
select case when ${Brand} = 'All'
And here is the error:
EXEC: wrong type for argument 1 of prepared statement: char, expected char
Using the latest version of the jdbc driver (2.9) via Pentaho.

Casting to char doesnt work either.
However casting both sides to Varchar does work i.e.:
cast(${Brand} as varchar(100)) = cast('All' as varchar(100))
So I guess char's are just a bit funky in MonetDB


**** 04:04:32 TPT10508: RDBMS error 3857: Cannot use value (or macro parameter) to match '<column_name>'

**** 04:04:32 TPT10508: RDBMS error 3857: Cannot use value (or macro parameter) to match '<column_name>'.
facing this issues while
executing tpt to load data from csv to Teradata DB. Could you please
help me in resolving this issue.
simple cast logic is used to convert data type from Varchar to decimal and timestamp(0).
and if i hardcode the value like (cast(20.0) as decimal(12,2) ) its working fine.
Failure case cast(column_nm) as decimal(12,2) .

Character with Bit/hex confusion in DB2

This works:
Since that work I put it into the procedure:
The procedure has the one parameter P_WEB_IDENTIFIER which is a CHAR(26) for bit data with the CCSID 65535
However, when I now call it with the string like so:
call PROGRAM . GET_TASKT_ID_BY_TASK_WEB_IDENTIFIER ('0213725501A421D384233E5001');
I get back that the argument for VARBINARY_FUNCTION is invalid by length or data type.
Also, this works:
call PROGRAM . GET_TASKT_ID_BY_TASK_WEB_IDENTIFIER (CAST('0213725501A421D384233E5001' as char(26)));
What Can I do to make sure that string converts with only the string being passed?
What are you using to call the stored procedure?
What version and release of Db2 for i?
In the Run SQL Scripts component of IBM ACS or the older Access for Windows, string literals in your statements are treated as varchar.
Thus the CAST('0213725501A421D384233E5001' as char(26)) makes sense. What doesn't is the error message. Normally, you'd get a procedure not found error as the Db is looking for a procedure named PROGRAM.GET_TASKT_ID_BY_TASK_WEB_IDENTIFIER that takes a varchar parameter and the only thing that exists is a procedure that takes a char(26).
IBM's tools have gotten better at implicitly converting when needed. But I usually go with an explicit conversion when testing manually (as you've done here). Or I just make the parms varchar to start. And convert to character within the procedure if needed.
The char/varchar difference doesn't usually matter to the client code, as it can be specific in it's type definitions. It's only a factor for interactive tools like ACS that are executing dynamic statements.

parameterized query with long string

I have a parametrized SQL query that I want to execute from (local) R on Exasol database as described here:
with tab as
position(value in ?) as pos
from MY_TABLE t
select * from tab where pos > 0;
The value that is passed to ? is a (long) string. When this string is 2000 characters long or less, everything works fine. When I increase it to 2001 characters, I get an error:
Error in result_bind(res#ptr, as.list(params)) :
nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1587: 40001: [EXASOL][EXASolution driver]GlobalTransactionRollback
msg: data exception - string data, right truncation. (Session: 1640027176042911503)
I guess the source of the problem is that my parameter is recognized as CHAR and not as VARCHAR.
The Exasol User Manual states:
"The length of both types is limited to 2,000 characters (CHAR) and 2,000,000 characters (VARCHAR), respectively".
Is there any way to cast ? to VARCHAR?
If you establish your db connection via ODBC you could try having a look at these parameters:
Probably, if you set DEFAULTPARAMSIZE to a higher value in the odbc config:
The problem above has been present when I tried using the first suggested method for running parametrized queries described in tutorial here: This first approach uses a combination of functions dbSendQuery() and dbBind().
My problem with long strings has been solved when I switched to the second (less safe) method which uses the sqlInterpolate() function.

SSIS to handle SQL binary data type

I am strugling wiith handling a sql binary(8) data type.
No matter what I try to do with it inside the SSIS package, it always fails with an error of: "Invalid cast specification"
Let me describe what I am tying to do in details:
I have a single row that I am assigning to a variable in a SQL Task in the control flow.
select max(LastRowVersion as bigint) as MinRV from MyTable
LastRowVersion is of datatype binary(8).
2.Then I am assigning the result to variable - User::MaxRowVersion
If I configure MaxRowVersion to be of String or Object data type, then this part works fine.
3.Next I am opening a data flow task with the following select statement:
select fields
from AnotherTable
where LastRowVersion > ?
and assigning User::MaxRowVersion to the query.
Again LastRowVersion is of datatype binary(8) in the table - AnotherTable.
Here is where I am getting the error that I mentioned above.
I have tried various types of playing with the DT_BYTES cast type in the expression of the User::MaxRowVersion variable, but it is failing.
I have also read that there is a possibility to open a C# script task to handle it or that Dynamic SQL can help, but I would rather keep the solution as simple as possible with no scripting if possible.
Thanks for the help,
Have you tried this?
Keep MaxRowVersion as a Sting data type
Cast the variable reference in the SQL statement
SELECT my_field
FROM my_table
WHERE LastRowVersion > CAST('" + #[User::MaxRowVersion] + "' as MyDataType);

ColdFusion structkey starting with number

Why does this fail:
<CFIF isdefined("URL.3dfile")>...</CFIF>
with following message:
Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now URL.3dfile, must be a syntactically valid variable name.
and this won't:
<CFIF structkeyexists(URL,"3dfile")>...</CFIF>
Is the way it get's parsed not much the same? And .. are variables starting with numbers invalid or aren't they?
Seybsen - variables names should not begin with a number. This is likely a legacy of older non-java version of CF Where a variable was not part of an object.
However, in the java world everything IS an object. This leads to a syntactical nuance. If you are using variable names in dotted notation your var name will likely throw an error. But use it in other ways and it will succeed.
So this sort of syntax works
But setting a variable name directly - 33foo = true - will not work.
Here's a post with a full explanation.