Get only largestChangeId in smart way - objective-c

I am new to this Google Drive SDK. Using Drive as cloud storage for my app. App needs to sync the data in largestChangeId appdata folder. For the first time App needs to get the largestChangeId using changeList API.I believe that the result of changelist API include all details.Which are not interest to me. I am just interested in largestChangeId to store locally to subscribe for changes feed in future.
How can I tune changeList API to just get only largestChangeId?
Are there any other alternative way or API to do this in smart way?
Your help is appreciated.

You can get largestChangeId only by using About.get() with fields parameter specified.
This will simply return
"largestChangeId": "{{WHAT_YOU_WANTED}}";
And you're already doing it in a smart way :)


Is there a way to get a list of all Dropbox Share Folders with their members?

I've reached out to Dropbox on this and they advised that there isn't a way to do it through their platform, they suggested using other tools like GitHub, Zapier, and the like.
I have admin access to Dropbox and I have little to no experience coding, I've seen a few API's that could help me with what I'm trying to accomplish.
Is there an App or service I can use along with the Dropbox API to fetch all Share folders and their members? We are talking about 300+ folders so entering all the info manually won't be ideal since this task is time sensitive.
Thank you for any input or advise you guys can give me on this

Using Dropbox API for (subscription) content delivery

I run a multi-gigabyte audio content subscription service. Right now all of our clients get download links via email for all of the content.
I had an idea of employing the Dropbox API after a "successful charge" webhook and giving (read-only) access to a shared Dropbox folder with all of the content. That way, the customer would stay in sync with all updates, changes etc...
The way I picture it, the user checks out and is immediately asked if he would like to add our company's folder to his/her Dropbox.
Does this seem feasible/practical?
Looking at the API, I only see an option to provide a download link but not an actual shared folder. Am I correct in this observation?
That's correct, the Dropbox API doesn't currently offer any API calls for managing shared folders. It only has a way to get the read-only share links like you mentioned.
However, if you'd be interested in potentially participating in a shared folder API beta in the future, please sign up here.
#Greg's answer is correct, but I thought I'd mention a couple other options:
You could use the Saver to let users save the files directly into their Dropbox. This wouldn't help you to push new content to them—they'd still have to visit your site to save the new files—but it would let you cut down on your bandwidth costs, since Dropbox would cache the files for you.
You could use a combination of /copy_ref and /fileops/copy to copy the contents from a central Dropbox account into each user's Dropbox. This wouldn't use any of your bandwidth (once the file was in the central Dropbox account).
Please note, however, that free Dropbox accounts only start with 2GB of storage space. Since you mentioned "multi-gigabyte," you'll need to keep in mind whether your customers will actually have sufficient Dropbox space to store the files you want to share with them. (Even if you were able to use a shared folder, they would need to have enough space left to accept the shared folder invitation.)

Is there to read the data from google spreadsheet link in IOS?

i am currently work on an IOS project which is required to read data from Spreadsheet in google drive. I have done some research and i found Google APIs client library for Objective C. However, i still have problem of retrieving data from spreadsheet. i find only the sample code that can read the file in drive from the drive that user login. But what i actually want in this project is using Google Drive as the Database. In short i want to retrieve data from the url like this
So is there a solution for this kind of problem? and if there a good site that provide a good tutorial to this kindda problem?
Google apps script is probably a simpler option. You can set it up as a web app, and read/write to the spreadsheet via the webapp. The google-spreadsheet-api is hard to use as there is little good documentation.
Refer, Google's Sample Code it can help you. You can also use GData Objective C Client to use it.

How does the Dropbox Datastore API differ from Parse?

How does the Dropbox Datastore API differ from similar offerings like Parse? One difference that I see is that my users pay for server storage instead of me. Are there other differences?
Disclaimer: I'm a Dropbox engineer who worked on the Datastore API, and know about the Parse API only indirectly. Weigh my opinion appropriately. Major differences I know of (pro and con):
Dropbox Datastores are free to the developer, and free the user for the first 5MB per-app (after which their Dropbox quota applies). Parse charges developers based on how many API requests they’re making.
Parse has minimal offline support, while Dropbox has full offline operation. With Dropbox, if the developer modifies data while offline, those modifications will be reflected in subsequent queries (with Parse, those changes are not reflected). Dropbox provides on-device query logic (unlike Parse) so that apps can continue to generate the views they need to, even when there’s no Internet available. In addition, Parse does not provide conflict resolution or querying offline.
Parse provides the ability to share data between users, and global data for all users of the app. Dropbox Datastores only support per-user data (for each app) for now (sharing is on the roadmap).
I would also add that:
Parse is full feature of backend of as service. You can find a pretty complete list of the other player in this field: They provide feature like:
Data service
User registration/auth
Push notification
The dropbox Datastore APIs is more focusing on data services. (You also got the User part for free too?) Also it works full offline.
The Parse framework can store data that can be ready by any user in the application.
The Dropbox datastore, store data for each user, and you can't accesss data from other user. That's the main difference.
So easy to get lost in this since you have to read between the lines. My take is that with Datastore you are working with objects stored offline locally as json. I'm hoping they will soon release a Xamarin Android component - they released an IOS component last month. Since Xamarin targets both Android and IOS and Winphone, who knows why they made a dedicated IOS DLL for Xamarin but I digress. With Parse, it appears to me their intent is the always-connected-device. Sure you can save queries locally and you can save (save eventually) locally where Parse will push to the server when it is connected. But saving "eventually" and saving queries for offline work is a different design than just saving and letting Parse do it all in the background for you - which it does not unless I have missed something that would make this attractive to me. I cannot see Parse useable for devices that you know will be sometimes-connected, without a lot of code to make this happen and sync.

How do you store data remotely in an iOS app?

I have an app that relies on some key value pairs where the value could change at a point in the future due to 3rd party api. The app is only useful when connected to the internet by the way. If any values change I don't want issue a new version of the app - I would rather that these values were pulled from a webservice/static xml file on my server. I would only need to pull these if I encountered an error.
Is there a standard way to do this or should I just roll my own?
EDIT: I'm not so interested in a server side technology - I think a flat file will suffice. What I'm interested in is what format should the flat file should be and how to cache it into my application once I get an error.
try redis, high-performance key-value store. used by some of the big cloud players, like cloudfoundry. Have a look at Objective-c client is available at
I figured out the best way for my use scenario:
I setup a json file on S3 which required authentication. I then used AWS for Objective C to authenticate so I could access that file.
I decided that I only needed to update the local info when the applicationDidBecomeActive in the App Delegate. I then got the json async and on success I then checked a version number in the json and if outdated wrote the changes to NSUSerDefaults (which are then used through the app.) If there was an error getting the json file I just continued as I would already have the previous set of NSUserDefaults that would do the job until the user next made the app active.
This solution worked best for me as it's simple to maintain and should easily handle the load even if my app were popular.
Have you considered using iCloud? It has support for key value pairs. More info here: