how to fill color throughout the NSTableHeaderView of view based NSoutlineview - objective-c

i had created a view based outline view as here. i filled the row by black color, but the background of disclosure button was not appearing with black background. how to fix this.

i set outlineview indentation as 0 in inspector window .problem solved.


iOS8 UITableView with autolayout has a blank space above cells

I've created a UIViewController in a storyboard using autolayout and it has an embedded UITableView. For some reason there is white space above the table view section. My expectation is that the tableview would split all available space into cells and have cells starting right from the top.
What is causing the table view to add empty space above the first section when using auto layout and size classes?
(See screenshot below, the white space beneath "television" and above "Prototype cells" is the problem)
I've examined the constraints and insets, and cant see anything wrong with them:
Here's the scene hierarchy
Try toggling the UIViewController property in Interface Builder named:
Adjust Scroll View Insets
If you drag a view into the table view it becomes the tableviews headerview that gives a space similar to what you see. Could this be the issue? Your posted layout looks correct.
Alternativley If you click on the Watch view controller in the hierarchy and switch in the simulated metrics section the top bar property from inferred to translucent navigation bar and back again this seems to move the cells down in the tableview when it is set to a translucent navigation bar

iOS 7 - Storyboards. Why is it impossible to set tableViewCell selection color

In general Storyboards are an awesome hugely productive tool that I cannot live without. But ...
I am pulling my hair out trying to do something I assumed would be trivially simple: set the selection color for a tableView cell. Impossible.
My storyboard is simple: navigationController --root controller--> tableViewController
Here are screenshots.
The app. Notice the pale, sickly grey cell selection color that should be blue.
Storyboard screenshots.
NavigationController. Notice I set the nav bar to opaque.
TableViewController. Again, solid opaque nav bar.
TableViewCell. Notice I set selection color to blue not pale, sickly grey.
Can someone please explain to me how to convince Storyboard how to do this.
In your storyboard, do the following:
Place a UIView as a background view of your prototype cell. This should be below your UILabels. Change its background color to your desired color. (Background NOT Tint)
Select your prototype cell and go to its connections inspector (Command + Alt + 6).
Drag the selectedBackgroundView outlet into your just placed background view.
Source: How to change background selected color storyboard static cells

Cocoa: NSOutlineView not highlighted as blue bar

I use the - addSubview: method to add an subview with outline view.
But I found strange that if I programmatically select an object of this outline view, the selection highlighting was not blue:
However, as long as I perform an mouse click on the outline view, its highlighting became normal:
Why did this happen? How can I make the highlighting drawn as blue before any mouse event?
Thank you at advance!
If the outline view doesn't have focus it will use the grey color. Make it first responder, to get focus, and the selection turns blue.
You can make it first responder for example by using NSWindows makeFirstResponder: :
[self.window makeFirstResponder:self.outlineView];

Remove or prevent the active widget highlight

In the above example image, how do I go about preventing the blue highlight you can see on the top and right side of the NSOutlineView control?
That's called the "Focus Ring". You should be able to stop your view from drawing it either through IB:
Or in code, using setFocusRingType::
[myView setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeNone];

UISegmentedControl custom background image

I have UINavigationBar setup as image - some wood texture. I want to insert UISegmentedControl with 4 buttons on that bar. Buttons should have same texture with slightly changed tint.
One solution would be to change tint alpha of buttons background color, so that texture in background can get trough, but as I set alpha for tint in IB it doesn't save value, it always gets back to value 1.
I cant get UISegmentedControl to show background image, so finally gave up and decide to search for help...
Effect that is desired is one in iBooks app, with buttons in Navigation Bar.
Any link or small help would be appreciated..
This post describes the steps involved and has sample code:
a custom SegmentView that can specify two images(normal, clicked)
Do not bother with one of those custom segmented control packages if you're on iOS 5 or later.
Per Dylan's suggestion, use the Appearance functionality in iOS 5+.
See the top answer here:
Customizing Left & Right UISegmentedControl Buttons