How to use LOOP AT itab INTO <fieldsymbol> - syntax-error

As I rarely loop into a field symbol, I often forget to use ASSIGNING instead of INTO which will promptly cause an abend. Is there a valid use of INTO with <fieldsymbol> or is this something that the syntax checker really ought to catch?

LOOP...INTO is perfectly valid but it will work differently. LOOP...INTO transports the values to the structure provided but ASSIGNING assigns the field symbol to the actual table rows.
The only difference is if you are going to change the table contents. See the following:
* Changes all entries in the CARRID column of lt_flights to 50.
LOOP AT lt_flights ASSIGNING <flight>.
<flight>-carrid = 50.
* Does not change the entries in lt_flights (MODIFY...FROM would be required).
ASSIGN <flight> TO ls_flight.
LOOP AT lt_flights INTO <flight>.
<flight>-carrid = 50.
LOOP...INTO with a field symbol would be useless unless you had some kind of dynamic programming requirement.

It is valid when <fieldsymbol> was previously assigned to a structure which has the type of the lines of the table you loop over.

It is a perfectly valid statement:
READ TABLE lt_bar INTO <ls_foo> INDEX 1.
A field symbol just takes the place of a variable - at almost any point - so the syntax check can't flag this as invalid. It might issue a warning, though...


What is the meaning of having a variable="+" ? SAS (sql)

I'm new to SAS and I'm trying to understand a code:
if MAP_ID="+" then output WORK.0201_template;
output WORK.0201_template_f;
What does it mean the MAP_ID="+"? Does it mean that it search on the table for the values where MAP_ID=+, or does it have another menaing?
The MAP_ID="+" is a boolean expression that compares the value the variable MAP_ID to the character string literal "+". It will be true when they are the same and false otherwise.
I suspect that the main purpose of this code is to split the data into two different output datasets based on the value of MAP_ID.
It also is changing the value of SHEET_ID. That type of code also looks like something that is designed to carry forward the value of MAP_ID in a retained field SHEET_ID. If I am right then the meaning of the value of + is to keep the same sheet_id. But we would need to seem more of the code and the data to really tell.

Lossless assignment between Field-Symbols

I'm currently trying to perform a dynamic lossless assignment in an ABAP 7.0v SP26 environment.
I want to read in a csv file and move it into an internal structure without any data losses. Therefore, I declared the field-symbols:
<lfs_field> TYPE any which represents a structure component
<lfs_element> TYPE string which holds a csv value
My current "solution" is this (lo_field is an element description of <lfs_field>):
IF STRLEN( <lfs_element> ) > lo_field->output_length.
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sy_conversion_data_loss.
I don't know how precisely it works, but seems to catch the most obvious cases.
MOVE EXACT <lfs_field> TO <lfs_element>. me...
Unable to interpret "EXACT". Possible causes: Incorrect spelling or comma error
COMPUTE EXACT <lfs_field> = <lfs_element>.
...results in...
Incorrect statement: "=" missing .
As the ABAP version is too old I also cannot use EXACT #( ... )
In this case I'm using normal variables. Lets just pretend they are field-symbols:
DATA: lw_element TYPE string VALUE '10121212212.1256',
lw_field TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
lw_field = lw_element.
* lw_field now contains 10121212212.13 without any notice about the precision loss
So, how would I do a perfect valid lossless assignment with field-symbols?
Don't see an easy way around that. Guess that's why they introduced MOVE EXACT in the first place.
Note that output_length is not a clean solution. For example, string always has output_length 0, but will of course be able to hold a CHAR3 with output_length 3.
Three ideas how you could go about your question:
Parse and compare types. Parse the source field to detect format and length, e.g. "character-like", "60 places". Then get an element descriptor for the target field and check whether the source fits into the target. Don't think it makes sense to start collecting the possibly large CASEs for this here. If you have access to a newer ABAP, you could try generating a large test data set there and use it to reverse-engineer the compatibility rules from MOVE EXACT.
Back-and-forth conversion. Move the value from source to target and back and see whether it changes. If it changes, the fields aren't compatible. This is unprecise, as some formats will change although the values remain the same; for example, -42 could change to 42-, although this is the same in ABAP.
To-longer conversion. Move the field from source to target. Then construct a slightly longer version of target, and move source also there. If the two targets are identical, the fields are compatible. This fails at the boundaries, i.e. if it's not possible to construct a slightly-longer version, e.g. because the maximum number of decimal places of a P field is reached.
DATA target TYPE char3.
DATA source TYPE string VALUE `123.5`.
DATA(lo_target) = CAST cl_abap_elemdescr( cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_data( target ) ).
DATA(lo_longer) = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_by_kind(
p_type_kind = lo_target->type_kind
p_length = lo_target->length + 1
p_decimals = lo_target->decimals + 1 ).
DATA lv_longer TYPE REF TO data.
CREATE DATA lv_longer TYPE HANDLE lo_longer.
ASSIGN lv_longer->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<longer>).
<longer> = source.
target = source.
IF <longer> = target.
WRITE `Fits`.
WRITE `Doesn't fit, ` && target && ` is different from ` && <longer>.

Ampl syntax: return value at a specific position in set. AKA: use a set as an INDEX on another set

My question is this:
How can I use SUBSET (a discontinuous set) to refer to an index location in another set as opposed to an actual value? I see that ord() can be used to return the position of a value in a set, but I want the reverse of this...
my reason for needing this:
I have a model in which some of the set and data statements are roughly:
set ALL_TIME := {0..20000};
param DATA {ALL_TIME}; #read from file in later data statement;
set myTIME := {0...1000};
I am looping over the myTIME set and each time solving the model and then incrementing the start and end by 1: {1..1001}, {2..1002}, {3..1003}, etc.
I have another discontinuous set being read in from a file that looks something like this (yes below is bad syntax, the "...." is just there to mean that the pattern continues until it hits 1000 so I don't have to type it all) :
set SUBSET := {6,7,8,9,10, 16,17,18,19,20, 26,27.....}
Once myTIME increments such that it no longer contains "6", I get a subscript undefined error from a constraint which I understand to be because myTIME in this case is {7..1007} and thus in the following, tSUB=6 causes ALPHA[6] and is undefined:
subject to CONSTRAINT {tSUB in SUBSET}:
ALPHA [tSUB] = ALPHA[last(tSUB)];
What I want is to be able to use SUBSET to always refer to the same index location of ALPHA, DATA, etc.
SUBSET[0] (which equals 6) should always be the 6th value of for example DATA:
{tSUB in SUBSET}: DATA[tSUB]. when tSUB is 0, I want the 6th value of DATA.
(I am new to Ampl and have a hard time wrapping my head around how indexing and sets work - if anything didn't make sense, please ask and I'll try to clarify. If you think it would be more helpful to see my actual code I'll try to sanitize the company data out and post it). Also, some of the code bits above have abysmal syntax. They are not copied from my code, just approximated to try to explain my problem. :)
You can get i-th member of set S with member(i, S), where i is a 1-based index and S is an ordered set. This is described in section 5.6 Ordered sets of the AMPL book.

Get Text Symbol Programmatically With ID

Is there any way of programmatically getting the value of a Text Symbol at runtime?
The scenario is that I have a simple report that calls a function module. I receive an exported parameter in variable LV_MSG of type CHAR1. This indicates a certain status message created in the program, for instance F (Fail), X (Match) or E (Error). I currently use a CASE statement to switch on LV_MSG and fill another variable with a short description of the message. These descriptions are maintained as text symbols that I retrieve at compile time with text-MS# where # is the same as the possible returns of LV_MSG, for instance text-MSX has the value "Exact Match Found".
Now it seems to me that the entire CASE statement is unnecessary as I could just assign to my description variable the value of the text symbol with ID 'MS' + LV_MSG (pseudocode, would use CONCATENATE). Now my issue is how I can find a text symbol based on the String representation of its ID at runtime. Is this even possible?
If it is, my code would look cleaner and I wouldn't have to update my actual code when new messages are added in the function module, as I would simply have to add a new text symbol. But would this approach be any faster or would it in fact degrade the report's performance?
Personally, I would probably define a domain and use the fixed values of the domain to represent the values. This way, you would even get around the string concatenation. You can use the function module DD_DOMVALUE_TEXT_GET to easily access the language-dependent text of a domain value.
To access the text elements of a program, use a function module like READ_TEXT_ELEMENTS.
Be aware that generic programming like this will definitely slow down your program. Whether it would make your code look cleaner is in the eye of the beholder - if the values change rarely, I don't see why a simple CASE statement should be inferior to some generic text access.
Hope I understand you correctly but here goes. This is possible with a little trickery, all the text symbols in a report are defined as variables in the program (with the name text-abc where abc is the text ID). So you can use the following:
data: lt_all_text type standard table of textpool with default key,
lsr_text type ref to textpool.
"Load texts - you will only want to do this once
read textpool sy-repid into lt_all_text language sy-langu.
sort lt_all_Text by entry.
"Find a text, the field KEY is the text ID without TEXT-
read table lt_all_text with key entry = i_wanted_text
reference into lsr_text binary search.
If you want the address you can add:
field-symbols: <l_text> type any.
data l_name type string.
data lr_address type ref to data.
concatenate 'TEXT-' lsr_text->key into l_name.
assign (l_name) to <l_text>.
if sy-subrc = 0.
get reference of <l_text> into lr_address.
As vwegert pointed out this is probably not the best solution, for error handling rather use message classes or exception objects. This is useful in other cases though so now you know how.

one variable for all the sql output

myRs=myStmt.executeQuery("select i_col,col_name from tab_col")
while (
list= myRs.getString("I_COL")+','+myRs.getString("COL_NAME")
i have a jython code to run a sql statement i want to store all the row of the sql into a single variable. I used to list to store the value but its always storing only the single line , so is there is way to append all the rows and keep adding to single variable.
Thanks so much for your help.
With that code you overwrite the "list" variable in every iteration of the while loop (= is an assignment), try something like this (I used rs rather than list to avoid a name clash with the builtin function list()):
myRs=myStmt.executeQuery("select i_col,col_name from tab_col")
while (