Query returning nothing - sql

My query is as follows:
Select h.ord_no
from sales_history_header h
INNER JOIN sales_history_detail d
And I get no results as shown here :
But I should get results because :
I ran the query:
Select NUMBER, Comments from SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL WHERE NUMBER LIKE '%0000125199%'
and got this (As you can see there's a comment field with 3838CS contained in it) :
And ran this query:
Select NUMBER, Ord_No from "SALES_HISTORY_HEADER" WHERE NUMBER = '0000125199'
and got this (The Ord_No exists) :
How come my first original query returns no results? Do I have the syntax wrong ?

Your query is returning nothing because the execution engine is using an index that is incorrectly referenced by this specific application (Sage BusinessVision) you have to work around the issue.
The issue you are having is related to the way BusinessVision created the index index of the table SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL. The PK (index key0) for this table is on both column NUMBER and RECNO.
Details on Pervasive indexs for BusinessVision
Here is the explanation of the way that index works with BV:
If you run a query that is capabable of using an index you will get better performance. Unfortunately the way pervasive compute this index for NUMBER is not working on its own.
--wrong way for this table
Select * from SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL WHERE NUMBER = '0000125199'
--return no result
Because of the way pervasive handle the index you should get no results. The workaround is you have to query on all the fields of the PK for it to work. In this case RECNO represent a record from 1 to 999 so we can specify all records with RECNO > 0.
--right way to use index key0
Select * from SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL WHERE NUMBER = '0000125199' and RECNO > 0
This will give you the result you expected for that table and use the index with the performance gain.
Note that you will get the same behavior in the table SALES_ORDER_DETAIL
Back you your question.
The query you ran to see the details did execute a table scan instead of using the index.
--the way you used in your question
in that case it working, not because of the Like keyword but because of the leading '%'; remove it and that query won't work since the engine will optimise by using the weird index.
In your original query because you are referencing d.NUMBER = h.NUMBER pervasive use the index and you don't get any result, to fix that query simply add (and RECNO > 0)
Select h.ord_no
from sales_history_header h
INNER JOIN sales_history_detail d
sage-businessvision pervasive-sql

I think this is because you have different data type for number in both table

There is no issues with your query. Looks like a data issue. "Number" stored in SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL might have some space. Its hard to tell if there is some space in value from the SS.
Run the following query to see if your SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL table number value is stored correctly.
Select NUMBER, Comments from SALES_HISTORY_DETAIL WHERE NUMBER = '0000125199'

comment column is text ? did you try
Select h.ord_no
from sales_history_header h
INNER JOIN sales_history_detail d ON d.NUMBER = h.NUMBER
WHERE cast(d.COMMENTS as varchar(max) LIKE '%3838CS%'


Using Select * in a SQL JOIN returns the wrong id value for the wrong table

I have two tables (PlayerDTO and ClubDTO) and am using a JOIN to fetch data as follows:
ON pl.currentClub = cl.id
WHERE cl.nation = 7
This returns the correct rows from PlayerDTO, but in every row the id column has been changed to the value of the currentClub column (eg instead of pl.id 3,456 | pl.currentClub 97, it has become pl.id 97 | pl.currentClub 97).
So I tried the query listing all the columns by name instead of Select *:
SELECT pl.id, pl.nationality, pl.currentClub, pl.status, pl.lastName FROM PlayerDTO AS pl
ON pl.currentClub = cl.id
WHERE cl.nation = 7
This works correctly and doesn’t change any values.
PlayerDTO has over 100 columns (I didn’t list them all above for brevity, but I included them all in the query) but obviously I don’t want to write every column name in every query.
So could somebody please explain why Select * changes the id value and what I need to do to make it work correctly? All my tables have a column called id, is that something to do with it?
SELECT *... is, according to the docs...
shorthand for “select all columns.” (Source: Dev.MySQL.com
Both your tables have id columns, so which should be returned? It's not indicated, so MySQL makes a guess. So select what you want to select...
SELECT pl.id, *otherfieldsyouwant* FROM PlayerDTO AS pl...
SELECT pl.* FROM PlayerDTO AS pl...
Typically, SELECT * is bad form. The odds you are using every field is astronomically low. And the more data you pull, the slower it is.

SQL Get sum of a column from another table by ID

very inexperienced with SQL, and I've found myself needing to write a query. Hopefully you can help me understand how I'd go about this:
I have two tables.
"table_requests" contains all requests, some of which are batches
"table_pages" contains information for each page of a batch, connects to
"table_requests" on the column "table_request_id"
In addition, "table_pages" has a numeric column "word_count" that lists a number for each page and a "table_request_id" column that can match to the PK of "table_requests".
For my query, I'd like to connect "table_requests" to "table_pages" on that matching column, and select everything from "table_requests" with an added column on the end that totals the "word_count" for each "table_request" (from all pages in "table_pages").
So far I have:
select tr.id, tr.creation_date, sum(tp.word_count) as total_wc
from table_requests tr
join table_pages cp on tp.table_request_id = tr.id
Thank you all, let me know if there is any more information I can provide!
I think that the simplest approach is a correlated subquery:
select sum(tp.word_count)
from table_pages tp
where tp.table_request_id = tr.id
) total_wc
from table_requests tr
For performance with this query, make sure that you have an index on table_pages(table_request_id ).

SQL: Count (*) WHERE multiple matches are expected

The query I wish to build is the following:
find all video matching categoryId field
find history records for each of them
and finally to count/sum them together.
The query I managed to build so far is:
FROM "histories" as "history"
WHERE "history"."videoId" =
(SELECT "id"
FROM "videos"
WHERE "videos"."categoryId" = '9f5a0e6f-512b-425a-9225-600f876c0105' ))
I guess you can clearly see through where the problem is already. I'm selecting all records, where videoId is equal to... a list of ids. SQL doesn't buy it.
SQL ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
The "workaround" I've found was to limit the video rows to just one. But of course, that wouldn't give me a full output.
I'll highly appreciate all the tips, or maybe even answers.
You just need to change the = operator to IN:
FROM "histories" as "history"
WHERE "history"."videoId" IN
(SELECT "id"
FROM "videos"
WHERE "videos"."categoryId" = '9f5a0e6f-512b-425a-9225-600f876c0105' ))
I just want to note that you can also use = any:
FROM "histories" as h
WHERE h."videoId" = ANY (SELECT v."id"
FROM "videos" v
WHERE v."categoryId" = '9f5a0e6f-512b-425a-9225-600f876c0105'
I would strongly advise you to dispense with the double quotes around identifiers. They just clutter queries.

sql query result returns asterisk "*" as column value

I'm trying to update a temporary table with multiple values from another table without using a join.
However, the query doesn't give any error but rather returns an asterisk as the value of the column. I have googled and asked some folks around the office but no one seems to have encountered this before or can offer explanation of why this could be happening.
update ##tempCLUnique set Total =
select COUNT(distinct u.unique_subs)
from tbl_Cluster_Cumm_Unique_Subs u
where u.cluster = ##tempCLUnique.cluster
Seems simple enough
Result Screen Grabhttp://i.stack.imgur.com/qE0ER.png
Use this
update ##tempCLUnique set Total = U.unique_subs
FROM ##tempCLUnique
select COUNT(distinct unique_subs)unique_subs
from tbl_Cluster_Cumm_Unique_Subs
u.cluster = ##tempCLUnique.cluster
Change the join according to your use.

Need to optimize a nested select statement

I've got the following SQL:
SELECT customfieldvalue.ISSUE
FROM customfieldvalue
WHERE customfieldvalue.STRINGVALUE
IN (SELECT customfieldvalue.STRINGVALUE
FROM customfieldvalue
WHERE customfieldvalue.CUSTOMFIELD = "10670"
GROUP BY customfieldvalue.STRINGVALUE
The inner nested select returns 3265 rows in 1.5secs on MySQL 5.0.77 when run on its own.
The customfieldvalue table contains 2286831 rows.
I want to return all values of the ISSUE column where the STRINGISSUE column value is not exclusive to that row and the CUSTOMFIELD column contains "10670".
When I try and run the query above, MySQL seems to be stuck. I've left it run for up to a minute, but I'm pretty sure the problem is my query.
Try something along these lines:
COUNT(cfv2.STRINGVALUE) as indicator
FROM customfieldvalue cfv1
INNER JOIN customfieldvalue cfv2
HAVING indicator > 1
This probably doesn't work on copy&paste as I haven't verified it, but in MySQL JOINs are often much much faster than subqueries, even orders of magnitude.