Dynamically show/hide columns/rows in display: -ms-grid - windows-8

I have a class using display: -ms-grid, for arguments sake, let's say it's defined as below:
.gridDiv {
display: -ms-grid;
-ms-grid-rows: 1fr;
-ms-grid-columns: 200px 400px 200px;
Is there a way to hide one of my columns via either css or js at runtime? I've hidden the elements within, but I'd like to crush down the .gridDiv, so that it only appears to have two columns.
Any thoughts appreciated.

this can be done in your .js file. need to ensure that elements are laid out again if required after this.
var gridDiv = this.element.querySelector('.gridDiv');
var columns = '200px 200px';
// TODO - code to compute columns
gridDiv.style.msGridColumns = columns;


How to hide column header in Ag-grid?

In my vue.js application, I have a requirement where I want to hide the column headers in the ag-grid but want to display the rows.
I used below property to hide the column headers.
headerHeight: 0
with this I can able to hide the column headers but still the line separator between header and first row is visible. How can I add hide the separator line as well ?
You can achieve it by tweaking the ag-header style along with the headerHeight.
In ag-grid template :
In CSS side :
.ag-header {
border-bottom: 0px !important
Working Plunker : Hide ag-grid column header
Another way of doing it without using headerHeight and css is to only use display: none; in the css. however, if you have multiple ag-grids in your application you should define a unique ID to the ag-grid so the other grids dont get overwritten by your css.
#uniqueAGGridID .ag-root .ag-header {
display: none;
//file where grid is.
class="ag-theme-balham h-100"

How to style Grid cell/row background without using classname generator

I searched a lot, but every solution was to include some constant CSS class names into the page, and use the Column's ClassNameGenerator to set the proper classname on the cell/row.
Now this might be a good solution when the developer can decide on formatting a cell, however when a user can decide (especially with a script written as cell renderer) how a cell will look like, it is not possible to use the ClassNameGenerator.
So question is, how can I format the cell/row background programmatically, not using any CSS? I can provide custom component as cell value. So it's fine to render a label with icon, or just icon, or a checkbox, however coloring this rendered component is not enough, since this is smaller than the cell itself, making it look really ugly. I need to access the root element of the cell, and color it using getStyle().set("background", "xxxx"). How to achieve this?
You can use a TemplateRenderer.
For example:
Grid<Person> grid = new Grid<>();
.withProperty("name", Person::getName)
Checkout this tutorial for more information: https://vaadin.com/docs/v14/flow/components/tutorial-flow-grid
OK, finally I solved. I use a template renderer with a proper template structure. I modified the cell style in a way, that my renderer DIV fills the entire cell (removed any padding/margin from the original cells)
<dom-module id="grid-style" theme-for="vaadin-grid">
[part~='cell'] ::slotted(vaadin-grid-cell-content) {
padding: 0px;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
--cellopa: 255;
[part~='cell'][aria-selected~="true"] ::slotted(vaadin-grid-cell-content) {
--cellopa: 0;
I also added some simple CSS declarations to one of the main CSS:
vaadin-grid-tree-toggle flow-component-renderer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
vaadin-grid-cell-content flow-component-renderer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
flex-grow: 1;
This way the rendered DIV fills the whole cell and I can color it's background.
Now the problem comes with the selection, since the selection is not visible any more. For this you find the --cellopa variable set to 255 normally and set to 0 for selected cells.
Now when I define a background-color on the div, I use rgba and I set the alpha to the var(--cellopa) variable, like this for example rgba(255, 0, 0, var(--cellopa))
Now when the row is not selected, the cellopa is 255, so the background is visible, when I select the row the cellopa is set to 0, so the background of the DIV gets transparent, and the row selection color on the row is visible. This is super fast, and changing the selection does not cause any glitch, and also the previous coloring state is restored properly.
I also managed to get around with the treegrid and managed to color even the hierarchy column fully using a special template for the hierarchy column with some padding taking the level into account.

Ionic4 Print Media Query for Scrollable ion-content

Pretty straightforward problem. Have scroll-able ion-content in my Ionic4 application. I want to be able to print it gracefully by applying #media only print styles. I'm almost there, but I have one major problem. I cannot get the vertical scrollbar to disappear for printing. Additionally, I only ever get one page printed, containing only the content that is in view when I print the page. I've scoured the web for solutions, and come across and tried various suggestions in the context of Ionic3 and earlier, but I haven't found the magic bullet for Ionic4 yet. Has anyone encountered and gotten to the bottom of this yet?
I have been through the ringer on trying to print content in Ionic 4. Some of the steps i followed to print multiple pages.
remove any flex-box styled lists. They just will not print how you want them to across pages, though they have worked fine for me if the content fits in a page.
for items you want to be seperated by page, its best if they are a display: block; styled item, so that that in the print style sheet you can use one of the page-break properties on it
on the item containing your list, the ion-content for example, make sure you remove any max-height attributes from it or any of its ancestor or child elements, as well as removing the overflow: scroll from these elements as well so that it allows your content to go from page to page. for example on my stylesheet for printing (cant share it because of NDAs) I had a lot of overflow-y: visible on elements just to make sure it shows. if you find an element thats cutting off your html, it should be the primary target for experimentation.
you can simulate a print in the dev tools, i found it useful, it's good for iteration here's a link
some other things that may help, but i am not sure as I did so much testing across browsers, and only vaguely remember what impact that css property had is to have the body with a static position, as well as having contain: none on the body to say that the browser should render as normal, little more explanation here
i do not know the specifics of your use case, but if you don't mind foregoing the native print button, and just giving the user a button to click to trigger the print, then that would be more manageable as you do not have to account for all the scaffolding around that specific element that you want to print (the ion-router, ion-page, and all the ancestors)
If you did that then you could put all your items you want to print into a div with an id of printSection or what you prefer, and then the javascript that is responsible for that page you can create your own print function. In my example i will use angular, if you are not using that then preform whatever DOM selecting you need to to get the native html out of your template.
#Component({ ... })
export class Page {
// select the item holding your print content by `#property` you gave it
#ViewChild('printSection', { read: ElementRef }) printSection: ElementRef;
customPrint() {
const printContent = this.printSection.nativeElement;
const WindowPrt = window.open('', '', 'left=0,top=0,width=900,height=900,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');
WindowPrt.document.write(printContent.innerHTML); // pass in the native html you got
* you should probably use an observable instead of an interval for this,
* but this is just to illustrate a bug where the print would be fired before
* all the content was written
const interval = setInterval(
() => {
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
I Solved it following this process
First, remove the content to be printed from ion-content. Use a div instead of ion-content(shadow-dom is implemented with ion-content which blocks your CSS classes)
You also need to force the CSS below on ion-page when printing (it is initially set to position: absolute, by default)
In my case I was printing from a modal component which has a default class "show-modal". I was able to print on multiple pages by target that class this way
#media print {
.ion-page {
left: 0;
right: 0;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
display: block;
position: relative;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;
contain: none;
overflow: visible;
z-index: 0;
ion-modal.show-modal .modal-wrapper,
ion-modal.show-modal .ion-page.show-modal,
ion-modal.show-modal .ion-page.show-modal > ion-content,
.ion-page.show-modal > ion-content,
body {
contain: none;
position: relative !important;
height: auto;
overflow: visible;
I'm also trying to solve this same issue. I've scoured the Internet, and tried many an idea, but none has worked so far.
Perhaps we could solve this collaboratively. I'd put this as a comment, but I don't have enough rating points, so the system will not let me.
This is what I've found so far. In Chrome Developer Tools, you can click on a settings icon, then scroll to "Rendering," and on "Emulate CSS media type," select "print."
When I do that, it shows what the print view is. I created a separate css file, let's call it print.css, and in it, there is
#media print {
/* add your css styles for print here */
I know my print.css is being processed because I've
display: none
for ion-header and some tabs at the bottom, and they do disappear when I select "print" emulation in Chrome.
What is interesting is, I'm seeing the whole page -- scrollable and all -- on the screen in this print mode. However, every time I try to print it, only one page shows up.
That page, however, doesn't always start at the top. It includes the current viewport.
Which is why, I'm wondering if there is something in the css that is trying to keep the whole thing as a page. i.e., preventing a page break?
I'm experimenting with things like this:
ion-content, .foo, .bar, ion-list, ion-tabs, ion-item {
break-inside : auto !important;
break-after : auto !important;
break-before : auto !important;
(where foo and bar are classes you might have of your own.)
This above one breaks things. Removing ion-tabs, ion-list, and ion-item shows the full page.
I'm also experimenting with the following. None has worked so far, but that is probably because I haven't selected the right tag or class.
display: block !important;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: visible !important;
max-height: unset !important;
contain: none;
You may want to experiment with the tag in question that might be preventing a page break. Some people are suggesting it's flexbox or grid that's the root cause. I'd love to know how to find the root cause.
Good luck! If something works, let us know, so I'll also try it in my code.

How do I change listview item size programmatically of winjs listview?

I have template binded with the listview in windows store application which I am developing using html5 and javascript. I have a requirement to change the size of the listview item programmatically. Basically I have a input type range on my page. User will change the value of the input and according to that value I should be able to change the size of the listview item programmatically.
Any help or pointer will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I know this is old, but I have just spent hours doing extensive tests (because I didn't feel like switching to grid mode) and I found a very simple way that would allow you to have items of any height without them overlapping,I though I would share it, all you need to do is add this to your css:
.win-listview .win-listlayout .win-container {
You can set the size of the items in a listview using the class set on the item in the template. You can:
Define different classes for the different sizes you want
Define the sizes in CSS. Example:
.small {
height: 150px;
width: 150px;
.large {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
Set the appropriate class on the template item:
var templateItem = document.querySelector("#regularListIconTextTemplate .regularListIconTextItem");
WinJS.Utilities.addClass(templateItem, "large");
Refresh the listview:

Optimise Sprite CSS for multiple images

Had a few problems getting background-image displaying in Firefox, I made it work but was surprised at how bloated the CSS became. It now works great, but I need to replicate base CSS code for multiple images.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to optimise the CSS classes and minimise the amount of code. I cannot utilize the already used id's, and class='imga p0' doesn't work (where p0 just holds the background-position, becoming p1, p2, p3 .. for each image position).
Thanks in advance for any advice.
a.imga0 {background:url(../images/sprite.png) no-repeat;background-color:transparent;
display:block;width:24px;height:24px;background-position:-288px 0;} /* tick green */
a.imga1 {background:url(../images/sprite.png) no-repeat;background-color:transparent;
display:block;width:24px;height:24px;background-position:-312px 0;} /* cross grey */
a.imga2 { ..... and so on.
So this should eliminate the repetition
/* template */
a.imag0, a.imag1, a.imag2 {
display: block;
width: 24px;
height: 24px;
background:url(../images/sprite.png) no-repeat;background-color:transparent;
/* specifications */
a.imag0 {
background-position:-288px 0;
a.imag1 {
background-position:-312px 0;
For one you could create a general selector
a {
background:url(../images/sprite.png) no-repeat;background-color:transparent;
display: block;
Which would apply the general style, such as the sprite image.
You could also create a separate class (specify more classes with spaces)
So for example, you could have
<a class="imag0 spriteclass">something</a>
<a class="imag1 spriteclass">something</a>
<a class="imag2 spriteclass">something</a>
a.spriteclass {
//again the template, such as the sprite and display type and width
Your second option is to list out the selectors you want the css to apply to,
a.imag0, a.imag1, a.imag2... {
// your general css
And then like above specify the specific sprite positions and details separately
Adding this just in case some one refers to this post later.
You can generate the most optimized CSS using this below tool.