serialize an interface wcf - wcf

I have an interface, called IDeviceConfig, as follows:
public interface IDeviceConfig
string Name { get; set; }
List<Property> Properties { get; set; }
ActionResult PerformAction(string ActionId);
The interface will be implemented by two classes, as follows:
public class Device : IDeviceConfig
public class DeviceGroup : IDeviceConfig
In my WCF service, I need to return a list of IDeviceConfigs; when I decorate the interface with KnownType, Visual studio complains saying that Attribute 'KnownType' is not valid on this declaration type.
Can someone please explain how to return a list of IDeviceconfigs?

If you look at the definition of KnownTypeAttribute, you cannot apply to Interfaces.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
public sealed class KnownTypeAttribute : Attribute
"Known types can be associated only with classes and structures, not interfaces." from here:


Protobuf type inheritance with WCF

We have trouble with the protobuf-net type inheritance.
We have a base class like this:
[DataContract, ProtoContract]
public abstract class BaseClass : IBase
protected IBase()
RequestUID = Guid.NewGuid();
[DataMember(Order = 8000), ProtoMember(8000)]
public Guid ID { get; set; }
[DataMember(Order = 8001), ProtoMember(8001)]
public string User { get; set; }
And classes which inherits from BaseClass.
[DataContract, ProtoContract]
public class ConcreteClass : BaseClass
[DataMember(Order = 4), ProtoMember(4)]
public int? WorkItemId { get; set; }
(In future we are going to use only ProtoMember and ProtoContract.)
When the client and server starts we do following in both environments:
RuntimeTypeModel.Default[typeof(BaseClass)].AddSubType(50, typeof(ConcreteClass));
Now when we pass an instance of ConcreteClass to a WCF service operation we get exceptions:
BaseClass does not provide a public constructor. (Wrong type chosen for deserialization)
Or if we provide a public constructor for BaseClass it tries to cast the BaseClass object to ConcreteClass on the server. (Again wrong type)
And under some special circumstances (we don't know exactly when this happens) Protobuf tries to deserialize from OtherConcreteClass to ConcreteClass.
What are we doing wrong? The WCF behavior is register correctly. We had no problems with simple classes (no inheritance).
Is there and documentation how two configure the inheritance properly for WCF scenarios?

Common WCF Response Handler?

I have a WCF Client, and the Endpoint has just been upgraded with a new method (OperationContract). I want to write a common method to handle the response from this new method as well as from the existing method at the endpoint.
I am trying to create a "Base" response class and adding common properties to it provided by the WCF endpoint, but I notice in my handler method, the properties are not being retained.
The code for the class I want all responses to inherit from looks like this :
public class ResponseBase
public string[] ItemsReturned;
public bool ItemsWereAvailable;
So I add partial declarations to get this onto the objects in the endpoint.
public partial class RetrieveResponse :ResponseBase
public partial class RetrieveResponse2 :ResponseBase
This way I have a handler method that just accepts "ResponseBase" as its input.
Am I doing this all wrong?
Any class whose instances will be return values and/or parameters of an operation contract should be decorated with the DataContract attribute, and the properties, as DataMembers:
public class ResponseBase
public string[] ItemsReturned { get; set; }
public bool ItemsWereAvailable { get; set; }
If they are not, the DataContractSerializer doesn't serialize them.

Expose WCF service for derived class with same name in C#

I want to expose as WCF service two set of classes that have the same name. However, when I add the service reference, it only returns one set of the class.
[ServiceContract(Name = "Service1")]
public interface IService1
string GetShape(Shape shape);
//All types are only example
public abstract class Shape
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public string TypeName { get; set; }
namespace S1
public class Retangle : Shape
{ }
public class Square : Shape
{ }
namespace S2
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "Namespace=")] //can be changed
public class Retangle : Shape
{ }
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace = "Namespace=")] //can be changed
public class Square : Shape
{ }
Any idea would be very much appreciated.
WCF will generate your objects in its own namespace for use client side but your not forced to use these - you can equally well use your own original objects in the namespaces they were defined by either:
1. Compiling them in a dll and linking to that for both client and sever.
2. If you dont want overhead of shared dll just compile them directly into both server and client.
In the generated proxy code you just need to replace the WCF namespace tags with your own org namespaces so they resolve to your objects and the client side WCF generated ones are ignored.

DataContract composite Class

I have a problem with serialization composite class (using WCF Service).
here my class in namespace1 (it is not in service namespace) :
public class UpData
public double Version ;
public UpData()
this.Version = -1;
In my Service namespace (in interface) I deсlare this procedure :
ArrayList GetDownloadPath(Dictionary<string,string> lib1, Dictionary<string,string> lib2);
ArrayList contains UpData objects.
I have error(
How will be right to send ArrayList of UpData objects? (may be specific DataContract?)
Thanks a lot!
I'm not sure if ArrayList is serializable by default. Using a generic list could solve your problem:
List<UpData> GetDownloadPath(Dictionary<string,string> lib1, Dictionary<string,string> lib2);
EDIT: I think you also need to specify a getter and setter for your Version property, i.e.
public class UpData
public double Version { get; set; }
public UpData()
this.Version = -1;
More info here.

How to avoid Custom type name clash generated in WCF Client

A custom type (e.g. Engine) is defined in two different namespaces on WCF server side, which is exposed to WCF client as Engine, Engine1. How to set up so that the exposed types have the same name, Engine in this case.
Below is my example code:
namespace WcfServiceLibrary1
interface ICar
void RepairMotorCycle(MotorCycle motorCycle);
void RepairTwoDoorCar(TwoDoorCar Car);
public class Car:ICar
public void RepairMotorCycle(MotorCycle motorCycle)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void RepairTwoDoorCar(TwoDoorCar Car)
throw new NotImplementedException();
namespace WcfServiceLibrary1.MC
public class MotorCycle
public Engine Engine { get; set; }
public class Engine { }
namespace WcfServiceLibrary1.C
public class TwoDoorCar
public Engine Engine { get; set; }
public class Engine { }
Below is the WCF client for Engine:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name="Engine", Namespace="")]
public partial class Engine : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")]
[System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name="Engine", Namespace="")]
public partial class Engine1 : object, System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
Please note that both MotoCycle and TwoDoorCar contain a large number of custom type that have the same name but different function. Thus, it is tedious to change the name on client side (e.g. change Engine1 to Engine for all occurences). Also it is tedious to solve it by using class inheritance. It is ok to define two custom types that have the same name, which might need less work.
Any idea would be very much appreciated!
*Possible Solution*
Put it into separate interface, as below
interface ICar1
void RepairMotorCycle(MotorCycle motorCycle);
interface ICar2
void RepairTwoDoorCar(TwoDoorCar Car);
This will put the same custom type in different namespace on client side.
If your Engines represent an identical concept, you could define one Engine in a dedicated namespace and reference it from WcfServiceLibrary1.MCand WcfServiceLibrary1.C.
Your example however suggests that you should rather gather your vehicles into a single namespace and make use of inheritance.
namespace WcfServiceLibrary.Vehicles
public class Engine
public abstract class Vehicle
public Engine { get; set; }
public class Car : Vehicle
pulic class Motorcycle : Vehicle
Moving your Engine to a common namespace could look like this:
namespace WcfServiceLibrary.Common
public class Engine
Your "Motorcycle" library
using WcfServiceLibrary.Common
namespace WcfServiceLibrary.MC
public class Motorcycle
public Engine Engine { get; set; }
... and your "Car" library
using WcfServiceLibrary.Common
namespace WcfServiceLibrary.C
public class Car
public Engine Engine { get; set; }
You won't have to change your Engine property.
First of all, try and share your code libraries between the server and client. This link will tell you how to do it for Silverlight, if you are not using Silverlight then check this SO search link for a variety of posts and answers on the subject.
Secondly, if you cannot share the libraries then editing the generated client class files will work (just delete the definition of Engine1 and fix up any references to it to point to the Engine), although you will lose the changes if you regenerate the proxy.