Multiple instances of speed dial extension - opera-extension

Is it possible to install multiple instances of some speed dial extension to provide different speed dials? for example

In Opera 12, this used to be possible. From Opera 15 onward, this is no longer possible. However, you can download the extension to your hard drive and then drag it to opera:extensions. Duplicate and drag again for every extra instance you need.


(MS Dynamics test automation) Can not switch to iframe, frames changing automatically

I am trying to switch frames in MS Dynamics 365 system using Selenium WebDriver. I will explain one of the issues below. Here is the html element code:
element code here
Usually, i used to use id=contentIFrame0 or 1, and the frames were switching fine. The problem is, that MS Dynamics generates those iframes dynamicly, usually contains max 3 iframes(contentIFrame0, contentIFrame1, contentIFrame2), but the fact is that you never know they will be 2 or 1 on the page and why, so if you use today one of them directly - tommorow your tests will fail because of the changes.
It seems like I have to switch all the time to the last frame, but it works randomly, because sometimes there is the first one contains element and another one scripts. Other thing i tried to do, is to switch to one iframe which has attributes: style = visibility: visible(before that, i tried to print in console how many visible frames driver sees - but written all the time 0). Also, if i try to print in the console how many iframes there are on the page - the counter is 2, but I can see 3.
If there is anyone who tried to automate MS Dynamics 365 and had the same problem?
I have discribed probably all cases, maybe you will notice the logics and difference.
I am not sure if this works in your case but please give it a try.
If you know one of the elements in the frame which you are trying to switch then use the css selector or xpath
It very hard to test in this fashion as Microsoft doesn't guarantee that the objects being rendered will stay the same. It may be 3 frames today, but in the next version the dev team may introduce more or less, working with the DOM directly is no longer supported.
I would highly recommend the following framework for testing Dynamics:
It will help elevate your testing up one level, it’s introducing a level of abstraction so as to minimize the need to work with HTML directly by isolating all that low-level work in the framework code.
Here is a great post about EasyRepro:
This xpath finds the main pane reliably
//iframe[contains(contains(#id,'contentIFrame') and contains(#style,'visible')]
Note: not applicable to Dynamics 365 Unified Interface, it has completely different DOM.

Difference between uboot-uart.bin and uboot.bin?

I am trying to flash the very first u-boot binary file (uboot.bin) into blank NOR flash of a brand new blank board which has marvel 370 soc(ARM) using Teraterm(xmodem/ymodem/zmodem)
When I compile the uboot, I get two binaries like uboot-uart.bin and uboot.bin.
What is the difference between two binaries?
I have been instructed to make some dip switch changes and then load uboot-uart.bin first into the prototype board.
From manual I understand that the dip switch setting is to set "Boot from Uart" to Boot source list.
I am new to embedded and want to learn more about this from u-boot perspective. Where can I learn about this?
Would also like to know what these xmodem,ymodem,zmodem things are?
And would also like to learn how to customize u-boot for a custom board using marvel 370 soc(ARM)?
I would be happy if someone can point to good resources.
XModem itself is a quite simple protocol which is meant to send files over a serial link it is explained in detail here.
Most Marvell ARM-Chips in the last couple of years have the possibility to upload a binary via UART using the XModem protocol. There are two ways to do that.
By sending a special sequence to the chip during bootup (which can be done without any changes to the bootstrap options).
By setting up the bootstrap options accordingly (via DIP-Switches in your case)
In both cases the chip will then initiate an Xmodem-download. TeraTerm should have an option to upload files via the xmodem protocol. IIRC it is available under File/Transfer/XModem/Send.
If you know just send your "uboot-uart.bin" file to the Armada 370 (which will take some time). The SoC will now boot the file just like if it was loaded from NAND or any other source.
The only difference between your uboot-uart.bin and uboot.bin is most probably the special header which has to be put in front of the actual uboot-binary, it contains the bootdevice type the image was meant for, the address in memory where the image should be loaded to and a lot of board specific settings. The exact structure and content is usually explained in the very excellent datasheets from Marvell.
For customizing uboot I can only suggest to dig into the code provided by Marvell and change it according to your own board. You'll find the board specific files under boards/Marvell.

iOS Download Security

I would like to update my app to support the downloading of PDF documents, but am worried primarily about 2 things:
1: that the user will attempt to use my app to download non-PDF, or virus-riddled items.
2: that said virus riddled-items could infect the device.
I may just be paranoid, as I assume the sandbox would prevent most malware from escaping and screwing with the OS, Kernel or the Lower Level Processes but you can never be too sure. So my question is twofold: How can I (at least mostly) guarantee the download of only PDF's and do it as securely as possible.
(P.S. the download will be done through any generic website in a webView, not a server seeing as I shudder at the thought of web development).
Based on ozdrgnaDiies' answer, I have found this sample code; which I will be modifying to suit my needs, thank you.
From what I've gathered from your question, I assume you want to check if the file you are downloading is a pdf and not anything else? If so, you could check the header of the file to verify it is a pdf.
Example, the first thing in every .pdf (That I have myself) is:
Where *.* is a version(?) number. For example, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, etc.
Therefore, reading the first 5 characters from a downloaded pdf should result in "%PDF-", otherwise it is not a pdf.
As more examples, the first thing in a jpeg image is:
And for an .exe it's:
iOS apps are sandboxed. Meaning, anything you do within the app should only affect your app. Unless you attempt to somehow run the downloaded content (which I believe is against the rules for the App Store). The only thing left would be maliciously crafted PDFs…
I personally don't think it would be a big issue.

VGA programming without using interrupt (only registers)

I want to develop a VGA graphics driver (for Linux(Ubuntu)) with support for the basic primitives such as putpixel, drawline, fillrect and bitblt. I want to do it in protected mode.
I´ve been googling for a week and the following four links are the best I have found:
Unfortunately, the first one uses a BIOS call so I cannot use it. The second link has lots of information on the VGA registers but no examples showing how to make them work together. The third example is a example to switch in 13h mode but i've tried it and nothing happened. Can you guys give me a hint? Thanks in advance!
my code at
works fine if you are in 32bit mode with full hardware access. Unfortunately I doubt that any Linux variant will let you directly access the VGA ports. I'm not sure how you develop this driver, but if you made sure that you have full access to the VGA ports it should work. In my example code I only switch between mode 0x03 and 0x13, but in the folders above you'll be able to find port values for most other common VGA modes, as well as C code to do the switch if you prefer that.
Christoffer code include files are found BOS operating system source code like and
This is coming many many years later but I think it's still very relevant and if somebody is struggling I hope they can find it useful.
First of all, it is completely possible to configure VGA only using registers without interrupts, as hard as it may be. A useful resource about registers and how to configure them can be found here, but unless you have a ton of time to spare to learn how to properly do all of it, move to the following section.
If you wish to really learn how to do it, I suggest going through with the documentation provided earlier. However, some of it is already done!
Chris Giese did a great job demonstrating exactly how to do this for MS-DOS system, and while you may think that doesn't help you, it really does.
Chris's code can be found here. If you want another useful codes check here as well.
Now, while it only works for MS-DOS it's actually easy to convert to other systems. The code already contains all data needed to configure the registers in many different modes. And that's the part that saves you a ton of time going through documentation.
The code uses functions outportb, inportb, which are MS-DOS functions, to write/read single byte to/from a port. Therefore, you have to redefine these functions to read/write for your own system. Redefinition complexity depends on the system you operate on.
In addition, you will also need to provide means to write to physical memory region between 0xA0000-0xBFFFF which corresponds to standard VGA memory area. Once you have that allocated, you need to also redefine the functions pokeb pokew peekb which will help you output things (text or pixel data) on the screen.
One last note: the code is already defined to work with many different modes including both text and display modes.

Using open source SNES emulator code to turn a rom file into a self-contained executable game

Would it be possible to take the source code from a SNES emulator (or any other game system emulator for that matter) and a game ROM for the system, and somehow create a single self-contained executable that lets you play that particular ROM without needing either the individual rom or the emulator itself to play? Would it be difficult, assuming you've already got the rom and the emulator source code to work with?
It shouldn't be too difficult if you have the emulator source code. You can use a method that is often used to store images in c source files.
Basically, what you need to do is create a char * variable in a header file, and store the contents of the rom file in that variable. You may want to write a script to automate this for you.
Then, you will need to alter the source code so that instead of reading the rom in from a file, it uses the in memory version of the rom, stored in your variable and included from your header file.
It may require a little bit of work if you need to emulate file pointers and such, or you may be lucky and find that the rom loading function just loads the whole file in at once. In this case it would probably be as simple as replacing the file load function with a function to return your pointer.
However, be careful for licensing issues. If the emulator is licensed under the GPL, you may not be legally allowed to store a proprietary file in the executable, so it would be worth checking that, especially before you release / distribute it (if you plan to do so).
Yes, more than possible, been done many times. Google: static binary translation. Graham Toal has a good howto paper on the subject, should show up early in the hits. There may be some code out there I may have left some code out there.
Completely removing the rom may be a bit more work than you think, but not using an emulator, definitely possible. Actually, both requirements are possible and you may be surprised how many of the handheld console games or set top box games are translated and not emulated. Esp platforms like those from Nintendo where there isnt enough processing power to emulate in real time.
You need a good emulator as a reference and/or write your own emulator as a reference. Then you need to write a disassembler, then you have that disassembler generate C code (please dont try to translate directly to another target, I made that mistake once, C is portable and the compilers will take care of a lot of dead code elimination for you). So an instruction of a make believe instruction set might be:
add r0,r0,#2
And that may translate into:
//add r0,r0,#2
It looks like the SNES is related to the 6502 which is what Asteroids used, which is the translation I have been working on off and on for a while now as a hobby. The emulator you are using is probably written and tuned for runtime performance and may be difficult at best to use as a reference and to check in lock step with the translated code. The 6502 is nice because compared to say the z80 there really are not that many instructions. As with any variable word length instruction set the disassembler is your first big hurdle. Do not think linearly, think execution order, think like an emulator, you cannot linearly translate instructions from zero to N or N down to zero. You have to follow all the possible execution paths, marking bytes in the rom as being the first byte of an instruction, and not the first byte of an instruction. Some bytes you can decode as data and if you choose mark those, otherwise assume all other bytes are data or fill. Figuring out what to do with this data to get rid of the rom is the problem with getting rid of the rom. Some code addresses data directly others use register indirect meaning at translation time you have no idea where that data is or how much of it there is. Once you have marked all the starting bytes for instructions then it is a trivial task to walk the rom from zero to N disassembling and or translating.
Good luck, enjoy, it is well worth the experience.