Hiding Jackson type info on certain (fields) situations? - jackson

The example
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.MINIMAL_CLASS,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "#type")
public class Pet{
String name;
public class Dog extends Pet{}
public class Cat extends Pet{}
public class PetHouse {
List<Pet> pets;
public class BarkingData {
int decibels;
Dog dog;
JSON Serialization
petHouse = {
pets :
{'#type': 'Dog', 'name':'Droopy'},
{'#type': 'Cat', 'name':'Scratchy'},
{'#type': 'Dog', 'name':'Snoopy'}
barkingData = {
dog:{'#type':'Dog', 'name':'Droopy'}
The Question
Class BarkingData has a field of type Dog (cats don't bark do they). Is it possible to tell Jackson not to include typeInfo for instances where that type can be "hinted" from the declaring field ?
So that the output of Barking data looks like :
barkingData = {

Your idea that you know the dynamic type (actual type) of this field because the static type is Dog and not Animal only works if there are no subclasses of Dog. If you make the Dog class final, then Jackson knows it can safely leave out the type info.
Additionally, you can override Jackson's type info settings, in more complex ways, for fields of static type Dog, by adding a #JsonTypeInfo annotation to the definition of the Dog class.


Kotlin sealed class

I have below class, I would like to make this class a sealed class. Can you please help me as I am new to Kotlin.
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type")
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = A:class, name = "PIZZA"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = B::class, name = "DONUT"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = C::class, name = "ICECREAM"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = D::class, name = "CHOCOLATE"),
open class food (var type: foodType, var quantity : String) {
open val taste : String=""
How to make this a sealed class perhaps a subclass of a sealed class, and how to instantiate it?
The foodType is enum class
enum class foodType {
I have the following based on the other post, but I am confused on passing the right parameters. Can someone help me understand what parameter I need to pass??
sealed class food (var type: foodType, var quantity: String) {
class favFood(taste: String): food(?, ?)
What is a sealed class ?
When you create a sealed class, you only allow the implementations you
created, just like for an enum (Only the constants you added are allowed). Once the module is compiled, you can't add any additional implementation anymore (in opposite to an open class).
Here is the link to the Kotlin documentation about sealed classes : https://kotlinlang.org/docs/sealed-classes.html
Sealed classes are interesting when you want to restrict the implementations
to a strict proposition. It can be the case with your use case, to restrict the jsonSubTypes you allow (others wouldn't be mapped).
How to transform an open class to a sealed class ?
So to transform your open class to a sealed class, you generally just need to change the keyword open to sealed. However, you also need to understand how the inheritance mechanism work with sealed classes.
For your example
With JsonSubType, you just need to map the property type to an implementation of your sealed class using a constant of your choice.
Also, you have to provide the values to your sealed class' properties when you extend it, so when you create your implementations.
In the next example, you can find how to give a value to your sealed class properties and what will be the result when you map it to json using JSonSubType :
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type")
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Pizza::class, name = "Pizza"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Donut::class, name = "DonutDesert"), // As you can see, name is a value you give, not always need to be the class name
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = IceCream::class, name = "IceCream")
sealed class Food(val taste: String)
class Pizza(val size: PizzaSize, taste: String) : Food(taste) {
enum class PizzaSize {
class Donut(val glaze: String, taste: String) : Food(taste)
class IceCream(val servings: Int, taste: String) : Food(taste)
class Basket(foods: List<Food>)
/* If you map a Basket to JSON, it will give you this :
{ foods: [
{ "type": "Pizza", "size": "MEDIUM", "taste": "Hawaii" },
{ "type": "DonutDesert", "glaze": "Sugar & Marshmallows", "taste" : "chocolate"},
{ "type": "IceCream", "servings": 3, "taste": "Strawberry" }

Dart : Why should overriding method's parameter be "wider" than parent's one? (probably topic about Contravariant) Part2

Argument types must be the same type as (or a supertype of) the
overridden method’s argument types. In the preceding example, the
contrast setter of SmartTelevision changes the argument type from int
to a supertype, num.
I was looking at the above explanation and wondering why the arguments of subtype member methods need to be defined more "widely"(generally) than the original class's one.
class AnimalShelter {
Animal getAnimalForAdoption() {
// ...
void putAnimal(Animal animal) {
class CatShelter extends AnimalShelter {
//↓ Definitions that are desirable in the commentary
void putAnimal(Object animal) {
// ...
//↓Definitions that are not desirable in the commentary
void putAnimal(Cat animal) {
// ...
//I can't understand why this definition is risky.
//What specific problems can occur?
I think this wikipedia sample code is very easy to understand, so what kind of specific problem (fault) can occur if the argument of the member method of the subtype is defined as a more "narrower"(specific) type?
Even if it is explained in natural language, it will be abstract after all, so it would be very helpful if you could give me a complete working code and an explanation using it.
Let's consider an example where you have a class hierarchy:
/ \
Mammal Reptile
/ \
Dog Cat
with superclasses (wider types) above subclasses (narrower types).
Now suppose you have classes:
class Base {
void takeObject(Mammal mammal) {
// ...
Mammal returnObject() {
// ...
class Derived extends Base {
// ...
The public members of a class specify an interface: a contract to the callers. In this case, the Base class advertises a takeObject method that accepts any Mammal argument. Every instance of a Base class thus is expected to conform to this interface.
Following the Liskov substitution principle, because Derived extends Base, a Derived instance is a Base, and therefore it too must conform to that same Base class interface: its takeObject method also must accept any Mammal argument.
If Derived overrode takeObject to accept only Dog arguments:
class Derived extends Base {
void takeObject(Dog mammal) { // ERROR
// ...
that would violate the contract from the Base class's interface. Derived's override of takeObject could be invoked with a Cat argument, which should be allowed according to the interface declared by Base. Since this is unsafe, Dart's static type system normally prevents you from doing that. (An exception is if you add the covariant keyword to disable type-safety and indicate that you personally guarantee that Derived.takeObject will never be called with any Mammals that aren't Dogs. If that claim is wrong, you will end up with a runtime error.)
Note that it'd be okay if Derived overrode takeObject to accept an Animal argument instead:
class Derived extends Base {
void takeObject(Animal mammal) { // OK
// ...
because that would still conform to the contract of Base.takeObject: it's safe to call Derived.takeObject with any Mammal since all Mammals are also Animals.
Note that the behavior for return values is the opposite: it's okay for an overridden method to return a narrower type, but returning a wider type would violate the contract of the Base interface. For example:
class Derived extends Base {
Dog returnObject() { // OK, a `Dog` is a `Mammal`, as required by `Base`
// ...
class Derived extends Base {
Animal returnObject() { // ERROR: Could return a `Reptile`, which is not a `Mammal`
// ...
void main(){
Animal a1 = Animal();
Cat c1 = Cat();
Dog d1 = Dog();
AnimalCage ac1 = AnimalCage();
CatCage cc1 = CatCage();
AnimalCage ac2 = CatCage();
class AnimalCage{
Animal? _animal;
void setAnimal(Animal animal){
print('animals setter');
_animal = animal;
class CatCage extends AnimalCage{
Cat? _cat;
void setAnimal(covariant Cat animal){
print('cats setter');
_cat = animal;
if(animal is Cat){
_cat = animal;
print('$animal is not Cat!');
class Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal{}
class Dog extends Animal{}
Unhandled Exception: type 'Dog' is not a subtype of type 'Cat' of 'animal'
In the above code, even if the setAnimal method receives a Dog instance, a compile error does not occur and a runtime error occurs, so making the parameter the same type as the superclass's one and checking the type inside the method is necessary.

Jackson : #JsonTypeId is not getting serialized properly when nested

I have a Zoo class which can contain animal of different types (Dog, ...) and has an animalType annotated with #JsonTypeId. The Dog class in turn can contain leash of different types (RopeLeash, ...) and has leashType annotated with #JsonTypeId. When i serialize the Zoo class using below method then the leashType gets set for animalType as well:
String zooJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(zoo);
Output is:
public class Zoo {
private AnimalType animalType;
private Animal animal;
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY,
property = "animalType"
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Cat.class, name = "CAT"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Dog.class, name = "DOG")
public void setAnimal(Animal animal) {
this.animal = animal;
//Other getters and setters
public class Dog extends Animal {
private LeashType leashType;
private Leash leash;
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY,
property = "leashType"
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = RopeLeash.class, name = "ROPE")
public void setLeash(Leash leash) {
this.leash = leash;
//Other getters and setters
public class RopeLeash extends Leash {
private String leashColor;
//Getter and setter for leashColor
Is there something wrong in my annotation usage?
It seems that Jackson does not support multi-level IDs. Posted this question in the Jackson site and here is the response:
Multi-level type ids are not supported; a single id is required. No
support for multiple levels are planned to be used.
Link: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/issues/1462

Using class variables within an instance of a class

I'm trying to use Swift to create an instance of a class (the class being the desired type) but it would seem that when I initialize the instance the class var is not applied to the new instance. I'm sure there's an init call or something that I'm missing, so any help would be greatly appriciated.
class Person: NSObject {
private struct personNameStruct { static var _personName: String = "" }
class var personName: String
get { return personNameStruct._personName }
set { personNameStruct._personName = newValue }
var testPerson: Person
testPerson.personName = "Foo" //"'person' does not have a member named 'personName'"
An instance member is referred to through a reference to an instance.
A class member is referred to through a reference to the class.
So, for example:
class Dog {
class var whatDogsSay : String {
return "Woof"
func bark() {
To make a dog bark, make a dog instance and tell it to bark:
let d = Dog()
To find out what dogs say, talk to the dog class:
let s = Dog.whatDogsSay
It works for me in a Playground if you access the personName variable using the class name person, not the instance name: person.personName = "Foo".
This is because a class variable in Swift is similar to a static variable in languages like Java and C#, in that it is shared between all instances of that class. If you just want a property in your class you shouldn't declare it as class var but just var.

Jackson Polymorphism

I have a class Animal and subclass Cat and Dog that extends Animal.
I have a class called Zoo having a variable as List;
Class Animal {
String name;
Class Cat Extends Animal {
String color;
Class Zoo {
List<Animal> animalsInZoo;
public void printAnimalClass()
for(Animal a :animalsInZoo)
The object of zoo will have animals that can be objects of Animal or subclass of Animal
Following is sample JSON representation of Object of Zoo class.
{ "animalsInZoo" :
{"name": "B","color":"white"}
I have to convert this into java object in such a way that first animal in list get converted into Object of class Animal and second gets converted into object of Class Cat
You have to do the conversion yourself, supposing you have another animal with same property:
Class Horse Extends Animal {
String color;
jackson doesn't know convert {"name": "B","color":"white"} into Cat or Horse.
you may add a property to mark which animal you need to convert to.