CSS Less -ms-filter mixin - less

I have the following CSS LESS mixin:
.transparency (#amount, #tranc) {
background: rgba(red(#amount), green(#amount), blue(#amount), #tranc);
and the way i use it is:
.transparency (#FFFFFF, 0.2);
but i need to find some way of including -ms-filter in the mixin... but i am not quiet sure, i used on online generator and it gave me this result:
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#B224417C,endColorstr=#B224417C)"; /* IE8 */
how would i include this? I mean the startColorstr and the endColorstr...
Any help Greatly Apreciated

Updated the function with the following:
.transparency (#colour, #alpha) {
#alphaColour: hsla(hue(#colour), saturation(#colour), lightness(#colour), #alpha);
#ieAlphaColour: argb(#alphaColour);
background-color: #colour; // Fallback for older browsers
background-color: #alphaColour;
// IE hacks
zoom: 1; // hasLayout
background-color: transparent\9;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour}, endColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour})"; // IE 8+
filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour}, endColorstr=#{ieAlphaColour})"; // IE 6 & 7


how to addition variable in less

I have the following =>
#header-height: 40;
#footer-height: 20;
I would like to be able to do
min-height: calc(~'100% - '#header-height+#footer-height'px') !important;
which return me
but my test fail as I get
min-height: calc(100% - 40+20 'px') !important;
You can use ${var} syntax to insert variable into less string expression:
min-height: ~'calc(100% - #{header-height}px - #{footer-height}px)' !important;
Moreover, it is better to execute the whole calc(...) command due ~'calc(...)' syntax

less function to generate css class

I try to do any less function which will be called to create some classes.
Here is the way I tried :
.makeCssColor{#couleur) {
.coul_#{couleur} {
background-color: fade(~"#{couleur}, 'Fonce'", 15%);
&.open, &:hover {
background-color: ~"#{couleur}, 'Fonce'";
.btMod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#{couleur}.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
And I try to call it to create the classes :
But it generate an error. I don't find the good way to do it... And it bothers me to repeat all these code for each color (there is more than these line code and more thant two colors !).
Can anyone give me a little help ? :)
ok, thanks to your help, this code does not generate an error, but there is a mistake in the CSS file :
#marronFonce = #9d5a1e;
.makeCssColor(#couleur) {
.coul_#{couleur} {
.top {
background-color: #couleur, 'Fonce';
.mod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#{couleur}.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
Generate this into the css file :
.coul_marron .top{background-color:marron,'Fonce'}
.coul_marron background : url('/img/btModEvt_marron.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
So the background color isn't good :
.coul_marron .top{background-color:#9d5a1e}
.coul_marron background : url('/img/btModEvt_marron.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
I need to evaluate #couleur, 'Fonce' : #marronFonce => #9d5a1e.
I tried #{#couleur, 'Fonce'} but it doesn't works...
Fade function takes a colour and a fade percentage, in your case you are passing 2 colours. Pass them one at a time. I also made some adjustments on #couleur since i some cases they don't need to be escaped
.makeCssColor{#couleur) {
.coul_#{couleur} {
background-color: fade(#couleur, 15%), fade(Fonce, 15%);
&.open, &:hover {
background-color: #couleur, 'Fonce';
.btMod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#couleur.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
when you call the mixin use the below, no need to use quotes
UPDATE - just pass it in
.makeCssColor(#couleur, #name) {
.coul_#{name} {
.top {
background-color: #couleur;
.mod {
background : url('/img/btModEvt_#{name}.png') left top no-repeat transparent;
then when you call it
.makeCssColor(#marronFonce, marron);
other option is you can make a loop, it's more complicated but you can try it. I am using an example I already have on my computer
first define a variable with the colour and names
~"0070" '#ebebe7',
~"08x2" '#00247a',
~"01k0" '#92918e';
then loops thru it
.sample-loop ( #l ) when ( #l > 0 ) {
#item: extract( #sample #l );
#code: extract( #item, 1 );
#colour: color(extract( #item, 2 ));
.ext-#{code} {
background-color: #colour;
.sample-loop( #l - 1 );
and finally call the loop to generate your classes
.sample-loop( 3 );
depending on which version of less you have, the 3 can coded so it is dynamic. If you have older version of less then you have to hard code the length of the variable, or assign the length to a variable so you can use it anywhere

Bootstrap convert spacing mixin from sass to less

I have a site running Bootstrap 3.3.7. I use less to adjust the styling. In version 4 of Bootstrap sass is introduced instead of less, and I noticed a new mixin which adds the ability to easily use predefined paddings and margins:
// Width
.w-100 { width: 100% !important; }
// Margin and Padding
.m-x-auto {
margin-right: auto !important;
margin-left: auto !important;
#each $prop, $abbrev in (margin: m, padding: p) {
#each $size, $lengths in $spacers {
$length-x: map-get($lengths, x);
$length-y: map-get($lengths, y);
.#{$abbrev}-a-#{$size} { #{$prop}: $length-y $length-x !important; } // a = All sides
.#{$abbrev}-t-#{$size} { #{$prop}-top: $length-y !important; }
.#{$abbrev}-r-#{$size} { #{$prop}-right: $length-x !important; }
.#{$abbrev}-b-#{$size} { #{$prop}-bottom: $length-y !important; }
.#{$abbrev}-l-#{$size} { #{$prop}-left: $length-x !important; }
// Axes
.#{$abbrev}-x-#{$size} {
#{$prop}-right: $length-x !important;
#{$prop}-left: $length-x !important;
.#{$abbrev}-y-#{$size} {
#{$prop}-top: $length-y !important;
#{$prop}-bottom: $length-y !important;
// Positioning
.pos-f-t {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: $zindex-navbar-fixed;
Source at GitHub
I would like to convert this mixin to less, and use it in my own Bootstrap 3.3.7 project. How would this mixin look like in less?
Less does not have any #each function or map like Sass does but even then converting this Sass code into its Less equivalent is fairly easy. All that is needed are a couple of loops each of which will mimic the two #each function in Sass and associative arrays.
In Less, we can use both comma and space as delimiters for values. So by using both of them we can achieve a behavior similar to that of maps. Even multi-level maps can be mimicked using this.
(Note: You need to know the basics of Less loops to understand this code but since you've already used Less, I assume that you are familiar with the concepts. If not, have a look at docs)
#props: margin m, padding p; /* the property and abbreviation */
#spacers: xs 10px 20px, md 20px 30px; /* the sizes, its length-x and length-y */
.loop-props(#prop-index) when (#prop-index > 0){ /* outer each loop */
#prop: extract(#props, #prop-index); /* get each prop-abbrev pair based on loop index */
#prop-name: extract(#prop, 1); /* the first value in each pair is the prop name */
#abbrev: extract(#prop, 2); /* the second value in each pair is the prop's abbrev */
/* call size loop mixin with each property name + abbreviation */
.loop-sizes(#prop-name; #abbrev; length(#spacers));
.loop-props(#prop-index - 1); /* call the next iteration of the outer each loop */
.loop-props(length(#props)) !important; /* initial mixin/loop call */
.loop-sizes(#prop-name; #abbrev; #size-index) when (#size-index > 0){ /* inner each */
#spacer: extract(#spacers, #size-index); /* extract each spacer value based on index */
#size: extract(#spacer, 1); /* first value in each spacer is the size */
#x: extract(#spacer, 2); /* second value is the length in X axis */
#y: extract(#spacer, 3); /* third value is the length in Y axis */
/* create the selectors and properties using interpolation */
.#{abbrev}-a-#{size} {
#{prop-name}: #y #x;
.#{abbrev}-t-#{size} {
#{prop-name}-top: #y;
.#{abbrev}-r-#{size} {
#{prop-name}-right: #x;
.#{abbrev}-b-#{size} {
#{prop-name}-bottom: #y;
.#{abbrev}-l-#{size} {
#{prop-name}-left: #x;
.#{abbrev}-x-#{size} {
#{prop-name}-right: #x;
#{prop-name}-left: #x;
.#{abbrev}-y-#{size} {
#{prop-name}-top: #y;
#{prop-name}-bottom: #y;
.loop-sizes(#prop-name; #abbrev; #size-index - 1); /* call next iteration */
As you'd have noticed, I have attached the !important to the mixin call itself instead of attaching it each property. When this is done, the Less compiler automatically attaches the !important to every property and so we needn't repeat it.

DecimalFormat : replace floats with spaces

We need to display currency amounts in a browser table and since those are numbers, they should be right aligned.
Problem is with currencies like Japan which do not have floating point currencies.
So for them, we cannot show 5.10 Yen
Now, the requirement is to show something like this:
(Note the alignment and the mixing of decimal currencies with non-decimal)
In the above, 5 and 9 are Japanese Yens while others are USD
So the requirement is to replace floating points with spaces for currencies like JPY. Spaces are required to have proper alignment of the currencies.
Offcourse, for other currencies, the 2 decimal places should be there.
Does anyone know how the above can be done?
Thanks a lot in advance!!
Based on the below replies:
1) The values are sent from a Java server and fed into a JavaScript library SlickGrid
2) We want to control values at the server level because the SlickGrid code is not very amenable for this kind of work.
3) Currencies are being stored as floats because customer wants to see them that way :( and that's kind of correct because mostly people are bothered about dollars not cents, but then, some people are concerned about cents too.
I was really hoping of some option with DecimalFormat only as that would have been the best solution.
Else I would have to resort to the ugly solution of parsing and string massaging.
Currency should never be stored as a floating point number. It should always be integer amounts of the lowest denomination you are working with (Yen, Cents, Paise).
If you need to work with amounts smaller than the lowest natural denomination, store currency as integer amounts representing multiples of a specified fraction. For example 6 tenths of a Yen.
As for the formatting, there is a discussion of simple options here.
following CSS is basically taken from the link in jsj's answer (extracting the most relevant portion)
HTML only version:
td { font-family: monospace; }
span.int {
text-align: right;
float: left;
width: 3em;
span.fractional {
text-align: left;
float: right;
width: 2em;
<tr><td><span class="int">5</span><span class="fractional">.23</span></td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="int">12</span><span class="fractional">.00</span></td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="int">3</span><span class="fractional">.24</span></td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="int">5</span><span class="fractional"></span></td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="int">9</span><span class="fractional"></span></td></tr>
<tr><td><span class="int">11</span><span class="fractional">.00</span></td></tr>
JavaScript version:
function spanInt(content){ var span = document.createElement('span');span.className = 'int'; span.textContent = content; return span; }
function spanFractional(content){ var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = 'fractional'; span.textContent = content; return span;}
function tableCell_int(value){
var td = document.createElement('td');
return td;
function tableCell_float(value){
var intPart = Math.floor(value);
var fracPart = value - intPart;
var td = document.createElement('td');
td.appendChild(spanFractional('.' + Math.round(100*fracPart)));
return td;
function tr(cell){
var elt = document.createElement('tr');
return elt;
var theTable = document.getElementById('theTable');
function add_int(value){ theTable.appendChild(tr(tableCell_int(value))); }
function add_float(value){ theTable.appendChild(tr(tableCell_float(value))); }
add_float(5.23); add_float(12); add_float(3.24);
add_int(5); add_int(9); add_float(11);
td { font-family: monospace; }
span.int {
text-align: right;
float: left;
width: 3em;
span.fractional {
text-align: left;
float: right;
width: 2em;
<table id='theTable'></table>

Fallback background for browsers not supporting border-image

I'm trying to use CSS3 border-image for a simple button design: the left slice of the image should be the left border of the text, the right slice the right border, and the middle slice should be repeated (or stretched - it does not matter) as background. I need a fallback for browsers not supporting border-image - just using the middle slice as a background, without edges would be acceptable. The problem is, if I do this:
.button {
border: solid 1px white;
border-size: 0 5px;
background: ('button-slice.png') repeat;
border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5 fill;
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5;
/* repeat for other vendor prefixes */
the image from the background property will overlap the borders and mess up the button for browsers which support border-image.
Is there a lightweight way of solving this problem (whithout introducing modernizr or similar javascript checks)?
change the border-image 0 5 0 5 to 1 1 5 1 :
border-image: url('button.png') 1 1 5 1 fill;
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 1 1 5 1;
border-image generator online
border-image is tricky for fallbacks. Doing...
.button {
border: solid 1px white;
border-size: 0 5px;
background: ('button-slice.png') repeat;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5 fill;
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5;
/* repeat for other vendor prefixes */
Should work for all browsers except IE9.
Since you only have a left and right border, I would suggest using pseudo-elements...
.button {
border: solid 1px white;
background: ('button-slice.png') repeat;
position: relative;
.button:before, .button:after {
content: '';
width: 5px;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
background: transparent url('button.png') 0 0 no-repeat;
top: 0;
.button:before {left: -5px;}
.button:after {right: -5px;}
This technique should show nice buttons in all modern browsers plus IE8. Older browsers fallback without the edges.
It seems that new versions of FF support both border-image parameters and one override another.
Try reversing the order of those lines as so:
-moz-border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5;
border-image: url('button.png') 0 5 0 5 fill;
In this way, browsers that support both parameters and override one with the later will take the version with the fill.