Rounding these Radio Buttons (for lack of a better title...) - radio-button

Couldnt think of a great title for this, but basically i have a three radio buttons displayed inline
that are squared. I am trying to round the [radio1][radio2][radio3] outer corners, but i am sure that i am not getting my CSS syntax down correctly. I can get each buttons corners to round individually, but cant seem to figure out how to get just radio1 and radio3's outer corners to round. Each radio has its own id: check it all out here on the jsFiddle.
// Please Help!

You're actually styling the labels, so select the adjacent label of the first and last input:
#radio1 + label {
border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
#radio3 + label {
border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;


Materialize CSS textbox expand Border from center animation

I want to create this type of animation in textbox in materialize css. Checked many codepen an websites but can't find anything which helps with materialize css. Sometime two border display or sometime no effect.
Anyone provide some sourcecode of css so i can implement it. I don't want to include other css library. Only with materialize css and little bit css.
.input-field input[type=text]:focus {
border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 #000;
I think customizing this after or before presudo will work.
Created Pen Here :
I had created sliding border but it also work in reverse. Textbox removed on focus after animation end.
Check this Pen:
$(this).parent().addClass("is-active is-completed");
if($(this).val() === "")
Hope this will help you

Inline-block line-wrap extra space

I've got an inline-block element that contains a very long word. When I resize the viewport until I reach the breakpoint of the text wrapping to the next line, I get a substantial amount of space. However, I would like the inline-block element to wrap immediately to the width of its contents.
I found it hard to explain exactly what's going on, so below an animated gif to illustrate my issue:
Upon resizing the viewport:
To be clear, the image above is me continuously resizing the viewport.
Does anybody know a way to achieve what I'd like? Even with CSS hyphenation the white-space still remains (which I don't want).
JSFiddle. Resize the frames to see what I mean.
div {
display: inline-block;
background-color: black;
color: white;
padding: 5px;
The inline-block indeed extends on resizing as your animation shows, so that it keeps place for the long word to go into that space again.
One simple solution would be to add text-align: justify, but I'm afraid it may not exactly be what you want (see demo).
Another one would be the use of media queries, as #Parody suggested, but you would have to know the dimentions of the containing div, and that would not be very scalable as you mentionned.
The word-break: break-all suggested by #yugi also works but causes the words to to collapse letter by letter, regardless of their length.
The only way to achieve the exact behavior is (as far as I know) to use javascript. For example, you would have to wrap your text into a span element inside the div, and then add something like this :
var paddingLeft = parseInt($('#foo').css('padding-left')),
paddingRight = parseInt($('#foo').css('padding-left')),
paddingTop = parseInt($('#foo').css('padding-top')),
paddingBottom = parseInt($('#foo').css('padding-Bottom')),
cloned = $('#foo span').clone(),
cloned_wrap = document.createElement('div');
paddingLeft : paddingLeft,
paddingRight : paddingRight,
display : 'inline-block',
visibility: 'hidden',
float: 'left',
$(window).on('resize', function(){
$('#foo').css('width', cloned.width() + 1);
$(cloned_wrap).css('margin-top',- $('#foo').height() - paddingTop - paddingBottom);
Please see the jsfiddle working demo. (← edited many times)
That's quite a lot of code, but it works ; )
(PS : I assumed jquery was available, if not, quite the same is achievable in pure JS)
I don't think this is possible only with CSS for the one element. The reason for your behavior is that the width of the element is still 100% of its container. The only way I could think to accomplish this is by doing something a little bit "creative"...try setting the style to inline so you get the shrink-wrap behavior, but to get around the background color issue, also put it in a container that shares the same background. That should work.
If im understanding you correctly you could use the #media type to decide what css to use depending on the width of the screen
here is an example of what i mean
#media(min-width:0px) and (max-width:200px){
div {
display: block;
background-color: black;
color: white;
padding: 5px;
#media (min-width:200px){
div {
display: inline-block;
background-color: black;
color: white;
padding: 5px;
I am still very appreciative of #lapin's answer (which I accepted and awarded bounty to), I found out after the fact that it didn't quite work on multiple elements next to each other (that has nothing to do with #lapin, I just didn't mention it in my original question as I thought it would be irrelevant information).
Anyway, I've come up with the following that works for me (assuming the elements it should be applied to are .title and .subtitle):
$('.title, .subtitle').each(function(i, el) {
var el = $(el),
inner = $(document.createElement('span')),
bar = $(document.createElement('span'));
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
function shrinkWrap() {
$('.title, .subtitle').each(function(i, el) {
var el = $(el),
inner = $('.inner', el),
bar = $('.bar', el),
innerWidth = inner.width();
bottom: 0,
width: innerWidth + parseFloat(el.css('paddingLeft')) + parseFloat(el.css('paddingRight'))
$(window).on('resize', function() {
Basically what I do is:
put the text in an inner wrap element
create an additional absolutely-positioned background element
get the width of the inline inner wrap element
apply said width to the background element (plus padding and whatnot)
The CSS:
.title, .subtitle {
position: relative;
z-index: 500;
display: table;
padding-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
background-color: red;
.title .bar, .subtitle .bar {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
z-index: -10;
background-color: red;

control-nav and positioning

I am trying to position the control nav in flexslider 2 (the dots for each slide). Default is text-align:center. If you change to the left it positions to the left no problem. If you change to right then while it positions to the right it also shows text numbers of each slide over each dot.
How can I position this to the right WITHOUT the text numbers showing up? Furthermore, why are they showing up when aligned to the right?
You can see this happen out of the box in its default state by just changing the value to the below.
/* Control Nav */
.flex-control-nav {width: 100%; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; text-align: right;}
I thought that changing the -9999px to a positive had worked for me, until I realized that it just pushed the text way off the screen. But you could still scroll to it. My fix, leave the text-indent at -9999px; and add
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); .
The last 0 in this controls the alpha, and with it at 0, that makes the numbers completely invisible.
removing width allows positioning without the number issue
I had problems with this, removing the width doesn't work. Here is a solution that does work:
.flex-control-nav {
text-align: right;
.flex-control-paging li a {
text-indent: 9999px;
When aligning the control nav to the right, you need to change the text indent from negative -9999px to a positive 9999px.
Use this code to adjust the positioning without the numbers.
/* Control Nav */
.flex-control-nav {position: absolute; bottom: 25px; right: 20px;}

img with border-radius overlays its border

In webkit if I set border radius on an image that has a border, the image won't sit nicely within the border but overlay the border and remains square.
Any fixes that don't mean using a background image instead or adding markup?
check out:
img {
border-radius: 15px;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 16px red;
I had to use a wrapper element around the img to make it work. Maybe there's a better solution, but I didn't find it.

CSS for fuzzy outline around input elements

The possible outline styles that I know of are shown below.
None of these puts an outline around an input element like shown below:
With what CSS stylling can someone style an input element like shown above?
it looks like a browser default behavior, but you can fake it with css3 box-shadow
or with your colours:
or with bonus focus animation:
This will only work in modern browsers that accept CSS3 properties like box-shadow:
input[type="text"] {
border:1px solid #ffcc00;
box-shadow:0 0 3px #ffcc00;
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ffcc00;
-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 3px #ffcc00;
See example →
Using the new CSS 3 box-shadow you can put a gradient border around an input box. First wrap it in a span with a new class that contains something like:
.coolio {
box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 0px 0px 24px;
Here is a working example: Gradient Shadow Outline Demo