How to use CMultiFileUpload in Form builder? - yii

Is it possible to use CMultiFileUpload in Form builder?

According to, the form builder uses CFormInputElement to define the elements of the form.
Look at
It tells you that type can be a class name of a widget that has a model attribute and an attributes attribute. Happily CMultiFileUpload meets this criteria. So I suspect 'type'=>'CMultiFileUpload' should work for you.


Overriding one property for a hierarchy of classes

I have a hieraarchy of classes. Root class is abstract, and is called Contact, and it has a property DisplayName. On GUI I have a dropdown where various contacts are listed, using their DisplayName property.
I have no acess to source code of those classes.
I want to somehow override Contact.DisplayName property, to make it display something else in my particular scenario. I can not just create subclass of Contact and override property there, because there is whole hierarchy under Contact class. Is there a way to alter a property for whole hierarchy of classes ? Maybe using delegates ?
I am using exotic programming language called Gosu, but the solution based on some common object oriented language could help me a lot too.
I haven't tried but maybe with Enhancements. I'm not sure that it works because DisplayName it's a property of entities.
There is a folder in Guidewire Studio, configuration/config/Entity Names. Open Contact.en and there is you can customize the DisplayName.
Can you type cast the Contact entity to its subtype and try to display it in GUI. Something like (Contact as Person).DisplayName

Aurelia validation on dynamically created form

I was able to get Aurelia-validation working on a dynamically created form when using the compose element, but I've switched to custom elements for better encapsulation and reuse of the custom controls. However, now my validation seems to be half-broken.
Issue 1: The ValidateBindingBehavior is not doing anything. I suspect it's not finding the controller or matching the rules since the property name is not easily visible in the binding (due to dynamic controls).
Issue 2: For some reason validate() on submit actually only shows the first error instead of all of them. That indicates a problem but I don't know what.
Can anyone get the attached GistRun to work properly?

Yii - Cactiveform, cform, form builder - confusion

Those are three concepts on Yii that I really don't get what should we use, on what scenarios?
Can anyone be kind enough to clarify those Yii elements, and on what situation should we use them?
In documentation of CForm one can read the following:
...we can divide a form
in two parts: those that specify each individual form inputs, and
those that decorate the form inputs. A CForm object represents the former part...
...and CActiveForm represents the latter.
In other words, CForm specifies elements of the form but CActiveForm (being a widget) renders it.
Looking at the source code we state that CForm can also render() itself and its rendering relies on and is wrapped by CActiveForm widget by introducing its configuration property activeForm, though rendering input elements and buttons is implemented by its own methods renderElements() and renderButtons() relatively. By default their implementations rely on classes using CHtml's static methods what is exactly the same (or almost exactly the same) what CActiveForm's rendering methods do. Of course, default behavior can be overriden by extending the class.
That's why it's the question of a taste which technique to use: CActiveForm widget alone combining form fields' and buttons' declaration with their representation in a view file by calling convenient (required) methods of CActiveForm instance or CForm class declaring form's input specifications in a separate configuration file and customizing its rendering by pointing at appropriate active form widget and/or by overriding default rendering methods. The latter technique allows to reuse a form in several actions easily and is no more than using form builder.
Check here for live examples of ActiveForm, CForm, et cetera. You can also see the live Model, View & Controller files.

How to get Control from DataTemplate and ControlTemplate ? thinks so much

When i define a control in DataTemplate, how to get reference of this control ?
If the control in ControlTemplate of Style , how to get ?
You should instead tell us why you would need to reference a control inside a template.
Consider that the control will be rendered multiple times, so getting a single reference does simply not make any sense.
The most common approach to this is to 'name' the element that you wish to locate via x:Name="MyElementName", you can then use the FindName method to locate the names element. If your DataTemplate is being used in an ItemsControl to render multiple copies of yoru XAML markup, then clearly there will be a number of elements that share this same name. For this reason, there is a concept known as XAML namescope, you should read up on this to understand the scope of the name you provide.
If you require a more generic method for searching for elements in the visual tree, try Linq-to-VisualTree, you can use it to query you UI, for example:
var itemsFluent = this.Descendants<TextBox>()
.Where(i => i.Ancestors().FirstOrDefault() is Grid);
The above query will find all TextBoxs that have a Grid as a direct parent.
Finally, if you can avoid doing any of this, by using databinding, or event bubbling then do so! it is much easier.

Dynamically changing the ViewModel of a View in an MVVM, MEF implementation

I have a usercontrol that i want to use throughout my Silverlight MEF MVVM solution.
I want to be able to link it up with one of a number of ViewModels depending on which module i am in. What this control does is list the records of a given entity so i can Add, Edit or Delete. I realized i would be using this control in multiple locations - to update several lookup tables, so i decided to make it's ViewModel dynamic. As seen below, I am using the Galasoft MVVM plugin.
if (!GalaSoft.MvvmLight.ViewModelBase.IsInDesignModeStatic)
// set DataContext
DataContext = PluginCatalogService.Instance.FindSharedPlugin(ViewModelTypes.ViewModelMT, PluginType.ViewModel);
_viewModel = (ViewModelMT)DataContext;
My question is how can i dynamically change from ViewModelMT to ViewModelCT to allow me to independently display lookup tables e.g. Maintenance Types and Contract Types on an instance of this same usercontrol? I took a look at the Viewmodel locator, but I'm still not sure how to get this done.
Thank you
I don't think this is really a ViewModel thing. It's more of a Service problem.
Your ViewModel for the control will not change but you'll dynamically slot in the required service to maintain your list. ie. MaintenanceTypeService and ContractTypesService will implement IListMaintenanceService which exposes an list of items and Add,Delete and Edit commands.