Dojo scrollableview stops moving to original place if tapped with multiple fingers simultaneously - dojo

I am using Titanium for my app that runs on an iPad. We follow hybrid approach. I have a Dojo scrollableview that shows a list of suppliers. When a user drags the scrollableview to the bottom and simultaneoulsy taps anywhere on the scrollableview with another finger anywhere on the scrollableview without moving the first tap the scrollableview position sticks to that position and does not move to its original position. This behavior occurs only when multiple simultaneous taps are done. How do i make the scrollableview move to its original position when such situation happens?


React-native-navigation animate popping a screen?

So I have a react-native app which is using react-native-navigation.
Whenever I click a card in my app, it pushes me the card screen.
What I want to achieve is the following: when swiping down from that screen, as you swipe down the screen gets smaller and the other one is in the background, but I haven't found anything that can help me with that, any packages? Also, I'd have to pop the current screen to have the other one the background, but if I pop it, the current screen can't stay and get smaller as i swipe down.
So basically I need to animate a component pop.
If you haven't figured it out yet, you could show the card screen as an overlay or modal and add a swipe-down gesture to the Container component of the screen and when it reaches the bottom, you could dismissOverlay or dismissModal with no animation.

Swipe to see options in iPad

How can I implement swipe to see more options? There are lot of libraries that I could readily use, but they all are designed for iPhone apps. In iPad you have a lot of space, and I want to stack the buttons vertically instead of horizontally.
Is there any library for this? If not, how should I go about building this as a custom cell?
I tried building a custom UITableViewCell class which adds a UIScrollView, but it's not the same as showing the buttons beneath the cell.
Based on your inputs I have created a simple custom cell with basic functionality of swipe to see utility buttons and of course buttons stacked vertically.
What I did was, add a UIView beneath the cell's content view and positioned at right. Now depending on the number of buttons provided each button's height is adjusted accordingly. And delegates are provided for button clicks.
Swipe gestures are added. On swiping left it will animate and shift the cell's content view to reveal the button view. On swiping right it will reset the cell to original position.
You can customise it from here onwards as you wish :)
I have uploaded them over here :

How to forward pointer events

I was able to get this working in iOS but I am having trouble with Win 8. What I need to do is this:
I have a drawing view that is the forward most child of a ScrollViewer. When I enable drawing mode from a button in the app bar, this view becomes active. With one touch, I want the user to be able to perform the current drawing action, but with two touches I want the touches to go to the scroll view instead for scrolling and zooming. I am able to distinguish between 1 and 2 (or more) fingers, but I don't know what to do after that point.
I tried removing the manipulation mode from the drawing view so that it would not block the scroll view, but the touches continued to be swallowed by the drawing view. I also tried calling ReleasePointerCapture but that had no effect either. How can I forward touch events using the WinRT API?
For some more information, I am making use of the PointerPressed, PointerChanged, etc events in the drawing view.

iOS 6 AppStore apps list UIScrollView behaviour

Does anyone know how to implement the behaviour of scrollview in iOS 6 AppStore app lists? Particularly, paging of 3,5 icons (half of icon in the right side), and when the list ends - half of the icon in the left side.
Tried so far:
1. Custom gesture recognizer (looks a bit hacky + a lot of math in the code)
2. Different configurations of scrollview and its subviews (insets, frame, content size, etc.), but it's still not working as expected
I am not 100% sure if the App Store app actually uses UIScrollView - it used to be mainly HTML based.
Regardless, you should be able to use the relatively new delegate method scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset:, introduced in iOS 5. This method is designed for you to move the scroll view to a custom position once the user lifts their finger without needing to worry about deceleration / velocity (i.e, custom paging offsets). You'll need to make sure your scroll view is set not to page for this delegate method to be triggered.
Once it is triggered (when the user lifts their finger off the screen) you can calculate the required content offset and set the passed in targetContentOffset property. The scroll view will then automatically decelerate to the appropriate content offset you supplied.

ios simulator: simulate swipe and drag

I have a UIView within a UIScrollView. When i want to simulate the drag event on the UIView, swipe event on the UIScrollView is being triggered.
As per the documentation , there isn't much of a difference between swipe and drag.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the swipe direction and release the mouse button.
1- Place the pointer at the start position.
2- Hold down the mouse button.
3- Move the pointer in the drag direction.
On an ipad I can use two fingers two swipe and one finger to drag. Now, how do i go about doing something similar on the simulator; drag instead of a swipe?
Edit 1:
I should have been clearer first up. Anyway, my problem is that the mouse drag is firing the swipe instead of drag, thereby scrolling the scroll view instead of passing on the drag event to the UIView contained by the scroll view.
I am on macbook pro. Two-finger swipe on the touchpad is being ignored. Touch and drag is causing the same thing as mouse-drag.
See Jeff LaMarche's quick note on how to do this. It's documented in the same page you're reading, but Jeff's explanation is clearer.
If you want to simulate a two-finger gesture in the iPhone simulator, hold down the option key. You will get two dots on the screen instead of one. The two dots will default to pinching - if you bring the dot closer to the center of the screen, the other dot comes toward the center, making it easy to simulate a pinch in or pinch out.
If you want to do a different two-finger gesture, get the two dots the distance apart that you want them to be, then hold down the shift key, while still holding down the option key. That will lock the position of the two finger presses together so you can do, for example, a two-finger swipe.
see this documentation below:
iOS Simulator User Guide
Just use the mouse to drag the view, aka, left click the view then move the mouse
I ended up disabling the scrolling from the UI and added two buttons to scroll the scroll view. Since this is a work around only for the emulator, I have used #ifndef to hide the buttons while building for the device.